Democratic Underground

Archives: January 1, 2005

CIA is looking for a few good doctors

Christian Right's compassion deficit...hypocrites!!!!!!!

FDR & GWB: More similar than dissimilar?

Top Ten War Profiteers of 2004

The torture memos

Not a good way to start a democracy

Inaugural Fat Cats and Conflicts of Interest - WaPo LTTE

The crime of war: from Nuremberg to Fallujah

Iraq: The Logic of Disengagement

The Perfect Candidate For Iraq

High-Speed Follies

We must resist America's attempts to undermine the United Nations

How will world change in 2005?

Bearing a gift of soccer

Bush administration targets medical care for the poor

Dr. James Dobson threatens senators that his followers will vote . . .

Clarence Thomas plays clever waiting game

Christian right's compassion deficit

Bush left looking like a bystander

Sign Online Petition Now--3 hours left

Best site to find Portland, OR protests?

Biting the Media's Hand, and Demanding Air Time/ Danny Schechter

Crude Oil Is Little Changed in London, Ending Year With Gain of 34 Percent

As Norway's Oil Production Peaks, What Next For Huge Investment Fund? NYT

Newmont Tries To Block Green Proxy Vote On Indonesian Waste Disposal

Nebraska corporate farm ban assailed

Island Extinction Patterns Revealed In Continental Ecosystems - Reuters

Jared Diamond Op-Ed On Societal Collapse - Interesting! NYT

Fly-eating robot powers itself

No animals found dead in Sri Lanka

Happy New Year to the people who make this all possible...

An idea to explore?

Request for Book Club plug for Jan?

can I delete the message thread

Hey, I had a post locked...

How Does Chat Work Here?

"Calling out"?

Tens of thousands greet Abbas on visit to Rafah refugee camp

The roots of Arab Anti-Semitism/Radical Islam’s favorite Western tradition

Small town in southeastern Brazil to honor Yasser Arafat

Don't fault Israel for Palestinians' intransigence

Abbas: Killers of Jews are not murderers

Palestinians kills Palestinian girl

Abbas says he wants to shield militants

"Throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered."

Any word on the 9/11 CIA Report?

Happy New Year, all!

Happy New Year - 6 days to go

It's all about educating people on the facts

Shop at Costco and easily donate to the Red Cross

Happy ORANGE New Year!!

Analysis done by an Indian astrologer of George W. Bush. Scary Stuff!

early new year's ramble anybody out there

Happy New Year to all of my friends here at D.U.

calendar of events for the upcoming days, hours ....

Madsen info backed up in these books: Clark and Dorrien

Will there be an election fraud "tsunami"?

quick question

Rallies this week in Boston and San Francisco

No surrender


Video--2000 contest of vote....

A good short list of legitimate election fraud complaints -

New bumper sticker: I live in an Orange state! Stop election fraud!

The dollar drop

Other Places on the Net are Reporting Clear Evidence of Crime!

Strategy questions re: alternates slates of electors

Bus Leaving Chicago for Columbus on 1/3/04

Get on the "Freedom Winter Bus" from Columbus to D.C.

Howard Dean describes dubyas privates

Help!!!! How do I fax Reps and SenatorsNOTmy own through Deanpeople?

HAPPY ORANGE 2005 !! -- Great Pics from Kiev and Times Square last night

So we get a senator to join Conyers...

WE STILL NEED: A Diebold, etc. defection.

What Is Democracy?

Anyone living in a big city with shows that have live audiances - ORANGE

Don't forget these exit polls posted right after the 2nd:

Endless Scenarios?

Jackson press conference in Cleveland tomorrow!

Ohio Supreme Court - nothing but an obstacle

Has anyone contacted C-Span to carry


Evidence of Fraud and Disenfranchisement in Ohio: A Partial List

Florida Citizens! Call For Help!

website with focus on the fraud!! more and more info out there ...

Re-Vote OHIO

The Tennessean: Rally to focus on election fraud claims

New Idea for an Effective Campaign on Election Fraud

If nothing changes, in 2006 we need to...

