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(Note: My internet & phone were taken out by a thunderstorm on Thursday night. I just got them back on this afternoon which speaks to how unimportant a very, very rural custom is. Anyhow, I had planned to post the following essay six days ago. While it's not particularly important, it may be of some interest to a few folks here.)
One person that I never anticipated giving a second thought was Anthony Scaramucci. The little exposure I had watching his brief White House career and a few follow-up appearances on cable news shows was enough to convince me that he had attended the school of thought that turns the human soul into fecal matter,and produces cookie-cutter con men. The slicker the con, the more financial success. Those with connections inhabit an island known as Wall Street, that transforms them into jackasses.
There is no lie that Anthony would not tell, if he were convinced that the lie would benefit him. He would lie to your face, with a half-smile on his own, while telling you what he thought you wanted to hear. He is convinced that he is a master of being slick and smooth, a most revolting combination. As the firmest of rules, no one should ever trust a word that comes out of his mouth.
So why would I have even mentioned him here on my favorite internet site? Obviously, it has to do with his recent divorce from Trump. And, as usual, my purpose is not to focus on how this has happened, for we all know how. Instead, let's examine why it has happened, which will allow us the opportunity to place it within its proper context. And that allows us the opportunity to see some dynamics that are taking place behind the scenes.
Although Anthony is a rat terrior and Jared is a poodle, they have used the same groomers. Hence, Scaramucci has known Jared longer and better than he has known Ivanka or Trump. For the sake of this essay, we will totally ignore rumors that Anthony bangs Ivanka on a regular basis, for that's something I just made up as I was writing this. Thus, it makes no difference if it is true or not. It's just something I needed to throw out there.
Antony works with a network of Wall Street wolves who are motivated entirely by greed. Many of the pack he runs with have long found Trump to be an obnoxious asshole. Some fancy themselves socially liberal, and have voiced their disagreements with Trump's crude behaviors at cocktail parties. Even Anthony has, for some time, stated some disagreement with Trump on various news shows, before quickly noting how much he supports Trump's presidency.
Indeed, Scaramucci has been consistent in saying that while he disagreed with a few of Trump's tweets and statements, he believed that Trump's economic program was good for America which simply translates into good for the ultra-wealthy. It was only last weekend that his doing so yet again resulted in Trump's personal attack on him. How Trump attacked -- by tweet is of no significance. Why he did is key.
Let's be clear: while Scaramucci and a few of the pack he hangs with might not approve of putting little brown-skinned children in metal cages, none of them had taken a stand on moral or ethical grounds. But as Trump endangers the economy with trade wars and more, they began to perspire. For many months, they believed that Anthony could use his influence with Jared and Ivanka to smooth Trump's rough edges. Clearly, that was not working.
Scaramucci was thus tasked with talking to Jared and Ivanka about the growing belief that Trump poses an extreme unstable risk for the 2020 election. While not entirely generational, many of the Wall Street cogs were going so far as to say they might support a democrat in 2020 for potential economic stability. Obviously, this did not get any positive results.
Hence, Anthony began a new super secret mission to talk to republican members of the House and Senate about potentially replacing Trump in 2020. As he has noted in the last week, the majority of those republicans told Scaramucci that they despise Trump. But their fear of a primary challenger in their next election prevents them from even mildly disagreeing with the president in public. So cowardly are these republican lap dogs that word of Scaramucci's efforts quickly reached Trump's ears.
And that is why Trump began attacking Anthony, and why Scaramucci has been saying the things he has on cable news. Being spanked by a porn star in private is one thing. But anything less than total submission by Wall Street puppies and congressional lap dogs is too much for Trump's fragile, under-developed ego. He reacts in the only way he knows how.
Think of the pickle this puts so many of Trump's pseudo-supporters in. Sure, they have a dynamic, ultra-charismatic alternative in Mike Pence. Think of the shear strength of a Mike-n-Mitch ticket. What is the alternative? Risk losing not only the White House, but a host of other elections if Trump remains the head of their 2020 ticket? How do they harness control over what started as the Tea Party, but has mutated into the neo-Nazi baseof Trump's support? Go with Steve King? So many hideous choices.
Losing the support of the wealthy and they can read the tea leaves regarding a second Trump term is bad news for the republican party. Very bad news. And it doesn't need to be the majority of them abandoning Trump's yacht. Even a seemingly small fracture dooms republicans at all levels in 2020. A few more fractures will result in a landslide.
H2O Man

(113,228 posts)I think this is a PR stunt, perhaps with the assistance of Donald Trump?
The plan would dominate the national airwaves. Together they could monopolize cable news.
It could also serve as a great distraction.
I am not convinced of his sincerety.
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)But I think it is equally likely that someone -- we'll use the "code name" Devin Nunes -- told Trump that Scaramucci has been trying to organize support within republican circles to replace Trump in 2020. If what I've heard is accurate, they would prefer to lose the White House in 2020, confident that they can regain it in 2024. They know a recession is coming within 12-24 months, and that Trump would make it a depression, which means the next 8 years would be Democrats running the White House, and both houses of Congress.
