Democratic Underground

Archives: March 5, 2010

Dawn Johnsen's nomination sent to the full Senate on party line vote

Biography of the Surgeon General

Secretary of State candidates say group should disclose donors

Moyers Journal - tomorrow night - must see

Sherrod Brown on Ed Show

Sherrod Brown on Ed Show

So THAT's why. . .

'Most Wanted' locks up Obama exclusive

5 Obama US District Judicial nominees approved in committee

Two students taint a teachers drink

ihavenobias is on TYT speaking right now

Lawrence O'Donnell is hosting for KO again tonight

POGO Free Online Game - Virus was free too..

POGO Free Online Game - Virus was free too..

Why are these war criminals on my Tee Vee able to take up air time

Palin teams with Mark "Survivor" Burnett to pitch "a show about Alaska" to ABC, CBS, NBC execs

Reminder: Liberals Not The Problem On Passing Health Care - FDL

Wellpoint, Premium Increases, and the Public Option - DailyKos

Wellpoint, Premium Increases, and the Public Option - DailyKos

Discuss. (Warning: Graphic)

Discuss. (Warning: Graphic)

Linda McMahon Senate Campaign: WWE Queen Says She'll Spend $50 Million To Win Connecticut Race

Delete - dupe (but check out Jerseygirl's thread!)

Amazing Grace: secret millionaire donates fortune to college

My LTTE about Rep. McHenry's attempt to fellate Reagan on the $50

Tea Parties to RNC: Hey, Nice Pander

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is a true American Hero --

So I get this email from the White House's...

ID chip gets cat back home after 3.5 year absence

ID chip gets cat back home after 3.5 year absence

ID chip gets cat back home after 3.5 year absence

RNC adopts Tea Party racist memes as memo mocks donors and fearmongers. Michael Steele plays dumb.

So this thread gets locked?

Remember those mobile homes FEMA bought after Katrina? They've been auctioned off.

Nicholas Taleb blames financial crisis on financial analysts with Asperger's Syndrome?

Seeing how this country is on the brink of bankruptcy,

Health insurers must be shaking in their boots after today's meeting with Obama

Health insurers must be shaking in their boots after today's meeting with Obama

Brain drain taking its toll on Silicon Valley

Some quick clarifications for Senate Republicans:

Some quick clarifications for Senate Republicans:

Two Police officers shot outside pentagon....

Sarah Palin loads up on free stuff at gift suite

Wow! Hangover-Free Booze!

(2007) Chief Justice Is Hospitalized After Seizure

Mirandize patients?

More men file workplace sexual harassment claims

Oh Boy... Say Hello To Thirdbill: Hoyer Suggests Standalone Vote For Stupak Abortion Amendment - FDL

So I get this email from the White House's...

A War Against the British Empire? A Larouchie Wins Democratic Primary in TX-22

Elizabeth Warren, Dick Armey on Charlie Rose tonight. No, not together.

Let's get this straight - healthcare reform - public option, single payer is not socialism

Rachel looks at Stupak's C Street ties

Toyota Accelerator Problems - A Question

Kansas Senate republicans realize their agenda sucks

MinnPost: Democrats aim to “pledge and pass” health care reform bill

Radical homosexuals ate my baby! By Mark Morford

Rachel is raking Bart Stupid over the coals

Sorry, Bart Stupak -- the feds already subsidize abortion

what do I do for dog who's dragging a back foot, nail is scrapped down?

Since I'm an equal opportunity iconoclast: Time to accept that Atheism is abnormal.

CAIR: Texas Apartment Complex Refused to Rent to Muslims

The REAL reason we don't see much war reporting

Tweety ends today's show eviscerating KKKarl, CHEENEE, & ShrubCo over Iraq - VIDEO link

LOL The Power of Michael Steele

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

For HuffPo's Mayhill Fowler, only the Second Coming of Christ could rival Meg Whitman as Gov. of CA

Republican Plan for Health Care Reform?

Paraphrasing Krugman: Wall Street! Huh! Good God, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

JFK quote

JFK quote

local 12 year old girl hangs herself

Dick Army is hate personified

EEOC investigating clothing company Hollister for firing female Muslim employee for wearing hijab

Three funny presidential reunion with some of snl players and some new ones

"merchants of venom" or "death merchants"-- from now on, I am referring to the murderous thugs of

Rachel deserves an Oscar for BS debunking!

Really-what happened to our jobs?

Isn't it unconstitutional for the government to provide health care but not for

It’s Time for a History Lesson

If you want to know why I am so adamently against using public funds for private schools

Did me some heavy duty ignoring tonight

Yoo and Jefferson

Rep. Delahunt, D-Mass., won't run for re-election

OMG! "Kwedit" really does exist.

Can we EVER break this party of the "we have to out-hawk the GOP" mindset?

WaPo - "Health reform that won't break the bank" by Peter Orzag

The Upside of Health Insurance Reform Obstructionism

The warfare-welfare state-corporate warfare abroad, corporate welfare at home

Ya know what's really touching?

Fareed Zakaria - "Why Iran's dictators can be deterred" - Responds to Sarah Palin

A note to Conservatives, and this is the final word....

Howard Dean: Health bill hangs Dem incumbents and Obama out to dry in elections

SPYCAM: IT workers placed on (paid) leave...

What ever you do, don't give up the fight.

Top GOP Challenger Drops House Bid

ABC World News' "Truth Squad" on abortion: Stupak is "wrong" on abortion fee claim

McCrazy & Lieberman team up for more stupid

Friday morning laugh: Jon Stewart does Chat Roulette.

Stupak is WRONG on abortion fee claim.

Up Or Down. Bring It Home. 5 March 2010

Glaxo Pays Out $1 Billion in Birth Defect Cases with 600 Lawsuits to Go

Provision to fire tax-delinquent federal employees pulled

HCR Reconciliation Thread (One more "yes") We still do not have the votes

US facing surge in rightwing extremists and militias

Check Out Time (a neurologist's take on end of life care)

Air, soil to be tested at MCAS Beaufort schools

Air, soil to be tested at MCAS Beaufort schools

Russia fosters Chinese dependence

California Assembly OKs overhaul of low-performing schools

Coffee please and I like it black and strong!

Senators McCain and Lieberman Introduce Bill to Authorize Indefinite Detention

Senators McCain and Lieberman Introduce Bill to Authorize Indefinite Detention

With Maria Cantwell, we now have 50 Senate votes for the public option --

Austin Powers or North Korea

Pentagon police shooter John Patrick Beddell -White-wing terrorist?

