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Sun Oct-11-09 06:58 AM
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Back story: my husband works for a small publishing company as the Network Administrator with about 100 employees. His company was recently bought by one of the largest publishing houses in the world and his company is moving to a new office which houses another branch of their publishing interests. They are two separate "companies" and will be on different floors but there is talk of my husband being promoted to do the network administration for both companies which will involve approximately 500 employees.
My question/dilemma is this: hubby has the fashion sense of a rutabaga and since I've known him I've basically taken over and redone his wardrobe. Everything he wears now comes from the US (we live in Germany) and he is happy with this because he recognizes that he was never a member of the fashion club. But now, with the new work circumstances, I think he should bump it up a notch and start wearing more formal business attire. He currently wears jeans and button down shirts. He's kind of balking at the idea (mainly because he's cheap and doesn't want to buy new clothes) and I don't want to overstep my boundaries and insist on anything but am I wrong to think that such a promotion would warrant such a fashion change?
DU wives/partners, do you help your mate's with their fashion choices? Am I being a control freak here? I must note that German women tend to rule the roost with an iron fist and I am especially keen on NOT doing that.
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