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McCamy Taylor

McCamy Taylor's Journal
McCamy Taylor's Journal
November 11, 2018

VA's Job Can Not Be Done by the (Inferior) U.S. Private Medical System

Good editorial at the NYT on why the VA Health System is not inferior to the for profit U.S. health care system, focusing on the research which the VA conducts and then gives away (making no profit on innovations such as nicotine patches and shingles vaccines)--innovations which benefit us all.


I want to take this one step further. The VA is not just good for all of us. The VA is good for veterans.

The VA is good for veterans on Medicare who can not afford their medications. At the VA, all medications come with the same low copay whether they are a $4 generic or a $10,000 course of the state of the art medication that you (the veteran) need for your fatal/rare condition. In other words, the VA does not discriminate against those who are sick. The VA also supplies hearing aids without a $4000 co-payment. It offers glasses, durable medical goods, home repairs and other supplies aimed at preventing falls, strokes, illness. The VA is not like the for profit system--it does not make money every time grandpa falls and breaks a hip. So, the VA tries to prevent the fall, prevent the osteoporosis, stop the smoking, control the diabetes.

And now, I am going to take this one step further still. The for profit system absolutely can not fulfill the VA's other purpose which is to keep the men and women in our nation's military reserves health and ready for active military duty if an emergency such as Pearl Harbor occurs. Every combat veteran is entitled to five years of free care at the VA. That means five years with no out of pocket for check ups, medications, tests, smoking cessation programs, gynecology and obstetric care, orthopedic care, mental health care. Imagine what would happen if our combat veterans--the ones who will be vital to our national security if we are attacked--were thrown into the for profit health care system. More than likely, they would have no health insurance. And if they did have insurance, it would be high deductible and it would not cover preventive services and it would have no incentive to invest in disease prevention. Since most young men do not visit a doctor for check ups, veterans would quickly fall prey to the same preventable diseases that have rendered non veterans obese and unhealthy.

The for profit health care system makes money from treating disease. The for profit health care system has no incentive to prevent disease. The for profit health insurance system makes money from writing insurance policies for the healthy, and when the healthy become sick and lose their jobs (and their employer sponsored insurance) they go on Medicare disability or Medicaid or a county funded program, meaning that the for profit insurance system has no incentive to prevent disease. Quite the opposite. In an ideal (for profit) system, those who get sick will get so sick that they can no longer work--and no longer have insurance.

The VA, on the other hand, makes a commitment to take care of veterans from military discharge to the grave. That is why the VA invests in disease prevention insurance. The VA is the closest thing we have in this country to a single payer, cradle to grave system like that in Canada or Western Europe. It is streamlined. It is efficient. And the for profit sector hates it for pioneering research in disease prevention and research that debunks medical claims--like claims that lumbar surgery is 100% effective at relieving pain. The private sector will give a morbidity obese man with uncontrolled diabetes who smokes two new knees--knees doomed to become infected or fail or lead to complications such as chronic deep venous thrombosis. The VA will give that same man bariatric surgery so he can lose weight, diabetes control, smoking cessation--and then, when that is all done, if his knees still hurt, they will give him new knees. Knees that are much more likely to work.

In time of emergency, the United States can quickly increase the size of its military forces by calling upon members of the reserves and those who have recently served. But what good is that fighting force if over half its members are no longer healthy? The U.S. for profit health care system has terrible statistics when it comes to health and disease prevention. If the job of the VA is farmed out to the for profit sector, then national security is threatened.

November 8, 2018

Saturday Night Massacre Here We Come!

Someone is giving Trump some god awful advice. The man could have reached out a hand to the Democratic House. He could have said "I was just dancing with the folks who brought me to the party. I didn't mean any of it. I want to be a Democrat again." He could have offered to broker deals between the Democratic House and the Republican Senate that would allow them to tackle the problems that really concern Americans--like health care. And health care! And health care.

But instead, he made threats. He bullied. He told Democrats that if they attacked, he would attack back--without actually saying how he planned to attack. There is no legal way for the president to investigate Congress. Maybe he meant that his new acting attorney general would file bogus charges against House Dems. Or maybe he meant that Putin would send thugs to their houses. Or that his base would send them pipe bombs. You never know with Trump.

And then, Trumped forced out Sessions and replaced him with a man named Whitaker who looks like Bane from Batman, but meaner and with a bigger stick up his ass. A man who has recommended stripping Mueller of his funding so that he can not do his job. Because why do things the legal way when you can do them the mobster way? Why act like a president when you can act like a whiny little brat? Why obey the law when it is so much more fun to break it?

