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(18,186 posts)
Mon Apr 21, 2014, 03:29 PM Apr 2014

Virile Vapidity: An open letter to those who wish for Revolution

This is a long letter I wrote, intending to put it on my blog that never was. Please feel free to post it wherever you wish, excerpt whatever parts you like, but just give DU attribution.

Again, it's long, but maybe worth it to someone....

To Those Who Believe in Armed Insurrection: What Good Parents Do

Oh, how wonderful your fantasies must be, you Patriots, you strapping, potent Manly Men and War-Worthy Women, y'all. At night, falling asleep beside your favorite weapons, you must get chillbumps imagining how heroic you will be when you and your buddies get to take back "Muricca" from the gayz and them uppity wymmins and those growing numbers of American Not White People you despise with a pure, primal hatred.

You tremble with anticipation when you imagine blowing the brains out of these wretched non-humans, these dregs who don't live the same way you do, who are different, who should be in prison or enslaved, who should not instead be your neighbors with rights, for Christ's...I mean... for Glen Beck's sake.

When that glorious day comes, the world will see just how violent and uncompromising you men and women are. You will rid this nation of any man who won't fondle a gun or field dress and barbecue his pet cat, or drive a pickup truck with a "Don't Tread on Me" sticker attached ( funny how you goons want to tread on everyone else, though, ain't it?) You will stone to death any married woman who won't churn her butter or tend her turnip patch or nurture her unborn child, who asks to be let out of the kitchen and the bedroom - ever - or to have shoes, of all the things a married woman doesn't need. (You give a married woman a pair of shoes and next thing you know she's climbing over the Concertina fence you've got confining her to the compound, dadblame it! They can't run far when they're barefoot over razor wire; they learn that the hard way. )

You will take care of the darkening complexion of the American citizenry in your War on Other NonHumans. I imagine each of you Soldiers of Racism will have a skin tone gauge, an app on your smart phones actually, which will measure the light particles emitted by each person's shaved armpit, thus not discriminating against farmers or John Boehner. They don't pass at the pits? Not pale enough? They go to the work camps or you kill them - or both - if they object to enslavement they die. How fricking fun is that? Woo Hoo!!!

You will "git ridd o'taxes once and fer all" and every man can make his own way. Women without husbands can give their kids up for adoption and re-indoctrination, and then go to the work camps. Any need a road? He builds it and maintains it. Educate kids? The wife can do it. In the kitchen. Of course.

After you blast the living brains out of Not Humans, after you spread their guts all over the sidewalks and the courthouses and the parking lots of the Piggly Wigglies across "Muricca," you will establish a new way: Each family will provide its own security, fire rescue, trash hauling, water system, sewage, medical care, surgery and hospitalization facilities and services, bridges, stop signs, libraries, and Fourth of July pyrotechnics. No more sharing. Ha! The thought of that just makes you wriggle a little in your skivvies, don't it?

Yes, what a wonderful world you will unleash, when you guys finally scurry out of your bunkers to wage your Glorious War Against Government and Non People.

I have only two questions:

The first: Are you ten years old?

I am gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that most of you Oh So Virile Manly Men of Distinction ( oh, how you salivate and daydream and prepare for the day the world finds out just how manly and virile you really are, huh? Booyah! ) have never been in an actual war. The "armed revolution" you seek is not going to be the pretty little Shootin' Party for which you are today rabidly stockpiling toilet paper and freeze-dried Swedish meatballs.

When you dismantle infrastructure, when you create an every-family-fends-for-itself world, you will find yourselves - if you even survive your childish folly - inside a reality that does not in any way, shape or form jibe with your deluded fantasies or the world as you once knew it. Even if you think your family compound is secure and well-provisioned, you will not be spared the heartache or the agony of the conditions you manifest with your Manchild delusions of violence and destruction.

You will create widespread vectors for disease, cause massive deaths of babies, children and the elderly, you will unleash a brutality that will take your own loved ones, you will see commerce completely end in your War Zones. With no public services, your towns will soon turn into festering, infectious cesspools, your children playing in steaming, putrid trash heaps and your young and old men dying of cholera and dysentery. Without road maintenance, materials will not be easy to move from manufacture to market. There will be no more happy little outings to celebrate your homophobia in long lines at chicken restaurants, let's just put it that way.

No WalMart? No Cheetos or Little Debbies or Slim Jims! Evar!