Aristocrats at the tea party:the corporate interests in a movement that claims to be populist

John Kerry: Listen to These Vets

Germany's Left Party Expelled For Afghan Demonstration

Germany's Left Party Expelled For Afghan Demonstration

Why Tiger isn't Muhammad Ali

Location Location Location.Another Job Application Rejected

Sen. Robert Byrd schools rightwing hacks at W.Va. paper with LTTE

To Tom Friedman and Paul Otellini from an unemployed Arizonan: STFU

Check out this teabagger group: Tar and Feather

DUer Bullet1987 quoted in the Rolling Stone, the actual magazine

IMO one of the best advocates for our Cause ; Truth, Justice, & Knowledge

Navy official calls for rapid deployment of unmanned vessels

Breaking - unemployment rate remains 9.7%

Breaking - unemployment rate remains 9.7%

Analysis: Hard part in Marjah has just begun

The full-scale collapse: From Murrow to Blitzer

Why is M$Greedia replaying Liz Cheney and her war criminal

Drugs in Drinking Water: New Report Explores Emerging Great Lakes Threat

The banksters bet on bankruptcy

Should the FCC regulate Internet providers?

Yay! I can fill out my "SC Subversive Agent" form:

Question about bodies of water freezing in cold areas.

FYI. My public records request.

Nicholas Kristof/NYT: Divorced Before Puberty

Nicholas Kristof/NYT: Divorced Before Puberty

The "keep America afraid" propaganda campaign

I never realized what a toxic asshole Bush 41 was.

Mercenaries Circling Haiti

RW saying the pentagon shooter was a "setup" by Obama to enable martial law in US and

DROP THE CHARGES Against the March 4th Protesters! Support needed today 3/5 in Oakland, CA

6.8 and 6.6 aftershocks in Chile

I predict that Oil Prices will rise magically and gas prices will go up

Rove admits to error on Iraq in his memoir.....'E R R O R'?????

Rove admits to error on Iraq in his memoir.....'E R R O R'?????

Harkin: GOP using 'reverse psychology,' actually afraid of health bill passing

Can someone help me out

DVD kiosks can only stock G-rated movies, Indiana prosecutor demands

Rally in DC, March 20, hell's anniversary

Pharma Watchdog Needs Your Help With Incriminating Documents

Rush's Frenchified and garishly painted NYC apartment is for sale

Dork hunters stopped by police under anti-terror laws

Tom Hanks Can't Wait To Buy Karl Rove's Book At A Discount (VIDEO)

Army sees sharp rise in unfit soldiers

Chris Mathews just wrapped a lit Firecracker in a Habanero Pepper and shoved it

Veil of secrecy covers Toyota cars’ ‘black boxes’

Man OK after steering wheel pops off while driving

Things Are Trending Well For Ds - How Much Credit Does Obama Get?

The true motive of the FReepers.

IRS requires more details from nonprofits at tax time

Listen: Pentagon Shooter's Anti-Government Thoughts

Apartment Owner, Manager charged in fatal Arson

Some Common Misconceptions about Wind Power

"Marijuana is not a narcotic." -- UN "drug worriers" slam decrim -- I slam back.

"Marijuana is not a narcotic." -- UN "drug worriers" slam decrim -- I slam back.

Lieberman wary of reconciliation .... Grrrrrr!!!!!!!

The Rude Pundit: Conservatives Want You to Stop Attacking Their Women

Has this happened to anyone else?

Anatomy of a Rumor: The Story Behind Chief Justice John Roberts’s ‘Retirement’

Anatomy of a Rumor: The Story Behind Chief Justice John Roberts’s ‘Retirement’

Anatomy of a Rumor: The Story Behind Chief Justice John Roberts’s ‘Retirement’

Jon Stewart Exposes Fox News 'Balance,' Goes After Sarah Palin And Megyn Kelly (VIDEO)

NY Times - Arizonans Want Their Free Restrooms, But No New Taxes!

"All the President's Men" on TCM right now

"All the President's Men" on TCM right now

Matt Taibbi: Obama's one last shot at making health care reform work

Food Wasted by US & Europe Could Feed the World 3 Times Over.

A little anecdote to give people a little hope that things are getting better.

WaPo - "Suspected gunman in Pentagon shooting acted alone, officials say" - More RW Terrorism

Soldiers in Afghanistan find success, safety on foot

Tom Hanks Was Great On Morning Schmo

Karl Rove defends Junior's "intellect," says "I wasn’t George Bush’s brain"

Pentagon shooter was 'determined to see that justice is served in the death of Colonel James Sabow'

Pentagon shooter was 'determined to see that justice is served in the death of Colonel James Sabow'

An embarrassing display on NBC this morn.

Brunch With Bernie

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin to appear on "Dancing With The Stars"

ACORN Strikes Back!: 'Accountability' Campaign Demands Media Corrections for 'Pimp' Hoax Stories

OSHA must still be run by neo cons

Party bosses back Lincoln - email from MoveOn. Sign the petition.

Ansel Adams' son sues Fresno Metropolitan Museum over prints

Ask MrScorpio Anything - Live Chat Version

Paul Krugman: 'Bipartisanship Is Now A Foolish Dream'

We can safely put Sen. Feingold in the solidly supporting

"We... would encourage Senator McCain to get a sense of humor..."

Robert Scheer's take on Bunning: The real issue is the bankers:

Blackwater and the RNC are lovers - can't keep their hands off each other

Captain, We Cannot Withstand Another Attack

Salon: Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris, Stephen Baldwin & The GOP's army of washed-up celebrities

I really do hate posts like this one

Billboards of Hate

Iraq parliament vote on Sunday (Details on Process, Count, Observers and Security)

Iraq parliament vote on Sunday (Details on Process, Count, Observers and Security)

Rove Does What He Does Best: To Explain Away One Lie, Comes Up w/ Another ('Distract-And-Conflate')

Dead and Injured Contractors Not Included in Pentagon’s Casualty Lists (1700 dead, 40k injured)

Obama to Progressives: 31 Million People--And My Presidency--Are On The Line If Health Care Fails

Tonight Show Reality Hacking, adds Laugh Track to Sarah Palin Appearance

One in three killed by US drones in Pakistan is a civilian

Ohio reports 10.8 pct. unemployment for Jan.

Replace Grant's picture on a $50 bill with Ronald Reagan???

Why is DU running ads for Toomey??

Al Franken: Make us do this

WaPo 'balance' on story of RNC's incredibly stupid fund-raising PPP

Small Town Makes Courageous Demand: Bring Our War Money Home!

Big and fat and gorgeous – what’s on offer

"It's Safe to Assume We Execute Innocent People"

WHY Democrats Shouldn't Negotiate with STUPAK Over Abortion

WHY Democrats Shouldn't Negotiate with STUPAK Over Abortion

12 of the 16 (15 + DC) finalists to get Arne's money got Gates money to help them compete.

If The Media Did Its Job

Any weather people around? How can the weather service issue a Red Flag Warning

According to CNN, nothing is worse than out-of-control healthcare costs

Two quotes I have to share with you

Anti-Gay Lawmaker Spotted Frequently At Gay Bars (CA Senator Ashburn)

Please let me apologize as an Ohioan for Rep. Steven Latourette

Mr. Fish "This Way To Tomorrow"

free the majuana users, paris hilton types -L.A. County sheriff gives early release to 200 inmates,

Another reminder that having opposed the War in Iraq does not make you a liberal.

