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While I was watching a clip of Trump's talk last week, about his opposition to violence and white nationalism, I remembered something from long ago. I was in a training in Rome, NY, for forensic social workers, being presented by J. Reid Meloy, the psychologist who was widely recognized as our country's leading expert on sociopaths. Dr. Meloy was the top student of Dr. Robert Hare, who had devised the Hare Checklist for identifying sociopaths.
Each day of the training, Dr. Meloy spoke about the sociopath's ability to know the words, but not the tune. In other words, a sociopath can utter words in an attempt to feign empathy, etc, but it falls flat. In this case, Trump didn't even know the words he was merely trying to read what someone else had composed for the teleprompter. His tone in delivering the message was devoid of any human emotion. The word flat does not fully capture the emptiness of his tone.
Now, this is not in and of itself one of the diagnostic traits found on Hare's Checklist. But it certainly blends in with a number of traits found on that checklist that Trump exhibits. There are twenty traits assessed on the Hare checklist, and the more traits one has, the higher they rank on the scale for sociopathy. For a quick review, let's consider those that one might associate with Trump: glib; grandiose; need for stimulation; pathological lying; manipulative; lack of remorse or guilt; lack of empathy; parasitic lifestyle; poor behavioral controls; promiscuity; early behavior problems; impulsive; irresponsibility and refusal to accept responsibility.
Among these are a cluster that are closely related for the potential for cruelty. The lack of the human traits of empathy, or remorse, combined with the refusal to take responsibility, can make for a cold and cruel specimen. The type that enjoys separating little children from their families. The type that takes pleasure in keeping children in metal cages. That orders ICE to separate parents from their children on the very day he goes to El Paso, to send the message that if you don't like children in cages, he'll leave them alone on the streets of America instead.
What might this mean in the context of the effort to impeach Trump and/or the 2020 presidential election? Let's apply the first lesson on campaigns
.there are three groups: those who will always vote for you, those who will always vote against you, and those who are either undecided or not firmly committed. No Democrat who watched Trump's reading of a speech last week is going to think, Boy, that came straight from the heart. He isn't so bad. And no white nationalist is going to think for a second that Trump meant a word of it. That leaves the third group, which is those who generally decide an election.
Now, it's important to remember that a presidential election is actually fifty state elections. While the popular vote should determine the outcome, it doesn't. Thus, it is essential that we focus on state polls, rather than becoming overconfident due to national polls. Still, with this in mind, it is evident that we can use Trump's obscene level of cruelty to our advantage. For but one example, there are enough film clips of him displaying his toxic filth that our party can highlight it in hundreds of commercials aimed at the undecided voters as well as those who opted to not vote in 2016.
We know that Trump has a fragile, underdeveloped ego. When confronted, his id takes the reins. We saw that when Nancy and Chuck confronted him about the potential Trump shutdown. He reacted by taking ownership of what became a cruel, unpopular failure. That is his essence. Likewise, he hates to be the butt of jokes, and can be counted on to immediately go on the attack. We need to use these things ot only against him, but against every republican in DC who outright supports him, or who remains silent.

(86,378 posts)Attack the monster at his weakest spot.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)real Cannabis calm
(1,124 posts)malaise
(280,767 posts)You nailed the Con
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)He is such a repulsive swine.
(2,548 posts)But he was only a robot.
Bu I do remember the moral-Beware the creatures of the Id!.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Willard "Mitt" Romney said that robots are people. Something along those lines.
(66,237 posts)FakeNoose
(36,551 posts)When somebody else writes the speech, Chump doesn't even read it before he gets up there on the podium. That's why he makes so many mistakes, and why he "wings it" sometimes, he just throws in any old shit whether it makes sense or not.
No advance preparation makes him a terrible speaker and it's one of the reasons why he cannot debate against any of our Democratic candidates. Any Dem would run rings around Chump just like Hillary did, except in 2016 Chump was younger and sharper than he is now.
This is just one more aspect of his wacky personality, and one more reason why he's a terrible president.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Even though he doesn't work at "being president," his time in office has taken a toll. His abilities are greatly reduced, and the chatter he spouts is old and worn thin.
(14,357 posts)When I first saw the speech, I thought also that his monotone was a signal to his loyalists: Dont pay any attention to these words, you can tell this isnt really me, Im just going through the motions.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)None of his flock could have possibly mistaken that for sincere. What would be more interesting is if, by some freak chance, he signs a law on background checks. Even though the vast majority of people favor them, his base will view it as a betrayal. And if he doesn't do anything, more people will be disgusted with him.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,916 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)coeur_de_lion
(3,838 posts)Been saying it for months.
