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(99,724 posts)
109. I don't believe the CDC dismissed the pain associated with the procedure
Tue Dec 2, 2014, 06:23 PM
Dec 2014

I do believe they considered that as part of the risks to be weighed against the benefits and found the benefits outweighed the risks as did the Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians though the latter two groups while finding the benefits outweigh the risks did not go as far as the Center for Disease Control in recommending insurance companies cover it.

As your interlocutor says the opposition is much about how people feel and very little about the science.

I thought we were the logical ones. I guess logic is just something to beat people you don't like over the head, the way we use logic to beat up global warming deniers.

CDC: Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks [View all] DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 OP
Fuck that... Oktober Dec 2014 #1
Maybe it has survived because it has proven to be beneficial DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #2
The idea that folks are willing to cut off a portion of a baby's penis... Oktober Dec 2014 #3
Exactly. Let grown men have it done if they want to Mariana Dec 2014 #4
The reason they don't is because no man would... Oktober Dec 2014 #7
I did customerserviceguy Dec 2014 #221
Really?!? Orrex Dec 2014 #264
On the other hand customerserviceguy Dec 2014 #284
It's not funny to joke about child abuse FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #294
It's not child abuse, and that study is questionable. Orrex Dec 2014 #296
So cutting off a very sensitive part of a child's body without his consent FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #300
You are using a straw man Orrex Dec 2014 #301
What was the straw man? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #303
Seriously? Orrex Dec 2014 #305
For those who hate that the procedure was foisted on them FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #310
You know nothing of statistics or logic Orrex Dec 2014 #314
Oh really? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #315
Why do you ignore the majority of the post? Orrex Dec 2014 #322
just look online, there are videos and comments of FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #325
"Why do you ignore the majority of the post?" DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #349
It's not my job to find support for your claims Orrex Dec 2014 #354
There are many people who feel that they were robbed of the choice FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #369
What you think is hardly a convincing argument Orrex Dec 2014 #371
You haven't shown ANY evidence that Circumcision works FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #372
Ever heard of evidence based practice? BigDemVoter Dec 2014 #378
I really would have liked to have the choice, myself Man from Pickens Dec 2014 #326
Thank you for speaking up FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #332
Please refer me to the peer reviewed research... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #350
Again, any comparison between circumcision and female genital mutilation is offensive. Orrex Dec 2014 #367
have you discussed these feelings with your parents? irisblue Dec 2014 #386
You are trivializing PTSD DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #347
That was quick./NT DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #278
Yeah, medical condition customerserviceguy Dec 2014 #285
You don't know what you're talking about. Warpy Dec 2014 #103
Babies still feel pain during circumcision FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #248
Topical anesthetic does it for babies. Warpy Dec 2014 #266
Here's the problem with your statement FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #268
As if a small group of disgruntled circumcised men is dispositive of anything. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #277
Small? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #283
There are hundreds of millions of circumcised men in the world. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #286
Less than 20 percent of the world's men are circumcised FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #293
Don't worry - this thread with 300 replies but only 10 recs closeupready Dec 2014 #279
I find it sad that for a site that values a woman's right over her own body FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #295
It's also sad that people compare apples and oranges Orrex Dec 2014 #298
What's the difference between FGM and Circumcision? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #309
The comparison itself is offensive. Orrex Dec 2014 #313
What is the matter with FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #316
Because it's not a fair choice Orrex Dec 2014 #323
That doesn't make any sense FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #324
Because then it's not a fair choice Orrex Dec 2014 #358
It's not a fair choice? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #363
That's right--it's not a fair choice. Orrex Dec 2014 #368
So you did this procedure to your sons? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #370
Nope. A trained surgeon performed the procedure. Orrex Dec 2014 #373
Post removed Post removed Dec 2014 #375
FGM confers no medical benefits. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #351
Yep, I agree, but welcome to the real DU. closeupready Dec 2014 #306
Me neither FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #308
You insist on saying that circumcised men have been mutilated DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #352
you so worried about tiny pain d_r Dec 2014 #385
The studies indicate it is more than a few percentage points. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #5