You see, I ask if you are ten because as you moved up in your school years, if you had an iota of respect for teachers and learning, rather than a lazy, spitball-spewing, jerkoff attitude, you learned that people tried living in truly dog-eat-dog societies (and many still do if you'd like to study the outcomes ) and it doesn't work out so well as in your delusions of a Glorious New Caucasian Kingdom.

The reason you drive on maintained roads to pick up your AR-15s, have a time standard so that you're not late for your militia meetups and emergency canned food sales, the reason you stop at stop signs and don't get creamed by chicken gut trucks, the reason you send your children to schools where they are taught math and science and reading and writing, the reason you can visit libraries in most towns, use the internet, eat inspected food at inspected restaurants, have your city water flowing freely and disinfected properly, the reason you get to listen to Rush Limbaugh, the reason your county health department immunizes babies against whooping cough and the elderly against influenza is GOVERNMENT.

( Yes, I do realize many of you are living with rain catchment systems, growing only heirloom veggies, using shredded coconut shells for baby diapers and eating only possum jerky and canned storage, homeschooling the kids and not immunizing them in case the authorities are secretly implanting mind control chips or injecting the Mark of the Beast serum, but still, I also know for a fact a great many of you Wannabe Warriors use all of the above government services and more - quite happily. )

Why do you get to drive down a paved road, after a hot shower, on your way to your job? Why do your kids get a basically free education, and your elderly mother get some means of support and your county get a few more computers for the public libraries and a new fire truck and some much-needed repairs on that bridge that spans the river? Why do most rural homes have access to the internet and electricity?

History provides the answer. Over time, people decided it was a lot more cost effective, safe and productive to consolidate services and utilities and routes of transport everyone needs so that individual people, free from the overwhelming daily burden of procuring the basics of life for themselves, could spend their time instead creating lifesaving drugs, making quality furniture, developing cheap, clean energy sources, teaching college students math for engineering and manufacturing applications, doing surgery, building shops, filming movies, playing slide guitars, and spending their older years not toiling away or dying for lack of health care or proper nutrition but contributing to their families by mentoring their grandchildren, traveling and helping support local economies all over the country, growing vegetables for the table, volunteering in their communities and simply resting and reflecting after their many working years. That was a long sentence. Re-read it.

You want everything to stop - you want everyone to stop - while you throw your semi-automatic temper tantrum. You want "war" to be everyone's occupation. You want to decide who lives; who dies based on your own prejudices. You want to be gods with guns instead of team players in a big nation.

You want old people to lay down and die if they are working class, disabled, poor. Just say so. You know they wouldn't survive a civil war, given that the policies of people you support have left many of those elderly already near starvation and homelessness.

Think, Oh Supreme Beacons of Untapped Violence and Rage. Think about what you are saying when you say you want a revolution. You will see your own flesh ripped apart. You will see and smell and taste your "utopia" rotting right there in front of you. See babies' corpses bloated in puddles and schoolchildren's limbs scattered at the bases of trees, and buildings bombed out and roving hordes of hungry people bashing other people's heads in over dead pigeons and edges of moldy bread . Your own rock-filled heads won't last long in that world. And the funny thing is, I get the feeling that most of you militia types posing for group shots in front of Bubba's camo deuce and a half, looking all mean and scruffy and ready to git 'er done, will toss a few grenades, take a few shots, scramble through the woods and then retreat like freaked out rabbits.

Why do I get the feeling that when the smoke clears, and you face the horror of what you've wrought, the deaths you've caused, the destruction you set in motion, you will cry like babies or kill each other in frustration and horror?

You want to blow up the nation just to prove what intelligent, modern people already know: A nation without structure, without concern for the well-being and rights of every citizen, is just a putrid excuse for what a human endeavor should be. You want to go back to a standard of your race on top and kicking ass. You're afraid other races will treat you as some of your race have traditionally treated those races. You assume there is a scale tipping in Non People's favor, and that your minority status will cause us all to regress, that the strides made by humanity will be undone just because your kind is not running the show by yourselves any more.

You're just not that important in the scheme of things. Most Non People don't really care how far you go in life, as long as you don't hold them down to get there. You imagine a conspiracy of race, only because you have conspired to harm based solely on race. But any race can be judged unworthy. Caucasians are known to do horrific things to their own babies, to each other, just as easily and as cruelly as Non People do. No race is safe from sociopaths and control freaks and sadists.