Thieves and their schemes ...we knew this was coming, didn't we?

Blast from the Past .... thanks Buzzflash

If the election isn't contested on Jan. 6

Yahoo Former Congressman Peter Deutsch to Assist Constitutional Challenge

On Jan/ only is 2 hrs. for House and 2hrs. for Senate for Defiance

Remember the Sproul people, accused of throwing out Dem registrations?

Any opinions on Sen. Feingold ?

He Definately Knows Something!!!!!!

So is it all over after the 6th?

January 6th...?The next day which will live in "Infamy"

Blackwell already campaigning for OH Gov '06

The Case that Kerry Won is Looking Stronger.....

Rally to focus on election fraud claims

Adventures in gluing BUSH CHEATED near a campus in Ohio

Dr. Freeman has updated his paper on exit pollling

Arnebeck Election Contest - Disputed Votes Analysis

Former Congressman Peter Deutsch to Assist Challenge of Ohio Electors

The Obvious

Only 31,159 signed petition to contest vote???

D.C. 1/20?? - perhaps I can help with housing (keep kicked, please)

A question from my 11 year old nephew I will never ever forget

Evangelist Dobson targets Dem Senators

NYC rocks!!! Once again, taking the lead...Orange everywhere!!

C.A.S.E. Ohio needs volunteers in Warren...Mason City

1/1/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

the only solution -- ALL DEM Senators must protest

Please Read This Link And Listen To What Congressman Peter King Says


What is the Associated Press hiding? by hannah at kos

QUESTION: Someone else takes office until election is legitimized?

Vote challengers accuse Blackwell of trying to let 'clock run out'

How come the Hatch Act doesn't apply to Karl Rove?

The Dean People have it all set up to contact Senators

More Trials and Tribulations for Ohio

Hope 2005

what are we (this forum)gonna do after Jan 20th? We need to stick together

OR Dems sign resolution to stand with Conyers!

Does Bush realize what will happen on the 6th?

I'm going to nominate John Conyers

No matter what, Bush WILL be sworn in as president on January 20th

Dr. Freeman has updated his paper on exit pollling

Simon: To Those Awaiting Prelim Analysis of Exit Polling....

anyone have stills of the long lines in Ohio?

5,547 VOTE MARCH! Sunday, 1/2 San Diego. Join us!

Want to see something funny?

Do me a favor... it'll just take a second

are there any programs out there that will allow old dos games

Can anyone recommend a newsgroup reader?

linux dual boot options?

Rick Perry's aide in the Chronicle again for $7 BILLION contract!!!

Austin: Start your new year with George Lakoff and DFT!

Happy New Year DU from Brooklyn NY!!!!!!

Salud! Here's to all the people who should have seen 2005

Puke Alert: Colin Powell in Times Square

Okay this Malloy is a repeat, but its a good one to enjoy tonight

Happy New Year to the East Coast first edition of 2005

DU this poll - what's your best guess on the economy for 2005

who is a typical hate radio listener?

America's New Years Resolution



OK, not sure if I should say this here but......

Jingle Farts-sorry could not resist-LOL

Did I just hear Motely Crew singer say

Must see a dubya movie-it takes a few minutes to load but good

Some thoughts for the New Year

on the tsunami

Reporters' log: USS Abraham Lincoln has arrived off Sumatran coast

CNN "loses feed" of Key West gay New Year's celebration

Predictions for 2005? (Art Bell show tonight has his, what are ours?)

If you're in need of something relevant to watch...

Did a Republican ever say or do something you thought was right?

Bush's lump of coal for students

Are corporate takeovers hostile or friendly

CNN: Record LOW mining deaths this year. ONLY 51.

This New Year's Is Different, isn't it?

Our copters taking photo op today

The tsunami has taught me an important lesson.This is the age old

Iraq's jailed Mrs Anthrax 'dying' (How convenient!)

Good site for talking points on Social Security

when GWB asks for, and congress gives him, billions of dollars for the

Jeb Bush to assess tsunami needs

Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition' (shame on bush*.....)

RBS chiefs named in Enron court papers

Why you should love Apple...