Make commercials highlighting his sickness and play them over and over until he loses it.
Constant reminders of what a truly crazy person he is.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Let him know people are laughing at him.
(113,200 posts)He can dish it out but he most definitely cannot take it.
(3,838 posts)over and over and over until his head explodes.
I saw a report on how he was angry all weekend about being viewed as a racist.
(92,386 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)
What a thread!
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)always ganging up on me.
Instead of FVEY, TWEY
(3,838 posts)coeur_de_lion
(3,838 posts)of few words Me. Most of my words on DU can be found on H's OPs.
How you? Ready to celebrate when the mango mussolini drops dead after his next big mac?
(35,454 posts)That may be one of the infinite mysteries of this admin. He eats terribly, all sorts of fats and sugar (is he sexually deprived since he came to the WH), has gained tons of weight, has continual temper tantrums, is under severe stress and, yet, HE'S STILL STANDING.
(3,838 posts)at work, at home. My parents even. My father was a very unhealthy eater -- ate sugar (mostly ice cream) every day of his life. Diabetic. He lived until he was 86, dying of Parkinson's caused by agent orange in Vietnam. If not for that I'm sure he would've lived well into his nineties.
He had a ferocious temper and lots of tantrums, though he was retired for almost 40 years from the AF before he died. So no work stress.
I inherited his temper . . . . and then some.
But Dad believed he was right and when you believe in yourself I think that takes away a certain amount of stress.
I don't know if trump is delusional enough to believe his own lies. But fd he is I think that takes away the stress of the lies.
Anyway H should probably tell us the life expectancy of someone like trump if he knows it. I think he'll live a really long time unless we get him to prison like his friend Epstein.
(35,454 posts)
(3,838 posts)we might not fight as hard or make fun of him as much.
We need to make fun of him a lot.
(4,523 posts)stupid, dumb, etc
bad at business, bankruptcy, doesn't have as much money etc
filthy, dirty, etc
All of those describe him.
Make him a joke.
(280,767 posts)spanone
(138,156 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)maxsolomon
(35,787 posts)Who will get in the mud and make/run ads that directly attack his cruelty and narcissism? In 2016, we left his vanity off the table and let him skate on 1. his ridiculous hair, 2. his veneers, 3. his spray tan raccoon eyes, 4. his obesity. Attacking his masculinity isn't just what he deserves; it's key to weakening him in the eyes of white voters.
The GOP has no problem doing that, why should we?
Frankly, I don't see a Liz Warren taking the low road to victory. It's going to have to be a PAC that she can deny association with.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)any more than prosecutors calling Jeff Epstein a predator was a low blow. Trump needs to be prosecuted in the court of public opinion. I say bring the guilty shithead in and we'll give him a fair trial.
(35,787 posts)We went high, we lost.
I got excoriated on DU in 2016 for proposing that his masculinity should be attacked, mostly for using the word 'Heteronormative'.
As in "a 70 year old man dying his fake hair blonde is not Heteronormative".
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I think prosecuting him publicly is the highest road. Just my opinion. He's a threat to national security, and that's the kindest thing I can say about him.
Being an old and simple man, I think back to my contests in the ring for reference. Against some opponents, I exploited their weaknesses, with others, I attacked their strengths. And against the most dangerous opponents, I went after both.
I do think comments about his "bone spurs" is valid.
(92,386 posts)He would not have "won" without it.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)tosh
(4,453 posts)Terrific post- Thank you!
(96,119 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Hekate
(96,119 posts)
(4,341 posts)Is the mission of the creature and his accomplices that important to them that they will allow the country to decline, to accept the immoral actions of the administration and be part of it?
Are they so compromised and so naive to think they will never be found out? Don't they know that most crooks are eventually found out and pay a heavy price for their criminality?
At what time do people say "I cannot be part of this, I love my country more than I love the mission, I must speak out, I must tell the World what is going on, I must speak the truth and stop this madness". When will anyone be brave enough to do it?
So many flags on so many lapels, so much Christianity out of the mouths of people filled with hate, incapable of understanding the cruelty of which they are part of, the damage they are doing to so many children, so many families, to the country, to the world. All those flags on the lapels and their fake Christianity mean nothing, they are just props to make the ignorant and gullible believe they are good people, but they are the worst of humankind, the World will be a better place when they are gone, when they can no longer legislate against the people.