You claim to want simple, free, and unencumbered lives, but your desire to kill others based on prejudice and fear and hatred proves you only want this for yourselves, and not for anyone else. The only things simple, free and unencumbered in that equation are your non-functioning brains and your dead souls.

Just remember before it is too late. If you unleash violence in an attempt to achieve your childish version of Candy Land for Racists and Sociopaths, the guilt will never leave your awareness. What you will see cannot be unseen. The blood on your hands will never wash away, no matter how bitterly or blithely you conspire to shed it.

There is a way to make bloodless, positive change but you are too lazy for a Constitutional approach. You like the Hollywood version so much better. With you all starring as the lusty heroes, of course. Which brings me to the second question.

Where in the hell is the motivation and the bravery coming from? Answer that question and we will all know the cold truth. Did you order some bravado from the Cabela's catalog? Or maybe they sell "Do Something Besides Watch TV" spray now at Walmart? Real, real cheap?

Because when it comes to protecting your families from corporations, your kind are doing a piss poor job of showing any ambition or courage. You want me to believe you 'll "take a stand" against corruption and oppression yet you're all to damned timid to demand your employers pay you decent wages? Seriously? Let me ask that again: You are too frightened to ask for a RAISE, but you're going to take up arms against the U.S. Military? For Real?????

You're too weak to join with other working class people to demand pay you can live on, health insurance and safe workplaces. You'll happily let corporations blow you up in their fertilizer factories, sell you dangerous products and force your state government to imprison you so that for-profit prison corporations can make profane amounts of money. You don't care if corporations frack your water supply, choke the Gulf of Mexico with oil and Corexit or take over your local schools. You bend over for corporations, but expect us all to believe you have the mettle to take on the US Military?

Let's get real.

You're all to worried about what the other Manly Man fools will think to ever challenge your real enemies. So forgive us for laughing our asses off when we hear you say you have any fight in you.

The truth is, organizing workers to strike for better working conditions; writing and lobbying Congress to punish corporations who outsource, pollute and who cheat the worker out of his wages and the nation out of its fair share of tax revenue (for providing transportation and energy infrastructure, educated workers, security and laws without which the corporation could not function); actually boycotting those corporations in a focused way to achieve results; attending public hearings; taking corporations and corrupt governments to court...blah, blah, blah....all those boring, non-violent means to enable positive change are too much work for you. Too much thinkin' and readin' and writin' in them thar solutions, correct?

You like the sure solution a bullet provides. A little fast bloodshed is so much less labor intensive than reading, writing and organizing fellow citizens to work with government to make life better. You don't really need a whole lot of intellect or any work ethic to fire a gun. Even small children can be taught to pull a trigger and kill with success. But that law-makin', legislatin', time consumin' non-violent stuff just doesn't do it fer yins.

You wanna shoot all the town officials in the morning, nail the New Town Rules to the courthouse door at lunch, and be back in your man caves watching professional wrasslin' by the afternoon. Motivation? You're the laziest skeeves on the planet, for Glen Beck's sake!

And you know you need a lot of guns to have your way without actually working for it. So now you have them.

Get "in the moment" and look around as you go through your day. (If you are out in your bunkers already, you're lost and you have nothing to contribute to this society so I'm not talking to you. Build your utopia out there in the wilderness, ManBeasts. I've no doubt we'll see most of you again on TV when we have to rescue all the children you abuse and young women you rape and hold hostage. You're violent thugs who believe in Social Darwinism, that Might makes Right, and you are anarchists and bloodthirsty beasts just like the gangbangers in Chicago or NYC or LA or Atlanta. Violence is your solution to everything, like the rabid dogs you mimic.)

If you live in a nice little subdivision house, drive to work in the morning and pick up the kids from school in the afternoon, head home to make dinner and settle down for your nightly FOX Hate Porn, think of all the things that went right for you all day. The water that came out of the tap, the stop lights at the intersections, the paint lining the lanes to keep you from running into other cars, the school books your child has in her backpack, the refrigerated meat counter you perused at the grocery store, the EMTs and law enforcement working the wreck on the interstate, the sign telling you you're almost home, the letter that arrived, the bridge you crossed, the radio station you listened to for traffic reports, the crossing guard at the school, the State park where you and the kids will go camping and fishing this weekend, the weather alert on the TV warning you of local dangers, the electricity that keeps you comfortable and the war that isn't raging outside your door.

