General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe takeover is almost complete.
Trumpers have now almost completed the takeover of all three branches of government.
I am depressed. I mean, if proof (and yes, there's proof, IMO) of a sexual assault isn't enough to keep someone from rising to the top, with power over the ones he assaulted...I don't know.
Now starts the PR campaign to shore up the base, curb political damage from confirming Kavanaugh. There will be an FBI Investigation, maybe, because the ABA strongly "suggested" there be one. Then Mark Judge is hitting the talk show circuit to shoot down all allegations (not under oath). Then the Repub Senators will hit the talk show circuit, too, assuring people how credible Ford was, but it comes down to no evidence so can't ruin a man's entire life and career. It's bad enough that his life is all but ruined, as it is. And so on.
I need a break from all this dismal news.

(67,112 posts)stupid factor in the US, the I don't care, and those too fucken lazy to vote. And, the rigged elections, prevented from voting, the gerrymandering, and hostile foreign powers.
(37,648 posts)It all dates back to November 2016. Who didn't vote, or who voted for someone besides Hillary Clinton.
(67,112 posts)so embarrassing and stressful when co-workers in other countries ask you WTF is wrong with the US. Years ago I had my passport thrown at me in customs when they saw I was an American. I had to pick it up off the floor.
(37,648 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)lpbk2713
(43,203 posts)Trump will be particularly jubilant when it is time for his multi-million $$ parade to march by.
He made us a Banana Republic in less than two years.
(4,805 posts)the fourth estate is Shiite.
(16,245 posts)in every nook and cranny of this country that will serve 24/7 Brett love and 24/7 dehumanization of any and all non-Retrumplicans.
Many of those stations will make billions broadcasting 3 hours of major "liberal" college football games this weekend, only to spend the other 165 hours of the week demonizing and dehumanizing the MAJORITY of their own local community
and from the left, you'll hear crickets. It would be too much to show up in massive numbers outside the offices and studios of these hate radio stations in New York, in Chicago, in Cincinnati, in Columbus (OH and GA), in Austin, in Dallas, in Los Angeles, in Seattle, in Tacoma, in Baltimore, in Cleveland, in Albany, in San Francisco, in Denver, in New Haven, in Newark (NJ and OH), in Miami, in Jacksonville, in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, in Richmond, in Pittsburg, in Philadelphia, in Washington, DC, in Sacramento, in Mobile and Montgomery AL, in Wheeling and Charleston, WV, in Indianapolis, in Detroit, in Las Vegas, in Pheonix...
Well, you get my drift.
Gee, if only there were a majority of Blue voters in those cities that would demand accountability and fairness from their radio stations.
(37,648 posts)My independent lean-Republican listens to Rush Limpballs, of all things. He spends a lot of time in his truck. The only way he gets exposure to reality is through me and looking up the news on the internet.
The Repubs send out their dogs and their talking points, and plaster the media with their dogs & talking points. They repeat them over and over and over. They use the SAME WORDS, even. The GOP has the talking point thing down to a science. Their base can only remember short phrases, so that's what the GOP goes with.
"A fair hearing"
"We had a fair hearing"
"Dr Ford had a fair hearing"
"Kavanaugh went through a thorough and fair hearing"
"Ford should be listened to"
"The accusers should be listened to"
"She was listened to"
"No evidence"
"No evidence"
"No evidence"