General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOn CNN this morning Max Boot
basically called for advertisers to leave FOX News

More of this please. This is the root of the problem. Trump and the Republicans live in their own reality that is propagated by FOX news. It needs to be stopped.
(3,479 posts)Advertisers? A real nationwide progressive boycott. Il give up having a my pillow, and a bible verse radio
(9,489 posts)targeted specific shows on FOX not sure about the network as a whole
(3,479 posts)Keurig Green Mountain @Keurig
Ford & Lincoln @Ford @LincolnMotorCo
Pfizer @pfizer
Liberty Mutual @libertymutual
Bayer AG & Monsanto @Bayer @BayerUS
Honda & Acura @Honda @Acura
Ace Hardware @acehardware
Procter & Gamble @ProcterGamble @Bounty @MyCascade @Charmin @Crest @DawnDish @Febreze_Fresh @downy @Gillette @GilletteVenus @OlaySkin @OralB @Pantene @Swiffer @Tide @Luvs @Pampers
Allstate & Esurance @Allstate & @Esurance
Capital One @capitalone
Go RVing @GoRVing
Glaxo Smith Kline @GSK
Subaru @subaru_usa
Fiat Chrysler (Alfa Romeo, Dodge, Jeep) @FiatChrysler_NA @alfa_romeo @AlfaRomeoUSA @Dodge @Jeep
Expedia & Trivago @Expedia @trivago
Lear Capital @LearCapital
Boehringer Ingelheim (Dulcolax, Jardiance, Zantac) @boehringerus @Boehringer
Tena @tena_us
Rakuten (Ebates) @RakutenToday @Ebates
(988 posts)jcgoldie
(12,046 posts)For a lifelong conservative, he actually has a conscience. He's very anti-Trump. He did a great job Friday on Real Time pushing back against Scaramucci's ridiculous bullshit when Maher was too much of a limp noodle to do it.
(56,842 posts)I've had cups of coffee that lasted longer than Scaramucci's tenure at the White House, but he's been consistently on the air ever since spreading pro Trump BS these past 15 months.
(7,142 posts)bdamomma
(67,287 posts)mouth either. Yes he was promoting his book.
(15,091 posts)Who thinks he is a genius.
Just kept repeating the "strategy."
Well, no shit - what he kept saying what what everyone on that panel has said 100 times - what you, me and everyone else here know and says.
Yes, 45 is using people inherent biases and prejudices to get votes.
But, sure, we should not call out his lies and bullshit because mouth breathers like him revel in it.
(34,807 posts)Need bumper stickers and bill boards.
(158,011 posts)Wawannabe
(6,565 posts)Real glad about it too. Most people are practically horrified if I tell them.
Saturday I walked a couple blocks to mail my ballot, on the way back, I passed two houses with big picture windows and bigger tv screens I could see from the road. Both had Fox news on - I live in Western WA!
(9,489 posts)I think it is plastics in the food chain, with no proof or evidence, but it has to be something