Trump is going to fire Mueller. Or rather, he is going to tell Whitaker to fire Mueller. And Whitaker will do it--not for Trump. He will do it for his own political future. As soon as the act is done, Whitaker will make a hasty exit from the public stage and use his newfound Right Wing laurels to advance his own career. He will leave Trump with his ass hanging out, the way Dick Nixon's ass was left hanging out after the poorly conceived and poorly executed Saturday Night Massacre. The two or three Americans who have resisted forming an opinion about Trump's guilt will decide that he is guilty. The new Democratic House will answer the popular call---"Restore the rule of law!" CNN's Jim Acosta will become a superstar covering the House hearings. Trump will wish he was back in the "good old days" when Mueller ran a tight ship Grand Jury--no leaks allowed. Every day will bring a new revelation--and these will be much worse than a few "expletive deleted" s. CNN's ratings will soar----

Hmm. Maybe Whitaker is working for CNN.

November 7, 2018

Anyone Here Remember the Watergate Hearings?

Trumps does. He must be very worried tonight.

It's on, asshole! The House and all its new Democratic women are going to make you rue the day you and your tiny little hands started grabbing pussy.

November 7, 2018

Women will be the true winners tonight.

It has been an uphill battle. But it looks as if there will be more women in office in this country than ever before after this election is over. And the women who win will be, by and large, Democrats. Because the Republican Party has embraced "pussy grabbers" and rapists---did they think we would just smile and say "Boys will be boy"?

November 4, 2018

Imagine...that your vote may be counted. (With bonus John Lennon link)

It could happen. After 16 years of easily hackable paperless electronic voting that was supposed to keep the GOP in power forever, we face an election in which national security agencies like the NSA, CIA and FBI may actually get out there and prevent electronic vote manipulation. For 16 years, we have watched as the GOP peeled off Democratic votes and gave them to third party (GOP funded) splitters. We have watched election "miracles"--like a Georgia Republican who was behind almost 10 points in the polls who "won."

"It will never happen!" you insist. "Those agencies all lean right."

Maybe. But they also lean "American" and "Law and Order" and Trump is an outlaw traitor. Plus, Deep Throat was the Pentagon. If the US Military found Nixon's political shenanigans---squandering US lives for political gain--unconscionable, what do they make of the specter of Trump sending US troops into danger so he can get his own 9/11 moment?

Do not stay home because you think that casting a vote in an electronic system without a paper trail is futile. Something tells me that the Georgia Secretary of State is screaming "Hack!" because he knows that the Republican hack of Georgia is about to be un-hacked--and he is planning to try to decertify the election and force a special election as a last ditch effort to hold onto power.

October 31, 2018

Trump Fans Poor White Dreams of Owning Slaves

Anyone with an ounce of sense and a rudimentary understanding of the law knows that Trump can not take away the citizenship of those born in this country through an executive decree. Fellow Republicans have been quick to inform the literate members of their party--the ones who read the Washington Post and the New York Times--that no president can undo the Constitution unilaterally. Because Republicans who have educations and mortgages and careers and families rely upon the Constitution to protect their property and their jobs and their children's future.

However, those who have no jobs, no home, no education, no future---they have nothing to lose. Their lives are Tobacco Road. And now, suddenly, they have hope. For, if their Hispanic neighbor's citizen children and their Vietnamese neighbor's citizen children and their Indian neighbor''s citizen children are no longer citizens then the children will need American sponsors to remain in the only country they know. That means some American--some white American--will be able to acquire a maid, a concubine, a "boy" to cut the grass, a nanny to watch the kids so that both (white) parents can work. These sponsored aliens will speak perfect English. They will fit smoothly into American culture. And they will have no right to say "no" no matter what sick perversions their white masters practice. They will be the modern equivalent of slaves.

Trumps knows that he does not have the power to strip citizens of their citizenship and force them into serfdom. But he is counting upon some really dumb, really undereducated, really mean and nasty Americans believing that he does. He is peddling a lie in hopes that the desire to be "Massahs" will get them off their asses and into the voting booth--a place they have seldom visited before.

October 27, 2018

In Trump's Universe, Synagogues are Supposed to Have Armed Guards. Why?

