Democratic Underground

Archives: October 18, 2003

Geyer; Poppy's award to Ted Kennedy a slap at Junior?

Abrams and Novak and Rove? Oh My! -Alterman

The New York Times’s “liberal” argument for colonial occupation

A conservative's review of Al Franken's 'Lies and the Lying Liars'

Stan Goff: Piss on my leg

Jim Rarey: The Murder of David Kelly

This week's Bill Moyers NOW - No child left behind, addict treatment, more

Doubt over Mother Teresa's miracle

Are Nigger and fag now allowed in thread titles in the Lounge?

Sharon buries a stillborn peace plan

Dean, Kucinich Democratize Fundraising

for Dean fans & bloggers – MSNBC article about Zephyr Teachout

Dennis will be in Venice, CA tomorrow showing his support for strikers

Ted Danson has given $2000 to Clark and to Edards

Kucinich Camp Brags of Success

Dennis has posted at the volunteer board!

Kucinich joins the picket line in CA tomorrow:

Standing by your principles:

Like Edwards' ideas? Dean does

Kucinich supporter makes cross-country voyage

New Foreign Policy Team will try to counteract Kristol's PNAC

Next Health Disaster: Afghanistan & AIDS

Iowa republicans choose campaign issue for 2004..

Kerry on CNBC NOW !!

question re: Joseph Wilson

The latest on the Schiavo case

Mike Malloy ragging on Pigboy -- streaming

Anyone watching VH1 Illustrated TV Show? It's fantastic!

In North Carolina, Bowles Leads Burr

Dean calls out the Republicans for trying to defund the government

Has anyone been to this message board?

Anybody watching "They Live" on AMC?

Why are you a Republican?

Edwards i just rewatched hardball

Web Site for the Like-Minded Turns into Boon for Dean

Does this freak you out, or I’m I too cynical?

General Apologizes to Those Offended by His Anti-Muslim Comments

suggestion: instead of saying X candidate is our "only hope" of winning…

The Battalion Commander of the 716th Military Police was killed

Speaking of emigration, how long does it take to be granted...

Saddam was a thug so we had to bomb Iraq.

The Tale of the Tape: Opinions on Dean vs Clark

I Am A Republican Because

Why start a "good news" PR offensive and then leave the country?

Economics of working for a living

Labor unrest and Corporate profits

The great left hope? – Salon on Dennis Kucinich

Our pResident ...On the road again

Sick, wounded U.S. troops held in squalor

OMFG. an actual Conservative exists.

Number of days off for Bush as of 8/3/03

What would it take to get Bush to resign the Presidency?

Mike Malloy Mentions Seventhson

CHINA IN SPACE: The new kid on the block (Warning, long)

The National Review owes ME an apology re BUSH/Nazi past.

"The Guy James Show" special guest this week is Bev Harris

BBV Activists: Brainstorming Thread #2 (images/memes/slogans)

What would happen if some computer geek hacked an election

What will you do if the draft is brought back?

If Bush thinks NAZI thing is bad, wait till JFK stuff goes public!

Conservatism is a sick fraud, a madness!!

Daschle, labor nix U.S. asbestos fund proposal

Sick, wounded US troops held in squalor

4 Alarm Fire in downtown Chicago

Four U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq Clashes

American in Qaeda Cell in Oil Co. -- Saudi Official

Rising anti-US trend forcing * to adjust terror war tactics: analysts

The picture which shames US army

Halliburton Overbills in Iraq-Congressman

Candidates Seek Audience With Arab Americans

Putin confident Iran has no nuclear plans

India running terrorist camps in Afghanistan: Faisal

One dead, several injured in high-rise blaze

Briton cleared of hacking Houston port system

Web Site for the Like-Minded Turns into Boon for Dean

Ten killed in firefight as tension grows in Iraq

WP: Bush* Floats Idea of N. Korean Deal

Vice-Premier Khristenko: Russia insists its oil interests in Iraq be recko

Europen Union Wants to Build Own Military

Iraqi Police Say Three Polish Soldiers Killed in Grenade Attack

U.S. spy plane crash-lands near North Korea

Bush tells Koizumi UN is Old and should be reformed

Goni Sánchez de Lozada en Santa Cruz (Bolivia)