Living ITSELF comes with a death sentence. closeupready Dec 2014 #12
The world has a 100% death rate - nothing changes that. You are absolutely correct. LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #65
Then again.... A HERETIC I AM Dec 2014 #174
not funny, but very funny, in a way, lol. closeupready Dec 2014 #192
Cutting off your fingers helps prevent hang nails evirus Dec 2014 #9
I rather have a hang nail than harbor the humanpapilloma virus... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #14
Hundreds of millions of men have lived WITH their foreskin. DetlefK Dec 2014 #35
How many of them gave some unsuspecting female the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer? DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #46
Circumcision doesn't cause HPV immunity evirus Dec 2014 #64
But peer reviewed research suggests it reduces the incidence. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #69
How about instead of mutilating children... evirus Dec 2014 #76
From the peer reviewed reasearch DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #77
Risk and incidence are two different things evirus Dec 2014 #82
That's an improper hypothetical DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #107
You missed my point completely evirus Dec 2014 #176
It's fucking not an off chance. Just like the damn climate-deniers. HERVEPA Dec 2014 #134
Climate change is an observed fact, risk reduction is a statistic evirus Dec 2014 #177
Or when the science is just really, really crappy. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #217
So much of life goes by the slogan of Yupster Dec 2014 #150
You stand on the side of American science then FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #223
Well, since the United States has won the lion's share of Nobel Prizes in science and medicine... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #255
What does this have to do with circumcision FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #256
It has as much to do with your argument because the procedure isn't prevalent in Europe ... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #258
Europe and the US have similar kinds of populations FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #269
I have been following this debate for nearly twenty years DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #276
Yeah because of Cultural Bias FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #297
So bias is a function of time. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #299
I told you earlier FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #302
Your disagreement is not with DemocratSinceBirth but with the National Institute Of Health DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #304
Fine FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #311
There was research done on that FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #220
Good News! Here is something that is 100% (or close to it) Effective for Prevention of HPV! Warren Stupidity Dec 2014 #164
I Like Vaccines otohara Dec 2014 #201
We are not evolutionarily perfect, by any means. earthside Dec 2014 #191
Yes, because a child's consent or refusal is 100% irrelvant. closeupready Dec 2014 #194
We should all remember that before poking vaccination needles into them? earthside Dec 2014 #211
Okay, good to know you do not support girls aborting their fetuses closeupready Dec 2014 #213
The irony about your claim about UTIs FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #247
The CDC, WHO, AAP, and AAFP disagree with you, ergo: DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #251
The rest of the world's major health organizations disagree with the AAP/WHO/etc FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #259
You can find scientists who deny global warming is a real phenomenon... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #261
And they're usually laughed out of the room FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #263
You raise a good point... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #270
Maybe it's because there's better sexual education in the EU compared to the US FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #271
Total agreement. It's insane. LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #63
I'm sure they feel pain LordGlenconner Dec 2014 #91
Well then, maybe we should do experiments on babies, for the sake of science LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #92
Yes, because that's just what I meant LordGlenconner Dec 2014 #94
that is what you said though LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #96
Actually your example made me laugh LordGlenconner Dec 2014 #99
Yeh, I get emotional about babies in pain, LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #100
Sick science? LordGlenconner Dec 2014 #102
I'm done. Whether it the CDC or whoever, anyone who thinks that LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #104
I don't believe the CDC dismissed the pain associated with the procedure DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #109
Are you a conservative? I am not trying to yeoman6987 Dec 2014 #161
Actually it's the same kind of argument nutters use to deny global warming... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #108
They do feel pain and they often show signs of PTSD 4-6 months after the procedure FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #249
Well, your contentions are specious. I can cite the peer reviewed research if you want DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #289
Good for you FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #292
LOL, Oswald was circumcised. So were the 9/11 hijackers! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! nt Logical Dec 2014 #120