Newspeak for a new year: "Bush admin stingy......

GWB the man (and hypocrite) of the year...

Flash floods hit Tsunami survivors' camp

Joe Lieberman hails Iraqi elections

Are you part of the culture of blame?

Sorry. No CSPAN alert. The Prime Minister is not on. They

Report on Bush's SS Troops

Rev Kathlyn James and words to think about for the New Year

I downloaded what?

Tsunami: 'all safe but slum destroyed', says nun from kerala

snake Cheney went duck hunting (& transferring money/instructions)

The cost of the war, and what we could have bought instead...

Baptist church thanks tsunami for killing 2000 Swedes

Japan just upped donation to 500 million

Thailand delayed warning over Tsunami

Old woman unleashes deadly attack on husband with sauce bottles

Favorite New Activism Techniques :: Business Cards

Air Force team to aid Secret Service during inauguration

How come these earth-moving quakes haven't caused any nukes to blow?

It just got worse--Phelps thanks god for killing 3000 Americans

The Ninth Level (in Hell, where all Dem leaders should go)

Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, cancel New Year's revelry

Jazz Funeral for Democracy Jan. 20 in New Orleans

Talking about all the GW Bush billboards.

Japan raises tsunami aid to 500 Million. Touche Mr. Bush*

This just in: Southern baptists to ban sex whilst standing.....

Chris Allbritton: What's up with the elections? (Iraq: Very informative)

Why no internet streaming of The Guy James Show?

Specifically...why do the Repugs hate Social Security?

The Ends of the World as We Know Them

where to stay to protest inauguration?

Dear Elizabeth Edwards...

What's That Sweet Smell.........?

Could it be, that his whole family despises him,

Voice of America staff protest nonVOA service to ME with "no editorial

On every website that has the Red Cross 'click me' button,

Patriot missile installed at snake Cheney's vacation site

When will the first lawsuit be filed?

Proof that the Founding Fathers were not Conservative

Was it really without warning?

Howard Zinn is going to be on The Daily Show next week

Magazine Toasts Unabashed Alcoholism

Top 5 GREATEST American Presidents ???

Why did the two-faced bush graphic die?

"Well 1300 are dead in Iraq that many are murdered in NY, Chicago...

Salman Rushdie et al on standing up to fundamentalists

I guess that I should be thankful I'm white (close enough) and that

NYT picture collection of tsunami disaster

Why Do Pro-Lifers Oppose Reducing Abortions?

Eyewitness Interview: "Iraq Is An Absolute Disaster":

What is the RW's true Long-Term goal?

Sears plead and will tell all about DeLay and pay 100,000 donation

Is it legal to force an employee to work more than 16 hours a day?

The tsunami disaster has spawned muddled discussions

If Jesus were alive today, the Religious Right would kill him, just like

This is a must read for all. The statistics on polling are fascinating.

Religious DUers and lurkers, riddle me this about homosexuals & marriage:

More about Robert Novak from

George Bush is Down the Rabbit Hole This Week - WHY?

Starbucks donates (only) $100,000 to tsunami victims?

Help me out - were any one F911's facts proven to be lies?

Does anyone else believe if Watergate happened in contemporary times....?

Leaving the ELCA: Rural Kindred church changes affiliation to focus on the

US gov., offered US tsunami survivor: toothbrush, phone call, book

PHOTO: bush* with "Western Whitehouse, Crawford TX"...OMG !

This guy is an a**hole on C-Span

Inauguration Who is Funding IT

Top 5 Americans who should have been president by never got to be?

Bush/Neo-nazi UNA-UNSO's involvement in Ukraine's "Revolution"

Air America Website

price of gas

Caption this photo of Bush* in high water pants leaving for Crawford

here's a fractal that aptly depics Fallujah

the big frame for GOP

New Al Quiada Recording

New laws taking effect Jan. 1 at-a-glance KALIFORNIA

because of quake we might have to add a "leap second"

Odds of "Martial Law" Being Declared?