Travel Industry Bucks Bush Over Cuba Ban

Sick, wounded U.S. troops held in squalor

Storm over bottom (rectal)swabs at APEC meeting (Bangkok)

U.S. commander killed in Iraq firefight - CNN - CO of 716th MP Bn

France warns against Iran action

Bush's EPA won't stop sludge fertilizer

Cheney: Americans have accepted terrorism challenge

Discount Tire guy # 6..(The Nose Hall of Fame)

Who is the goofiest person you know?

Yea! I have a job interview Monday at 9:30 AM

"Hello, my name is Doofy!"

The new Pizza Hut commercial - how often has this happened to you?

Cool my buddy just got a roundtrip ticket from Vancouver to Montreal

Is a full ashtray a piece of art?

STRAIGHT MEN - Take a look at this photo and tell me what you think?

Chili con carne and a nice cold beer after a long week.

Boston Public is on right now - central time zone!

Sniper movie on USA

The Next Joe Millionaire, who is the dumbest:

Tonight I'm gonna get me some of this:

I'm a multimillionaire that FOX left behind

Love means

It's a hard world, it's a hard life

I Saw An Ad For "Scary Movie 3"... Was That REALLY Michael Jackson?

The latest Hate Mailbag is definitely the Biz-Zomb!!

All Hail EarG's latest HATEMAIL BAG!

Wow, Americanism lives on via scalping world series tix on ebay

Does anyone think Jake 2.0 is cute, in a nerdy sort of way? Photo attached

Thanks for the Pepperoni

OK Kids let's play "ID the song lyric". I'll start

Anybody know of any new rock stations that broadcast over the web?

One more Cubs thread

Hey, you! Psst...want to shrink some coins?

Wanna get pregnant? Then get your male buddy to stop doing these:

What if Spyware was on my computer

Iowa bumper sticker poll results

Help identify a movie quote, please.

They Live: Possibly Carpenter's most underrated movie?

In the Movie "The Ring"...

So, Letterman 1 for 2 mailbag girl 3 for 4

anybody remember "Midnight in Moscow?" a little tune...

I can't take it any more -- What Spam blocker do you recommend

Exclusive, behind-the-scene photo of Arnold/* photo op

How many enemies do you have?

Any curses been put on you?

I'm one of the FRIGIN' FAG LOVEIN' LIBRALS and a nigger loving fag!

So what have you been listening to lately?

Pat Robertson's favorite bible verse...

Anybody watching VH1 Illustrated???

Many a tear has to fall

Old Moody Blues Lyrics

Dia de los Muertos

SuSE Linux 9 soon to be released (Oct 24)

Anybody know about "SpyHunter" software? Is this an Internet scam?

How many corporations are anti-family?

Supreme Court Halts Recount, Dashes Red Sox Pennant Hopes

I desperately need a hug

How did you decide on your pseudonym here?

So two years and 7000 posts.

Hate Email Bag

iTunes for Windows 2000 - XP

The New Road to the White House

A 'safe' mosque in a shaken city

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr Schwarzenegger

Killed in Action (Media and lack of images of flag-draped coffins)

Salon : Did the Saudis know about 9/11?

Bush Announces End to Fire Threat

Rothschild (Progressive Mag.) - Dean, Kucinich Democratize Fundraising

Hello big brother, goodbye privacy: The Patriot Act and your retirement

Military retirement fund looted!

Presidential Ecospeak -- NYTimes editorial

Another Century of War?

