General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSome---even some on this board this evening---have complained that the Democratic House Managers
were "boring".
If your heart is so calloused and your soul is so dead that you did not get a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye---maybe feel those hairs on the back of your neck rise--- as Adam Schiff gave that closing---------------------you have my sympathy.
We are watching history unfold. I was a young teen during the Nixon impeachment and remember watching what I could of it. It wasn't all fireworks and dance numbers. It was dry, lots of "boring" facts. But it was real. Even then, I was aware of the import of the moment.
Shame on an Democrat who complains that this isn't exciting enough. They are feeding into RW talking points.
(41,438 posts)This isnt suppose to be entertaining.
This is about our country.
Adam Schiff was so moving in his speech. He is now Americas conscience.
(66,968 posts)we are fighting for the soul of our Elijah Cummings said. This is serious.
(96,882 posts)Atticus
(15,124 posts)would be unrealistic to expect each manager to be able to speak for several hours without a script or notes.
Adam Schiff is obviously a gifted speaker, but the other six are no slouches. They have performed admirably and have done the blocking and tackling which set the stage for Schiff's impassioned gallop through the Republican line.
(25,075 posts)But I won't hesitate to say his summations have been rhetorically BRILLIANT! --- ---
(96,882 posts)Most people Rent watching this at all. Theyre seeing some snippets on the news.
(31,011 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,535 posts)I would had preferred there was no impeachment. Meaning that Trump was performing the job the way it is suppose to be.
But since the scumbag is not fit to be President he needs to go. And the House Managers are imo out-performing expectations. And doing so with blocks standing in their way.
They are heroes in my mind and I'm sure for many others. Now and in the future.
(4,911 posts)I didn't see any posters complaining that the proceedings were boring. Maybe I have all of them blocked.
I did complain that Rep. Garcia was hard for me to listen to. I did not find her boring, maybe just talking too fast.
on edit: I spoke too soon.
Nothing to see here.
(24,324 posts)Schiff will be one of the first imprisoned... i do not joke...
(25,093 posts)with his previous threats to charge Pelosi and Schiff with treason for 'attempting a coup." He might include others in his lashback for the impeachment and trial after he is acquitted, e.g. Nadler, Schumer, and witnesses who testified at House hearings. Perhaps the Bidens, too, with charges of corruption to bolster his own charges about them that were exposed as false.
I am hoping it won't happen. But I fear that it could, given his temperament and vindictiveness. It is what somebody seeking to secure a position as unchallenged, absolute authority would do.
(5,336 posts)Is too important and well-presented to be boring.
Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)Also, people must remember that the average American does not have 8 hours to sit in front of the telly /b] and listen to the entire effort. They catch 15 minutes here, drift in and out when they can, pop in for 20 minutes after work/dinner/picking up the children/walking the dog/getting groceries/gassing up the car . . . . So, salient points must be repeated. Additionally, everyone knows that the more often you repeat something, the better chance you have of it settling into the minds of those you're trying to reach.
Repetitive ? Yes, by necessity.
Boring ? Not on your life.
This is history and we are living it. Years from now, we will all look back at this and remember where we were when this all unfolded.
(5,336 posts)Shove off the extras (laundry can wait!) to participate in documenting from the distant gallery seats. Ive missed swaths, but I have to see/report as much of this as possible. Am a visual person, so recording it on DU helps me really absorb it.
And Im ready for the republican BS brigade!
Is just too important to not get in it as much as possible.
Boredom hasnt been an issue, Im in this - I am interested.
Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)One day, our grandchildren will ask us where were when this impeachment took place. Where were we ? GLUED to the telly !!
(5,336 posts)Cuz I am. Will do pavement pounding for GOTV and Im eyeballing a couple of campaigns. DU is engagement, too.
I do want to be able to retell this history of how this all happened for long as Im around in this planet!
People are wrong to say that we have no heroes left.
Just as they have always been, they are all around us,
choosing to do the right thing, no matter what.
Given my role here, how should i behave?
(35,454 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,110 posts)I tell them that it's history in the making, and important. Mostly the questioners shrug. Whatever floats their boats, I guess.
(13,761 posts) Adam Fucking Schiff
Link to tweet
(21,646 posts)greenjar_01
(6,477 posts)Some those folks spend 99% of their time bagging on Democrats, period, so....
(39,093 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,165 posts)patphil
(7,224 posts)I heard John Kennedy say, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
I heard Martin Luther King say "I have a dream".
Adam Schiff's words on the Senate floor tonight were right up there with those great moments in American History.
Long after the likes of McConnell , Graham, Cruz, and the others of there ilk are gone and forgotten, Schiff's words will live on.
Patrick Phillips
(25,093 posts)is right there with them.
(25,481 posts)Demonaut
(9,179 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,487 posts)No2Trump2
(29 posts)I expect our convention to be deadlocked. I wondered who could be the candidate who could unite us without bitterness. I now have my answer: Adam Schiff for president.
(8,406 posts)watching a movie that you have seen before, know how it ends, and we know how this movie ends, the bad guy gets off scot free.
(2,172 posts)The Managers have been terrific. Schiff said all the right things.
For our "bored" members, get back to me when the GOP offers their remarks. No gifted orators in that bunch.
Historic NY
(38,218 posts)would you like a song and dance.
(42,649 posts)scheming daemons
(25,487 posts)This has been more riveting that a West Wing Greatest Hits DVD.
marble falls
(62,729 posts)I hope everyone reads your message.