2 Things Democrats Should Do in 2005

One of my favorite 2004 Moments Jon Stewart on Crossfire

Astrologer predicts Bush assassination in 2005

Aren't we here to debate ideas and learn from each other???

Should our Marines shoot looters and criminals in tsunami affected areas?

I can't shake the feeling that shrub and Blair knows something more

Hot drinks for cold winter nights

New Year Eve and New Years day menus please

Bill would make voting mandatory

North Korea: U.S. Policy Could Spark War

Fire, a crush, a locked main exit (at least 175 killed in nightclub fire)

Mosul election staff quit en masse

Dutch [EU Presidency] call for EU-wide silence for tsunami dead

Christian right's compassion deficit

Toledo Blade reports Urban Warfare Practice Jan 7 - 9 Toledo Ohio

Rain drenches epicenter of tsunami suffering; Sri Lanka hit with flash flo

Bloodshed greets Iraq in 2005, as Allawi vows decisive year

LA Times: Sudan, Southern Rebels a Step Closer to Ending 21-Year War

LA Times: Yanukovich Steps Down as Premier

Two Roadside Bombs Target Iraq Troops

Pentagon misses goal for missile defense system

Release of Iraq war advice is test for new act

Political Tones to Problems of TV Maker in China

Strong earthquake rocks Indonesia's Sumatra (1/1/05)

Battle looms for US float of Chinese banking giant

Holocaust fund investigated for 'unusual' money transfers

Evangelical Leader Threatens to Use His Political Muscle Against Some Demo

Park Service Plan to Add Mall Security Hits Resistance

Counter-Insurgency in Iraq Plagued by Fear, Doubt

U.S. troops launch anti-insurgency ops near Saddam's home

British government sought to shun "irrational" Nixon during Watergate

NYT: U.S. Begins Shuttle of Aid to Victims Along Thai Coast

Canal memos show coverup by Pataki's office

WP: Congress Resists Key Recommendation of 9/11 Panel

NYT,pg1: Relief Delivery Lags as Deaths Pass 140,000

Deleted -- not LBN

Lebanese shot dead in Baghdad's Green Zone

Dr. Freeman has updated his paper on exit pollling

Fox news has had several generals on today defending Bush's aid

Old woman unleashes deadly attack on husband with sauce bottles

Could not have siad it better myself:

NYT/IHT: New Limits on Pollution Herald Change in Europe (Kyoto)

Wilson had 'Doomsday plan' for withdrawal from Northern Ireland

Floods in Sri Lanka Prompt Evacuations

NYT/Reuters: U.N. Says Tsunami Aid Has Reached $2 Billion

Bush left looking like a bystander

Chris Allbritton: What's up with the elections? (Iraq: Very informative)

WP: Japan Raises Its Aid Contribution to $500 Million

Annan to visit Jakarta

Bush Faces Challenges with New Republican Congress

Tourists get all the support, say locals

Pipeline Blown Up (1/1/05, south of Baghdad)

NYT: Late Stock Market Rally Makes 2004 a Winning Year

Iraq Ushers in New Year with Deadly Attacks

NYT: Relief Groups Hail Level of Donations by Individuals

U.S. delegation prepares for Asia trip

Politics of Middle East play out in class fracas

Putin Sends Greeting to War Crimes Convict

Villagers mob American aid helicopters

Nordic leaders lashed on response

California sets fines for spyware

Bush criticised for condoning authoritarian rule in Pakistan

Delta Job Cuts Begin Saturday (69,000 total cuts)

Sadr aide shot in Baghdad, new offensive begins

Rep. Patrick Kennedy Says No to Senate

Italy's Berlusconi in tripod attack

al-Qaida Video Shows Police Execution

Canada May Slam Door on Prescription Drug Sales to Americans

Army medics receive intense training

BBC: Japan pledges up to $500m for tsunami relief efforts.

What if Iraq taps pro-Iran leaders?