The New Military-Industrial-Entertainment Complex at War and Play

Anna Quindlen-Still Needing the F Word

Bush Rocked by Senate Rebellion: Julian Borger

Bush-Cheney Sightings - Protest Info needed


Blatant MisInformation or what? NBC NEWSONLINE

The media sure works in subtle ways

Study Finds Arnold The Focus Of Recall (lovefest) Coverage (Duh!)

Why no video or pictures of the bulldozed orchards in Iraq?

Astrologers: Arnold, the Archetypal Warrior

Margo's Magical Letters

Bugging heightens tensions between blacks, FBI

The Labor Productivity Myth

Vanity Fair Nov. issue - Nuclear Insecurity

ARKANSAS Focus : Enforce standards, attorney tells EPA

The CIA, Russia, the Middle East and Peak Oil

Is Syria Next?

Child labourers freed from granite pits

Where is the guns in the news thread for the 17th?

GUNS IN THE NEWS--October 18, 2003

Democrats to talk up rights of gun owners

why is it taking hours to tombstone a certain freeper poster??

Complete Smiley list

Question about Avalon Sparks' Talking Bush Doll Thread

This poll is clearly random Catholic Bashing

Excuse me Mr. Administrator...

The One-State Solution

EU 'strongly deplores' Malaysian PM's remarks on Jews

Report: U.S. suspects charity gave millions to terror groups

Islamic Anti-Semitism - NY Times

Megawati applauded Mahathir attack on Jews

What do we know & how do we know it ?

Sunday's NY Times "Fashion & Style" section covers Dem house parties

Democrats to talk up rights of gun owners

Web Site for the Like-Minded Turns into Boon for Dean

New Wesley Clark bio at Washington Post

Here's a 50 min interview with Edwards on NH Public Radio

The Demographics Of Clarkism

Lieberman Blasted For Supporting Israeli Wall - Where Is Your Candidate?

Watching the Body Language: "Gesturing Candidates" (AP)

Does Lieberman support US unilateralism?

TNR: push polls in NH vs Clark, not Dean's, but Rove's

Dean Visibility on ESPN today

My letter to David Brooks

Clean elections fans

Can A Kucinich Person Explain His Iraq Plan?

Why I've become a Dean Supporter.

Dean is not McGovern, he is fully electable IMHO

Canvassing in NYC (for Clark)

Dennich Kucinich, Ed Asner and Mimi Kennedy rally with strikers in Venice

observation about dean supporters

Clark . . . again

this has been a great primary season so far

a letter from a soldier about Iraq concerning soldier suicides

Iran deadline a Bush dilemma too - Chickenhawks dusting off bombing plans

Sunday's NY Times "Fashion & Style" section covers Dem house parties

Freaked my neighbor out with Bin Laden / Bush Connection – Links please

Michael Moore in Albuquerque NM...

Guess who else is having a rally in DC on Oct. 25? Return of the Freepers

KGO streaming Karel -- American health care is badly broken.

BBV-Story about Diebold-Is Democracy Under Attack?

KB&R imports workers to Iraq - Pay is $3 a day - taxpayers $2 Billion

Thai mouse.....

Yahoo there are whackos in Canada too

Bush on CNN live right now.

Is There an SSRI For Happy Conservative Syndrome?

Stopping my subscription to the Washington Post!

Does anyone know if NATO could move against US if we decide to bomb Iran/

About Democracy Now and Col. Sam Gardiner

"General apologizes for giving offense"

Wounded soldiers will no longer pay $8.10 a day for hospital food

Massive Filipino support for Bush, throngs line streets

I swear to god, the ignorant fuck is getting worse.

Does anyone here think that "The New Republic" is pro-Liberman?

Dem anti-Clark activities in an AOL political chat room

SouthWest box cutters

Governor Wants Iowans To Sign Petition

Headline News

Set the wayback machine for 1946

BIG news: 135 cities,38 states,& Canada coming to DC/SF Oct.25

Thanks Bush! Bin Laden is a happy man.

Twenty dollar bill has hidden picture of WTC and Pentagon on fire!