Ok. So this study by scientists are balony, yeoman6987 Dec 2014 #159
I certainly believe that there's global warming FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #333
funny how some science is sacrosanct and some isn't. not. roguevalley Dec 2014 #162
If people want to be circumsized, great. Donald Ian Rankin Dec 2014 #6
Exactly nt abelenkpe Dec 2014 #51
+1 Tree-Hugger Dec 2014 #57
Yup ismnotwasm Dec 2014 #93
I second that motion. roamer65 Dec 2014 #119
Yes! Like vaccines!!!! nt Logical Dec 2014 #121
I'm afraid that's a very silly analogy. Donald Ian Rankin Dec 2014 #170
The analogy was exactly appropriate, given your initial framing. Orrex Dec 2014 #181
Hmm FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #222
The term "intact man" in this context is pointedly offensive Orrex Dec 2014 #240
Intact is most assuredly the correct term FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #245
If you persist in using that insulting term, then I have no reason to listen to you Orrex Dec 2014 #252
That's fine FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #257
Since you're the one making positive assertions, it's up to you to support them. Orrex Dec 2014 #260
Where is the research that makes circumcision good for the long run? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #262
Who said drawing blood can give you an itchy foot ? DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #280
Here Orrex Dec 2014 #281
LOL DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #287
Of course you'd say that, since you're biased in favor of American science. Orrex Dec 2014 #288
Perhaps the person suffering from this malady can get a governmental grant to further research it. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #290
It's nice that you know so much about "circumcising" a newborn FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #334
Life is tough... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #346
The claim that circumcision reduces sexual pleasure for the circumcised and his partner is specious DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #275
It's actually not specious FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #335
In my best Jack Nicholson voice, you want peer reviewed research... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #344
However, there are numerous European studies that FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #345
The encounter was over thirty years ago and I'm alive. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #348
more education on proper penile cleaning is needed, simpler, effective uppityperson Dec 2014 #8
"Everybody " knows sex is safer with condoms. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #10
People get lazy. I'm 840high Dec 2014 #128
rather than using good hygiene, cut it off? weird, imo uppityperson Dec 2014 #139
His body, his choice. closeupready Dec 2014 #11
mutilate? belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #16
It is the literal definition... Oktober Dec 2014 #17
it's hyperbolic belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #19
If you saw a million people with their right ear lopped off... Oktober Dec 2014 #20
i dont see many penises but that's not a good analogy maybe if the whole thing was cut off belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #22
So... BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #26
i dont consider circumcision mutilation belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #33
Neither do the cultures who cut off a girl's clitoris... Oktober Dec 2014 #37
no one is cutting off any penises- they are not the same belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #40
Well BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #45
Just a portion of it.. Oktober Dec 2014 #47
Neither do cultures that perform FGM BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #41
i dont think fgm is the same as circumcision belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #43
FGM occurs along a spectrum BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #48
It isn't. And anyone who says otherwise can be ignored. Orrex Dec 2014 #200
It's ironic, isn't it? FGM is considered savagery - rightfully, since closeupready Dec 2014 #36
Are there any scientific reasons for FGM. The only reason I have heard is to madinmaryland Dec 2014 #111
I take it, then, you support father trump cards on abortion closeupready Dec 2014 #124
Huh? I'm not exactly sure where you are going. Are you comparing abortions to circumcisions?? madinmaryland Dec 2014 #125
There have been a few studies suggesting for HIV and other diseases. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #183
Could you please direct me to the peer reviewed research... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #353
This was among prostitutes, so not rendered incapable of having sex. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #389
In your example, is there science supporting the removal of the excess skin? joeglow3 Dec 2014 #67
It's not excess skin FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #336
No, it's not. rug Dec 2014 #21
i thought he meant the literal def of mutilate belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #23
It also accurately applies to tattoos and piercings. LanternWaste Dec 2014 #44
Anyone who tattoos a baby should probably get a CPS visit as well... Oktober Dec 2014 #49
Haven't seen that, but I know a lot of folks Erich Bloodaxe BSN Dec 2014 #132
And, laundry_queen Dec 2014 #153
I'm the same FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #337
It's in the dictionary. Look it up. closeupready Dec 2014 #30
so is hyperbole check it out belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #34
My father had his "pencil sharpened" when he was 80. meaculpa2011 Dec 2014 #13
agreed i dont think i'd want it done now belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #15
