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This isn't a theory of mine, this isn't a political position.
Patrick Byrne
It wasn't that long ago that Sam Nunberg suffered a progressive melt-down on live television. Even though I dislike the man, it was uncomfortable to watch. From the afternoon through evening, he appeared on both MSNBC and CNN. An apparent mood disorder combined with substance abuse resulted in his swinging from paranoid to delusional. Those in the studio were documenting his descent, until finally, guest Maya Wiley conducted a firm yet gentle intervention.
Those watching Patrick Byrne's marathon of television appearances since Thursday have likely been reminded of poor Sam's antics. Byrne, who likes to call himself a hippie and wore a Grateful Dead cap on at least one show, spent much of his air time on Fox. I hesitated to watch him, as I've heard that he used to talk about his professional boxing career, which only took place in his imagination. That career never took place.
However, when he was introduced as having stepped down from his CEO position at Overstock due to an affair with a Russian spy, it caught my attention. And yes, the spy was Maria Butina. And if one were to believe Byrne, she, too, is a flower child transplanted from the 1960s, seeking world peace. But believing Byrne requires a suspension of common sense.
Byrne's telling of the tale was as difficult for program hosts to follow as was Sam Nunberg's. His speech was pressured, and he had great difficulty in staying on topic skipping from thought to thought in mid-sentence. This was not an indicator of mental stability. Nor was his claim that all of Washington will now seek to crush him.
Luckily, I can piece together from his random sentence fragments what he was trying to communicate with his ramblings about the FBI, the Russian spy, the 2016 presidential campaign, and Attorney General Barr. In a sense, it has some similarities to my July 25 essay Apophenia, regarding Jeff Epstein's ties with intelligence.
At a social gathering Byrne attended, he had a brief contact with Maria Butina. At a second social gathering, she approached him saying that she believed he was a valuable contact for her in her quest for world peace. Soon thereafter, a couple of FNI agents that Byrne had known from two previous experiences in providing information to the FBI approached him. They requested that he cultivate a social relationship with Butina, and to inform them about what he could learn about her mission in the US.
As Byrne spent more time with Butina, a couple of things happened. First, he was surprised that when he reported information to the FBI agents, they seemed to be already aware of it. Second, he found that Maria and he were spending more and more time alone. Indeed, the two lovebirds had a six month affair that might remind one of John and Yoko's famous bed-in, except they kept their relationship under covers.
During his daring sacrifice for country, Byrne claims he learned that it wasn't only the FBI, but those even higher who were investigating Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election. In his television appearances, he focused on their investigations of the Trump, Rubio, and Clinton campaigns. What he didn't say, most likely due to his lack of understanding, is that this was a large counter-intelligence investigation, in which his role was minor. It is that same lack of understanding that has him believing he played a central role, something his handlers were more than happy to allow him to believe.
Due to his relatively insignificant role, and his Yoko Only being incarcerated for spying, poor Patrick Byrne was left to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Keep in mind that this is a fellow who is heavily invested in conspiracy theories, and has posted them regularly on the internet. And who still has deep feelings for Maria Butina, the Russian peace activist/ gun-rights advocate. Feelings, whoa, whoa, whoa, feelings.
Something about this recent chapter in his life has not set well with Byrne. While one would expect him to simply keep his mouth shut and go on with his business, that hasn't happened. Something is about to break, and it could be anything from information of his telling Maria Butina things he should not have, to A.G. Barr's investigation of the Deep State. So Byrne attempted to get out in front of the news, and spout off about his love for Barr. Pathetic.

(92,386 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)A middle-aged man, told that the FBI is monitoring her. And he still falls in love with who she pretends to be. Thinking with the little head, not the big one.
It will be interesting to learn how else he compromised himself, what secrets he shared with her during those tender pillow-talk moments.
And this is the guy that Barr plans to use to discredit the counter-intelligence investigation? He can't give a straight answer to a journalist. I can't wait to see him testify before a congressional committee.
(92,386 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)The guy was financially set for life.
"She really loves me." She was pretty good at identifying vulnerable fools.
(7,888 posts)No spy trade in the making?
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,631 posts)
(4,575 posts)His paranoia certainly isn't helping. He still won't say what it is the Feds asked of him besides to keep seeing Butina. What does he think he was involved in?
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)An associate's first question was if there is some relatiionship between the two cases. The timing is interesting. And certainly Byrne is paranoid enough that, if nowhere else, it is likely connected in his mind.
(4,575 posts)This guy probably thought he was next. Barr certainly isn't looking at Epsteins properties very hard. It took them a month to go to the Virgin Islands and they haven't been to New Mexico at all. I don't think they're looking for Ghislaine Maxwell.
That counter intelligence investigation is probably where all the dirt is.
(9,301 posts)H2O Man
(76,158 posts)coeur_de_lion
(3,838 posts)Honey Pie, you are driving me crazy
I'm in love but I'm lazy
So won't you please come home.
I didn't watch his interviews, did read a transcript and it was nonsensical.
Are all of the repubs as crazy as trump?
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)how Byrne's FBI handlers viewed him? They told him that she was a Russian agent, here to manipulate. But he still fell for her flower child bit, and believed she was fucking him because she found him so attractive. Certainly, he wasn't the first middle aged fool. But still, when he says the FBI agents appeared to feel sorry for him, he can't be honest with himself about why that might be.
(4,575 posts)Or something.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)