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(98 posts)
49. Ridiculous. It's something else.
Mon Jul 6, 2015, 02:27 PM
Jul 2015

It's well known that diabetics are prone to heart disease. What's the connection? Does diabetes really cause heart disease? No - it doesn't. Diabetes, along with the 159 plus other autoimmune conditions, has been linked to Vitamin D3 deficiency in a medical study from 2012. The trigger for every one of them has been determined to be VD3 sensitive.

Autoimmune Disorders linked to VD3 Deficiency

Coincidentally - Heart disease has been linked to VD3 deficiency for years (just google it and read your heart out.)

So people with diabetes don't develop heart disease because they are diabetic ... they have both diabetes and heart disease because they are VD3 deficient. The thinking behind the claim that diabetes causes heart disease is completely flawed - and stupid and short sighted. If people feel either of these causes the other - they miss the external connection. And this is seen throughout the chronic care community - not just for diabetes and heart disease.

Genetics definitely plays a role here. Nearly every cell in our bodies have Vitamin D3 receptors, but it also directly and indirectly controls over 2,000 of our genes. That is POWERFUL.

Our bodies must have this powerful and unique hormone to function properly; entire body systems depend on it. Just two of VD3's primary functions are to regulate the immune system and to regulate inflammation. Think of how intimately inflammation is connected to chronic disease. Of course we get sick without it.

How could it not be critical to our health? We were forged naked in equatorial Africa. We are designed to have strong VD3 blood serum levels.

We all know families riddled with chronic disease. For some, it's cancer, others, heart disease or diabetes, or Crohn's disease, or hypothyroidism, or Celiacs, or Major Depression - or any one of many dozens of others. THIS is where genetics plays a role. If a person is VD3 deficient - genetics will determine how that expresses.

Studies have also shown that approximately 87% of all cancers are connected to VD3 deficiency..

A study a few years back showed that you needed a minimum of 8,000 IU VD3 a day to prevent cancers.

So while some people search desperately for a reason (soda pop?) and scapegoat for the increasing numbers of people with Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Autism, multiple autoimmune disorders, Major Depression and other serious mental health conditions, and on and on and on and on ... they overlook a stunning body of research that connects all of these to Vitamin D3 deficiency.

Here's a small sample.

Stop and consider our lifestyle choices. How much time do any of us spend outside in the middle of the day? In the Chicago area, your body can only make VD3 between about 11am-2pm during the summer months. That's IT. Between October and March we can't make ANY. Heart attacks shoveling snow anyone...?

A study last month said that babies born in March were more prone to lifelong incidence of chronic disease. This is (initially) because of VD3 deficient mothers, but this is not the first study to notice this.

Previous studies show that if a child of 12 moves from Minnesota to Florida - he has an increased risk of lifelong chronic disease. The reverse is also true. A child of 12 who moves from Florida to Minnesota is at a DECREASED risk of lifelong chronic disease. Modern lifestyle choices are having an impact on even these numbers though.

Incidence of cancers, heart disease and other disorders? Numbers of new cases are always greater in the spring after our long winter deficit.

Why did Autism, Alzheimer's, and children's autoimmune disorders spike to epidemic levels beginning in the 1980's? Prior to the 1980's Autism was a rare diagnosis. Cancer incidence and Heart Disease have also spiked.

They have traced Autism to 3 specific genes that are Vitamin D sensitive.

What happened in the 1980's? A (multiple) country-wide alarm was raised about the dangers of the sun. They instituted a country wide sun-scare campaign that lasts to this day. Sunscreen blocks the production of VD3 in the skin. Being careful is one thing - no VD3 at all is a death sentence.

About 2-3 months ago - Alzheimer's was officially added to the list of chronic conditions that are known to be "Latitude Sensitive" ... which screams Vitamin D3 deficiency. This adds to the list which includes MS and Schizophrenia, among others. (Both known to be VD3 sensitive.)

In August of last year, the American Academy of Neurology put out a news release confirming that Alzheimer's was strongly linked to VD3 deficiency.

If you want to investigate this further - look for one of the many meta-analysis studies that show that higher blood serum levels VD3 are linked to lower All-Cause Mortality.

BTW - Both Autism and Schizophrenia occur when the mother is VD3 deficient prenatal. The condition can exacerbate if the mother continues to "protect" her child from the sun.

Vitamin D3 experts consider deficiency to be the most critical health concern world-wide. They estimate, depending on the country, that populations are between 80-90% deficient - with many of them chronically deficient.

Any chronic condition can be improved by increasing your VD3 levels - but the extent of improvement will depend on how serious the health condition is. The VD Council recommends slightly higher levels for cancer survivors and people with chronic diseases.

While anyone will be healthier if they maintain good blood serum levels - it takes up to four years to repair Chronic Substrate VD3 Deficiency. Start today.

Could it all really be that simple? Yes - it really is. Why haven't you heard about it before? For a variety of reasons, but short story is they don't really want you to know - and the studies are still being done and the medical community is being over cautious while they figure out how to handle the dosage aspect of VD3 - because it can vary radically from person to person.

But there is enough good information to get started years ago - Some physicians are complicit in our chronic health epidemic and others are beginning to call them out on their complicity. For instance - the dermatology community and their sun-scare tactics. But there are others.

Do yourself a favor - to spite the pharmaceuticals (which are working on synthesized versions of VD3 to sell to us for insane amounts of money) - reclaim your health by monitoring your blood serum levels VD3.