How To Stop The #1 Abuse of Executive Power

Iraq Keeps U.S. Hospital in Germany Busy - (600 extra Doc & Nurses)

Anyone see the NBC promos for the Pvt. Lynch movie?

Just Congress Down

Pfc.Lynch's "savior" on Dateline last night (book selling fluff story)

Can someone tell me what a Cook County Democrat is?

Hey, George! You're losing 'Middle America'!

Fiore: Commander George's Travelling Road Show

WSWS: As Bush lies, Iraq seethes (facts counter CNN happy news)

How far are we from 'Nam?

He broke we have to pay for it?

Krugman Calls For Kerry's Tax Plan

Local lawyers battle Saudi princes in court

Where's Arnold?

which company manufactured 'oxycotin'??

Our nimble president has stuck his foot in his mouth again -- dear, dear

Bu$h radio address...Bashing Saddam...give it a rest.

Yes, Bush is a strong leader. If America wants to go bottom fishing

Four more Soldiers die in Iraq.

Ok How many are going to watch AFlyBoy's Story on CNN:Sun

EPIC Sues DOJ for PATRIOT Act Lobbying Info

CNN Kobe obsession is embarassing.

If we win next year, let's start a liberal patriotism police

Brain injuries take toll on US soldiers.

Americans killed to date in Iraq as compared to those killed in Vietnam...

Harsh UK Guardian story about Bush will boost your spirits

Bush To Media: Come Together Right Now

Texas emergency rooms - for real

What is the real deal with the economy? Up or Down?

What If There Is Something Going On In There?

Iraq Elections -- When Will They Come?

BBV: Dieblod and CA:right wing blog reporting

9-11: Why We Can't Move On

Congratulations to all

Sea of troubles in a stormy month

BBV on Guy James Now

How will "flightsuit" save his bid for a second term?

Washington Post Profile on Wesley Clark

Not AGAIN?!? Clark Praised Bush Yet ANOTHER Time!

My response to freeper letter ridiculing Clark and Kerry

Reporting from OUR Nation's Capital: the March headquarters

Joe Heckled for support of Israel

Toffler - Changes in the digital age and democracy:

Why Is It the People "Buy the Ranch" but Not the Insurance Policy????

Iraq and Al Qaeda

387 U.S. troops dead.

BBV on Guy James Now

One would think that these people would be a little bit more sensitive

The nitwit in the bubble

Stop the Catholic Bashing

Wingnut Hirsen on BookTV Blaming H'wood for Dean's Lead

Only the Democrats can lead us out of Iraq.

Question about the Plame investigation

BBV on now on "This is Hell" - Sat. 12:00CT

Has Ahhnold made you want to vote for Bush?

The sales of big ticket items are looking up

Just can't escape that liberal media bias!

just another day for little georgie

A good example of Divisive Clark vs. Dean Rovian tactics

Michael Moore criticism on

Can the Holocaust Survivors sue the Bush Family?

Who do NON-Vocal DU’ers Support?

Did Novak Get New Dentures ??? He Looks Like A Chipmunk !!!

New TALKING George Bush Doll

LOL! Hilarious letter to Bunnypants via


Overreative Moderators.....

Clark & Dean still haven't signed on to the Womens Issues Forum 11/5

so wad-ya know bout , JINSA, AEI, PNAC, DPB and C.G ...

Cave-in re. Gross/O'Reilly by NPR ombudsman

Who thought democracy would take such a fall?

Who will Guard the Guardians? A Former General as President?

I hated Russia Growing up....who do your kids hate?

If you could ask the 9 Demo candidates one question what would it be?

Clark's bipartisanship will defeat Bush

Funk, Shelton (Clark detractors) and the crab fable

FAUX News distorts again: Get this

Bush: making friends and influencing people all over the world

Weekly virus report

Clark Praised Bush AGAIN in 2002 Speech

How much do you think the Dems who signed off on 'welfare reform' care

The question about just who the GOP fears most ....MUST READ

DUDE, Where's my country 1# on Ny Times - WHOO HOO

Cal Univ. student sentenced for Election Tampering. Found on MSNBC!

