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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCohen is losing his cool.
He is being hammered, and his statements misrepresented, and irrelevant things brought up....all to attack Cohen. This is going to be a rough day, as Republicans jockey to get their 2 min sound bites on the evening news, and seek to destroy his personally.
I was hoping he would keep his cool. But he got a little upset there with the last 2 Republicans interrogators (or rather, speech makers). He did all right, but not as cool as before.
I hope he can keep his cool.
The problem with mob members who turn on "the family," is that they are dirty. They were part of a dirty business. These sorts of witnesses are always dirty. Who else would have been part of the inner circle and have intimate knowledge of the family's crimes?
As long as documentation, communications, and testimony by others supports Cohen's testimony, it's a done deal for truth seekers (the law). Which of course leaves behind Republicans, since they are not truth seekers. They won't even let him answer sometimes.
The chair needs to intervene, so Cohen can finish his answers, when they cut him off.

(3,107 posts)Hes bearing up well under the circumstances
(37,648 posts)Not as good as he started out, as he gets worn down. But he's doing okay, if he can hold it together.
(3,344 posts)blogslut
(38,733 posts)BumRushDaShow
(147,205 posts)He is as red as a beet. He is the nervous wreck.
(11,099 posts)BumRushDaShow
(147,205 posts)madaboutharry
(41,623 posts)He is not letting them twist his words or push him around.
(37,648 posts)But the chair needs to intervene to let Cohen finish his answers...the Repubs cut him off, when his answer isn't what they want to hear.
(11,099 posts)Would you like to take a moment to collect yourself, you sound you might have a stroke if you don't calm down.
(24,241 posts)The pukes are acting like theyre panicked. Meadows is losing his shit.
(73,207 posts)No he is not. He is roasting "them" in their own juices.
(15,696 posts)Cohen is handling these Rs extremely well. They are so much weaker than the ones who hammered the Clintons.
(7,258 posts)nolabear
(43,448 posts)Thats a man with no fucks left to give.
(37,648 posts)This is rough. I'm glad I'm not him.
(46,229 posts)The crap the Republicans are throwing at him demands quick swatting away.
(37,648 posts)So far, he's holding his own with professional decorum.
Those Republicans are unbearable. Glad it's not me.
(8,231 posts)hammering him on fraud and bank shit...PLEASE GO RIGHT AHEAD as it will set the table for rumps fraud.
It's very obvious that corruption breeds corruption and Cohen was an easy hire. rump also easily intimidated him.
(2,436 posts)DonaldsRump
(7,715 posts)He's a bully and knows how to deal with the Rethug bullies.
(17,235 posts)redumbliCONS are misrepresenting the facts, as usual, and I think Cohen is holding his own very well. Your title line is totally misleading and wrong.
(3,897 posts)Satch59
(1,354 posts)He knows everything and nothing to lose. GOP idiots aren't laying a glove on him.
(37,648 posts)They're trying to get him to lose it. It'd make Cohen look Kavanaugh losing his cool.
But Cohen's prepared. He recovered quickly.
Part of it is frustration they won't let him answer. The chair should intervene to make sure Cohen can answer the questions.
(147,205 posts)
New Yawkers are who they are! They are very animated.
(37,648 posts)Two very staid, cool customers.
(147,205 posts)Anyone who does trial law will inevitably be "performers". In the case of the two you mention, their positions as managers required a certain level of "decorum" but behind closed doors I expect they are hellions.
(37,648 posts)Perry Mason was cool, too.
As RBG says, it's more effective to speak in a normal tone than yell. That just gets people upset. She is cool as a cucumber, too.
We all have different temperaments. I am the opposite of cool, being high strung. And I sure as heck am not a New Yorker. Although I went there on business a few times. Exciting city. If I were young, that's where I would live, I think.
(147,205 posts)they often interrogate in "opposite" pairs when necessary. And remember, neither of them were ever career FBI. Both were U.S. Attorneys and/or Assistant U.S. Attorneys. They only got involved with the FBI as appointees.
(9,298 posts)We get focused when we're pissed. He's fine.
...It's a New York thing. If you're not a New Yorker, you wouldn't understand.
BX all day...
(37,648 posts)asiliveandbreathe
(8,203 posts)As I am sure Atty. Davis is telling him...I would bet, that being in servitude to the pos potus, Cohen developed elephant skin...he is fine...
Where I see Cohen somewhat emotional, is when he refers to his family, a most human emotion considering where Cohen finds himself..
(37,648 posts)I hope he can keep his cool. They're trying to break him and won' let him fully answer.
(8,203 posts)conference with...WHO did you talk to...WHO - WHO....I guess this particular questioners FEET WRAP AROUND A LIMB...WHO WHOOOO
The first time we have someone lying to congress.. OMFG.....Thank you Mr. Lynch....
They are still running from the truth....
(37,648 posts)asiliveandbreathe
(8,203 posts)Gosar - Gozar --I really don't care how he spells his name...he is a bannonite .
(40,162 posts)Hopefully he doesnt conpmetely lose his temper and step on the lede.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,954 posts)I think he can handle these blowhards. They're so ridiculous that it's not surprising he's getting a little agitated, but he's been through a lot worse.
(37,648 posts)I hope he can cont. to keep it together, since it seems he has a temper.
(6,309 posts)I call it fighting back. He's doing quite well for himself.
(37,648 posts)Maybe I'm projecting onto him my frustration and anger with the Republican grandstanding and not letting him answer, and attempts to distract.
(6,309 posts)I just don't see a lot of that in Michael Cohen. Where I do see that anger and frustration is with the repubs slamming papers down, yelling, and trying to cut Cohen off and not let him answer the questions in full. Clinton has made a fool of them, Peter Sztrok made a fool of them, Elijah Cummings is making a fool of them, and now Michael Cohen is making a fool of them. The only conclusion one can come to is that repubs are easy to make fools of.
(37,648 posts)oasis
(51,946 posts)dogwood000
(7 posts)As stated, RICO would not exist without testifying mobsters. Red Don's troops are relentless trying to discredit anything they can.
(37,648 posts)When you have a dirty Don, the ones on the inside who turn will also be dirty.
(7 posts)Surrounds himself with others who lie, cheat and will do anything for King Don. Tweets coming in saying stuff contradicting Cohen. How did a tweet get such high status to be belivable, 1, and 2, to be entered into a congressional hearing. Just some of how low Red Don's gov'mnt has got!
tweets coming in
(37,648 posts)Cohen was really good in his answers, not getting trapped, noticing when they misrepresented what he had said and spoke out loudly to correct that. He didn't let things slide. Good job.
And Cummings as Chair was wonderful.
I was so proud of all the Democrats. FINALLY, the House had a real hearing.