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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTrump's statement yesterday was a kick in the gut.
I thought I had become numb to the hideous and hateful things that spew forth from the mouth of Trump. Yesterdays comments about doctors and mothers deciding whether or not to execute babies really touched a nerve.
This cretin, who wanted his second wife to abort his fourth child, shovels shit and raw meat to his base without even thinking. The termination of a pregnancy, especially at the stage he describes, is never the casual event to parents or caregivers that it would be to a soulless subhuman like him.
Our first child was a miracle who came out kicking and screaming when the doctor believed my wifes six month pregnancy was not going to end in a live birth. All of the medical team went to heroic lengths to ensure his survival. I learned then that they are not dispassionate clinicians unaffected by the success or failure of a pregnancy.
Our third son was stillborn after a full term pregnancy. It was a very painful experience that was only made bearable by the care and compassion of the medical professionals at the hospital. They treated our child, who never took a breath, with the same love and respect they had for any newborn. They wrapped our son in a blanket and I would carry him to my wifes hospital bed several times each day until she was discharged. They gave us comfort and closure.
We had a funeral for our tiny son and he was buried in a local cemetery. When we visited his grave on his birthdays, we would find fresh flowers that we were certain were placed by the nurse who attended to my wife during her hospital stay.
We have a president who has no human perspective on lifes most poignant experiences. He has no concept of humanity. His hateful words are worse than lies. They are poison to our society and paint hideous false images as dark as his heart.

(7,934 posts)Im so sorry for what you have been through and are still going through. Thank you for speaking for families who may be too disheartened to speak.
(7,934 posts)Misogyny and anti-intellectualism all wrapped up for his Deplorables
(14,518 posts)My first grandchild died in utero 10 days before due date and had to be delivered in an emergency c-section... our entire family on both sides grieved his loss. It was devastating.
(30,162 posts)you had to endure this with your history.
almost any pregnancy that has reached the stage of viability, if lost, will be a loss, a tragedy and a grief for the parents.
Trump's propagandizing and incessant lying is out of bounds. it's dangerous and i can't even find the words for how wrong and how bad it's become.
(63,221 posts)He is an unbearable beast. I am so sorry for your experience.
(35,858 posts)the pain of what you endured. Thank you for sharing your story and for calling out the hideous liar on his dangerous rhetoric that preys upon our country like a cancer. I, too, was especially shocked at his words yesterday, even when I thought I could not be shocked any more.
(12,005 posts)I'm so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing a child is unimaginable.
I truly believe the man has no further emotions than what's required to serve his own purposes.
(17,717 posts)Our first child died during an emergency c-section at full term. There is nothing so awful as burying your child.
And there are no more wonderful, caring nursing staff than the ones who volunteer to take care of those of us who have experienced this loss.
As for the resident of the White House, his inability to care for anything beyond himself make it easy for him to make statements on things he could never understand because he lacks the capacity for normal human emotion.
(23,710 posts)Experience for political purposes. I'm sure you concentrate on what you have in the present and not stupidies voiced by stupids. Still, sorry it's happening. Trump's words gross me out and I don't have your history.
(19,424 posts)Which makes your story that more gut wrenching, but you felt the need to share it. Thank you.
But you are right. We have a turd in the White House who knows nothing of sacrifice and personal suffering on that a personal of level.
(7,409 posts)
(138,148 posts)I can't imagine....
(1,158 posts)Deliver us from evil.
Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)What a f'ing vile POS POTUS.
(17,276 posts)Furthermore, he's in his own little delusional bubble, and I don't think much affects him at all. He's disconnected from humanity and can't be a happy person.
Wounded Bear
(61,247 posts)a rich asshole who answers to nobody. He's Al Czervik, but not funny at all.
You're right, he has squandered every vestige of his pathetic humanity.
(53,410 posts)I know your OP is about the doctors and nurses who cared for your children and yourselves during the hardest moments of your lives. It was good for us to hear your story and to appreciate and reaffirm genuine kindness. All of us who have lost children know he isnt worthy to even open his mouth. He will die loveless, just like hes lived.
(580 posts)All the bleating about very late term abortions completely miss a couple of facts:
First, a very late term abortion means the woman has put up with the first 8 months of pregnancy - the bloating, the nausea, the weight gain, the stretch marks, the internal stretching, etc. etc., and then opted for an abortion only after going through all of that. It ought to be obvious that she decided (more or less) AGAINST an abortion much earlier and now seeks a very late abortion only because some desperate situation has developed late in the pregnancy. In other words, this is not a wanted abortion, it's not an optional abortion. It is essentially being forced upon the woman because of some exigency such as real danger to herself or real defect in the fetus. Blocking such an abortion is about as sensible as slashing the tires of an ambulance.
Second, one of the necessary ingredients of a very late term abortion is a doctor. Yes, a real MD. He or she has to perform the abortion; the pregnant woman can't do it by herself. Presumably the doctor, certainly this applies to most doctors, has a sense of professionalism and would not perform such a complex and risky (and, let's face it, ugly) procedure for anything less than compelling reasons. As a generality, if the doctor is willing to perform a very late term abortion then presumably the abortion is justifiable under the circumstances.
A very late term abortion is not a source of amusement, it's not a form of birth control, it's not a decision made lightly (especially after enduring several months of pregnancy) -- it is a medical emergency occurring in dire circumstances. And politicians and preachers are not invited to join the medical consult.
Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)Sadly, this is not something that the butt-trumpets would ever comprehend.
(16,903 posts)LittleGirl
(8,562 posts)and Welcome to DU. I think you'll find peace here.
(12,506 posts)Nothing surprises me any longer about Trump. He is truly the most despicable person in public life today.
What never fails to shock, however, are the crowds who cheer him on. Who are these people?
(15 posts)I would think ALL WOMEN, especially mothers, would understand nobody is choosing to have an abortion in the 8th month. Even female mother Jesus freaks. I would think this would be understood by any mother. Im not understanding how a mother could not get this. Whats not to get about the logic of a medically necessary abortion?
hay rick
(8,479 posts)Not based on fact, experience, or truth but on the virulent hate in his heart which he uses to infect his followers.
(28,647 posts)It was not until then that it became apparent on ultrasounds that the baby had a number of anomolies that were "incompatible with life". It was not expected that the child would survive to term and there was no point to continuing the pregnancy.
My relative chose to have labor induced and the baby did survive a few minutes. In those few minutes she was held and cuddled by her heartbroken parents. Thankfully, the doctors were not required to perform meaningless efforts to keep her alive as the "pro-life" crowd would demand and, if the baby had any awareness in her few minutes, she knew only love.
(12,448 posts)I'm so sorry that happened. I'm beyond angry that the monster of a president* uses that kind of tragedy to make a political "point," making light of the heartbreak of losing a baby. Instead, he blames the mother and the doctor. Just when I thought he could go no lower, he just did.
(1,875 posts)My awed admiration goes out to those whose life's work is caring for such families.
A few years ago, I worked for my state's health exchange assisting callers to sign up for either Medicaid or a Qualified Health Plan. Many of the people with whom I spoke were in rough situations. Sometimes a person would lose their eligibility for Medicaid just because they got a 50 cent an hour raise. One woman had lost her grown daughter and could not stop crying over the phone. Other families were desperately waiting for their names to appear on the Medicaid rolls so that they could take a family member to receive urgently needed health care.
That job, along with some tough losses in my own life, pretty much broke me. I was unable to maintain what is sometimes called "survivor detachment." I was unable to continue working because I internalized everyone's pain.
People who can give of their support and strength to strangers and still be whole people for themselves and their loved ones are the most significant heroes in the world. They are even more inspirational than those who face physical danger to help others, because physical threats often stir a boost of adrenaline that push the body's responses into overdrive.
Compassion is the strongest emotion in the world. And it takes incredible strength to wield it.
(6,675 posts)over the years people have asked me what I did to make her that way or told me that they know what I did to make her that way. so many of the idiots in our country have no science so they think that "trying to have an abortion" is what makes a child handicapped. I also had a couple of miscarriages. Lost one child and had normal children. Anything can happen in pregnancy and only science tells us why. Not religion and not conspiracy theories.
dawg day
(7,947 posts)So many families must be pained by this. One of the Bush girls just said she had an ectopic pregnancy. This is fatal unless there is an abortion. I hate to think that even one woman feels the slightest guilt for saving herself.
And Trump is the ultimate hypocrite. He doesn't care at all about abortion. He just wants to make his stupid base catcall liberals and hate on feminists-- though I'm pretty sure many of them have had abortions or impregnated women who then had abortions. It's all about being outraged and hateful.
(5,976 posts)calimary
(85,162 posts)The Asset has NO compassion. Doesn't even have a clue as to what compassion IS. ALL he cares about is himself. And how whatever-it-is helps, hurts, or otherwise directly affects him. The law? Nah. The Constitution? Feh, just a piece of paper that's really old. Really old. It is just a very very old piece of paper. How does it apply to now? (NOTE: he always makes his points in triplicate.)
(719 posts)"They are poison to our society and paint hideous false images as dark as his heart"
Your words moved me to tears.
I hope your pain lessens in time, but for now keep writing............we hear you......
(18,470 posts)I have no problem admitting that either.
(852 posts)I just watched the clip.
This trump is a goddamned piece of shit. Sorry for the language.
(9,048 posts)It's not easy and requires one to one effort.
His words are helping some turn against him but we need every one of them to change.
They are blinded by hatred and ignorance fed by Faux Noise and the like.
(12,608 posts)had a miscarriage. She was so hurt by the loss of her child and it showed. Her husband did not comfort her at all. He told her she needed to stop crying cause the baby was just a blood clot anyway. Well she divorced this fool some years later. Best decision she ever made. Imo, I think narcissist WANT to hurt people. They love it and the reaction it gives.
(5,976 posts)Thank you for sharing this most intimate part of your lives; I feel that it enlarged my heart toward a deeper understanding.
(14,390 posts)paid to have an abortion done. Why can't any journalist dig this up? Sure the fundies would find an excuse...he was younger and not as moral and wise and God fearing as he is now (!). And they will swallow it whole. But it would at least chip away at his standing with that cult.
(85,162 posts)Makes me despise that bastard all the more. NOTHING but lies from him.
Youd think just about everybody would have caught on by now.
I cant even imagine the pain of losing a child. Theyre supposed to bury US. NOT the other way around.
(27,995 posts)I'm so sorry for your loss. By telling his story, you honor your son and those who cared for him. Peace.
(23,954 posts)... that Dems very much WANT to murder newborn babies. I guess Trump finally caught on to the Dem program.
red dog 1
(29,935 posts)Subhuman is a good one-word description of that "thing" in the Oval Office.