TNR: Rove, not Dean did the anti-Clark push polls in NH

Where Is Your Candidate On The Separation Wall?

How much do you think Clinton cares about results like this?

Can the animal rights wack jobs do anything more stupid than this?

Joe Conason on the Right's attacks on Wesley Clark

BBV: Florida battler in Broward county raising a stink

Black Box Voting is BACK UP

Why should Iraq have to pay us back?

Dude, where is my Democratic Party?

Had my letter read on Crossfire.

Moseley Braun says death penatly on the way out (Tennesean)

Have we missed the *most important* story this week?

The (Finally) Emerging Republican Majority or Why bush deserves to win

Official Guy James Show thread 3pm -please keep kicked!

The Right Kind Of Terrorist

TNR To Dean: Don't Be A Roach-Hater

Bush's "spirit" cursed with black magic, tossed into Thai river

Calif Attorney General Bill Lockyer voted for Schwarzenegger!

Maybe it's just me - But is Bin Laden alive?

How long will God keep the Pope alive?

Bush called Australia's P.M. "his sheriff" in south-east Asia!

BBV - Diebold threatening indymedia with cease and desist

Oprha For President. Seriously.

John Kerry And Jesse Helms

Voting scams are happening now, and we should be watching

I am beginning to have second thoughts about Cousin Wesley

Why are Freepers having a rally the same day of the ANSWER Protest?

Only 11 Dem senators oppose the $87 billion - a pitiful showing, eh?

Howard Dean: "I supported what the President did..." in Afghanistan...

What on earth is going on in Bolivia?!!!!!

Arnold to Settle Enron Lawsuits for Pennies on the Dollar? Surprise!!

Should I bother calling my Repug Senator and Congressman?

I'm A Man I'm Liberal And Yes I Consider My Self A Feminist. Do You

Which Repug ticket would you fear the most in 2008?

To quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along"????

Clark posts on blog.

A Right-to-Die Battle Enters Its Final Days

WTF: WH releasing thousands of docs on Wilson & Plame! Right.

AIDS Documentary Discussed on Washington Journal (Saturday)

What would the next 4 years look like if BUSH2 gets the nod?

Is there child slavery lurking in your Halloween chocolate?

Final plans for DU's gathering the weekend of Oct. 25 in Washington, D.C.

Battle ensues over bulletproof vests (More on lack of vests in Iraq)

Affidavit Ties In Al-Arian/ October 19, 2003

Spain to probe US 'war crime'

AP Exclusive: California changes rules on how police can spy

Protests greet Bush in Philippines

Bank Refunds Money to Irate Senator (Gregg Robbery)

Saudis raise FBI ire by paying for lawyers, bail of citizens arrested in t

FBI: College Student who Breeched Airport Security Found

Company Is Foreign at Tax Time, but Seeks Americans-Only Work

*Update* Chicago Cook County Administrative Office Building Fire

U.S. Forces Surround Office of Iraq Shi'ite Cleric

Thousands Protest Bush's Visit to Manila

Iraq Keeps U.S. Hospital in Germany Busy

Bush facing hard sell in Asia

Microsoft Bids to Acquire Catholic Church

Arab-American leader: Keeping general sends negative message [CNN]

Attack Fears Shorten Bush Visit to Manila

BREAKING! Two audio messages purportedly from Osama bin Laden aired!

Record labels send out notices to file sharers [new tactic]

Specter to question drug agents who sued Fisher

Arab Americans badger Lieberman during talk


Republican Chairman Says Graham Is Vulnerable

Eight Marines Charged in Iraq Death

Brain injuries take toll on US soldiers.

