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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe Republicans are nakedly grabbing power to further their agenda while the Democrats...
fervently want to return to some sort of "normalcy". At some point, the Democratic congressional leadership has to understand that there is no return to normalcy.
What needs to be done today is the creation of a select committee in the House to investigate the president. You don't have to call it "impeachment". Call it whatever you want. But that committee needs to be raining subpoenas on the White House like a tsunami. If Trump wants to fight them all in court, so be it. Dare him to. But if people don't comply, order their arrest. Call Trump's bluff.
Not standing up to Trump will weaken efforts to replace him in 2020. Don't rely on presidential election polling data a 18 months ahead of the election as comfort. Take more aggressive action now or risk losing big in 2020.

(16,349 posts)Well said.
In response to me telling her about Mueller's letter to Barr, my wife actually said to me this morning: "blah, blah, blah. Who cares. I'm done with all that. Do something and stop talking." I know she won't totally disengage and not vote in the primary and GE, but I can't help but wonder how many feel like her, and how many of those will sit out 2020 as a consequence of no real action.
(1,934 posts)The Republicans know the clock is ticking on their time and they are doing everything they can to hold on to it and further a far right wing agenda. Meanwhile the Dems are sitting around trying to look calm and normal when calm and normal is losing. At some point we need to wake up! They blocked a rightfully nominated judge from the SC. They then blew up the process and went "nuclear" to get their guy in. This is just 1 instance, there are many more.
Urgency is needed. Normalcy is history, whatever we thought it was. We have to gear up to win in a new era in politics
(13,400 posts)This isnt the time for a picnic. Americans want straight answers NOW.
(14,386 posts)
(56,842 posts)and, we're using Squirt Guns of Truth against the Firehoses of Falsehoods
(10,533 posts)I nearly fell out of my chair.
They are addicted to the idea of projecting normalcy and "business as usual". They can't let it go. It's mesmerizing and infuriating to watch.
(7,726 posts)The business still has to get done despite all the drama happening.
If they don't go to the table and make their input known, McDonald does whatever-the-hell he feels like without them on record.
(2,691 posts)We are in the god damned middle of a Constitutional crisis and they propose a Tupperware party?
Christ on a crutch. When did Nancy begin to think that tRump can have a "constructive" meeting with anyone except Putin? If after watching the single most destructive creature in U.S. history for the last three or so years now she hasn't gotten a clue what needs to be done, we're doomed. Stick a fork in us. We're dead.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)peril. No reason to believe that TRussia won't rig again.
(2,691 posts)The price for not doing so will make the 2020 *election irrelevant if the rethugs can cram down more of their rightwing policies and Federal judges and other appointments. They will have ensured a virtually permanent minority ruling class in this country for several generations, and perhaps rendered a mortal wound to the very Constitution itself. tRump must be stopped. McConnell must be stopped. They need to be exposed and forced out of their positions of power by whatever means necessary.
(3,412 posts)dugog55
(313 posts)of control since Bill Clinton was President. It is no coincidence that this all occurred after the "Fairness Doctrine" was no longer enforced. The Conservatives then took control of the messaging via hate radio and later Fox News and YouTube shows. They pumped their lies out 24/7 and they became the norm. The Politicians followed suit with outright hatred of Obama. When did you ever hear the Senate majority leader say immediately after an election his goal was to make Obama a one term President and fight every bill he supported. The Repubs also had plans to impeach Hillary as soon as she took office if she won the election, and McConnell has stated he will oppose everything a Democrat proposes if Trump loses this next election.
We need to clean house, start impeachment proceedings against anyone that is not following his oath of office or is committing obstruction and get them out. Winning the Senate and Presidency back next election is of utmost importance if the United States is not going to fall into a rapidly approaching Fascist State.
Well said, very well said
(7,398 posts)Until dems wake up it will continue to be a losing battle.
(20,018 posts)That deserves repeating!
(5,969 posts)I totally agree.
(6,735 posts)They know that. They also know the country is craving for normalcy. They are following the legal steps one at a time. I think that's a good thing. The American people believe that no one is above the law. They are standing up to trump through the law. That's how it's done. Besides you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.
(1,736 posts)doesn't make normalcy is achievable.
There is currently a presidency with a clear history and willingness to ignore the law and cultivate foreign influence in our democracy, with significant Republican collusion.
How do you go from that to normal?
(10,278 posts)Fight now, like goddamn honey badgers or lose in 2020 like a whipped cur.
And if the party does NOT fight now, we deserve to be whipped...
(2,274 posts)WE are letting them have the drivers wheel and putting too much hope and faith in 2020. We KNOW Russia will be helping the repuglicans, we know it!, and yet... . what do we do? Civility and SOP are things of the past now. Our Country is in full blown crisis mode and yet... smh
(59 posts)And the Boy Scouts are getting slaughtered
(3,412 posts)and am considering whether to endure a lengthy prison term if it comes to that.
(29,935 posts)I think that they have a strategy. As the public are generally bad at discretion, I think they are holding their cards to their chest.
Primaries are going well, Repukes continue to show America who they are. Dumps numbers going on the right direction. People angry over their tax returns.
Party remains united in quest to dethrone the tyrant.
(7,888 posts)Our leadership better have a plan and coordinated grass roots support for it. I will not simply "hope for the best" when trust but verify is a better motto.
(15,506 posts)Couldn't agree more.
Trumpskyism needs to be yanked out down to the roots.
(3,364 posts)calimary
(85,153 posts)It will weaken or flat out destroy the Constitutional separation of powers, the integrity of our institutions, and the whole idea of accountability.
Chin music
(24,999 posts)This last two years has been a carnival. Not the Country I grew up in and swore to protect.
(6,007 posts)moondust
(20,700 posts)really like their new Trumputin-led Theocratic Plutofascism in which they no longer have to pretend to serve "The People" to get themselves elected and become fabulously rich and powerful.
(3,440 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,131 posts)Obama, sadly, made that mistake any number of times, not the least of which was letting the Republicans get away with not considering his nominee for the Supreme Court. Between assuming Hillary would win the election, and simply not saying every single day that the R's weren't doing their job, look at what we got.
any assumption that our nominee will automatically win in 2020 is foolish. And even if our person does win, we can't let two more years of this crap continue unchallenged.