Chances are, to quote the US president, you didn't do that all on your own. All of those every day events work so smoothly you only notice when they don't. Your daily routines can be counted on because of government. "Government" is most definitely not your enemy.

If you didn't get to take that government-mandated break at work, blame your employer, not the government. If your pay won't cover your most basic living expenses, blame your employer, not the government. If you can't afford health care, blame the Medical, Insurance and Pharmaceutical corporations, not the government. If you, instead, want the government to do something about it, elect people who promise to actually do something about it. Make government work for you by voting for people who will work for you. Register to vote now, and elect a brand new congress in the fall.

If your boss makes a bejillion dollar bonus every year, and you live on minimum wage, why would you blame all of the government for the fact that Congress won't make the corporations pass a minimum wage law? Are you stupid? Confront your congressional representatives and your senators with letters and phone calls outlining your needs and demanding they stop giving welfare to corporations and stop eroding collective bargaining. Don't take your anger out on someone else's children, on your local cops, on the BLM or the liberals you hate down the street. But as far as that goes, you won't contact your representatives. You won't confront your own masters. You want me to believe you have the gonads to attack the US military when you won't even stand up for your own wages?

You revolutionaries are not revolutionary at all. Many truly revolutionary Americans have formed groups to non-violently protest bad laws and poor political decisions and corporate malfeasance. Laws are changed when voters really care to change them. But you are too cowardly to join them. No, you seethe with hatred and have death fetishes because of another public service: our broadcast airwaves. Unfortunately - and I believe criminally - those airwaves have been taken over by violent zealots who have brainwashed you into hating yourselves.

FOX, Clear Channel and Cumulus are the true enemies of our American way of life. They are the Corporate Voice of Death to America. They despise you, they are using you, they laugh at you and those fantasies of yours they spend billions to stoke, yet you are too stupid and so full of the hate for your fellow man they foment to see it, and you do their bidding as their stooges, their willing fools.

If the "gubbmint" were as corrupt and oppressive as you claim, do you really think we'd have the current non-freaking-stop "Hate Gubbmint and Obama Radio" playing on the public airwaves in every city and village in America? You've got to be the dumbest rocks on the planet to not see the irony, and FOX, Clear Channel and Cumulus love you for it. They speak only for the corporations, but you are so vapid and easily led, you honestly believe they care about you when they talk about freedom. No, Big Boyz, they only want freedom for the corporations - freedom to pollute, cheat and lie to you. And your sorry little selves just eat it up like candy because they know exactly how to manipulate your prejudices and your fantasies.

Your lives are so easy, but you will willingly make them agony just to get the chance to shoot your guns and have a little bit of glory. Only self-hating idiots would do something so horrendous to themselves and to their own families.

If you do try your Second Amendment Remedy, be aware that you are doing the same thing as if you had blown up your home merely because the dishwasher was broken. You won't win, because most of us don't want to blow up our home. We won't go there with you. We will build on what we have, not tear it all down to fix smaller, inevitable problems. This is what grownups, and patriots, and good parents do.

( What would be revolutionary?
Voting for politicians who actually care about you, and not about the millionaires. Try it! )

Those of you who want to start a violent revolution are merely traitors and terrorists. You don't deserve your children and you don't deserve your easy lives. You are not manly, virile or courageous. You are yellowbellies who cower behind bullets, not valiant champions who stand up to the real evils in our midst. You are opportunists who hope to capitalize on social instability to thug your way to the top, since sociopaths like y'all can't seem to find any other way to success. You are intellectually lazy, fear-laden, weak excuses for community leaders. You cowards want to lead your children and your elderly to desolation and untimely death for your own self-aggrandizement.

But selfishly dream on, Big Boyz, of your own blood-soaked futures. It's a whole lot easier and far more cowardly than actually doing the real work that could lead to a brighter tomorrow for your children, for your nation, for us all.

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Virile Vapidity: An open letter to those who wish for Revolution (Original Post) Tsiyu Apr 2014 OP
Excellent rant lillypaddle Apr 2014 #1
Thanks Tsiyu Apr 2014 #2
saving to read later. BlancheSplanchnik Apr 2014 #3
Best rant ever on DU. Reflects many of our thoughts, thank you for posting this. n/t freshwest May 2014 #4
Great post! joshcryer May 2014 #5


(18,186 posts)
2. Thanks
Mon Apr 21, 2014, 04:59 PM
Apr 2014

It's too long for any of the lame-brained who should read it, but I just had to get it off my chest!

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