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(8,203 posts)
46. keep it up folk's - you surely are hell bent for election
Sat May 21, 2016, 01:25 PM
May 2016

to give trump the WH - I have seen the Nader (bush v gore) ...this is so like the PUMAs of yor' - folk yor' - I am so sick of all the infighting..may the Democratic party not splinter..I shudder to think you'all would put self interest before country...WTH...

I will continue to offer my time for voter registration .....for the good of the country - for the good of Democracy..and for the good of the effin' SUPREME COURT.....when will we ever learn -

I respect your opinion - just respect the opinions of others as well.....

Kickin' with disgust Faux pas May 2016 #1
Allow me to second that kick - and its qualifying intention. eom Betty Karlson May 2016 #19
Quit attacking Hillary: Sanders has lost: Hillary knows she will fight for every vote lewebley3 May 2016 #59
Pointing out her lies isn't attacking. They didn't have WMD in Iraq, hello!! Not an attack. rhett o rick May 2016 #110
Hillary doesn't lie: if she did the GOP would bast it everywhere: lewebley3 May 2016 #124
When she lied about the WMD in Iraq they cheered. They like her. She agrees with rhett o rick May 2016 #127
Hillary is very honest person: she has to be everything she does or says is examined lewebley3 May 2016 #128
Then explain why she lied to the Senate about WMD in Iraq. Her speech was almost rhett o rick May 2016 #129
Hillary ddin't lie about anything about Iraq: Bush lied about Iraq lewebley3 May 2016 #131
She didn't lie: you are just Sanders propagandist lewebley3 May 2016 #132
Her speech is available. rhett o rick May 2016 #133
The Daily News is owned by Ruppert Murdoch. No different than FOX. P.S., Sanders still lost. The End Trust Buster May 2016 #2
The Daily News has consistently favored Hillary over Bernie. KPN May 2016 #5
Ruppert Murdoch is not objective by definition. He wishes to sow the seeds of division on the Left. Trust Buster May 2016 #8
True, but that rag has favored Hillary for the most part. KPN May 2016 #9
Democrats favor Hillary and not Sanders that is the only reason Sanders lost lewebley3 May 2016 #61
Sanders has won a victory one way or other. He has exposed the corrupt culture that rhett o rick May 2016 #112
Sanders exposed nothing: we all know about citizen's united lewebley3 May 2016 #123
She needs to bring Rupert to heel RufusTFirefly May 2016 #39
There is no division on the Left. The division in the Democratic Party is between the Left rhett o rick May 2016 #111
It was Sanders himself who had poor or NO answers to the interview he gave with NYDN. Sanders owned riversedge May 2016 #76
No - tge NY Post is murdoch's rag. nt Lucky Luciano May 2016 #28
Don't confuse them with facts nxylas May 2016 #53
If votes are not counted in caucus states then they can't be included Arkansas Granny May 2016 #3
Lol! KPN May 2016 #6
I see you don't understand what a representative government stands for. n/t A Simple Game May 2016 #13
Oh KPN sees all right Depaysement May 2016 #34
See there, you missed the whole point.... or.... pangaia May 2016 #23
Popular vote cannot be used SusanLarson May 2016 #45
It's really quite simple (and it's MATH!) 1monster May 2016 #47
Power to the math! MyNameGoesHere May 2016 #50
Never did understand Bernie math. LOL Laser102 May 2016 #81
And I'm not sure you're understanding Hillary Math either. 2banon May 2016 #114
this is really important information. thank you! Merryland May 2016 #4
For the same reason Trump is always bragging about his crowd and (ahem) hand size corkhead May 2016 #7
Hillary is winning the popular vote. hrmjustin May 2016 #10
She's the greatest thing ever. They just can't (or won't) see it. Gene Debs May 2016 #11
She's the greatest thing ever if you like Gary 50 May 2016 #15
Trust me, that was twelve tons of sarcasm. A comment on the apparent ironclad inability of Gene Debs May 2016 #18
:) 2banon May 2016 #115
Hillary is a politician: she is not applying for St.hood: She will work with her party lewebley3 May 2016 #64
Hillary Clinton's "party" consists of Hillary Clinton. Gene Debs May 2016 #78
LOL! Plucketeer May 2016 #31
Ain't you cute! hrmjustin May 2016 #32
Spent too much time around the Bushes. Downwinder May 2016 #12
If that were true she would not be Dem: Hillary is not a trust baby lewebley3 May 2016 #65
It depends on what is, is Geronimoe May 2016 #14
She is quoting the record. Yes, Hillary will win. Bernie has no rational chance. Sancho May 2016 #16
Hillary's big numerical lead is due to her having won in Southern states, many of which JDPriestly May 2016 #21
Arguments in favor of Bernie or against Hillary don't matter any more... Sancho May 2016 #27
So - you say to all the folks voting on June 7th... Plucketeer May 2016 #33
No...that's the size of the lead Hillary has... Sancho May 2016 #36
Hillary's run Plucketeer May 2016 #38
Not true...Bernie was lucky and he was treated more than fairly. Sancho May 2016 #57
On every point you are wrong. JDPriestly May 2016 #108
It's simply because Hillary ran a great campaign and got more votes, AlbertCat May 2016 #54
Bernie has immense support in California, and we would like to vote. JDPriestly May 2016 #105
Move earlier...we did in Florida.... Sancho May 2016 #107
Obama and ICE are currently running a deportation campaign. JDPriestly May 2016 #109
If you call a sleazy, slimy, lying campaign great... it was disgusting. cui bono May 2016 #119
Sanders is helping Trump now: Sanders had his chance he lost lewebley3 May 2016 #63
Beware! BOT Plucketeer May 2016 #73
Sanders is helping Trump now AlbertCat May 2016 #93