I agree with some Democrats that a "Revolution" must take place, but the revolution has to be one of education to all, we must eliminate ignorance to make sure things like what we live today will never happen again. Educated people would never accept the vile actions of this administration, yes there will still be some who will, but the majority will not stand for it.
I fear that we are moving into a possible civil war, that many will be fighting against hate and ignorance, and nothing would fill these crooks hearts more, and their boss Putin, than something like that to happen.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I think the answer to the first three questions are: yes, yes, and no.
"...we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin to shift from a 'thing-oriented' society to a 'person-oriented' society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., "A Time to Break Silence" (April 4, 1967)
(12,586 posts)And Erich Fromm described the same character type as "malignant narcissist." (I have a few names for him myself. Quite a few. They all describe him accurately.)
(24,241 posts)the 11/8/16 installation of the puppet and I can tell you that my psychiatrist says that MF45 is a textbook malignant narcissist. Hes a mess. A dangerous mess.
Wonderful OP H2O Man. Thank you for your hard work.
(85,169 posts)SUPERBLY well said.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I really appreciate that!
(6,326 posts)Timmygoat
(779 posts)Why is Barr getting involved in the Epstein death, it has been said that his family had a longstanding relationship to Epstein.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Even on the surface, I think Barr has discredited himself to beyond the extent where people believe him.
I wrote an essay here about a month ago, detailing Barr's father and Epstein. I believe it puts it in the proper perspective.
(6,326 posts)You literally cannot make this stuff up. Books about space sex slavery trade.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)My cousin often says if anyone came up with this pre-Trump, it would sound too extreme to believe.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I still love watching that film. President Obama wasn't holding back. He provided us with a model of how to get under those layers of moldy skin.
marble falls
(63,208 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)If anything, in fact, Trump seems to be getting worse.
marble falls
(63,208 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Being angry and frustrated may speed the process.
(24,324 posts)Why oh why don't dem party leaders see the huge stockpile of ammunition there is on this psychopath?
Great thoughts...
I don't want to cross over into the "primary" forum, but I do think Joe Biden nailed Trump when he declared his candidacy. And a number of other candidates did last week. More, I think that a significant number of Democrats in the House and Senate are speaking honestly about how toxic he is.
I'm thinking that people at the grass roots level can participate in an "information campaign" aimed at the "undecideds," too.
(53,061 posts)There are so many critical points raised (for example the on point diagnosis) that it would be exhaustive to even list them.
Let us ponder the most critical point
50 State elections
Many of those elections will not be competitive.
Many of the competitive elections will be decided on state issues and other than Presidential ballot raises.
Take Arizona for example. With Mark Kelly on the ballot I would not be surprised that we win the Senate seat by 10+ points. McSally is not only vulnerable, she might not win the primary.
I know that the general impression is that AZ is deep red but Dems are plus one in their congressional delegation. When Mark Kelly wins we will have 2 Democratic Senators.
This is not an accident. Mark Kelly/Gabby Giffords graciously took themselves out of the 2018 primary giving us a chance to win with Sinema.
Kelly/Giffords 2020 run will give us a great turnout and their coattails will be enough to go Blue on Presidential ballot. Trump BARELY won AZ (3%) and Sec Clinton was very unpopular among many.
Trump only got 49% of the vote. If AZ goes blue there is no realistic chance for a Trump victory (If AZ is blue then Iowa and Colorado will probably go Blue as well).
If we take AZ Pres and Senate seat and win the WH and control of the Senate it will be because of Kelly/Giffords courageous and strategic moves.
Michael Moore made the same brilliant point when he urged Democrats to run popular propositions (marijuana, minimum wage) in every competitive state.
50 State elections and only 10-15 are competitive. We can build a landslide.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)And especially thank you for the great response!
Recognizing that it is a fifty individual state contest is essential. It is vital for understanding why national polls, while of some value, are not as important as individual state polls. And that not only helps us avoid overconfidence, it indicates where resources are best invested. That includes time and money.
I think that you and I, along with a number of friends here, remember how in 1968, having college students going door-to-door in an important state helped change the dynamics. That's one investment that illustrates the type of creative action that the grass roots can invest in for 2020. It's not only the actual campaign team and candidate that can move those state polls, and lead to victory.
Oh, I want that landslide! And exactly as you say, it is a possibility within our grasp!
(11,645 posts)Don't rely on exposing Trump as the psychopath, racist, sexist or cruel monster that he is. I think there needs to be narrative with it.