because the thought of the pain is unbearable, babies feel that pain too LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #71
having had it done when i was a baby i dont remember any pain or anything else about it belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #78
Wow BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #81
well if it's any comfort i dont have any male children belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #83
heh BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #88
oh please - wow didnt you just leap off hyperbole cliff. belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #89
yeah BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #98
Not really d_r Dec 2014 #155
The justification based on remembering it is terrible BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #163
It is why pitocin d_r Dec 2014 #209
Benefits are marginal imo BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #215
it basically innoculates the kid against penile cancer d_r Dec 2014 #229
Since this is the silly season and folks are arguing circumcision turns men into eunuchs... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #395
I agree d_r Dec 2014 #154
when i said that this is what someone said to me belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #172
It did hurt you FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #338
I'm telling you d_r Dec 2014 #340
How do you know it didn't hurt? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #342
why do yuou think it did? d_r Dec 2014 #384
I actually watched Stargazer09 Dec 2014 #145
I saw it too d_r Dec 2014 #157
They didn't cry because they were in shock FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #339
My sons are not stupid Stargazer09 Dec 2014 #360
Really? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #362
Do you advocate showing women what an abortion looks like before they receive one... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #380
Sounds like you're the one with issues Stargazer09 Dec 2014 #412
Not much of a sample size phil89 Dec 2014 #24
Thank you-I was forced for medical reasons to have the operation in my early 50's... Rowdyboy Dec 2014 #79
Ah, is it circumcision month again? MineralMan Dec 2014 #18
always a pleasure to see it return for another round! Has any mind been changed? CTyankee Dec 2014 #31
no but I am waiting to see some new jokes! snooper2 Dec 2014 #80
Did you hear that Magellan circumsized the world with a 30 foot clipper? LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #138
Now, THAT is BAD...whatsa matta you? CTyankee Dec 2014 #274
OY! CTyankee Dec 2014 #141
To cut or not to cut... MineralMan Dec 2014 #254
I'm staying out of it - I don't have a dick in this fight. The Velveteen Ocelot Dec 2014 #227
LOL! MineralMan Dec 2014 #253
Two thirds of the world gets along fine without it BlindTiresias Dec 2014 #25
Give them time, and DU's pro-penis mutilation camp will devise closeupready Dec 2014 #29
Yet FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #224
This has always been one of DU's best debate starters. upaloopa Dec 2014 #27
well, I'm ready at the flame fest! Let the excitement begin! CTyankee Dec 2014 #143
We should start a thread for "Circumcision Techniques" kentauros Dec 2014 #250
Pity all those poor, unhealthy European men mainer Dec 2014 #28
When they get older and have illnesses JustAnotherGen Dec 2014 #32
Do your relatives live in Europe or in the US? Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #233
Europe JustAnotherGen Dec 2014 #243
Their situations aren't unique DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #396
I think so . . . JustAnotherGen Dec 2014 #409
I'm not here to proselytize. I respect any decision a parent makes. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #410
I would agree JustAnotherGen Dec 2014 #411
pity all those mutilated men suffering the disfiguring horror of circumcision belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #38
self delete mnhtnbb Dec 2014 #58
Dear circumcision-proponents, please consider this: DetlefK Dec 2014 #39
If the appendix was a culprit in the spread of HIV and the HPV virus that causes... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #59
dont forget tonsils and wisdom teeeth belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #84
Well DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #110
It serves a practical purpose. Mariana Dec 2014 #114
they serve a practical purpose? belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #115
Whether or not they serve a practical purpose is of no moment. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #117
Yup. I had 4 of my molars pro-actively yanked Erich Bloodaxe BSN Dec 2014 #137
Would certainly have saved me a lot of pain later on. Erich Bloodaxe BSN Dec 2014 #136
Logically d_r Dec 2014 #158
If the appendix was an external organ, ecstatic Dec 2014 #231
Proof that the war on men is alive and kicking. Glassunion Dec 2014 #42
American exceptionalism. subterranean Dec 2014 #50
Actually it's the norm in all countries with majority muslim populations. cbayer Dec 2014 #52
I meant neonatal circumcision for non-religious reasons. subterranean Dec 2014 #60
Ok, I agree with your point. cbayer Dec 2014 #66
Look at that chart Harmony Blue Dec 2014 #166
The World Health Organization made this recommendation several years ago pnwmom Dec 2014 #97
For African countries with high HIV Prevalence, not for developed countries. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #184
The results of the studies do not apply only to African countries. pnwmom Dec 2014 #214
The WHO has never recommended circumcision for the developed world. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #216
The studies can be extrapolated because they accounted for differences in hygiene pnwmom Dec 2014 #218