NYT,pg1: Drugstores Fret as Insurers Demand Pills by Mail

Dem. Says Iraq Troops Need More Support (radio address)

Microchips put into 1,000 unidentified bodies

Man quizzed about laser incidents

Among the Orange Protesters Paramilitaries Say They Will Guard Revolution

Modesto teen killed in Iraq # 1332

Bush Orders Flag Tribute to Tsunami Victims

WP: A Big Push On Social Security

Fresh Details Emerge on Harsh Methods at Guantánamo

36 Children Injured in N.D. Sled Accident

FBI Terror-Effort Whistleblower Retires

Bush sending brother Jeb to Asia seen as savvy

The ocean tried to warn us, but we just didn't get it

Girl, 10, saved hundreds of lives

Pope's prayer for tsunami victims

Post-Tsunami Flu Fatalities in Sri Lanka

Turkmenistan cuts gas supplies to Russia, Ukraine

Meth-proof Sudafed to hit markets

Happy new year!

Yet another Presidential Inaugural Question

Best song intro...

Stupid passenger


Is it just a coincidence that Colin Powell pushed the button? A sign?

Happy New Year from the Eaaasstsiiiide!!!

Official DU second or third "Flirtation of the year" 2005

WOW! It sounds like Mosul outside!

Bush tested nukes and caused 2005 to come 2 milliseconds earlier.


ABBA didn't lip-synch

Very Happy New Year to you All!

Just got a poster I'm putting on my front door today.

Dick Cheney's New Year's Sneerin' Eve, 2005!

I'm listening to John Coltrane

Happy New Year, DU!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Crue doing "Girls Girls Girls" on Leno.

Happy New Year, and some asshole..

Could Regis Philbin have on any more make-up?

Sorry folks but 2005 already sucks, bush is still in office, the war will

Ok, so I'm clueless...

Is this the year that the interwebs are supposed to crash?


I'm ringing in the new year as a John with a Hooker on my stereo cabinet!

In the spirit of Chavez's decision with Linux and advocacy of Open Source.

They said this in '04. (funny)

Did you say something?

It's 11:54 pm and I'm still awake

DU exclusive: Al Quaida tape just released.

Listening to AC/DC's Back in Black. Ask me anything.

got a feelin' that 05 is gonna be a good year


you mean everyone doesn't celebrate new years when est does??!!

Conan counting down Central Time New Year.

Who can't wait for the lounge tomorrow with all the bowl games?!?!?!?!?!

I just got word my friend Kelley in Thailand is OK


Happy New Year folks.

Can you see the celbration LIVE online?

Good God Almighty, I'll be forty years old in three days!!!!

Fuck this 2005 shit, I'm going back to 99 b.c.

Oh, ferchrissakes, it's new Year's Eve, so...

Fuck this 2005 shit, I'm going back to 99 a.d.

Fuck this 2005 shit, I'm going back to bed

One of my Kittens is OBSESSED!!!!

So yeah. New years was 7 hours ago, and I'm drunk as hell

I cracked the bubbly i've had since Nov 2

What if question about a certain hostage rescue raid

Fuck this 2005 shit, I'm going back to 1899.


I'm buring up and the AC isn't working

Fuck this 2005 shit, I'm going back to 1999.

happy new year from


Smileys. Where do I get 'em? How do I use 'em?

Slimeys. Where do I get 'em? How do I use 'em?

Happy New Years ya bastids!!!!!

New Year Resolution # 1

Nappy Yew Hear

What should my New Year's Resolution be?

You know what new years I am looking forward to? 2009.

Okay, who's drinking and posting right now?

True story: when I was in college my 45 yo instructor taught me "speech."

Who Do You Believe?

George Carlin on WAR

Jingle Farts-sorry could not resist-LOL

Stupid time zone question here.

Everybody posting on DU at this moment is a loser.

It's about fucking time.

On the bright side, this decade is half over now.


Name That Punker!


Happy New Year! Good night!

Hey West's 11:30 and I'm saying "fuck it".

I'm eating my leavings.

New Years Day.

I'm heaving green puke.

Well, it's been 2005 for 2 hours now. Anyone feel different?

happy west side new years

I'm Leaving the Tranqs

Damn homophobes. I've had it.

Happy 2005 from the west coast finally got here.

First song and album I listened to in 2005.