Too many people will not pay attention to Trump just saying again all the crappy crap Trump says. They heard it before, they aren't listening. There has to be an explanation of why what he says is so bad. Why it is bad for any human and why it is particularly bad for a president. Who cares that a crazy psychopath is our President unless of course you worry about his control over you, over your family and over nuclear weapons.
I swear some of those commercials with Trump saying awful things during the 2016 election were actually seen as positive by some voters. They saw him as the monkey in the monkey wrench. They guy who says crazy things just to shake things up. You have to explain how he will destroy our democracy. Some people just need both show and tell.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)about that. I don't have tv (I watch things on youtube). I don't remember if her campaign did or not.
I agree with much, but not all, of what you said here. As noted in the OP, there are definitely groups that will always support you, and another that will always oppose you. Definitely there are people who voted for Trump because they share his hatreds. They view him as giving voice to their deeply-held beliefs -- and indeed, he has. But I'm not concerned about them come election day 2020. As the old Irish saying goes, "Fuck them."
It's those who make up "Group C" in political Science 101, who are undecided -- including those uncertain of if they will vote -- and those who are not firmly committed to either candidate. That is who a campaign focuses on in any potentially close election contest. And how they are approached is important.
We've all heard the saying that not all of Trump's supporters are white nationalists, but all white nationalists are Trump supporters. That's a great example of the message to be communicated by highlighting Trump's cruel racism.
(11,645 posts)I see it here in rural TN. They are smart, they aren't racist but they would never object if uncle Joe tells a racist joke. They aren't sexist but if their friend harrasses a woman they will ignore it.
They are stealth egalitarians. They would like to see a free and equal world but they don't think anything they do will make a difference.
I think if you point out the dangers of Trump crap it would stop and make these people think. Give them a narrative to hang their hat on of how Trump crap will hurt them and they will change. I mean these folks live and work with racist and crazy MAGATs and to them Trump is just another version of their racist crazy neighbor.
Perhaps these stealth egalitarians are your undecided. But they are really just not motivated to to stand up to the crazies.If we give them a reason they will take their egalitarian tendencies to the voting booth.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I agree 100%
(2,809 posts)Not even a MAGA incitement rally and all the cold, cruel diviseness and dog whistles to the base emerge.
Dateline March 19th, 2019, and the two largest and obscenely cruel world dictators speak...
Ttump: "Today I'm very thrilled to welcome President Bolsonaro for his first visit to the White House" ... "We're going to have a fantastic relationship, we have many views that are similar..."
"The twilight hour of socialism has arrived in our hemisphere, and hopefully by the way, it's also arrived, that twiight hour, in our great country" ... "The last thing we want in the United States is socialism. So President Bolsonaro and I will, uh, tell you that we'll be consulting and talking a lot. We'll be working a lot on our (both?) problems and assets, and we're making tremendous strides, we had a great meeting today"
(the famous "NATO ally" blurb, trade farce...end verbal suck up introduction from Ttump)
Bolsonaro: "We do share a great deal in common." ... "n conclusion, may I say that Brazil and the United States stand side by side in their efforts to ensure liberties and respect to traditional family lifestyles, respect to God, our Creator, against the gender ideology or the politically correct attitudes, and against fake news."
Ttump opens his stump again:
"I tell you, I have many, many millions of followers on Twitter. And it's different than it used to be. Things are happening, names are taken off, people aren't getting through. You've heard the same complaints. And it seems to be, if they're conservative, if they're Republicans, if they're in a certain group, there's discrimination and big discrimination." ... (moths wordy "no collusion" deflections)
"So something is happening with those groups of folks that are running Facebook and Google and Twitter. And I do think we have to get to the bottom of it. It's very fair -- it's collusive, and it's very, very fair to say that we have to do something about it. And if we don't -- you know, the incredible thing is that we can win an election and we have such a stacked deck." (rant continues against "fake news networks"
Question for Jair Bolsonaro from interviewer: "Thank you, sir. President Bolsonaro, and another question on the 2020 election: If a number of the Democrats who are running to replace the President have embraced or have considered socialist ideas -- you've spoken critically of that in the past -- if a socialist or a candidate who embraced socialism were to replace the President, how would it affect your relations with the United States?
"I do believe Donald Trump is going to be reelected fully." ..."This was the same -- what happened to me. I think everyone will repeat their vote here in America. So, every day, more and more people that are prone to socialism, and even communism, slowly are going to be opening their minds to the reality." ... "This feeling most certainly is going to be very much seen when 2020 comes."
(Both puppets exchange extensive and clumsy niceties, and thank the thankless, conclusion)
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Exactly.
