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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNice op from the NYTimes "The Crackpot Caucus"
The tutorial in 8th grade biology that Republicans got after one of their members of Congress went public with something from the wackosphere was instructive, and not just because it offered female anatomy lessons to those who get their science from the Bible.
Take a look around key committees of the House and youll find a governing body stocked with crackpots whose views on major issues are as removed from reality as Missouris Representative Todd Akins take on the sperm-killing powers of a woman whos been raped.
On matters of basic science and peer-reviewed knowledge, from evolution to climate change to elementary fiscal math, many Republicans in power cling to a level of ignorance that would get their ears boxed even in a medieval classroom. Congress incubates and insulates these knuckle-draggers.
Lets take a quick tour of the crazies in the House. Their war on critical thinking explains a lot about why the United States is laughed at on the global stage, and why no real solutions to our problems emerge from that broken legislative body.
<snip> more at
May not surprise some of you but interesting nonetheless
(52,589 posts)WCGreen
(45,558 posts)longship
(40,416 posts)This belongs at the top of the editorial page. Hell, it belongs on the front page!
(49,472 posts)'Nuff said . . . . .
(31,706 posts)These shitstains have been in Congress for years, have been in leadership positions for most of the past 5 years and in charge of the House since January, 2011. Not only are they willingly ignorant and disdainful of science but are the leading obstructionists that have had a major hand in the gridlock that has plagued this country. Here's hoping enough women have been outraged and help vote these draconian assholes out of our government in November.
A pox on the corporate media for ignoring the growing stupidity in the rushpublican party and blaming President Obama instead for the lack of government action during the past two years.