H2O Man
(75,975 posts)Thank you for this. I agree completely. That seemed strange to me -- but to be fair, I do not remember ever being bored in my long life -- as I find history fascinating. And impeachment trials are pretty rare.
(1,922 posts)past 3 years. We need sanity, we need maturity, we need humanity, and most of all we need Trump and all those left who support him to be gone. It calmed me to witness our Democratic reps the last few days. It gave me hope that there is a chance to salvage our country.
(52,470 posts)I think the country has been conditioned to want a 3-ring circus every time they turn on the TV, no matter what is on. I think the overall attention span of humans has shortened considerably. Is it due to TV or smart phones? Who knows, but I do know what it is like trying to keep someone's attention for a long period, or even a short period, of time. As a teacher I know it is exhausting and doing it over a course of several days is somewhat deflating. I applaud the Dems for their brilliant work!
(943 posts)How can anyone be bored😠
(26,007 posts)And so it is, I suppose, in adults!
(9,700 posts)Think they've done a fine job. Schiff has been terrific.
(54,222 posts)Duppers
(28,261 posts)Tipperary
(6,930 posts)Glad I missed that.
(3,678 posts)Ilsa
(62,361 posts)Listening again on MoJo.
If it wasn't raining, I'd put out my flag for the first or second time in 3 years.
(20,999 posts)...If you're on DU and can't help yourself in spreading rethuglican* propaganda (it was so boring), may I suggest you try another message board, you know, one that might better suit your "proclivities."
(21 posts)I'm an older person, my attention span isn't what it used to be. I watch bits and pieces of the Democrats presentation. In the evenings I watch cnn or MSNBC to get the thinking on the days revelations. When it is the republicans turn, I won't watch any of that, I don't want to listen that BS. Well, my hearing is no good, I read the CC.
No impeached President has been convicted by a senate controlled by his party. It is what it is. Try to vote the republicans out of office, is all I can do.
cry baby
(6,787 posts)Im riveted!
Trump is impeached. Thanks to the true patriot souls in the House of Representatives!! They are truly inspiring.
(15,513 posts)fifty8bar
(14 posts)battle-cry of every man, woman and child that still loves this country and believes in the Constitution.
(25,093 posts)which is far from reality anyway, then perhaps that's how we got to this point in the first place. This is as real as it gets.
(47,642 posts)What do they want? Screaming? Naked ladies? Profanity? Murder and mayhem?
(781 posts)dewsgirl
(14,964 posts)His speech was beautiful, one of the best speeches ever.
(29,897 posts)The nuggets,though, pure gold.
I also think most are not paying attention because they have their minds made up and have to deal with their own life stuff.
I think this is for exactly who its for, the supposed Senate jury. Expound on every fact, factoid, sentence, word and letter of the Repulsive Republican Conduct. They have to face it. They are all complicit.
Every time one of them illegally leaves tells me whats left of a soul or spirit is making them uncomfortable.
(17,500 posts)some are better speakers than others and frankly, some of the material is, by necessity, not super exciting, but a lot of really important things aren't exciting "made for TV" events.
The importance of this can not be overstated. Boring/not boring doesn't matter in the least.
(32,850 posts)they can watch the Republicans. It's sounds like it came from Chuck Todd.
(10,150 posts)scratching my head...
I've been riveted to the trial... either listening to npr or watching on TV if not at work. Even though I know most of the information being presented, I am not bored at all!
Bravo to the House Managers!
(7,358 posts)When I went to DC not long ago, the first thing I wanted to see was the original Constitution, where it was kept and all. It's a moving experience. Everyone should make that pilgrimage.
(39,337 posts)VOX
(22,976 posts)It should only be brought up in the context of trashing the living crap out of it.
Thank you Atticus, for posting.
(18,072 posts)Schiff was gripping!
(35,441 posts)Caliman73
(11,767 posts)I would stipulate that we as a species, like to be entertained. However, I understand your frustration. The fact is that legal matters, policy matters, and politics can certainly lack the drama of a train wreck or a fight, or sporting event.
I truly get a bit down when I see people who are so versed on the lives of celebrities, or who know all of the statistics of their favorite football teams, but they know little to nothing about who their state and federal representatives are, what issues are being legislated in their city, county, state, or nationally.
I am by no means a political junkie, but politics has a profound effect on our lives, much more so than who wins the Superbowl or the Oscar or Golden Globes.
This impeachment should have way higher ratings than any of those events.
(22,997 posts)Being an expert on sport stats is thought by some to equal valuable wisdom and a central aspect of their self-worth, uggh.
Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance followup Lila delved into this conflict. In it, Pirsig refers to his non-fictional meeting with Robert Redford about film rights to ZAMM and expounds on how celebrity short-circuits critical thinking. Trump's popularity depends on this. Without the celebrity aspect, he'd not be POTUS.
*Full book name is Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals
(6,564 posts)Schiff was pleading, trying to appeal to their patriotic side, to not let the Republic slide further into the dark hole of dictatorship.
(27,119 posts)Its not a fucking James Bond movie! Jesus...
(3,188 posts)What the hell is it that people have to be constantly entertained in every freakin' aspect of their lives? The Mueller Report TOLD us a lot of this stuff, but Mueller was "dull" in his presentation, so nothing he said counted?
Schiff was absolutely riveting. Unfortunately, 53 people in his audience had their fingers in their ears, and their eyes closed.