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Towards a progressive agenda on Cloning: A Modest Proposal

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Perky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-17-08 09:34 PM
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Towards a progressive agenda on Cloning: A Modest Proposal
Edited on Thu Jan-17-08 10:01 PM by Perky
Despite the moral concerns raised by the announcement that scientist shas successfully cloned a human embryo. I think there is a significant opportunity here that progressives are overlooking.

Now obviously there are going to have to be some constraints and some regulation, but allowing cloning to proceed to its logical conclusion really has some merit.

Consider the following the Baby boom generation is coming to a close. As that bubble moves into retirement so does the tax dollar contribution they provide. The ripple effect are pretty astounding..not only are the social benefits required going to be a substantive burden to younger workers. it will, if we are to honor the New deal, mean that the next generation is going to have to deal with less services and/or higher taxes.

I suppose we could do some social tinkering and ask folks to have more kids, but cloning is a far more efficient means of replenishing, nay supplementing the workforce and it has the added benefit of solving so many other presing problems while politically speaking there is also a huge upside

For instance,

We could clone 14 to 16 million people to do the jobs we do not want to do.
We could clone 1 million more to guard our southern border, our ports, and airports (
We could supplant undocumented workers with clone worker.

This would disincentives people from crossing the border and would probably mean most who are illegaly would go home from where they cameand get at the back of an even longer line. Maybe this would mean they would stay there...Afterll we would be at 100% employment.

This is is a plan that even the GOP most staunchest foes of immigration would applaud. And instead of 2,000 mile long fence or even a virtual fence....we could have a human fence (or shoeld...whatever you want to call it).....That's right think of it 1 million minutemen on our borders.

Now all these border guards and menial worker would certainly have to be compensated for their efforts we should not be inhumane afterall, we just can't have them living with us and ya now interingling with our women. So you are going to have to find a place for them to live. I have given that some thought There is a great swath of empty land stretching from Phoenix northward through Utah, Idaho most of Nevada and parties of western Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. It is the great swath of nothingness, except for well Salt Lake City I guess. Oh yeah and so American Idians.....oops sorry I mean native Americans living there. But if we do some trading with them I am sure thay will see things our way.

You also have to think of the value these new inhabitants would provide to the economy. They have to live somewhere right? These clone workers would need housing and roads and both physical and social services infrastructure,strip malls, office parks, airports and the like. Would''t this be a great stimulus package... Building 15 Million housing units ,, full blown cities would be necessary..That is an economic jolt that would astound even Ronald Reagan and we would get credit for it. Yes Progressives could be seen as saviors of the American way of life.

Also remember the clones will be taxpayers. Think about it in just a few short years...we could solve the Social Security problem, re-balance the budget and start paying down the national debt. I am telling you if the American electorate saw the huge upside, we could rule this nation for the next 1,000 years.

But wait there is more. I know everyone is so sick and tired of trying to get customer service on the line only to find that they are taliknit to "Reggie" or "Trish" (yeah right) in Bangalore or Punjab or Guadalajara. Well we can stop that whole practice by bringing those low wage jobs back home for even cheaper labor right there in the new desert megalopolis I am proposing. Wall Street would love us... And we would actually get to see Lou Dobbs actually happy for a change.

Don't like spilling American blood and treasure overseas?.....wellll duhhhhh... How much more efficient would our war efforts be if we raised up an army of Ah-nolds, Stephen Segals, Jean Claude van Dammes and Chuck Norris's to watch our backs and secure the oil that we are going to need in this new awesome american Renaissance????

I am telling you there really is no downside that I can see...

The only thing I have not figured out is how to break the news to the lower class american, but I am sure there is something that they could do....

Well ok there is one other problem. we would need a constitutional amendments protecting our rights as true americans and we would have to find ways to tamp down the clone people's expectations of fully participating in the American Dream. I think it is enough that we provide them with the weaposn to fight our wars and serve us in low wage jobs..We certainly would have to keep illegal drugs, and porn and guns out of their hands. lest they start getting a little uppity if you know what I mean. Oh and the vote we can't give them the vote.

I mean yeah sure... it would be great to bring another 20 million Democrats to the polls. But I am pretty convinced right now that if we pull this off......that the GOP will have no real reason to exist.

I am really excited about this opportunity. If you are too please kick and recommend.


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