I'm thinking of a commercial that has clips of Trump's campaign, when he said over and over that he'd be too busy as president to play golf. I believe there are over 50 tweets attacking President Obama for playing golf, too. There is the potential there to get an audience to laugh at the ass clown.
(8,045 posts)Trump playing golf.
Chinese woman at Mira Lago, ......
I think they should play Moscow Mitch saying obstruct, obstruct, obstruct over and over again.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Lots and lots of options. And they are good options!
(13,848 posts)I can see no one is interested...
that this would happen. (grin)
(35,454 posts)
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)next time!

(36,631 posts)Normally, divide and conquer is a good strategy. I believe it is more appropriate in this case to keep all the Gangsters of Putin stuck together, or, borrowing a phrase from your closing, "against every republican in DC".
The leading criminals should be kept joined at the hip: Kremlin Don and Moscow Mitch.
This hydra is the greatest threat we face.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I was the second editor of our underground high school newspaper, The Hydra. (The first editor had graduated and became a member of the Weather Underground, before going to prison.) Ah, the good old days!
And you are exactly right -- we need to keep creeps like Mitch pasted to Trump. And as not a single republican official in DC who is up for election in 2020 has had the decency to uphold their oath of office, glue them all together. Doing so is our best bet.
(36,631 posts)I swear I didn't track down your Hydra background before making the previous post!
Republicans have adhered to both Trump and our enemy Putin in the attempted destruction of our democracy. Late cries, from a few, concerning securing our election should not unstick them -- they have whole-heartedly supported thwarting the will of the electorate as long as they could benefit while not receiving too much bad press.
(9,426 posts)at his last rally before he injured himself, and began working from home, that he and president tRump are "Making America Great Again"!! His bank account has certainly benefited from this abomination of a president. Moscow Mitch has way too much power. One man should not be responsible for deciding which bills are brought up for a vote, and which (sensible ones) should not.
(17,287 posts)reminders of the "team" that IQ45 had/has selected to work with him - "Only the best!"
You know, like the lately departed Secretary of Epstein Forgiveness, the Secretary of Expensive Trips and Privacy Booths, the Secretary of Riding my Horse into Town to Take Out all the Cash, and, of course, the Secretary of Private Education for Profit.
Some track record, huh?
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,848 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I did an interview with Mark for DU. Great guy.
Kid Berwyn
(19,098 posts)Since the reported* passing of Mr. Epstein, I have warmed to the thought of stretching out Congressional hearings on the deranged, depraved and deluded traitor Donald the Pussygrabber of Merde-pa-Loco.
*How to Test & Ascertain Gangland Style: Dress well and carry a straight pin.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)In his wettest dream, Trump used to fancy himself a mob boss. Now he dreams of being a dictator. Both tend to be high-risk occupations. We need to make sure his ending is overwhelming, and humiliating. He will replace Nixon as the worst creep to serve as president.
(8,231 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Erich Fromm coined "malignant narcissist" to describe sociopaths. Fromm's writings are essential reading. His 1973 book, "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness" details not only how a person like Trump gains power under certain social conditions, but how they attract assistants and supporters who share some of their ugly traits.
(30,379 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)VOX
(22,976 posts)Outstanding post.
I appreciate that!
(51,940 posts)
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)mgardener
(1,952 posts)Thoughtful and informative.
Just checked. Trumps temper tantrum shut down cost the American people 11 Billion dollars.
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)That shut down hurt a lot of people.
(17,923 posts)...presuming Mr Trump to be a sociopath, which does seem a pretty safe bet, he really believes nothing, is sincere about nothing. His only concern is expediency. Yet the white supremacists who form the core of his base apparently believe their own ideology -- and believe that Mr Trump shares it. He'd sell them out in a NY minute if it became expedient, which would probably shock them all to hell and back. But they love him because he "has principles" (by which they mean, they believe he shares their principles), and "tells the truth" (by which they mean, says what they have always wanted to say, but didn't have the courage to say until recently).
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Those who strongly support Trump have merely projected their own wants and needs, fears and hatreds, to an empty shell of a man who they identify as their leader. They believe, in their heart of hearts, that Trump cares about them, and is interested in their well-being. And in truth, Trump doesn't care about them any more than he cares about you and I -- not a bit. He'll take their money. He'll court their vote. But he isn't ever going to socialize with them, for he is convinced that they are far, far beneath him.
Uncle Joe
(60,687 posts)Thanks for the thread H2O Man.