Because Trump is pandering to a base which is fiercely antisemitic. To them, anyone who is not an Evangelical Christian is a threat. Meaning that when they see members of another religion who have made themselves "easy targets" they feel compelled to shoot to kill. To them it is self defense. And so, if you want to practice the freedom of religion which is your Constitutional right in this country, you had better carry a big weapon with you, because in Trump's America, antisemitism is absolutely inevitable. To have a synagogue without an armed guard is like an attractive young woman wearing a short skirt. Because rape is inevitable in Trump's America, too.

October 23, 2018

Trump's Middle Class Supporters Must Be Idiots

Why else would the GOP imagine that

1) promising to protect the no exclusion for pre-existing condition clause--even though the Trump administration is currently waging a court battle to allow insurers to discriminate against pre-existing conditions and

2) promising that after the election is over they will give Middle Class tax payers a 10% tax cut, even though they did not include the Middle Class in their tax cut for the wealthy

would encourage middle class voters to go to the poll to support Trump and the GOP?

Are the non-rich members of Trump's base really that stupid? We will see. But the level of idiocy required to believe either of these two promises strikes me as inconsistent with intelligent life.

October 7, 2018

The GOP stands for "Grabs Our Pussies". REPUBLICAN Stands for...

(R stands for) RAPE, no longer a crime for the new Republican Party. It is now a necessary rite of manhood. Just look at Trump, who bragged about being a pussy grabber and who thinks that (white) men who rape women are a credit to their race/gender because of their

(E stands for )ENTITLEMENT, the principle that if your gender/race/ethnicity/religion once committed brutal atrocities or even genocide on another group in the past on order to steal their wealth/land/labor, then your gender/race/ethnicity/religion are still entitled to steal that other group’s wealth/land/labor until the end of days, because it would be unfair to deprive you of your inherited

(P stands for) PRIVILEGE, the notion that Roland Barthes summed up nicely when he wrote that the right turns “history into nature”. If, once upon a time, your family owned slaves who picked your cotton and made it possible for you to live a life of luxury and leisure then it is the duty of the decedents of those slaves to take all the crap you throw at them so that you can continue to live a life of luxury and leisure, because obviously God and/or Darwin decreed that you and your ancestors were destined to profit from your crimes against humanity. Because people are

(U stands for) UNEQUAL in the eyes of God, who loves those who amass great fortunes, no matter how much blood they spill stealing their wealth. How do we know that Gods love successful criminals/con men/brutal military dictators? Because the successful criminals/con men/brutal criminals tell us that God loves them. And if we do not love them, they string us up on trees and set our bodies on fire or gang rape us or steal our children and give them over to pedophiles, because

(B stands for) BRUTALITY is such an admirable trait in a leader. Whenever possible, a Republican must compound the violence that is done to women/children/immigrants by blaming the victim for being born into a class that has historically been the victim of violence. And if you happen to be born into a privileged class and you do not brutalize whenever possible then there is something wrong with you to believes the

(L stands for) LIES of the victims of brutality. What is a lie? It is anything that would deprive the privileged/entitled classes of their privilege and entitlement. In other words, every accusation of rape against a Black man is true, because that accusation helps the rich get richer by making it easier to oppress all Blacks. And every accusation of rape against a wealthy white man is a lie, because it might cost white men their privilege. When any women accuses a wealth white man if rape, she

(I stands for) INSULTS him, and to today’s Republican, insults are the sole prerogative of those who have declared themselves “better” than others. Since the law of the land no longer allows them to lynch with impunity, they use words---insults----as weapons, denouncing the female victims of violence as “sluts”, the immigrant children victim of violence as “illegal”, the third world victims of colonial violence as words too ugly to repeat here. They use and abuse their Constitutional right to free speech to strip others of their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This holds doubly true for those Republicans who have given up their humanity and now consider themselves

(C stands for) CORPORATIONS, which are not bound by the usual social and moral laws. Corporations have only one imperative—turn a profit. If you can get away with tripling the cost of your drug, you triple it. If you can cut costs by hiring a mercenary army to brutalize workers in another country, you hand out rifles and machetes and pat yourself on the back when the soil in that country turns red with blood. You buy and sell Republican politicians the way that the wealthy of Europe once bought Papal pardons, and you cement your right to buy a government for the corporations by the corporations by installing your flunkies on the Supreme Court and having them declare that corporate money is better than all other money and therefore has a special right to make its demands heard. Remember when Jesus drove the moneylenders out of the Temple? Those days are over. The GOP now worships

