General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsLet's be clear: at this point, Alan Dershowitz is a "constitutional scholar" in the same way that
Father Guido Sarducci was a "theological scholar". Both say outrageous and silly things in order to bask in the attention of a large TV audience.
Father Guido made me laugh. Dershowitz triggers my gag reflex.
(3,338 posts)ChubbyStar
(3,191 posts)The good thing is he is bat-shit crazy now and his vaunted resume is going to be shredded once he opens his mouth. I am looking forward to watching him collapse on prime time.
(6,632 posts)Makes him perfect for "the TEAM" if you ask me.
(1,528 posts)He is bug-f*ck crazy now.
(3,191 posts)All done at the behest of tRUMP. Holy fuck, it appears that these fuckers don't understand a narcissist. A narcissist will burn his own house to the ground to prove a ridiculous point, any fucking point as long as it is his. There are no LAWS, no CONSEQUENCES, that a narcissist cares about. Mr. Toads wild ride is about to begin.
(187,798 posts)Wasn't he also part of the OJ dream team?
(3,191 posts)That was a long time ago, and he appears to have lost his marbles. BUT don't tell tRUMP that!
(11,588 posts)He was claiming he had perfect sex. I guess he was implying he didn't rape little girls. He helped get Epstein that sweetheart deal for child sex trafficking in Florida.
(30,305 posts)when getting a massage from an underage girl at Epsteins.
A I don't believe him.
B At least one of Epsein's "lolitas" claims that he raped her
C even if he didn't have sex... eeeewe. Why is he getting a massage from such a young girl
(11,588 posts)I heard that awhile ago and didn't realize it was Dershowitz. My how the mighty have turned into crazy perverts.
(24,414 posts)Both are heinous and dispicable pretend people that have no depth, no heart, no caring about anyone except themselves, only venal hate and bullying glee.
(92,131 posts)onlyadream
(2,223 posts)wink wink...he's one of us!
(24,414 posts)Men like him and drumpf have no real friends, have no real beliefs, only transactional situations.
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)News flash Dershowitz: Trump is already impeached. This trial is about removal from office!
If you must acquit, you're full of shit!
(72,827 posts)He keeps saying that he needs to make the argument against the impeachment of
Trump in front of the Senate but isn't that horse is already out of the barn? Trump has
been impeached and no argument is going to change that.
(3,191 posts)Alan needs a nap.
(4,341 posts)I am still laughing.
Bundy was also interviewed this morning, she sounded like a young girl complaining about her school mates (Democrats in Congress), and she promises to "stick to the facts"...If so, the con is going to jail, but we know that is just blah, blah, blah.
(23,592 posts)cab67
(3,245 posts)Universities are full of such people. They don't necessarily believe what they say - they just like the attention gained from saying controversial things that run against the consensus.
(818 posts)It's a disaster when they try to run the class.
(34,562 posts)but didn't say he kept it on his head for the whole massage.
(58,785 posts)Cicada
(4,533 posts)I read a book of Dershowitz columns, more than 100 of them. I had the highest LSAT score in my highly ranked law school. Dershowitz is way smarter than I am. I have studied the history of impeachment. I strongly disagree with Dershowitzs view of what is a valid reason for impeachment. Dershowitz like everyone else gets some things wrong. But calling him a fool, comparing him to the late great Guido Sarducci, is nuts. He has defensible arguments for his views. His views will always be rational. When 29 year old Richard Feynman first presented his views on quantum mechanics leading physicists insulted him. Two or three days later, after further discussions at the conference, most realized they had underestimated him for his idea which won the Nobel Prize. Dont underestimate Alan Dershowitz boys and girls.
(15,124 posts)3.) his arguments are "defensible" only in the sense that there are "defensible" arguments supporting eugenics and a flat earth.
(4,533 posts)On Fox he defends Trump but he never criticizes him. He is one sided, presumably to preserve his access to Fox News. I find that a form of dishonesty.
I think his arguments about what the founders meant by high crimes and misdemeanors is debatable but plausible. My view is that we should also consider the common law of impeachments to discern what was in the minds of founders. In the centuries of impeachment and removals I detect this standard: is there evidence that the person will fail to do the job properly. Many alcoholics were removed. Those willing to take bribes were removed. Abuse of power also signals a likelihood that the job will not be done properly so off with Trumps head.
(160,848 posts)there's got to be something that explains why SO many accomplished people are willing to disgrace themselves for a pussy grabbing, fascist piece of shit
(4,677 posts)He's a knowledgable lawyer and a skilled appellate specialist, but his primary talent is and always has been self-promotion.
In his entire career, he's never come remotely close to producing something revolutionary and transformational like Feynman did.
And there's also the little issue that many of his most notable cases, from von Bulow onward, featured work "by Dershowitz" that was really a collective product of himself and his students at Harvard. It's amazing how brilliant you can make yourself appear when you have hand-picked students at Harvard Law School working for you for free.
(4,533 posts)I think I am pretty good at judging whether arguments are logical and soundly based. I have zero reason to support Dershowitz. I disagree with many things he says. I responded to a claim that Dershowitz was using poor reasoning, that he not a good lawyer just as the late great Guido Sarducci was not a good priest. I disapprove of Dershowitz because he dishonestly tilts his comments to state mainly those which support Trump while he rarely states areas where he disagrees with Trump. I think people often underestimate their opponents. If you think Dershowitz is illogical or is making arguments about impeachment do not have a logical basis then I respectfully disagree with you.
I think Dershowitz is smarter than most people who get perfect scores on ETS tests, that his IQ is higher than 150 which might be a good average estimate for those people, but I certainly agree he is no Feynman. Who is?
(19,373 posts)are Dershowitz's "famous" (should be "infamous" ) clients according to Jon Meacham, meaning Trump, Epstein, and O.J. Simpson. Meacham rolled out this line on Bill Maher's show last night, and I thought it was rather funny, but also downright disgusting as well. I think Trump is more the "Grabby" client than the plain "Flabby" moniker Meachum bestowed on him, and Epstein deserves much more than the "Grabby" nickname, but for the sake of comedy it'll have to do I guess. These are the type of people "Constitutional Scholar" Alan Dershowitz represents. Dershowitz represents anyone with a ton of money to throw his way, and "Constitutional Scholar" is one phrase that won't be chiseled on his freaking headstone.
(17,614 posts)Their attention span is only 15 seconds. They will probably drink beer the rest of the time.
B Stieg
(2,410 posts)You left out that other great TV religion of the 1970's, Flip Wilson's "Church of What's Happening Now!"
(15,124 posts)csziggy
(34,189 posts)calimary
(84,873 posts)Uh ...
Pardon the pun? ...
(21,721 posts)but he has ethics. A debate between these two would be awesome.