I loves me some D.U., ChicagoSuz219 rocks the Chicago Tribune's world

If the US changes the picture on the $50 bill, wouldn't you rather it be Eisenhower

Study touts frozen veggies-can have more nutrients than fresh vegetables

Senator Kyl calls on J.D. Hayworth to immediately take down ad insulting McCain

Are Germs Making You Fat? (Advertising for Pharma)

Girl from 1995 abduction located in Calif.

Daniel Ellsberg: '8 YR Executive COUP-Under Bush/Cheney-Ratified By BOTH Dems & Repubs-Incl Obama'

Are Employers Taking Advantage Of The Current Economic Crisis To Reduce Wages?

So... Rove implies that WMD was used as a ploy to artificially hype up the call to invade Iraq

So... Rove implies that WMD was used as a ploy to artificially hype up the call to invade Iraq

Romney’s Book, ‘No Apology’, Outlines Foreign Policy for Fantasy World

White House Delayed Regulation of Controversial Chemical after Meeting with Lobbyists

White House Delayed Regulation of Controversial Chemical after Meeting with Lobbyists

Toyota-Civil Lawsuits-Binding Arbitration-Seventh Amendment Right-Fourteenth Amendment incorporation

Toyota-Civil Lawsuits-Binding Arbitration-Seventh Amendment Right-Fourteenth Amendment incorporation

Gut Bacteria Cause Overeating in Mice

March 5: Building a Movement, Starting Today

Officer says God shielded him from Pentagon gunman

Progressive Democrat Andrew Romanoff Nearly Tied With Republican in CO Senate Race

Ten Jobs You Absolutely, Positively Should Not ‘Take Your Child to Work Day’

Guess who was picked for the Nuclear Fuel disposal commission????

Michael Moore Says The Economy Has Not Crashed Yet

Rachel Takes Liz Cheney to Comedy Heaven (for us)

President Obama Stumbles on Human Rights

Aren't you all a little weary of this yet?

"Sorry, Rove, Bush Did Lie About Iraq" by Robert Parry (3-5-10 Consortium News)

WSJ: Encouraging Signs in Afghanistan

Muslim student group reject Obama visit

Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli asks colleges 2 rescind policies protecting gay state employees

Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli asks colleges 2 rescind policies protecting gay state employees

Anthony Weiner, If You Want a Vote on the Public Option, Why Not Demand It?

boo f---ing hoo, Rove Says DUI Revelations Nearly Sunk Bush

Bankruptcy Fun

Capitol Rocked By Mass Suicide Attempt

Looking for a job? It's not what you know, it's who you know

Blame the victim: Religious leaflet claims ‘ungodly’ dressed women provoke rape

California unemployment increases to record 12.5 percent

How is it California could afford free higher education 45 years ago, when it was poorer?

Alaska to host Interior's first climate science center

Gay marriage law comes into effect in Mexico City !!!!

MSU finds alternatives to lethal dog surgeries

Deflationary Debt Crisis

Small Town Makes Courageous Demand: Bring Our War Money Home!

I hope Goodwin Liu is on short list for next SCOTUS nominee

Stirring the pot: Some thoughts on DADT

Ronald Reagan to President Obama: "Grow some nuts for the gipper!"

Ford Recall History Puts Toyota Recalls in Perspective

Ford Recall History Puts Toyota Recalls in Perspective

"Sidewalks are the responsibility fo homeowners" Just heard on my local news

Link to pentagon shooter's anti-government rant. Beck fan? Maybe

Hannah Giles in legal dire straits.

Hannah Giles in legal dire straits.

For Breast Cancer Treatment That Causes Joint Pain, Acupuncture May Help (Columbia University)

For Breast Cancer Treatment That Causes Joint Pain, Acupuncture May Help (Columbia University)

Actor Patrick "Puddy from Seinfeld" Warburton wants no part of O'Reilly Factor's "Patriot" game

Fundraising Presentation Upsets Tea Party

Is anyone with me about banning strollers?

Ric Llewellyn: I am against abortion because I am for women

Student walk out yesterday: UC Davis protestors clash with police in attempt to block I-80

A second Teabagger Terrorist

From the We Are So Screwed file: A 13.9 million “effective” jobs gap

John Patrick Bedell: Did right-wing extremism lead to shooting?

David Michael Green: Bipartisan Is Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Win

David Michael Green: Bipartisan Is Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Win

David Michael Green: Bipartisan Is Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Win

NEA statement on Race to the Top finalists

AFT statement on the ‘Race to the Top’ grant finalists

Baby girl survives after being shot in the chest in parents' 'global warming suicide pact'

Hey, foreigners, it'll cost you $10 for the privilege of visiting the land of the Almighty Dollar.

Shots Fired at Pentagon, at Least Two Police Injured

ALERT Weiner coming up on Ratigan (being hosted by Ed) re: PO. nt

NJ congressman calls for probe into FBI anthrax investigation

George W. Bush Institute

What is your opinion of the DCCC


Greg Palast Tracks Vulture Funds

We Need to Have Empathy for Tea Partiers

Atheists offer college students porn for bibles

The Nation: The Moyers Legacy

February Unemployment Rate: 16.8%, up from 16.5%

Al Franken: "Make us do this."

Pentagon Shooter Was Fan Of Ron Paul Think Tank


*Radical homosexuals ate my baby! By Mark Morford

*Humans To Blame For Cimate Change*

Tasers under scrutiny after claims of death and injury

Tasers under scrutiny after claims of death and injury

Tonight on Bill Moyers' Journal: What's Right and What's Wrong with this Health Care Reform plan

Mr. Rove Reveals Bush's Brain In New Tell All Book

Internet-obsessed S.Koreans starved baby

Just Wondering.........If Howard Dean Ran For President In 2016.......

When I hear one Tea-Bagger shout out about our jobs being offshored to India and China....

In case anyone wonders what the elite eat in China

Extremely weird obituary.

Rachel Maddow should be moderator of Meet The Press

Rachel Maddow should be moderator of Meet The Press

It's things like this that me proud to be a Hoosier.

Join the final march for health reform

Join the final march for health reform

Myth Creation and Ronald Reagan

Agggggh! Not all terrorists are tea-baggers or hippies

Rights groups warn Obama on 9/11 trial U-turn

Craig Crawford Leaving MSNBC: 'Unrewarding,' 'Cartoon Player For Lefty Games'

LA Times: Thousands protest California education cuts

LA Times: Thousands protest California education cuts

Good for the Economy, but Vexing: Consumer Credit in U.S. Rises for First Time in Year

Busted anti-gay GOP lawmaker reportedly seen at gay club

4 Dem Senators to Obama: Stop Sending Tax $$$ to China: Keep Clean Energy Manufacturing Here

Did your car insurance premiums drop when your state first mandated the purchase

Does Stupak Have A Dem Primary Challenger This Year?