Until similar findings can be replicated in the 1st world Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #232
The thousands of men in the study all followed the same hygiene practices pnwmom Dec 2014 #234
Let me know when the results of these studies get replicated Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #235
Right. Because African men are just so different. pnwmom Dec 2014 #236
No, because African social conditions are just so different. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #238
You're the one who thinks the US is a special snowflake. pnwmom Dec 2014 #239
I would like to see studies that compare circumcision to improved hygiene cbayer Dec 2014 #53
I addressed it... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #55
I feel certain that there are studies that compare the two. cbayer Dec 2014 #62
It's not some cosmic mystery. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #70
I suspect you are right, but I like data, particularly when I want to make cbayer Dec 2014 #90
The World Health Organization studies used thousands of subjects pnwmom Dec 2014 #86
I'm not even familiar with what their findings were. cbayer Dec 2014 #95
The findings were all with subjects in Sub Saharan Africa Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #185
That's exactly what I am asking for as well. cbayer Dec 2014 #202
It's not really being used as "a solution to a problem". Mariana Dec 2014 #204
I don't think you will see much change in rates done for religious reasons, but cbayer Dec 2014 #205
It is slowly but certainly going out of style Mariana Dec 2014 #207
I am concerned that this kind of announcement will not only stop but reverse cbayer Dec 2014 #208
There is no problem to solve Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #237
Trash thread. Iggo Dec 2014 #54
If it's of no moment why do health organizations... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #56
No thanks. Iggo Dec 2014 #74
My goal is to edify, nothing more and nothing less.../NT DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #75
because it's simple, easy to understand. people post stuff of great importance it gets belzabubba333 Dec 2014 #85
The WHO revisited it so they could conduct definitive studies because it is so important pnwmom Dec 2014 #87
Answer ... bread and butter $urgery Trillo Dec 2014 #105
Follow the money. LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #142
i bet laundry_queen Dec 2014 #156
It's the sort of business Mitt Romney would get into LawDeeDah Dec 2014 #199
I agree, it's completely disgusting. Trillo Dec 2014 #203
It's a power/control trip. mnhtnbb Dec 2014 #61
There's also a weird obsession that baby boys' penises Mariana Dec 2014 #72
This place needs a circumcision forum. n/t Comrade Grumpy Dec 2014 #68
Word. (n/t) Iggo Dec 2014 #73
This message was self-deleted by its author olddots Dec 2014 #101
I was circumcized as an infant... 99Forever Dec 2014 #106
!!!!!!!!! 840high Dec 2014 #129
+1 Stargazer09 Dec 2014 #146
+2 d_r Dec 2014 #160
+1 Go Vols Dec 2014 #169
Child Abuse FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #173
That's the most ridiculous tripe I seen in weeks. 99Forever Dec 2014 #178
How do you know? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #219
None of your gawddamn business. 99Forever Dec 2014 #225
That's fine FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #226
You can do a study... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #355
Oh I don't have to do that- it's already been done FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #365
Well, that study will certainly pass scientific muster./NT DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #366
and now for some classy penis jokes olddots Dec 2014 #112
Haven't seen this much interest in the penis since the great Liam Neeson v. Huey Lewis debate. Efilroft Sul Dec 2014 #113
And yet, it is still a choice which should be made from an informed position Bettie Dec 2014 #116
It's genital mutilation, plain and simple. roamer65 Dec 2014 #118
Are DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #307
So do you agree that FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #312
Do you oppose vaccination? DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #317
Not at all FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #320
Ergo you approve of making a permanent change to the child's body without the child's consent Orrex Dec 2014 #321
Which part of the child's body is permanently changed? FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #328
Now THAT'S changing the goalposts. Orrex Dec 2014 #356
It's not, it's a perfectly valid question FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #364
Nothing in any of your posts suggests that there's any reason to believe you Orrex Dec 2014 #374
Post removed Post removed Dec 2014 #376
Juror #3, wiser than I, has suggested that I stop responding to you. Orrex Dec 2014 #377
That's an ad hominem and tu quoque attack and a rather nasty one at that. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #379
The same organization that told us Ebola could be safely treated Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #122
LOL, were you an ebola hair on fire poster? nt Logical Dec 2014 #123
No I was not, but the CDC's contention Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #130
It was fixed QUICK! No other deaths and no massive spread. We handled it GREAT! nt Logical Dec 2014 #140
It was fixed quick because social conditions in this country Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #147
Gotta stop those boys from masturbating. roamer65 Dec 2014 #126
Never heard of that before. Why would it stop them from masturbating? nt. NCTraveler Dec 2014 #265
It didn't. But that was one of the first reasons for it. subterranean Dec 2014 #282
