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Hello, D.U.ers:
I'm sure that you find Trump's comments toxic and dangerous. Please consider supporting Bend the Arc's efforts (see below).
Thank you!
H2O Man
I think Jewish people that vote for a Democrat I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty." - Donald Trump, August 20, 2019
[Rep. Tlaib] hates Israel and all Jewish people. She is an anti-Semite. She and her 3 friends are the new face of the Democrat Party. Live with it! - Donald Trump, August 20, 2019
As American Jews and allies, lets be clear: Trump is putting Jews in danger to stir up his white nationalist base.
Claiming Jews are disloyal that we are not full Americans is a centuries-old antisemitic trope designed to isolate and endanger Jewish people.
We know who mainstreamed antisemitic conspiracy theories that motivated the shooters in Pittsburgh and Poway: Trump.
We know who incites violence against Jewish people, immigrants, Muslim people, Black folks, people with disabilities, women, LGBTQ folks, indigenous nations, and so many more of our friends and family: Trump.
We know who puts children in cages, separates infants from their parents, and denies due process for asylum seekers: Trump.
We know exactly who he is. And we know who we are.
We are loyal to human dignity: welcoming immigrants and refugees and asylum seekers, no children in cages, no families separated.
We are loyal to the promise of this country: a vibrant, multiracial democracy where all are represented and counted and loved.
We are loyal to equality and justice: for all.
We are loyal to each other.
If thats being disloyal, then we are proudly disloyal to President Trump and the white nationalist agenda he represents.
Part Two:
Thank you for standing up to Trump and showing that he does not speak for us.
His attacks on progressive leaders, accusing them of antisemitism, and then accusing American Jews of disloyalty, a centuries-old antisemitic trope, is shameless and shameful. His words and policies are absolutely dangerous for Jews, Muslims, and so many of our communities. And together we will fight back.
Ready to take action? A coalition of Jews against white nationalism is holding a call tonight for people who are ready to hold Republican members of Congress who enable antisemitism and bigotry accountable. RSVP here to join TONIGHT at 8:30 PM ET.
If thousands of us raise our voices we can show what our community truly believes will you ask your friends and family to sign the letter, too?

(63,221 posts)
Signed the petition

H2O Man
(76,147 posts)Just got a message from my friend there, who really appreciates DU's participation!
(33,643 posts)Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the 'disloyalty' accusation normally expressed as 'Jews are more loyal to Israel than (insert Country they live in here)'?
But in this case, isn't Trump accusing them of 'disloyalty' ... to Israel?
I mean it's still garbage of course, but it seems like it's the opposite of the usual hated and dangerous trope. It's like he's saying they should be MORE loyal to Israel than the USA.
I almost wonder if he wasn't trying to use the trope to the delight of his 8-chan dwelling fan base ... but doesn't actually know what it is, he just knows 'disloyal' is part of it, so he just shit that word into the conversation ...
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)We know that Trump has been seeped in all forms of hatred since an early age, including an unhealthy dose of anti-Semitism. And he spouts that type of hatred daily.
Yet there are times that I'm convinced that he repeats shit with no greater understanding than a parrot.
In my opinion -- and this is speculation upon my part -- it is a combination of anti-Semitism, a nod to his base, and his feeling that anyone who doesn't support him is "disloyal." At the same time, of course, he find him saying nonsense about being the king of the Jews. That is far, far beyond acceptable.
(10,749 posts)Absolute silence from Republicans.
Nothing about the vile anti-Semitism of the dual loyalty trope.
Nothing about buying Greenland and insulting Greenland and Denmark.
Nothing about his walk-back on background checks (color me surprised).
Such a vile man, a vile party.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)I talk to my uncle, a 91-year old WW2 vet. He says that this is exactly what he fought against in Europe. I know it is generally frowned upon to compare anyone to Hitler, but my uncle has earned that right ....and he is right.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)the P&L statements monthly from our Community Golf Course,we don't cash flow eleven out of twelve months a year. And in some years we never cash flow. So saying that,my guess is Trump's Florida operation mega membership fees of 200k per are pledged against his leveraged Loans on all of the other 16.
Though after the Monday report of his claiming valuation of Scotland at 164 million when last year it was 46 million,would prove my theory of a massive Ponzi and he is Reifying his bogus Valuations which is common for Real Estate Speculators. In order to stave off Defaults and Judgements.
Understand this year was one in which the number Golf Courses that failed was a new record high.
(33,643 posts)H2O Man
(76,147 posts)he is feeling pressure from many sources, coming from many directions. His failing business ventures are likely more of a problem for him today, than those from the 1980s through '90s.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Secondly,he is not well Mentally. And a third thing,if you or I had 435 million from the Old Man,we would be Billionaires instead of a Bankruptcy Court regular.
Leveraging up the Appraisal of Real Estate is kind of the norm if you are buying more properties. Providing your existing properties are inflating under standard excepted Accounting Practices. But,with this Trump thing,it sure looks like a Ponzi. Especially with the use of what is called Personal Valuations. He will get burned to the ground shortly.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)I'm guessing that this will have a very negative effect on his children, as well?
Finances are not an area that I have much of an understanding of, so I appreciate your insights!
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)either Brookfield Properties or Blackstone will end up with both Kushner and Trumps buildings and Golf Courses since they are tied to the underlying Funding of this Crime Syndicate.
One does not screw with the Russian Mafia or the Emirates and the Saudi's. Just a matter of time.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)when my brothers and I boxed, some nice businessmen attempted to get us to contract with them. They treated us very well. Being poor farm kids, we were greatly impressed. Our father had his brothers, who were high-ranking detectives, attempt to explain why we should not engage closely with those fellows. "They seem nice now, but they are the last people on earth that you want to be in debt to," they told us.