"Keep America Afraid" is calling for transparency

New report undermines officers’ letter supporting ‘Don’t Ask’

Tweety says Liz Cheney is guilty of

We shouldn't be shielding Paterson

Judge tosses out grand jury indictment against police officer charged with murdering 18 year old

Detroit Public Schools uber-boss, Robt Bobb (a Broad grad), gets $81,000 raise from *private* donors

Franken Supports Obama's Approach To Completing HCR (pass it now, fix it later)

Teabaggers and Progressives do have at least 1 thing in common.

Blackwater: There Will Be No GOP Fundraiser At Moyock Compound

Sun-Sentinel Best Blog - The Winner Is...

I am so proud of my Daughter!

Some postings of Student walkouts/ Protests in California and Fresno STate update of Occupation

So what is it that makes a working class person support right-wing policy?


Fact: The Minority Leader and Senator from Ohio is an orange "Boner".

Tweety is a festering asshole

Democrats abadoned economic populism, gaining corporate money but losing the working class

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best Actress in a leading role

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best Actress in a leading role

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best Actor in a supporting role

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best directing

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best Actress in a supporting role

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best Actor in a leading role

Wind Power Myths Debunked

How the Monsters at Goldman Sachs Caused a Greek Tragedy

No Public Option, No Vote in November.

Obama Not Bothered By Blanche Lincoln Ad...

AFT statement on Central Falls High School negotiations

AFT statement on Central Falls High School negotiations

How far 'left' is DU?

Hey... Check out our planet

Should it be illegal for parents to attempt change their heterosexual children's orientation?

Why is Obama avoiding the prosecution of Bush/Cheney & Co.?

Why is Obama avoiding the prosecution of Bush/Cheney & Co.?

A new crime minorities need to guard against: Banking While Black (BWB)

Methane frozen beneath Arctic seabed destabilising, scientists warn

Should a progressive senator propose a single payer amendment to reconciliation bill?

Obama risks alienating Latinos with lack of immigration reform

Obama risks alienating Latinos with lack of immigration reform

Forensic Evidence Supports Colonel James Sabow's Murder

Virginia AG orders colleges to stop protecting gays

The term "corporatist" is about as helpful as the term "socialist"


Anthony Weiner: Let's put the public option to a vote

We’re Going to Get Medieval on Your Ass, America

OMG Stephen Colbert Nails James O'Keefe & FOX News deceptive coverage of ACORN story!

Virginia AG instructs state colleges to stop protecting gay students from discrimination.

Another car chase, crash, foot chase, capture, and arrest. At that point, the video is edited.

First Lady Michelle Obama Joins Kids at a Free Soccer Clinic - pics

Fox News composes a hit piece on Obama nominee (and potential SCOTUS nominee) Goodwin Liu

Michael Moore & Sean Penn on Real Time with Bill Maher Tonight-(3/5)

Fudging the numbers again? Unemployment remains steady at 9.7% while 36,000 jobs lost

Fundie Freakazoid: Don't let 'San Francisco-style social experimentation' destroy the military

Yglesias: Obama ready to hand "big win" to Cheney family on terror trial move

ROMNEY (WTF!?!) "Nobody believes health care is expensive in America because of insurance companies"

US News & World Report's worship piece on the "green" Bush Pretzeldential Lie-berry & Museum

Pulling a Boehner

We're all in the same boat, you know...

Conservatives blast (Liz) Cheney as new McCarthy

After criticism, LAPD pulls RFK clothing from homicide exhibit


Here's your chance to stick it to the Gipper: Orlando Sentinel conducting poll - DU it please!

Teabagger, no Tea Partier -- Is this term much better?

Top Republicans: Yeah, We're Calling Obama Socialist

If the public option is left out, do you trust Obama & Congress to add it ''later''?

George W. Bush's Real Legacy: a broken military

Home Births Rise in U.S. And It’s Not Because of Ricki Lake

Jobs! GM intends to reinstate more than 600 dealers

The jobs are gone, and they are not coming back. What are Americans supposed to do?

Where can I download the RNC fundraising ppt presentation?

Once Again: Fewer Working But Unemployment Rate Not Up

Glenn Greenwald: The full-scale collapse: From Murrow to Blitzer

Should parents who try to "change" their kid's sexual orientation be prosecuted for child abuse?

New Jersey snow sculpture gets frosty reception


Sarah 'The Quitter' Palin's Tonight Show Interview Was Edited To Make Her Look Better?

About Robert's resignation -- how rumors are created.

two newspapers knew that California State Senator Ashburn was gay and said nothing

Can somebody tell me why war is ok if the person doing it has a D next to their name?

Kucinich Forces Congress to Debate Afghanistan

Couple Let Baby Starve To Death While Raising Virtual Baby Online

Stand with Dr. Dean for a public health insurance option under budget reconciliation rules.

Colbert Mocks O'Keefe, Breitbart ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax With Own 'Deceptively Edited' Video...

Leno's Tonight Show Reality Hacking, adds Laugh Track to Sarah Palin Appearance

This is a damn shame..

Employment Question

Friday TOON Roundup part 2

Friday TOON Roundup part 3

Friday TOON Roundup part 5

Friday LOL's - pics

Friday TOON Roundup part 4

you and the kids will have to pee in the bushes off Arizona's roads

Friday TOON Roundup part 1

9/11 Trial Reversal: Obama Advisers Set To Recommend Military Tribunals

Rove plan: The GOP Targets State Legislatures He who controls redistricting can control Congress.

Okay, The Sellout of the Public Option is a Corporatist Move.

Homeschool Legal Giants Intervene in Sweden State Abduction of Homeschooler

Is Obama's Willingness to "Compromise" Fueled by a Deep-Seated Need to be Loved?

Hopefully nobody has forgotten that it’s National Grammar Day

N.Y. Governor Says He'll Clear His Name Soon

Some Military Dogs Are Lovers - Not Fighters

Thanks for Investigating Those Outrageous Rumors About the US Executing Handcuffed Children

cbayer!!!! WTF?!

Sad, sad sight on the I-85 median grass today (between Greenville and Atlanta)

Speaking of coins, what do you think of the new cents?

McCormick & Company Initiates Recall Due to Possible Health Risk from HVP Ingredient

"Do Kinder People Have an Evolutionary Advantage?"

1994: Project Censorship The Sandia Report On Education. Showed schools improving. Not published.

Obama says public option won't be passed in reconciliation bill! That should pretty much kill it.

S Korea child 'starves as parents raise virtual baby'

S Korea child 'starves as parents raise virtual baby'

Coup still possible - (Iraq) VP

Insurers Set To Raise Prices, Walk Away From Consumers: Goldman Report

CNN: Is UCSD a racist campus? (Video, interview)

Still more things you may not know about Central Falls, Pt 4

School webcam spying attorney: It wasn't wiretapping because there's no audio

School webcam spying attorney: It wasn't wiretapping because there's no audio

Can we please cut the crap that Obama is Bush?