I'm leaving my girlfriend.

I should hang out here more oft.

Hey!!! Where is Redqueen, she promised to give me some noo

Anybody savvy about ailing VCRs?

Man, Alhedges is the hero of 2004 - TRY AND DENY IT!!!!

First SEX THREAD of 2005!

Al Hedges is hero of the soviet union for 2004

First hours of 2005 DU AOL Instant Messager Chat


2004 DU 'Man" of the year???? ¡¡¡¡¡AlHedges!!!!

Do you think AC/DC has put out the same album every time they released one

Horseshit Magazine's Man of the Year: Al Hedges

I sure hope the freepers got their

Big Money and the problems of America.

are there any programs out there that will allow dos old games

WhOOhOooooo 1 hr and 12 min into the new year and

Happy New Year 2005

Women Accused of 'Hot Dog' Prostitution

Matcom News --- Teen Survives Six - Story Fall in Fla

Billy Fucking Idol & Steve Stevens on ABC (West Coast)

Blue plate special

2005 SUCKS

On the west coast do you watch the ball drop in NY?

Anyone Ever Had Ice Wine?

I hope that 2005 will be better for me and all of us here than...

It's 320am and I just got home and I don't wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeep!

I doffed the dress, but I'm still wearing my tiara. Ask me anything.

Computer fan speed just went insane!! Freaking out here...

Fuck this 2005 shit, I just saw the Aviator

I don't know about you guys but SO FAR 2005 SUCKS!!!

New Orleans Hotel Offers Hangover Expert

Are you all happy that this decade is now half over?

How would baseball players from 1900 stack up against today's players?

I went to bed at 10:00pm last night did I miss anything major

A touching tribute to my grandfather

What should the first flame war of the new year be about?

2005-Year of the Rooster.

Andy Dick's Last Laugh thing on Bush on right NOW.

Fuck it, I'm going back to bed.

Should I get another drink

What's better: A 32 inch flat screen or 35 inch conventional TV?

I am eeeeeeeeevil--- I ate the last of the gingerbread cookies

I don't feel so well....

i got enraged

Happy New Year - who's hungover? Who's not? Who's still up?

Sorry Ladies - Johnny Damon (a.k.a. Jesus) Got Married

Taipei 101 declared world's tallest building

All is quiet on New Year's Day

Ukraine city gorges on giant cake

Oh Joy! Oh drunken neighbour is gonna GIT it!!!!!.........

Creepshow or Twilight Zone: The Movie?

Anyone else hear "Hey Jude" last night and think "Hey Dude"

I think I read about a new knee replacement technology...

Humanitarian Gesture: List Hangover Remedies Here.

Remember yesterday, I said people are idiots? Well, they're sick too

George Bush is noone's friend.

I'm off to do my first workout of 2005 - and then off


Some will die but none will learn.

Good morning to 2005

I forgot-why do we hate Iams?

Is Guy James on today?

In and Out List for 2005

All three networks have lame-ass Rose Bowl Parade

In honor of 2005, my smiley ASS will continue to climb them stairs

Why does EVERYTHING have a TLA these days?

"Red and blue states," "battleground states" among Banished Words for '05

One of the most incredible TV commercials I've ever seen

Calvin and Hobbes on WAR - and Gandhi on LOVE - Make it so!

"Ridding the room of argument"

Did the major networks declare Kerry the victor on election day?

How do you kill threads?

Monty Python Marathon on BBCA today (Noon to 6PM ET)

Did the kids whose gifts were auctioned on EBAY burn their house?

so my girlfriend just told me that she's in love with another guy

2 Foot Fred

One of my Kittens is POSSESSED!!!!


this is

I need to start thinking about replacing my van

Let's start the new year with a website run by loonies.

Finally saw "Anchorman" on DVD

A song for 2005-Year of the Rooster.

Grover Norquist's New Year's resolutions

I'd just like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and GO UTAH!!!!!!!

I'm leaving my kids

Use the phrase "kicked her in the box and shoved her" in a sentence

How do I approach my neighbor about her killer dog?


It's hard to believe this decade is half over.