U.S. forces, Iraqi police arrest 11 in raid

Diebold Issues Cease and Desist to Indymedia

Powell Urges Thailand, Neighbors to Promote Democratic Change in Burma

U.S. Crackdown on Shi'ites Fuels Iraqi Anger

Bush's 'spirit' cursed, tossed into Thai river

Katz (Republican Candidate) Wants Lawsuit Against Him Sealed

Governor's redistricting map gamble may pay off

Florida's problems in 2000 vote loom over secretary of state race

Ambassador accused after criticising US

Source: Feds dismissed E-mail warning of plan to conceal items on planes

Kerry Announces Job Stimulation Package

For General (Clark), Mostly Salutes or Hoots

Instead of Dialogue, Bush Gives Senators Bottom Line

US troops question presence in Iraq.

No sex, please - we're holding an economic summit

Bush Cites Philippines as Model in Rebuilding Iraq

Osama warns of new attacks in US and against foreign forces in Iraq

Kerry, Lieberman urge ouster of Army officer

Z's October cover label's bush as LIAR

Shias fight back as resistance spreads

Democrats: Republican Policies Hurt U.S. Homefront

(Recall) Group seeks to repeal law granting licenses to illegals

Turkey to abandon deployment plans if troops not welcome

How the old world rejected the new

Daily Choice Turned Deadly: Children Left on Their Own

AP Exclusive: Fewer GIs Likely in Korea

Overcapacity Stalls New Jobs in U.S.

Bush's "spirit" cursed with black magic, tossed into Thai river

8 Marines Charged in Iraq Death

Bush's Popularity With Older Voters Is Seen as Slipping

Protests, MPs walkout mark brief Bush Philippines visit

Bin Laden Vows More Suicide Attacks

Blair calls off royal parade for Bush after Iraq protest fears: report

Thai mouse to risk life as Bush food taster!

Dean Gets Standing Ovation from Arab-Americans

I flirted with a cop today--ask me anything!

If you want a reply to your email, you must use a real address

Now on NOW with Bill Moyer s "Who should pay for addiction recovery?"

LOL. VP Dick Cheney is hiding from UFOs. do I report a scam

Saw "Cabin Fever" the other afternoon.

Unix - Pico Editor Question

In case anyone is interested: Cancelled my subscription to the WPost

I saw Bill Maher tonight.

Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great and Napoleon

Anyone watching Ill-ustration on VH-1? Hysterical comedy

Any chatters on AIM tonight?

Don't forget your dating etiquette.....Nancy Reagan tips

What drug inspired more art.

Gooch's Mexican Syrup & other delights

Slim ladies.... Your "ordeal" is over

Somebody call the plumber!!!

Political Cartoonist needs inspiration and money

Want a Raise? Standing Tall May Help


Ready for Game 8

Any College Football Upsets Today?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre



Hey Trekkies, get ready to eat your hearts out...

Should Possum be eaten with the fingers?

National Brotherhood Week

Yay! Prince of Space! ("I like it very much!")

Camera for sale

Troll obsession with celebrity penises...what gives?

Is it just me or does Hannity sound like George Costanza?

Rational Rose...........

Dean makes College Gameday

anyone have a link to Randi Rhodes archives?

The third call rule.

Where's Skittles?

Why the PR blitz for the new $20 bill?

Super Brilliant Demonstration Ideas!

Laura & the table cloth...again !!

My manager looks at porn on his work station.

Well....that move really sucked

Check out this email I received

Phaedra: SomeVelvet Morning?

Sports fans anyone remember "I'm just too full of Bama." Tommy Lewis.

Justice, religion, and stuff. (Chick is funny... and sick.)

How often do foreign countries update their currency?

Bar mitzvah gift question.

Don't use your microwave for this...

Now I understand why people leave Du.

Anyone know of a website where I can get old LP cover art ?