Meet Barack Obama’s new attorney general: Rahm Emanuel

Craig Crawford Leaving MSNBC: "'Unrewarding,' 'Cartoon Player For Lefty Games'

Craig Crawford Leaving MSNBC: "'Unrewarding,' 'Cartoon Player For Lefty Games'

Choose YOUR favorite bogus symbol for what progressive Democrats want

Dog breeds insurance companies don't like:

DU Votes for the Oscars - Best motion picture of the year

Nevada poll: Sen. Reid 38%, Sue Lowden (R) 51%; 45% have favorable opinion of Tea Party

"Obama is telling America, 'No, we can’t.'"

"Obama is telling America, 'No, we can’t.'"

Obama promises progressives he’ll revisit public option after bill passes

Obama promises progressives he’ll revisit public option after bill passes

I would like to ask who we consider our "'own"?

UPDATE: HCR Reconciliation Thread (WE HAVE 50!!!) WE HAVE THE VOTES!!!!

Bart Stupak Abortion Claims Debunked: Health Bill Would NOT Force Federal Spending On Abortion

Bart Stupak Abortion Claims Debunked: Health Bill Would NOT Force Federal Spending On Abortion

Has anyone ever thought that Sarah Palin's real function

drunk deputy allowed to drive from crash scene #1, crashes 30 minutes later and injures someone

It's National Grammar Day! Post your grammar pet peeves here.

I just saw the most disturbing/vile ad by a Democrat on Ed Schultz Show

Folks, President Obama is a class act.

The bashing of the Boomers begins!

The Netherlands veers to the far, far right

Out Of Iraq? Maybe Not.

I have to admit that I really no longer know who to believe, who to believe in or where the truth

It's a sunny day in California and I'm losing another neighbor.

It's a sunny day in California and I'm losing another neighbor.

I was put in the back of a police car and humiliated for walking down the road

NJ Neighbors Ordered to Cover Snow Sculpture of Venus de Milo

Dick Armey Manages To Make Charlie Rose Lose His Cool

States Begin to Fix Our Prison System

George Clooney's European commercial -- a classic

There are only two places to go for budget cutting in the Federal Budget

Follow the (RTTT) money...

3 Detroit Children Die after energy shutoff

Massa: stepping down. They say it's good news for health reform.

Boston schools officials: We are not "firing" all teachers, just making them reapply.

ACLU calls Obama's likely decision to try 9/11 detainees in military tribunals "stunning"

Does anyone out there drive without car insurance in a state; that requires it because

viral email: "Refuse new coins because 'In God We Trust" is gone.

Speaking of Kids in public. I like these.

Perhaps everyone needs ink supplies....

Would you take a paycut in salary to be Tommy Carcetti?

Saturday Come Slow...massive

How many different types of "mixed nuts"? Identify them? Spoilers.


Ok, who's running around shaving raccoons?

Saw "The Young Victoria" today. (Bit of a spoiler)

Ugh. This place is filled with horticulture. What do you people do all day when I'm slacking?

Go Yankees, Beat Philly

Showtime, Everybody! Dig the hotness!


Need opinions (quickly) about how to handle a "teenage situation"

I made a crockpot of chili -- and I have to throw it out!

I slept with Raven last night.

we're off to the midnite show of 'alice in wonderland' at the imax...

King Nothing


PHILLIES BEAT THE SKANKEES, 3 - 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

A poem for my husband...

Computer problem--help!

Jay Leno's less-than-triumphant return: Tagged as "turd sandwich," "humorless chin" on

I changed my settings at Amazon so that they can quit sending me spam. So they emailed me confriming

I'm sure this has been posted before but my wife asked if a "Kitty Camera" was possible.

"Walter, this isn't the guy who built the railroads here...he peed on my rug"

How to Make a Tim Burton Movie

A kitteh, a pitbull and some chicks... what could go wrong?!

"Exotic antimatter detected at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider"

Can rats help clear Africa's landmines?

RIP Ron Banks of the Dramatics

(I'm Going By) The Stars In Your Eyes

Coffee please and I like it black and strong!

Hey You! Get Off My Mountain

Toast To The Fool

Get Up And Get Down

Fun new OK Go video

Be My Girl

Lenny White

Give me one good reason why Pee Wee Herman couldn't have played Morpheus in those "Matrix" movies

I accidentally crashed the forklift I was on into the overhead lights tonight

That's it! I want to know if you stand with me or if you support and give aid to the enemy....

If I cut a hole in the ceiling will Ceiling Cat appear?


Black Market

Give me one good reason why Laurence Fishbourne couldn't have played Derek Foreal in "Blow"

Give me one good reason why Laurence Fishbourne couldn't have played Derek Foreal in "Blow"

Give me one good reason why pee wee herman could not play sonny in the godfather

Bongo, Bongo, Bongo

Will You Be There

Maybe So, Maybe No

I Wish It Would Rain

Meet Karl Pilkington

Tommy Carcetti demonstrating his social intercourse skills.



My latest favorite group=Guggenheim Grotto. Check them out.

gabba gabba hey

Any fans of the old Rachel Maddow radio show here

Get into a Live Chat with MrScorpio

Ask MrScorpio Anything - Live Chat Version

Damnit.....I thought I found the perfect job.......

Bono, Bono, Bono

Sean Penn Hopes His Critics 'Die Of Rectal Cancer'

South Korean couple starved child while raising 'virtual baby'

DU's new favorite it couple was seen leaving Il Giardino D'oliva last night.

Ordinary Joe

"And for a smoking caterpillar"

Help finding 3-2-1 Contact or Square One or other old "geek" tv?

Tony Bourdain's going to be on Yo Gabba Gabba next week.

oh man....have you all tried chatroulette??? it's hilarious....

Dear HR Managers, If You Place Your Openings with More Than One Recruiter

mean people suck

Don't sit home mopin' 'bout how much you miss curling.

Enjoy this will wake you up...I'm Alive..Celine Dion. 3 min 38 sec

Today's real LOL, Pearls Before Swine

Feeling empty

A very good perspective on our health care system....

Me And Mrs Jones

Wow! Hangover-Free Booze!

ID chip gets cat back home after 3.5 year absence

Must 'failure' become 'fail?'

Who is worse: people who write worst instead of worse or those who can't spell Parche?

US Congressman Confesses To Sleeping With Wife

Behold, The Mighty I.K.S. All Your Base! K'Pla!

The phrase "ridden hard and put away wet."

In recent years, there have been a plethora of movies and books about zombies.

I'm tempted to do a brewery tour this weekend

Post your favorite Dr. Strange post here, and I'll give a quote from it.

I just found a WWII recording I've been looking for for 15 years!

I got me some New York Diseal the other day

Give me one good reason why Pee Wee Herman couldn't have played Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver"

Happy Friday afternoon.... Woooooooo!

Ommengang Biere de Mars - YUM!!!!

A rare historical video: Future web site administrators discuss forming a liberal website.