I'm not sure Anthony is ever sincere. He can never be trusted.
(3,191 posts)K&R
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)I forgot that I had included that rumor. But it is probably true .....
(3,191 posts)Just cracks me the fuck up. Love it.
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)may have snagged the First Lady, too. I hate to start rumors, of course. But I think this is true.
(280,886 posts)Great post
Very bad news for them is very good news for us
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)Seemed strange after no phone for almost a week.
Scaramucci has been working with a group that includes former elected officials and former republicans, including quite a few now employed in the media. I know that they are talking to a number of republican governors, and members of the House and Senate. Segments from Wall Street are willing to foot the bill to have primaries against Trump in quite a few states. This as a good thing. Ha!
(280,886 posts)Impeachment is coming soon as well
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)When I question if the House will do serious impeachment hearings, a couple associates tell me that they already are. That Speaker Pelosi and some committee leaders have a plan that will become clearer soon. It has to do with the courts ruling on the attempt by Trump to not cooperate and his demanding that no one testify to Congress.
(3,838 posts)Cant wait to read it in the news.
(96,147 posts)Glad you weathered the storm.
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)My house and trees on my lawn have been hit by lightening five times that I know of. This time, it was a box on the far end of my property that houses a lot of the company's controls. The repairman is someone I know casually, and he said the box is severely damaged. Lots of technical talk that is way over my head.
I should be able to do a run-down on which republicans in office are expressing contempt for Trump within a week. But they are cowards ....that's the nicest thing I can say about them.
many a good man
(5,998 posts)The Mars Man is a bold visionary who shouldn't be misunderestimated. But Moscow Mitch doesn't bring anything as VP on the ticket. His wife Elaine would be much more appealing.
Good read H2OMan. Entertaining, not weak. It is interesting to ponder what the creep's re-election drive would be like without black money from the Titans of Wall Street and Russian Oligarchs (i.e., Russian mafia).
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)I appreciate it!
Pence is a pathetic excuse for a man. In 2016, he was convinced that Jesus wanted him to become president. It must be that Jesus changed his mind .....or that Jesus played no role in Pence's self-righteous delusion.
(15,848 posts)Liz Chaney for VP. Moscow Mitch will stay in his Senate jungle.
(3,838 posts)I like anyone who hates trump. Even if he has turned himself into "fecal matter".
I doubt he'll be successful unseating trump but it sure will be fun to watch him try. No doubt though, at least some of what he has said is a bald-faced lie. I'm sure all the stuff he said about trump that I liked though was pure truth.
And I do find it beyond interesting that you feel the wealthy are finally waking up to the economic disaster that is trump.
What the fuck took them so long? I mean seriously. What the FUCK has taken them so long?
That's all I have to say about that.
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)His goal isn't necessarily to replace Trump on the 2020 ticket -- though that would be the ultimate. His more realistic goal is to run primaries in strategic states to weaken Trump.
What took them so long? They were making money, and not just the tax-cuts. That is all they care about. They see what is inevitable in the next year or so, and know Trump can only make it worse. Remember that even George W Bush handed the reins to candidate Obama in 2008, because even Bush or McCain couldn't handle the problems in the economy. Now think of Trump -- far less capable, and refusing to listen to advice from anyone but Lou Dobbs. That's not good.
(3,838 posts)Handed the reins candidate Obama what do you mean?
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)and before the election & transition, Bush spoke to candidate Obama about the nature of the crisis. He asked Obama to take control of how the federal government would attempt to handle the looming economic crash. Obama accepted the responsibility -- something that has never happened before in our history. Bush had also spoken with McCain privately. McCain wanted to be put in charge, because he felt that if he was the one to come to the rescue, he would possibly come from behind to win in November.
No one of consequence told Bush that McCain's plan might work. Just the opposite: they said it would almost certainly result in a world-wide depression.But they said Obama's path might work, though it would be very tough. Thus, Bush handed Obama the power to address the crisis.
For that period alone, Obama ranks as one of the great presidents ....though for much of it, he wasn't president!
(3,838 posts)Maybe that partially explains why Bush and the Obamas have such a friendly relationship.
It also speaks well if Bush, who we all hated, that he put country before party.
If I wanted to read about this where would I go?
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)Books on the last year of W's presidency; books on the 2008 campaign; books on Obama's presidency; my writings on DU.
(I'll look for the best resources later!)
(25,816 posts)H2O Man
(76,159 posts)Thank you for the link!
As obnoxious as I find Scaramucci, I wish him the very best on this venture. He is smarter than Trump, and that will give him a few advantages.
(3,838 posts)is smarter than trump.
He does seem to hire smart lawyers though.
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)his spawn to find less-intelligent beings.
(15,848 posts)The R party is certainly in disarray at this point, but like the undead, they always seem to rise from the crypt.
H2O Man
(76,159 posts)Years ago, Senator Eugene McCarthy compared republicans to mold -- not much life in them, but difficult to kill.
(18,121 posts)