Years later, one of my uncles sent the guys to the federal pen.
I think that the Russians are likely a more powerful version of those guys. Trump probably thought they were nice initially.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)in my early twenties. Like you,glad I listened to a Older Jewish Fellow who filled me in as to what the skinny was. Like you,just a Kid from the Farm with a ton of get up and go and not knowing the ropes of a scam just got lucky not to end up in some Corn Field before my time.
(62,477 posts)the banks, the FBI, the CIA, and the DoJ are keeping an eye on this stuff. If he's benefitting his businesses at the expense of our national security, they need to be on it and stop him.
I think we need a special forum for all the likely illegal stuff MF45 has going on. Plus his bad behavior.
I think your autocorrect got the best of you on the phrase, "standard accepted accounting principles," vs "excepted".
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)damn dyslexia kicked in again. Just thinking back to my Econ Classes and Business Law. Thanks again.
(62,477 posts)and autistic.
Your posts were most excellent, though.
(113,190 posts):kick:
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)There are times when I question why the country is having such trouble towards the later years of my turn here on Earth. But it is especially troubling when I think about this being the reality of my children's lives, and all of the other young people.
(18,289 posts)H2O Man
(76,147 posts)Rhiannon12866
(227,771 posts)I have been disturbed and baffled when I learn that Jewish friends of mine actually voted for and support Trump! What can I say or do?? Thanks so much for this post.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)Bend the Arc is an outstanding group.
A large part of my extended family is Jewish. I'm glad to say that none of them voted for Trump.
(227,771 posts)I really don't get it and I don't want to fight about it, but it makes absolutely no sense to me! I felt like hollering when I found out, but I managed to only tell her she was mistaken. But she's so sure of herself that I'm afraid it would be an uphill battle - like it is with so many of the brainwashed. Fortunately, the number of people I know like that I can count on less than one hand.
(36,533 posts)... and they believe that supporting Chump will help Israel one way or another. (To me it's short-sighted, but hey.)
However many other Jewish people are liberal/progressive and their eyes are wide open to the dangerous shitshow that Chump is running. It's completely irresponsible, the crazy things he's tweeting now. He's just being divisive because he's a one-trick pony. He doesn't have anything else.
I'm happy that we're able to see though this, but I worry about the uninformed Americans who won't pay much attention until it's too late.
(227,771 posts)That's what I really don't get - but then I honestly can't understand how any person of any religion or lack of it can support him. He's been more than obvious in showing us exactly who he is.
(2,002 posts)Decades ago I learned in a psychology class that approximately 10% of any population is deviant from the "norm"
Not sure if this is true now, but it seems that way to me.
As a Jew I ask myself the same question you ask, but the concept of 10% is my answer.
The same for Latinos, or people of color, or LGBTQ community, or women, or farmers, etc
There are Frump supporters in those groups too, and I ask myself why.
Then 10% pops into my head.
Let's hope the deviants (rump supporters) in these populations are few and far between.
mountain grammy
(27,513 posts)H2O Man
(76,147 posts)mountain grammy
(27,513 posts)This is the most important post Ive read in weeks.
(96,072 posts)I can report that I'm getting a better response on DU than on face book. However, I expect a better fb response this evening.
I'm so glad that I got internet and phone back yesterday!
Went to petition but it asked for a zip code.... figure I don't want to muddy waters by having a furghner sign
But will share the link with all that I know in the States
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)I'll ask them about a petition for non-US people. Congress needs to know that the world is watching.
(9,685 posts)I have Jewish networks in London that would sign in a second
(138,134 posts)H2O Man
(76,147 posts)This is so important.
(138,134 posts)Thank You!
(18,734 posts)K&R
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)bluestarone
(18,734 posts)
(36,631 posts)He is the flag-waver of the Nazi and white supremacist movements that have been growing in this country for decades. The GOP have funded their coalition of evil through distorting public policy, tax structure, voting rights, communication (including consolidation of media ownership), and a mania for de-regulation for the richest and most toxic industries.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)He is dangerous. And he enjoys putting others in harm's way. He must be stopped.
(3,838 posts)Looks like a good organization.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)Trump generally bullies those who are defenseless, like little brown-skinned children, or those who are cowardly, like the republicans. He's going to learn a harsh lesson, and so are the spineless turds that support him by their silence.
(7,730 posts)H2O Man
(76,147 posts)calimary
(85,154 posts)calimary
(85,154 posts)Thanks for posting this one, H2O Man!
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)malthaussen
(17,909 posts)... and I'm an atheist.
I think that in Mr Trump's head, he is not King of the Jews, or even King of the Universe. He IS the universe.
As for the anti-Jewish remarks, SSDD. Your correspondent is certainly right, but it is no more urgent to take action now than it ever was. Or rather, no less.
-- Mal
(2,809 posts)Evoluciona ya, imbéciles del MAGA.
(20,219 posts)I actually had to block a friend who got extremely overwrought when I posted the video showing the horrible conditions at the facilities at the border with commentary about concentration camps. She seemed to believe that I was irresponsibly escalating, bringing up The Holocaust and how could I!?!?!?, etc., being Jewish (she is not). She apparently thinks the Holocaust is so sacrosanct that one cannot discuss how events lead up to such a thing.
After three tries to make clear that the present situation is like the *run up* to the Final Solution, not yet the Holocaust itself, and having to tell her not to insult me or others in the discussion, I finally did have to block her.
Id love to show her that Jews do indeed understand how things unfold!