Les Claypool, Phil Lesh, and Mike Gordon get into a fight, who wins?

The ultimate in Western social evolution

I need your help finding an obscure piece of sports footage...

If an Guggenheim exhibit is "cremastered" a number of times, what is actually happening?

People who claim that the phrase "ridden hard and put away wet" isn't sexual.

Why does my kid refuse to go to bed at night?

I know it was you, Fredo

Give me one good reason why Pauly Shore couldn't have played Henry Hill in "Goodfellas"

Conviction tossed over jury not taking oath

Name all of the Airlines you have flown on...

What causes earworms?

If a CD or DVD is "Remastered" a number of times, what is actually happening?

How to suck at facebook. Recognize yourself, maybe? I cannot stop laughing.

Hate to ask for Lounge vibes again, but...

what do I do for dog who's dragging a back foot, nail is scrapped down?

I'm going back to the ones that I know, with whom I can be what I want to be

My friend's friend died today, the day before his wedding day

It's Friday, and after 5pm on the East Coast. Whatcha drinkin'?

I'm 34 today.

Give me one good reason why Ernie Hudson couldn't have played Morpheus in those "Matrix" movies

I'm tired of asking for input from staff and not getting it

Got fired yesterday.

I propose we change our National Anthem to "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin

Give me one good reason that James Spader couldn't have played Padme in Casablanca?

Rest in Peace little Lola - had to put a ferret to rest today

LOL -- Pro soccer team in Japan plays against 100 kids

What motivates aliens in movies to say, "Take me to your leader"?

Who is worst, Rush/Geddy Lee, Led Zeppelin, Steve Miller Band?

exploring nature on a 4 wheeler is a blast

Who is worst Parche, Dick Cheney, a bag of flaming dog poop

Would you take a paycut in salary to be happy?

I fixed our Kitchenaid Dishwasher

I fixed our Kitchenaid Dishwasher

I'm watching Raising Arizona and I wanna try Pomade

I'm beginning to regret using Pee Wee Herman in a copycat thread.

A sure sign of Spring

When is bacon not safe for work but still oh so good?

It's About Time: Restored "African Queen" to be released.

Pedantic pet peeve: improper use of comparative form.

What music have you listened to lately?

Need opinions (quickly) about how to handle a 'teenage situation'

My kitty kisses me

What do you think of the colour yellow?

Best band named after a city, country, or continent?

Total meltdown

Your favorite iPhone (or other mobile) apps?

"DOJ: Department of Jihad?" Copying Fox News and IBD, CNN suggests DOJ lawyers may be jihadists

Delahunt will not seek reelection

Pro-Choice Group Slams Blanche Lincoln: 'She Wasn't There For Us, We Won't Be There For Her'

O'Donnell is going to cover the scandalous Rove comments

Rachel Maddow - tonight!!!

Howard Dean

The legislative machinery is in place and the GOP opposition is irrelevant.

E.J. Dionne Jr. | The Big Lie About "Reconciliation"

MA-10: Bill Delahunt Will Retire

Obama CAVES to the rethugs on the trials of suspects

So When Do They Prosecute The......

GOP Bully Vultures circling over 2010 Elections ..hoping for another 8 years of gorging and feasting

**** Heads Up: POTUS Speaks on Clean Energy Jobs, Live 11:25am EST ****

ABC calls BS on Stupak's Abortion Funding Claim (heh!)

Obama CUSSED at his dog this morning when he was shaving!

PUBLIC OPTION :: Did I Miss It? What's The Argument Against the PO?

The Republicans are going to end the world before there is health care reform

GOP strategy: Let it bleed

Hoyer: Stupak Could Get Separate Vote On Abortion

Joe Conason: A Wave of Phony Indignation Against Charlie Rangel

Blackwater and Jericho

5/19/09 - "Senate Dems refuse Obama funds to shut down Gitmo."

Mongiardo Latest With Tiny Ad Buy

Anti-gay senator Roy Ashburn arrested after leaving gay nightclub

GOP leader to help Griffith

Galvin enters race to succeed Meek

Obama To Progressives: This Is Just The Foundation :Huff Post

Who Do You Trust On Health Care?

Who Do You Trust On Health Care?

CNN - "Pentagon shooting suspect believed to be behind anti-government rants"

Despite being catholic - I still have NO right to tell a woman what to do with her body.

WH Leaning towards MILITARY TRIALS for 9/11 Suspects

Media Still Failing To Do Its Job On Bush’s Iraq Lies

More Utterly Sincere Advice For Democrats From The GOP

Young Voters' Approval Of Obama Historically High -- Can Dems Keep Them?

"Pro-Choice Caucus leader: Stupak doesn't have the votes to kill health bill."

Is ti at all possible that the the reconciliation bill might go to conference

Jobs data show signs of a turning point

'Student's for McCain'

POTUS thanks Progressives for Their Advocacy.

POTUS thanks Progressives for Their Advocacy.

Right Wing talking point/email of the day is....

Mark Begich open to reconciliation for health reform--that makes 50 without any maybes

McGlowan takes flak over loyalty

White House Won't Make Decision On KSM Trial For Weeks

Good damn week for Dems !

What An Embarrassment

Economy sheds fewer jobs than expected (Unemployment rate remains unchanged at 9.7%)

ABC News (sucks) Diane Sawyer (sucks)

Theda Skocpol writing in TPM: All Dems, Including Progressives Need to Back Obama on Heath Reform

NOW will back Sestak for Senate today

2011 Mustang-305 HP AND 31 MPG!

We have plenty of jobs

G.M. Plans to Reinstate 661 Dealerships

Rep. Massa Will Resign Monday.

Top senators say they aren't aware of a final decision on moving terror trials

Another apparent stunning reversal by Obama

Hayworth Fundraising Ad Depicts 'Conservative Actor' McCain In Avatar-Like Warpaint

NEA urges Congress to forge ahead on health care reform

Anti-evolution zombies linking climate change denialists to prove their "point"

Anti-evolution zombies linking climate change denialists to prove their "point"

Obama Makes His Pitch To Dems On Left And Right

Seriously.. enough of the "its not in the constitution" meme on health insurance pay.

Rachel just dropped a bomb on Bart Stupak's head

Help me give blood again

Obama not bothered by Lincoln ad WTF!!!!!

So once again

"Surprisingly Strong Job Figures"

Paul Krugman: Senator Bunning’s Universe

Tom Hanks: "I think the President of the United States is doing a SPECTACULAR job...."

Al Franken on health care reform: Make us do this

Al Franken on health care reform: Make us do this

Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform

Oh, Tim Burton.

CONFESS!!!!! What's your hidden talent??

Exclusive: 'Wellpoint would be a primary beneficiary' if reform fails, investment firm says

Latino legislators urge delayed action on NY gov.