Peter Murphy...oh yeah...Happy new year :)

Today's Doonesbury hits a home run!

OMG, I'm not writing any checks today

I just transferred

It's a new year, and let me be the first...

OMG, this ham smells sooooooooooooooo good!

I have done it

Favourite NWA member


OMG, I'm writing 1905 on my checks!

Inherit the Wind

Black People Love Us!

KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm jealous of Arwalden!!!!!!

Who else has to close one nostril in order to smell the ham correctly?

'Summer in Hell' lryics (1984)

"This Planet's a Mess" (1984) lyrics

If you were a millionaire, would you keep it a secret while dating?

Will you be watching the New Year's Concert from Vienna?

Los Angeles Peeps, Lemme Hear Ya!

This about sums up my feelings today....

Maddox has compiled a list of the 11 worst songs of 2004

Everyone knows it's windy!

OMG, I'm totally still writing "2004" on my checks.

Help! I am thinking about New Zealand again

A shirt that I saw today

I downloaded what?

Will you be eating black eyed peas today?

This year doesn't seem to be going well yet

Were you aware?

Restaurant recipes


Jake Gyllenhal was A-Door-able in "October Sky"!

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou...


if you must watch TV news, tape or Tivo it first.

Freakin' idiot neighbors

14 hours down, 8,746 to go (eom)

Oh crap! 2005 is the year of the MONKEY!!!!

A two cat weekend

Has anybody here tried ostrich?

Alright, Black Eyed Peas...CHECK - Collards...CHECK - Jiffy...CHECK

Only 18 shopping days until the coronation of Condi's "husband"

The Last Flirtation of Christ

Are any stores open today?

Someone kick me off of DU...

Newyawker99 - I just want to thank you for all you do around here!

So how many resolutions have you broken already?

My entry in the "Websites you cannot believe are real, but are" contest

40 Years Ago Today - Soupy Sales Got in TROUBLE!!!!!!

I fell asleep with a tiara on - feel free to laugh at me.

Spring can't come too soon for me. This was a great 60 degree and

January first, it's 61 degrees in NYC!

I have a freakishly long hair growing out of my neck

Wanna know when YOUR favorite show "jumped the shark"? Find out here

My 900th post. I got a raise today.

Alaina Reed

The End of the World


"Go fuck yourself." - Top 25 dumbest quotes of 2004

Kee-ripes is it icy!

Watching football on TV...on the porch.

Which sounds better?

OK this is just too fucking much..

I joined the ranks of the uninsured today.

I live in a southern red state and it was 75 degrees here today

Is your type of drunkeness inheirted?

Do you still kiss your parents?

Anyone listening to "Ring of Fire" on AAR? Mike Papantonio called KKKarl

Ridgely, Messina, Garfunkle and Oates. Pick the weakest supergroup member.

I just bet 20 pounds on a UK Quad poster, ask me anything!

4,000 milestone coming up: Jerry Lewis is here for a telethon today!

Just added 6 more black tetras and 6 nose-and-tail something tetras

Who else has smoked their last cigarette?

Got my tax bill yesterday..............and as usual..............

I stayed on my diet all day today... can I keep it up for 364 more?


DU winos: is there a non-alcoholic even worth drinking?

My wife asked me to be in the ballet thing with her this year

Looks like I won't be going back to school next semester-ask me anything.

Anyone Else Have Fireworks Going Off In Your Neighborhood Last Night?

I'm uber bored and my tongue is bright blue.. ask me something

Happy Nude Year! :evilgrin:

Please cheer me up! I need to see and hear funny stuff now!

Observation from the fat kid that had no athletic ability and was always

It's freezing rain outside and I'm frigid inside. Ask me anything!


I think we're related!

Anybody have a completely sober New Years Eve like me and

Anybody else watching Disney's Mulan? I love this movie more


I saw "The Aviator" the other night. Ask me anything!

new blog feature for the New Year

40 years ago today, these were America's most popular songs.

Something is wrong with me...

so i'm leaving for san francisco tomorrow

It's Nice to be Loved

Does anyone else here like the Disney cartoon musicals?