(A is for) ANTICHRIST, the exact opposite of everything that Jesus ever did, said or stood for. Only a loser sacrifices himself to save another. The good Republican uses bones spurs as an excuse to escape the draft. The good Republican sets up his money making operation in the heart of mega-Churches, because what good is spirituality if it does not make someone money? The good Republican would never minister to the poor. The good Republican knows that it is better to steal the crust of bread from a poor man’s mouth—the starving are too weak to fight back, and anyone who does not pick a fight he knows that he can win is a pussy. The good Republican does not heal the sick----he drives the sick into bankruptcy and steals their homes and forces the sick and their families to live on the streets. The good Republican keeps a big stockpile of stones, because he knows that the first to start throwing stones is the one who is most likely to walk away with all the marbles. Of course, when the rich run amok, slashing wages, depriving children of food, hiring pedophiles to supervise incarcerated children and applauding rapists as gender heroes, then they turn our country into a

(N is for) NIGHTMARE of Apocalyptic proportions. The Four Horsemen, Famine, War, Pestilence and Death are members of the Republican Party, because there is so much money to be made from war, so much money to be made from disease, so much money to be made from food shortages, so much money to be made from being able to use the threat of death against those who only want to protect their homes, their families, their values, their freedom.

The modern Republican Party is the Beast.

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies”

Revelation 13

Don't get me wrong. Trump is not the Devil with a capital D. He is a devil against democracy, a political evil. The modern Republican Party is a criminal organization which openly denounces and violates the rules of our democratic form of government. It uses the Constitution to wipe its ass. It tells lies, each of them more obvious than the last and exults in its power to tell lies and break the law and rape, steal, kidnap and murder with immunity, because its power is all the justification that it needs. The Beast lives by no moral code. The Beast gains its power through the sheer bravado with which it violates the most basic morality. The Beast speaks to our darkest natures. The Beast is us, but we are so much more than the Beast.

Want to cast the Beast into “a lake of fire burning with brimstone”? Be glad that you live in a democracy and not in Ancient Rome.

September 8, 2018

Kavanaugh is Nothing But a Mob Lawyer and the Mob is Coming for You: An Open Letter to Soccer Moms

Kavanaugh is a Mob Lawyer...and the criminal, corrupt Republican Party is proudly trying to appoint him to the Supreme Court for life so that they and their wealthy donors can Get Out of Jail Free for all their many crimes.

Remember how bent out of shape the GOP was when W. tried to appoint his own Harriet Meyers to the SCOTUS so that he could be assured of at least one vote in his favor should the worst happen (to him, not the country)? Kavanaugh is Trump's Harriet Meyers. The litmus test was almost certainly "Can I count on you to protect me if I ever have a case before the court?" And Kavanaugh's answer was probably something like "I will always be faithful to you, Padrone. May I kiss your ring now?"

Kavanaugh is like Nixon appointing John Mitchell to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is like Al Pacino being appointed to the SCOTUS by Marlon Brando. Under Kavanaugh the Rule of Law will be replaced by the Rule of the Lawless.

Rank and file Republicans who find Latino immigrants scary should consider what it means for them when the highest court in the land is in the pocket of organized crime. It means that if Sheldon Adelson wants to build a casino in your wealthy, waterfront enclave, he will pay politicians to "eminent domain" your house---and the courts will let him. It means that if the Mob wants to shut down drug rehab programs and have users sent to for profit prisons instead where they can be recruited to become drug dealers, your teenager will face years in jail---and a very bleak future---when he is caught experimenting with drugs. It means that if you try to blow the whistle on your company for dumping carcinogens into the local water supply, you will find yourself out of work and unemployable. It means that if your husband's boss embezzles your husband's retirement fund, you had better get used to eating cat food. It means if the oil industry wants the US military to invade another country, your son--and maybe even your daughter--will be drafted and sent off to die. Assuming that your daughter has not already died from a botched back alley abortion---or been sent to jail for trying to terminate her own pregnancy with mail order methotrexate.

Soccer moms beware. Kavanaugh is not going to make your world safer. Kavanaugh is going to empower criminals. And the criminals are not going to target Latino immigrants---Latino immigrants do not have anything worth stealing. The organized criminals that Kavanaugh represents are going to target Americans with enough money to make them worthy targets but not enough money to buy protection--the upper middle class.

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Member since: Tue Nov 9, 2004, 07:05 PM
Number of posts: 19,240

About McCamy Taylor

Here is my fiction website: http://home.earthlink.net/~mccamytaylor/ My political cartoon site: http://www.grandtheftelectionohio.com/
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