Science is a wonderful thing mythology Dec 2014 #127
Science is a wonderful thing. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #133
I wonder if the same benefits could be achieved Erich Bloodaxe BSN Dec 2014 #131
Very few men are circumcised here (UK) Prophet 451 Dec 2014 #135
And you're all dropping dead from STDs and infections. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #148
I am curious if the unsnipped, you know, last longer Skittles Dec 2014 #318
No idea Prophet 451 Dec 2014 #319
Oops, I thought this was about the Chris Christy post. JEB Dec 2014 #144
Circ in the USA started during the Victorian era xfundy Dec 2014 #149
Maybe we should cut off infants' index fingers to prevent firearm deaths, too. Marr Dec 2014 #151
people thougth buts were going to explode the internet d_r Dec 2014 #152
Only in the U.S. is this junk science pushed Harmony Blue Dec 2014 #165
Nazis in WW2 HockeyMom Dec 2014 #206
I've also heard of this... eom Purveyor Dec 2014 #331
Brian Morris has done sixty four papers on the efficacy of circumcision... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #359
There is no significant benefits to circumcision to human populations Harmony Blue Dec 2014 #393
The research suggests: DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #394
He's also a circumcision fetishist, who gets off on it sexually. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #398
"He's also a circumcision fetishist, who gets off on it sexually." DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #403
I have no wish to get into a back and forth debate with you about this. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #405
My final word is I respect your opinion and I am no more or less passionate about mine ... DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #406
My fellow UNcircumcised chaps Applan Dec 2014 #167
Sponsored by Hospitals Inc. budkin Dec 2014 #168
Two words: Olive Garden. OK, a few more words. cali Dec 2014 #171
like so many men of his generation, my husband was circumcised at birth and in his mid 20s he CTyankee Dec 2014 #188
Excellent point, too often overlooked. Orrex Dec 2014 #189
Circumcision is state-sanctioned child abuse FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #175
Well, so is Common Core Orrex Dec 2014 #180
Men have UglyGreed Dec 2014 #179
I'd like to see the studies they relied on. It seems it was only the Africa studies. morningfog Dec 2014 #182
Yes there are, and they are much higher in the US. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #186
Link please. morningfog Dec 2014 #187
Later as I'm currently on my cell phone. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #193
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #391
None of that compares circumcised and not cut morningfog Dec 2014 #392
You asked for links comparing STD rates in the US and Europe. Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #397
Yes , those two links are what I looking for. morningfog Dec 2014 #407
But people who choose to have their sons cut Mariana Dec 2014 #408
Cornflake chicken! Olive Garden! HappyMe Dec 2014 #190
Why does circumcision get thrown in with Olive Garden ? DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #195
Because in both cases the tips are small. Orrex Dec 2014 #196
I tip 20% wherever I go. DemocratSinceBirth Dec 2014 #197
Oh Lord, why do people get so excited about Foreskin and if a parent opts to have it removed from dilby Dec 2014 #198
Oh, now you've done it! Sigh...I have gone down that road as I have Jewish grandkids and CTyankee Dec 2014 #212
The real fetish is FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #341
pride of ownership olddots Dec 2014 #210
I don't have a foreskin in this fight. Tierra_y_Libertad Dec 2014 #228
Science. ecstatic Dec 2014 #230
Abracadabra. closeupready Dec 2014 #242
This obviously draws out suppressed angst. Socal31 Dec 2014 #241
I'm amazed that there are 243 replies and no one has used the word "Smegma". Bonobo Dec 2014 #244
I'm surprised too FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #246
No question can exist that genders each have a distinct body odor. closeupready Dec 2014 #267
"The filthy and hypocritical judgmental attitudes that you have." merrily Dec 2014 #401
The comments to the CDC's statement can be seen here FunkyLeprechaun Dec 2014 #272
What are the benefits of Snip vs benefits of teaching good hygiene? They are comparing what are uppityperson Dec 2014 #273
Yes. That is the important and unanswered question. morningfog Dec 2014 #291
its sort of amusing how science is sacrosanct until you disagree. :D roguevalley Dec 2014 #327
All I can add to this thread is practical experience. nilesobek Dec 2014 #329
Will you describe the creepy way you were approached about it, please? Mariana Dec 2014 #330
Oh yeah. nilesobek Dec 2014 #343
Did you report her? ScreamingMeemie Dec 2014 #357
No it was a public hospital. nilesobek Dec 2014 #383
I've always wondered if God ordered Abraham to circumcise Mariana Dec 2014 #361
Weird thing is that I'm still open minded to opposing arguments. nilesobek Dec 2014 #381
It's part of religious freedom. nt Omnith Dec 2014 #382
Whose religious freedom? Mariana Dec 2014 #388
What does religious freedom have to do with the state officially promoting child genital cutting? Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #390
Politics as usual at the CDC. McCamy Taylor Dec 2014 #387
I thought this has been well known for 100's of years. ileus Dec 2014 #399
Yes. In the 19th Century it was proven to cure masturbation, Crunchy Frog Dec 2014 #400
So, maybe for people who never shower or bathe. I would have liked to have made my own decision RKP5637 Dec 2014 #402
Male genital mutilation IMO. Let the victim decide for themselves. n/t RKP5637 Dec 2014 #404
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»CDC: Circumcision Benefit...»Reply #109