Anyword on GopisEvil's partay?

Vote for your favorite double-sided BEATLES hit!

Is anyone watching the "Twilight Zone" marathon?


In what year did you join DU?

I watched " Salvador" for the first time last night.

No relation to Jebediah Obadiah Zachariah Jedediah Springfield

My band is touring in two weeks, ask me anything!

Airport observations:

I'm LMAO, Fred Phelp's daughter just e-mailed me!

Who's watching some football?

FX is planning on scaring the shit out of lots of people.

Does anyone else hate that fucking ball-drop shit?

I saw Hotel Rwanda and Million Dollar Baby, today!


How many pets do you have? (eight cats & a fish . . . )

So, I've been cooking for some vegan friends who are staying with me

My new years eve with Donna the Buffalo

Temples and mosques take central role in UK's aid effort

Transplant Surgery Restores Man's Tears

X2-class Solar Flare reported 00:40 GMT on January 1st

WaPo's Colby King: A Test for Tolerance (ppzd DC ban on equal marriage)

Arkansas gay foster parents ban ruled (state) unconstitutional . . .

'The Eyes of Texas' was just played in Pasadena. Somebody pinch me.

The Cheese and Cracker Bowl is on right now

Rose Bowl Thread!

I just added Norman and Crook to catster.

Repost of Kitty in the TUB******

Please, someone tell me that first dream of the year means

A New Year's Wish For Us All From Pallas

2005 Important Transits from Astrologer Richard Nolle to mark in calendar:

not atheism related, just need to vent: I have an irrational dislike for..

John Kerry - 108th Congress Votes (Part 2)

One more time for 2004

Now that it is 2005, we Dems need to mobilize for 2006.

I was going to wear my Kerry button on Jan 20

Bush allies plan big push on Social Security - WP via MSNBC

Largest single donor to tsunami victims: Japan, at $500 million

DUers! Please do me this favor re: C-SPAN...

A New Year's Message From The President...

Lawyer: Ex-Attorney General to Aid Saddam

Hoosier is Bush's lifeline to evangelicals

Remember Bush's very first news conference ??

Social Security : A look back to August of 2001

OK it is a New Year let's think toward Future and

National exit poll shows Kerry lead over Bush by 3%

A New Year: A Look Back at the Clinton Surpluses

Over 3000 Links ....

God DAMN the North just needs to secede-

Evangelical Leader Threatens to Use Political Muscle Vs. Democrats

No relation to Jebediah Obadiah Zachariah Jedediah Springfield

Top Ten War Profiteers of 2004

Where is DICK? Most recent photo is from 12/15

The coming attack on Social Security

Contact your own State Democratic Party

Comparison of Japan and US: GDP and Tsunami Pledges

I heard a clip of gwb's radio address. He's not even trying, anymore.

Beltway Bozos Are Exceeding Their Personal Best for Inducing Barfing

LaPore's Swan Song - bring a barf bag

If Kerry had REALLY pulled out all the stops, what types of ads would

If Dick Gephardt was the nominee, how do you think he would have done?

Judge won't let pregnant woman divorce

Bush Monkeys painting removed by ebay

WSJ thinks George Clinton is president

Evangelical Leader threatens to 'target' Democrats

When someone goes from $15 million to $350 million, what's that tell you?

So, how EXACTLY did "liberalism" "fail?"

"Stay and fight." Interesting blog post tonight by Dean. Inspiring.

Happy New Year! How do you like living under Despotism?

Pat Buchanan's prediction for 2005

New Year's Eve Fundie Experience

Some whining from the New York Post - Podhoretz

I didn't watch tv tonight. What did Colin Powell do? (nt)

How We Will Elect A Democratic President in '08

Is this the year we get to see Chimpy go DOWN?

Here's my strategy for the Democratic midterm elections:

The Nation: De-Bunking "Centrism"

Help Wanted for Legal Defense of a Patriot

Are senators too afraid to contest the election because they don't know

Now this has got me thinking . . .

Hillary for President

What's YOUR favorite French thing?