Women (and men): I have a Third Date tomorrow

Microsoft Bids to Acquire Catholic Church

Good Evening Folks (from a newguy)

Glad to see NSMA back, if only to give Solly Mack a hug


Shameless vanity post for math lovers and haters!! R. brain vs. L. brain

Biker Weekend in Palm Springs

Boondocks: Condi likes black men?

Job question

I'm on my lunch break til 1:05. Ask me anything!


Happy birthday, Chuck Berry!

What Do You Call Your Grandmother and Grandfather? Or...

I HATE TWEETY'S LAUGH! "office" is clean comparison

I just saw a Tigerlily sprout up here in the Lounge

What are Orson Scott Card's political beliefs?

Broadcast of LDS sermon included 24 seconds of "sex, sex, sex..."

HEY HEyHEY, Did you get a job yet?

Has Dean given you a reason to vote?

I'm still sick!!!!

I love "The Nanny"

Just made my place WiFi...ask me anything!

Guess who has really low Meet-Up numbers worldwide?

Are you a sex-a-phobe?

Kill Bill Soundtrack

Help me set up an algebra equation.

"I'm gonna nail yo ass"....Name that movie!

HNIC is gonna be good tonight.

ok, signed up for DSL

Anyone seen the Green Flash at Sunset?


Moving SUCKS Redux

the allegory of the cave CAPTION

Has anyone seen "Second Hand Lions?" Is it any good?

Why do I get pop-up boxes telling me how I can get rid of popup boxes?

Real Military Fighter Pilots have nicknames!!! Geo W Bush, what would you

more moronics from warren sapp.

Why do the networks show infomecials in the middle of the day on weekends?

What do you think is the best Lyric from a song Thread 2

"Ooooooooooo Rock Me Amadeus!!"

My CTRL Key Does Not Work

Whopping case of depersonalization.

Oh my God, Oh my God..Just in time for the Chrismas Shopping Season...

Prince.....better known as ??? now known as

"Impractical" purchases/hobbies YOU don't regret......

going to a Sing-along Sound of Music tonight!

What do I do now? line question


New TALKING George Bush Doll

the 60's retro Sgt. Pepper of all CAPTIONS

I got dismissed from Jury Duty today. Ask me anything!

Don't they make a cute CAPTION

queer scene in portsmouth NH??

What happened to Steve Thomas on "This Old House"

Is it true? DId McDonalds lose $231 million last year?

People who have been to Ireland: What part would I like

Why is/was sex considered so bad for sooo long

Duck eggs

World Series boycott: Day I

Great, now my cat is dying

Game 1 WS thread(Hope this isn't a dupe):

Favorite Non-English Obscenity

Back from the "Deathbed of Democracy"....Didja miss me?

Dude, My book is rated #1 this week on the NYTimes bestseller list

This is a post from my daughter...

Two voluptuous women walk into a bar

Going to meet Howard Dean tonight!

Saw Hedwig & the Angry Inch for the first time last night.


I'm not keen on the excessive swearing, but I love this guy's controversy:

There is a big moth on my ceiling should I?

Man hits hole-in-one, bowls perfect 300 in same day

List of movies that had the Twin Towers shown in them

Best Decade for Teen Flix????

In God WeTrust

Screw the Segway!!!!

Secret Guilty Pleasure TV Shows you will confess you watch!!

Deleted message

Question about Marijuana Possession

How Often Do You Check Your Primary E-Mail Account?

2 Questions: 1)Are you superstitious? 2)Do you believe in ghosts?

This is NOT what I had in mind for a study break...

Congratulations to all

OK, so what was the *best* Number 1 single of the '60s?

Now THAT'S a pumpkin carving! (share your best pumpkin pics here)

What was the worst Number 1 single of the 1960s?

How big is it?

Arroyo con Pollo of all CAPTIONS

Is coral calcium another scam?

Comment on my Manifesto!! (a little long)

This is too funny!

Did Novak Get New Dentures ??? He Looks Like A Chipmunk !!!

Time for another WELCOME DU NEWBIES thread!