House votes to end energy loan guarantee program - all based on bullshit propaganda.
WASHINGTON (AP) Republicans on Friday pushed a bill through the House shining a campaign-season light on the most conspicuous failure of President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package. The bill would phase out federal loan guarantees like those that went to the now-bankrupt solar power company Solyndra LLC and left taxpayers on the hook for more than $500 million.
The "No More Solyndras Act," which passed on a mainly party-line vote, has no chance of advancing in the Democratic-led Senate and was assailed by House Democrats as an election-year stunt. The vote was 245-161.
Solyndra went under because China started dumping cheap offshore solar panels into the market. It's the same tactic they're using to fuck up Germany's solar industry, too.
The problem was NOT Solydra. It was Chinese product dumping and its infernal policy of mercantilism.
We have free traitors here yapping about the benefits of free trade and Globalism while China is laughing in the whole WORLD'S FACE.