If anyone wants recommendations, I will tell you what the experts recommend.

It's NOT soda pop that's killing us.

I'm sorry, my incredulity is difficult to contain... pipoman Jul 2015 #1
Yeah, I agree it's not so easy to single out soda. Marr Jul 2015 #9
There's a difference between sugary drinks and sugary food AZ Progressive Jul 2015 #18
My point is that the same people who overindulge in soda pipoman Jul 2015 #31
theres no sugar in that coke d_r Jul 2015 #53
I never knew ice cream had much sugar (if any) Reter Jul 2015 #59
sugary beverages are linked to type 2 diabetes thesquanderer Jul 2015 #19
That's a little like blaming rape victims - what the sweets industry has done is an assault... jtuck004 Jul 2015 #24
Post removed Post removed Jul 2015 #30
I'm replying now so that I can add a zinger after your post is hidden Orrex Jul 2015 #32
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. Voltaire jtuck004 Jul 2015 #43
we often rationalize our own utter stupidity as some rare form of wit. LanternWaste Jul 2015 #51
The soda bottle openings are forced into people's mouths? The2ndWheel Jul 2015 #36
It can be both convenient and vapid to resume there is no coercion in the free market LanternWaste Jul 2015 #52
no, just no Amishman Jul 2015 #37
Do you work for the sugar industry, or just sell heroin? Heroin dealers, at least, hjave morals. jtuck004 Jul 2015 #48
This made me remember that absurd South Park episode parodying Rob Reiner and smoking Amishman Jul 2015 #56
Maybe you shouldn't defend killers and thieves. Not carrying water for scum sucking parasites jtuck004 Jul 2015 #58
"an assault on innocent people." You started with a faulty premise. jonno99 Jul 2015 #61
I think it definitely has boosted type 2 diabetes, especially people who are not obese Marrah_G Jul 2015 #2
This is important BrotherIvan Jul 2015 #3
"especially liquid sugar and high fructose which is very toxic." And you have a reputable source cstanleytech Jul 2015 #16
What gets me is how every beverage just has to be MORE SoCalDem Jul 2015 #4
hardest habit I've ever kicked olddots Jul 2015 #5
"sugary" drinks actually usually have high fructose corn syrup in them which makes them worse. cui bono Jul 2015 #6
Was about to post something similar. Fawke Em Jul 2015 #8
Yep. There's a Mexican food place near where I used to work that gets the Mexican coke. cui bono Jul 2015 #11
Pepsi Throwback is made with sugar, not HFCS Ino Jul 2015 #26
Most Costcos carry reasonably priced cases of Mexican coke now... cascadiance Jul 2015 #45
Right about diet sodas... thesquanderer Jul 2015 #17
One key thing though is the part where it says cstanleytech Jul 2015 #20
There is no salt in coke or diet coke, don't know about others (n/t) thesquanderer Jul 2015 #21
I know they use it in diet pepsi, wonder what diet sodas the women were drinking exactly. nt cstanleytech Jul 2015 #23
i detested diet sodas shanti Jul 2015 #44
re: "it's not a good idea to drink your calories!" thesquanderer Jul 2015 #46
"artificial sweeteners are bad for you, most likely they cause cancer" goldent Jul 2015 #22
Donald Rumsfeld and the Strange History of Aspartame Oilwellian Jul 2015 #50
at normal levels studies fail to show increased cancer risk Amishman Jul 2015 #54
I think the kosher version of Coke is ok too - TBF Jul 2015 #34
One of my two biggest peeves in food... SoapBox Jul 2015 #7
Yes ... and nitrates and nitrites. lpbk2713 Jul 2015 #10
You are so right. 840high Jul 2015 #14
It is amazing what they put sugar in just to get you addicted to it. cui bono Jul 2015 #12
My ex died in 2008 from this moonbeam23 Jul 2015 #13
Soda, shmoda...it'sin everything PennyK Jul 2015 #15
so much this... Feron Jul 2015 #60
. trinidad Jul 2015 #25
We decided to drop sodas, both sweetened and artificially sweetened. Android3.14 Jul 2015 #27
My husband is not fat and has type 2 diabetes. Vinca Jul 2015 #28
Type 2 does have a genetic component, however.. Feron Jul 2015 #62
I've tried to quit drinking pop so many times A Little Weird Jul 2015 #29
I stopped drinking soda in October 2014 Orrex Jul 2015 #33
Sales of soda continue to fall -- lower now than in 1995 GreatGazoo Jul 2015 #35
Actually, Glaceau, the company who created Vitamin Water Dr Hobbitstein Jul 2015 #38
You're close: Glacéau is a french sounding brand created by Energy Brands and the original product GreatGazoo Jul 2015 #40
You're right... Dr Hobbitstein Jul 2015 #41
sugar doesnt kill, people do HFRN Jul 2015 #39
the Europeans I know are always thrown when we mention that the real-sugar soda's the healthy one MisterP Jul 2015 #42
Actual suger or HFCS. Few sodas use sugar. hobbit709 Jul 2015 #47
Ridiculous. It's something else. Not a Fan Jul 2015 #49
I never drink sodas or even fruit juices. RebelOne Jul 2015 #55
I thank my lucky stars that my mother never allowed soda in the house when cwydro Jul 2015 #57
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»Sugar is literally killin...»Reply #49