Senate committee votes to confirm judge to San Jose federal court

Obama promises to pursue a public option later

Lewis & Clark law professor Jim Huffman announces run against Ron Wyden

Four Democratic senators aim to halt stimulus wind project

US facing surge in rightwing extremists and militias

Sarah Palin 'to star in reality TV show'

Leaked documents reveal GOP plan to use scare tactics to raise money

Russia fosters Chinese dependence

Obama advisers set to recommend military tribunals for alleged 9/11 plotters

Pentagon Shooter Dead, Posted Anti-Government Rantings Before Attack

WH considering military trials for 9/11 suspects

NJ Neighbors Ordered to Cover Snow Sculpture of Venus de Milo

Obama Tells Liberals Public Option Doesn’t Have Votes

Labourers killed in Afghan attack

Kenya floods kill six, leave dozens missing

Ohio reports 10.8 pct. unemployment for Jan.

Brown blames US over Iraq reconstruction errors

GM intends to reinstate more than 600 dealers

China 'must reduce rich-poor gap' - Premier Wen

Detroit Warns of Bankruptcy Risk as City Prepares Bond Sale

Three people shot outside Pentagon Metro station

Clinton Tries to Mend Honduras Dispute on Central American Tour

Massa to resign under ethics cloud

Immigration reform not one-sided; Irish Americans say debate over reform as important to them

Former Birmingham mayor gets 15 years for bribery

Viktor Yanukovych promises Ukraine will embrace Russia

Malvo sends letter of apology to Louisiana victim


Shooting suspect may have had 9/11 conspiracy

House panel wants more Toyota acceleration details

Anti-Gay Lawmaker Reportedly at Gay Club Before DUI Arrest

Vatican hit by gay sex scandal

Crude Oil Surges, Gasoline Rises to 17-Month High on U.S. Payrolls Report

Iraq inquiry: Gordon Brown set to give evidence

Patriot Act doesn't override confidentiality in Census, Justice Department says

It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs

Japan won't wear bluefin tuna ban

Sen. Levin moves to block Blackwater’s $1 billion Afghanistan contract

EU considers general carbon tax

AP IMPACT: Toyota secretive on 'black box' data (could explain crashes blamed on sudden acceleration

Senators McCain And Lieberman Introduce Bill To Authorize Indefinite Detention

Obama advisers set to recommend military tribunals for alleged 9/11 plotters

Four women among 12 killed as suicide bomber attacked convoy in Hangu

Karl Rove: I wasn’t George Bush’s brain

GM Expected To Restore Some U.S. Dealers

Amanda Knox Jurors: No Planning or Malice in Killing

ACORN Strikes Back!: 'Accountability' Campaign Demands Media Corrections for 'Pimp' Hoax Stories

Protest Crowds Flood Streets, Shut 880

US public 'will pay Obama’s $90bn bank levy’

Study Says Undersea Release of Methane Is Under Way

Nonfarm payrolls fall 36,000; jobless rate 9.7%

Vandals deface former Nazi concentration camp

Road salt is poisoning water bodies, study finds

Humans must be to blame for climate change, say scientists - No possible natural phenomenon

Newsroom / Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech

Thom Hartmann - Do guns and booze go together?

President Obama on the Final March for Reform - calls on supporters to help finish the fight

In The Loop

Kucinich on Fox: 'Are You Kidding?... We Need Health Care For Everyone.'

TYT: Exposed - Senator Bunning's Stunning Hypocrisy on Unemployment Benefits

Stop Outsourcing Security (Mercenaries)

Goldman Sucks~

Young Turks: Rachel Maddow Nails Repub Hypocrisy on Health Care

Rachel Maddow: Frank Schaeffer Talks About Danger Of Right-Wing Militias

Dennis Kucinich After Meeting President Obama on Healthcare Reform

Real Life Haiti Relief

Fluorescent vs incandescent bulbs and the environment.

Sons & Daughters

Roger Ebert Rips Palin On Twitter

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow - C-Street Revelations - Rep. Bart Stupak's Chicanery Breaking Wide

What Fox means by Fair and Balanced

How Western anti-Muslim bigotry became respectable: The historic roots of a newly resilient ideology

Bunning- I Relented On Filibuster Because Of 'Harry Reid And His Minions'

Countdown: Howard Dean Too Stunned to Gloat at Hilarious RNC Leak

Liberal Oscars 2010 by RSU

Thom Hartmann - Should suicide be a right or a crime?

Thom Hartmann - Would you pay $7 a gallon for gas if it would save the planet?

TYT: Anti-Gay CA (R) Gets DUI Leaving Gay Club w/ Man

TYT: Religious Right - Stone SeaWorld Killer Whale To Death!

Dr. Oz Turns Meat-Eating Cowboy Vegan

Rachel Maddow- Following Liz Cheneys terror logic gets Maddow arrested

The Video The USA Army Doesn't Want You To See

Michael Moore TYT Interview - 'F*k Off" Glenn Beck!'

Chris Matthews - Nobody But Bush Would Have Took US To War With Iraq

Michael Can't Do It. It's Disgraceful and Disgusting

Crazy Religions, Crazy Senators, & Crazy Hunters

Nancy Skinner on Fox Business talking GOP just say no to JOBS bill

Nancy Skinner on MSNBC talking Obama's Healthcare's Final Push

Exclusive: 'Wellpoint would be a primary beneficiary' if reform fails, investment firm says

What Can We Learn From the Movement for Health Care Reform?

“I don’t believe the good ones are good enough, and the bad ones are evil."

Pinochet Did Not Make Chile Safe for Earthquakes

Scooby Doo Gang Solves Mystery of GOP's 'Fear Power Point'


Norway SWF to bolster ethical engagement

In the "Tonight Show" audience to see Palin....

ACORN Strikes Back!: 'Accountability' Campaign Demands Media Corrections for 'Pimp' Hoax Stories

Pentagon gunman appears to have acted alone

Lobbyists (Boehner, Alexander, Armey) crank up the propaganda: Dems "ramming through" HCR, meaning

All Dems need to back Obama on Healthcare

Senator Bunning's Universe ...Paul Krugman NY Times

Sen Robert C. Byrd-Letters to the Editor-Reconciliation can be used to find savings

Hoping Sanctions Work But Readying Gas Masks

'Soul of a Citizen' Excerpt: What Cynicism Costs Us

The lingering of an absurd imperial reflex

Will Obama Really Give Up on KSM Trial Without a Fight?

Karl Rove's Perversions of History, And His Media Enablers

Executing Handcuffed Afghan Kids?