That attitude actually makes a Democratic win by any candidate JDPriestly May 2016 #103
+1 nt Duval May 2016 #29
FFS, even people in the south knew who Bernie was when they voted. Arkansas Granny May 2016 #62
Bernie's platform, his honesty and his good character have become JDPriestly May 2016 #104
Remember when we were told gordyfl May 2016 #88
.....! KoKo May 2016 #135
I believe yoju missed the point.. or.. you didn't miss the point.. pangaia May 2016 #24
Thanks for this post. It sets the record straight. JDPriestly May 2016 #17
one each for each vote won at the caucus Fresh_Start May 2016 #26
It's what she does best. smiley May 2016 #20
"... why then, does she continue to lie to the people?" pangaia May 2016 #22
Lying is so natural to her. It's 840high May 2016 #87
For 18th Time Today, Hillary Asks Aide if Bernie Has Conceded Yet LS_Editor May 2016 #25
Sanders has proven he doesn't have leadership qualities: his people are bullies lewebley3 May 2016 #67
How's that? LS_Editor May 2016 #90
Lame meme perpetrated by the DNC/Clinton establishment. KPN May 2016 #121
Will pass this on for sure! We have our State Convention coming up Equinox Moon May 2016 #30
"We're winning the popular vote" ~Hillary Clinton, 2008 LadyHawkAZ May 2016 #35
very interesting, thanks grasswire May 2016 #83
For the presumptive nominee, she's still doing a lot of nasty stuff RufusTFirefly May 2016 #37
3M+ - no amount of bernie-math changes the facts DrDan May 2016 #40
It's the number cited by every reputable source BainsBane May 2016 #41
If numbers do not lie why does Hillary need to do it so often? Ford_Prefect May 2016 #42
Hillary doesn't lie: Sander is lying to his supporters he has lost lewebley3 May 2016 #68
On the evidence she has repeatedly and about substantial issues. In this case the numbers. Ford_Prefect May 2016 #72
If she's so certain Wibly May 2016 #43
Sanders people, if that is what you are - asiliveandbreathe May 2016 #49
Call me names Wibly May 2016 #98
Hillary is not the only one that is certain: anyone with math skills knows Hillary has lewebley3 May 2016 #69
Only if its special Clinton math Wibly May 2016 #94
Another misleading OP SCantiGOP May 2016 #44
keep it up folk's - you surely are hell bent for election asiliveandbreathe May 2016 #46
When Hillary feels threatened Boldine May 2016 #48
Hillary never feels threatened she is a fighter: She will take on the Trump the bully lewebley3 May 2016 #74
Not a fighter, but a bare-knuckles scrapper Boldine May 2016 #82
Hopefully she will have whatever it takes: the poor and elderly are at risk: lewebley3 May 2016 #84
In the world of propaganda it's called bandwagoning azurnoir May 2016 #51
No it call math: we all arrived at same numbers: Sanders has lost: and without grace lewebley3 May 2016 #86
bandwagoning azurnoir May 2016 #91
No just adding numbers: that is all lewebley3 May 2016 #122
yep 'cause all the kewl kids are doing it azurnoir May 2016 #125
No lies, she has 3 million more people -Democrats- vote for her as President. wisteria May 2016 #52
huge numbers of her votes came from states Trump will slaughter her in AntiBank May 2016 #60
Maybe because a loser Socialist who has never even been vetted seems like a Walk away May 2016 #85
democratic socialist (a very mild one at that) and a progressive who would beat Trump AntiBank May 2016 #89
Bern has already lost to Hillary Cryptoad May 2016 #54
HIllary can lose every delegate in CA and she still wins the Nomination. AlbertCat May 2016 #58
yes, Clinton and her corporate masters want to smash, once and for all, any progressive AntiBank May 2016 #66
Nobody owns Hillary: She is her own person and always has been lewebley3 May 2016 #71
that qualifies as one of the most LUDICROUS statements I have ever seen on this board AntiBank May 2016 #75
It would to a Sander propaganda bully: if Hillary wanted to be richer she lewebley3 May 2016 #77
110+ million USD...How Hillary and Bill Clinton Parlayed Decades of Public Service into Vast Wealth AntiBank May 2016 #79
She is her own person and always has been AlbertCat May 2016 #92
If u don't win ur message is meaningless! Cryptoad May 2016 #106
If u don't win ur message is meaningless! AlbertCat May 2016 #113
She is up over 3 million votes over Bernie...she needs 92 more delegates... beachbumbob May 2016 #56
Proof please Wibly May 2016 #95
Sorry, but Hillary Clinton is winning the popular vote — by a wide margin reACTIONary May 2016 #70
Too funny Wibly May 2016 #96
LOL, right up there with.... reACTIONary May 2016 #100
She's not misleading RandySF May 2016 #80
What? Wibly May 2016 #97
No, its not misleading... reACTIONary May 2016 #101
She's telling the truth. Even Sanders admits it. He says over and ove that he has received lunamagica May 2016 #99
She is not the one misleadingshe is up by three million votes, this is a fact. Thinkingabout May 2016 #102
A misleading campaign means a misleading presidency felix_numinous May 2016 #116
Yes...it's Always about Business! Now that they have the Money! KoKo May 2016 #134
Lying liars lie. It's pathological for her, as natural as breathing. AtomicKitten May 2016 #117
Just might be compulsive since that seems to be what she does even when the truth serves better emsimon33 May 2016 #118
Because without lies it doesn't look so certain. nt thereismore May 2016 #120
Shaun King's attempt at analysis is simply wrong Gothmog May 2016 #126
Stop trying to undo the will of the majority of democrats youceyec May 2016 #130
When bullshit is all you've got... dchill May 2016 #136
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»Video & Multimedia»If Clinton Is So Sure She...»Reply #46