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Asha Rangappa
THREAD. Read this piece if you already haven't. And then consider where this, and the Russia bounty scandal, fits in with the bigger picture of Trump's responses -- *especially to activities conducted by the GRU*, Russia's military intelligence service. A refresher:
Ryan Goodman
I just published:
"Trump Pushed CIA to Give Intelligence to Kremlin, While Taking No Action Against Russia Arming Taliban"
Relying on interviews with several former Trump administration officials who spoke to me on the record.
Asha Rangappa
Jul 9, 2020
Replying to @AshaRangappa_
2. I'm back. OK -- let's start with the GRU's hack of the DNC server in July 2016. The IC made this attribution in the summer of that year, and later, the Special Counsel actually INDICTED 12 GRU officers -- detailing the hack keystroke by keystroke -- in federal court
Asha Rangappa
3. TRUMP'S RESPONSE: After spending months claiming that it could be "anybody," including a "400lb guy in his basement in New Jersey," he settled on the hack being conducted by...Ukraine. He stuck with that story through the impeachment
AP FACT CHECK: Trump sticks with the debunked Ukraine theory
Asha Rangappa
Jul 9, 2020
Replying to @AshaRangappa_
3. Next, the IC, as well as the Senate Intelligence Committee, also assessed that the GRU had targeted the voter registration systems of all 50 states, and had succeeded in at least probing the vast majority of them
A voter casting his ballot in the midterm elections last year in Medina, N.D.
Russia Targeted Election Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds
Asha Rangappa
4. TRUMP'S RESPONSE: Dude wanted to create a "cybersecurity partnership" WITH RUSSIA to address...election meddling. Fortunately this was early enough (2017) that the typical GOP enablers shot it down
Trump backtracks on cyber unit with Russia after harsh criticism
Asha Rangappa
Jul 9, 2020
Replying to @AshaRangappa_
5. In 2018, the GRU tried to poison Russian spy for Britain, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, using a banned nerve agent in Salisbury England. Britain, along with several of its allies, retaliated by expelling Russian diplomats (we expelled 60)
Asha Rangappa
6. TRUMP'S RESPONSE: Trump was "furious" when he discovered that we had expelled so many Russian diplomats. Trump wanted to "match" the number expelled by other countries (4), and was afraid of being *portrayed* as "tough on Russia" by doing much more
Asha Rangappa
Jul 9, 2020
Replying to @AshaRangappa_
7. P.S. As an aside, when Russia expelled 775 diplomats from Russia in 2017 as a response for the sanctions and expulsions by Obama in response to election meddling, Trump THANKED HIM and told him the diplomats cost us too much money anyway
Trump says he is very thankful to Putin for expelling U.S. diplomats from Russia
Asha Rangappa
8. Trump's acquiescence to Putin's activities, particularly through the GRU, has serious implications for our national security. First, every intel and nat sec expert has warned that Putin is a high risk-taker who will continue to push the envelope until stopped.
Asha Rangappa
Jul 9, 2020
Replying to @AshaRangappa_
9. Second, we can look at what Putin is doing on other countries as a precursor for what he is planning and would like to do here. As @wiczipedia notes in her book "How to Lose the Information War," 2016 was a refined iteration of Putin's operations in eastern Europe since 2007
Asha Rangappa
10. So what can we expect? Well, since there has been no consequences to its 2016 election interference, I think there is a high likelihood that the GRU will try to tamper with actual registrations or votes (a reprise of Ukraine), as I noted here
Asha Rangappa
THREAD. The mail voter fraud narrative is about more than a fear of increased turnout among Dems. Its also about facilitating foreign interference, including Russia tampering with voter registrations and actual votes, and distracting the public from that effort. Heres why:
Asha Rangappa
Jul 9, 2020
Replying to @AshaRangappa_
11. But it could be worse. In 2016, the GRU tried to stage a coup in Montenegro, by *assassinating* the Prime Minister and installing a pro-Russia government (they got caught). Violence is their MO, as @alexzfinley and @john_sipher have written
Why the 2020 Election Will Be A Mess, Part II
Asha Rangappa
12. But, you say, surely Russia would NEVER try anything so bold and direct, like an assassination, in the U.S., right? Well, why not? The Skripal poisoning, and now the bounties -- which *are assassinations* -- on U.S. military personnel, is being met with ZERO consequences
Asha Rangappa
13. This is why the lack of response from Trump -- and from his GOP supporters -- should be alarming to EVERYONE. It makes Russia bolder, and it gives them a green light to bring the tactics they are using elsewhere to the U.S. If we don't take action, we can expect the worst.

(12,160 posts)Too many hard questions that nobody in the GOP wants to answer.
(53,548 posts)Blue Owl
(55,229 posts)
(2,356 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,335 posts)And 1/2 the morons in this country will cheer it on.
(28,705 posts)Between Putin and the right wing extremists, Vice President Biden is not safe. I realize the Secret Service are good at their job, but they are not perfect. It takes just one little slip up, or an inopportune moment for a horrible disaster to occur - whether it be a gun, knife or poison.
The other day, I had a near panic attack thinking about President Biden's Inaugural parade. This is one year i hope they cancel the outdoor proceedings. With Covid, they can't jam pack the stage area as they've done in the past. Let alone have masses of people cheering our new Administration on. It's just not safe. Even with masks, it's not safe with that many of people. Although, I would feel so satisfied to see the crowd size, then compare it with Donald's handful that showed up, lol.
Anyway, Donald and the GOP remaining suspiciously silent regarding Putin only gives Putin license to carry out his destruction of America.
I don't understand the silence of American citizens. My God, Putin has placed a bounty on the heads of our soldiers! Why is our media so quiet about this? Oh, sure, they mention it every now and then. But this deserves more than a mere mention!
I'm hoping once President Biden is in office, the United States and our allies put their heads together and come up with a few surprises for Putin. Hell, if I could, I'd even gift wrap it for them.
Putin needs to be put in his place, along with his American collaborators in the current White House and Congress (the media, too).
(38,601 posts)But Im sure Putins existing assets in our government will comfort him even after Biden takes office. They seem to be all over the place.