The Lost Decade

Karl Rove Book Exposes Lies of the Bush White House

Obama promises to pursue a public option later

Does the Obama Administration Even Want to Win in November? (Simon Johnson)

Joe Conason: A wave of phony indignation over Charlie Rangel

David Sirota: The Senate's lesson about democracy Ad: "Tough"

Bill Black’s Top Ten Ways to Crack Down on Corporate Financial Crime

Obama risks alienating Latinos with lack of immigration reform

The Wrong Kind of Green

Florida wildlife officials made monkeys of by elusive, dart defying macaque

California Fish and Game rules tiger salamanders a threatened species, upsetting Farm Bureau

Sequel Time, Al

Arkansas farmers earn money by creating wildlife habitats

Scientists Find Signs of "Snowball Earth" Amidst Early Animal Evolution

From dust bowl to wetland in outback NSW

Bloom Energy's Carbon-Neutral Claim Relies on Scarce Biogas

Reuters: Glacier melting a key clue to tracking climate change

Outback ferry set to launch after break of 20 years

ODAC Newsletter - Mar 5

Drumbeat: March 5, 2010

Washington Post: Lawmakers move to restrain EPA on climate change

The Newest Hybrid Model (FPL's Natural Gas/Solar hybrid power plant)

Roadside Air Pollution In Central HK Reached Life-Threatening Levels One Day In Eight In 2009 - AFP

Hybrid fusion: the third nuclear option

Study Identifies S. Florida Pediatric Brain Cancer Clusters; State Knew Of Toxins, Risks In 1988

Shakhova Study - CH4 Saturation Levels In Seawater 250-1,400X Bground; Far Larger Release Possible

Setting the Standard: University of British Columbia Builds North America's Greenest Building

Salazar says sage grouse deserves federal endangered species protection but will "have to wait"

Clean Energy is Mired in Politics

BBC: Climate change human link evidence 'stronger'

Native birds flock to NZ islands after poison drops clear out rats

EPRI Report Shows That DC Superconductor Cable is Feasible for Development Using Today’s Technology

India's Budget 2010 puts Money where Mouth Is for Solar Energy

Road salt is poisoning water bodies, study finds

BBC: Is fusion power really viable? (concerns about tritium)

Areva going to promote Gen II (less safe) reactors for developing countries?

Texas-based refiners pledge to fund fight against California's global warming law

Bringing back the buffalo

I'm old and forgetful...who organized our Yahoo March Madness

Today Is The 20th Anniversary Of The Death Of Hank Gathers

Jamaican to compete in Iditarod

Former All-Pro (Antonio) Cromartie headed to Jets

NOOOOOOOO (Boldin traded to Ravens)

Source: Peppers, Bears finalizing deal

#1 linebacker prospect in nation for 2011 commits to Michigan State

are the Lions getting there heads out of there asses?

What??? no Bert Favor on Jay Leno thread???

Panthers cut Delhomme in change of guard at QB

The Carolina Hurricanes are blowing it.

Baylor’s Griner suspended 2 games for punch

Canada Moves to Oversee Mining Firms

LATIN AMERICA: Women's Rights Laws - Where's the Enforcement?

Chile aftershocks could go on for years: scientists


Chile sacks official over tsunami alert

Pinochet Did Not Make Chile Safe for Earthquakes

Clinton Tries to Mend Honduras Dispute on Central American Tour

Venezuela INCREASES health spending for 2010; poverty further reduced in 2009

Jerusalem, unholy fault lines

The Man on J Street: The Story of Jeremy Ben-Ami

Dahlan: Talks will waste time while settlements expand

Palestinians painted as animals while Israel goes scot-free

Soldiers disturb and assault B'Tselem’s video photographers in the West Bank

Al-Qassam member dies in internal Gaza explosion

Leader calls for unity against cancerous Israeli regime

Gaza police to enforce ban on male salon workers

Hamas slams Arab vow to resume talks with Israel

Twilight zone / Unanswered questions (Gideon Levy)

Hoping Sanctions Work But Readying Gas Masks

Time to go, Lieberman

Rabin thought peace with Arafat was only a ‘long shot’

Middle East Peace: Ground Truths, Challenges Ahead,

President Obama Stumbles on Human Rights

Facebook or Hatebook? Social Network Used as a Call for Violence in Israel

Israel was not alone in wanting to ‘detonate’ the Hamas missile man

Toyota's Dangerous New Move: Killing 5,000 Jobs

Today in Labor History Mar 5 Boston Massacre soldiers shot down Crispus Attucks

We still have Carhartt made in America (close out as Carhartt is not made in the USA any longer)

I feel like my union has been outsourced.

Canadian minister cuts gay rights from immigration guide - Oh Canada...

ACLU demands Miss. high school allow lesbian at prom - will have to leave if others 'uncomfortable'

Something encouraging happened on an old Obama organization list

Christian Hate Group ‘Repent Amarillo’

The more things change....Virginia AG seeks to cut gays from higher ed discrimination policies

‘Rock-solid’ case: Asteroid killed the dinosaurs

Senator Proposes Shuttle Extension

First Microbes Colonized Land by Using Fat For Protection

First of Missing Primitive Stars Found

Journal editor: Tobacco-funded studies are bad for us

Universe's high-energy haze gets murkier

Friday Night (mini) Eye Candy- "The Winds of Change"

Dark, dangerous asteroids found lurking near Earth

Exotic antimatter detected at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

Argument Ends With Teen Shot

one of my pics is a billboard

A measure for the multiverse

New York Times Fail....

Think there's a burglar? Police say get away and call them (Bakersfield, California)

Four images from Thursday. Finally, some sun and warm weather!

Hey guys! Carlos' blog won!

Looking for a study.

Little League Baseball Nixes Team Sponsorship for Gun Store Owner

Rasmussen Poll: 69% Say Cities Don’t Have Right To Ban Handguns

Parents of Pentagon shooter warned authorities

The controversial, individual right to self defense by use of a firearm...

Chicago man explains challenge of city's handgun ban ...

Police: Teen boy shot friend, not brother, in gun-twirling accident

USA Buys 14 Million+ Guns in 2009 - More than 21 of the worlds standing armies

Queensland bans glasses at 8 bars

On Karma, by Swami Chidananda (a monk)

That alternative ASAH site...

Starcodes for this week

Bittersweet From My Sister.

SNL financial spoof Video of an honest stock broker :sarcasm:

The Loneliest Voice in Washington Gets Company

Is the Recovery Real?

Banks now reserve right to FORCE you to default on your card balances.

Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-Winning Economist, Says Federal Reserve System 'Corrupt'

This is HUGE...Fannie, Freddie Ask Banks to Eat Soured Mortgages

Need name of liver foundation/association

Breakthrough to growing unlimited amounts of adult stem cells

FDA approves new pneumonia vaccine with wider reach

Gut Bacteria Cause Overeating in Mice

Sugar shockers

Grijalva - 'Single Payer System Most Responsible Need For Health Care'

Gut Bacteria Cause Overeating in Mice

How Much Fraud and Abuse Is There in U.S. Health Care?

Satan worshipers within the Vatican, exorcists etc... a real Vatican exorcist talks

Hindu Swami Caught In Sexytime Threesome Video

Dramatic shake-up planned at 12 Boston public schools

Wouldn't It Be Nice

Justice Versus Age Eligibility Requirements for Attempting a High School Equivalency Test

"Teachers earn more than the average worker in the community where they teach!"

FoodTech show on the History Channel - have you seen it?
