General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDear Mask-less jackwit at Costco: Wondering who reported you to the manager
and made you so mad?
That was me. I am your freaking Huckleberry, you sorry assed son of a bitch with the manners of a rotten persimmon on a hot day.
I am OVER these assholes. Over them. We can't start school, have Christmas--- we can't put our vacation rental on the market, and are going to miss out on a shit ton of money.
I am sick of them- their dumbfuck conspiracy theories-- and their attempt with a goddamned washed up, bankrupt, failed reality show host to hijack the nation.

(10,599 posts)I don't blame you for feeling the way you do about all the Fuckwads out there.
(39,360 posts)I'm over them as well. I give them shitty looks that dare them to say anything any time I pass a masshole.
I'm just over here with my head down, trying to go to work and survive another year and these cruel ignorant assholes are waving their faces around, daring to be punched (which I haven't done........yet).
(1,207 posts)These sick fucks need to stay the fuck away from me and my family. Permanently.
COL Mustard
(7,184 posts)About 6 feet down is about right.
They make their choices; dont let them make yours.
(2,676 posts)I have somehow developed quite an evil stare (maybe it's genetic, when my brother stares at someone walking, they almost invariably stumble. Go figure). I am getting good use out of it when I see a maskless idiot. They do kind of a double-take. I love it.
I have also had it with these cretins.
(7,929 posts)Youd think guys who try and act tough would have at least some skills. Luckily, one of their friends knew first aid and the other convinced him to quit while he was ahead. Im a Democrat sure, but no pacifist when it comes to no mask assaults.
(4,701 posts)Rush, trumpsters, RW media like to control the narrative & lie incessantly. A couple of RW relatives said: "So much for you being "tolerant"." No I'm not tolerant to "their dumbfuck conspiracy theories". And I'm no longer tolerant of them as horrible human beings.
(39,564 posts)and those who live with immutable personal characteristics; and against the tolerants of harmful speech/behavior.
Or what's the point of Rule of Law's existence.
Everyone should be doing it. Throw their disease-ridden carcasses out.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,233 posts)essme
(1,207 posts)I am thinking of asking Earl G. to go back to my original name!
And, no, I won't say who I was until I have permission. But, yeah--- I was here reading the night the man threw the egg at GW's limo in the inaugural parade.
Response to essme (Reply #11)
Post removed
(1,207 posts)
Skinner gave me the prize at a march in DC for being the "oldest DUer." Hope that helps. Great job, BTW on looking at my stats.
And no; I am not a sock puppet.
Wounded Bear
(61,245 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)orangecrush
(23,046 posts)AllaN01Bear
(23,877 posts)662 cases and 8 deaths gov newsome had every right to pull the emergency cord
(3,922 posts)...these creeps make my blood boil.
From the time we were born, we were instilled with the absolute necessity to vanquish all those who would attempt to destroy our country. Well, here we are. Writing them off as the morons that they are doesn't change the fact that they are actively trying to destroy us.
I don't know how this will ultimately play out - I'm too damn old to street-fighting and I don't own, nor want, a firearm.
But these freaks gotta go.
(6,737 posts)I say so go out and get Covid and perhaps die. We don't care anymore. I remind them that these folks don't care so why should I? So sick of them.
(9,213 posts)and they complied
(161,722 posts)
(36,333 posts)
(7,407 posts)

(4,619 posts)Yes, it is that bad.....
Call me a PATRIOT.
(5,266 posts)I couldn't have said half as well and you hit all my feelings. I'm over them and you said it so well. Thank you.
(72,153 posts)i felt like it was safe to go into a local liquors store. they all have signs, but this one seemed like most ppl complied.
so, i went in the other day, and at the counter was an ass w no mask. it pissed me off that i felt safe there, but no.
so as i walked by i said- get a mask asshole.
he shouted after me, calling me an old bitch.
i assured him he had just called me my favorite and most powerful name, so next time say it louder.
when i go to the counter, the guy told me that he was wearing a mask when he came in, but ditched it immediately. he told him not to come back.
i walked out to my car, and this ASS came by on his bike, om the sidewalk, like he was 12, and doused me w the beer he had just bought.
at least he wasted most of the 1 16oz can he just shelled out for.
wont stop me.
(30,162 posts)you could have had him arrested. kinda wish you had.
some time in a cell might make him rethink his actions.
(72,153 posts)there rly wasnt time. he could have gotten a ticket for riding on the sidewalk, even. you have to be under 12.
had to content myself w the fact that he only bought one beer, and i ended up wearing more of it than he got to drink.
Ms. Toad
(35,882 posts)Until the state mandated that stores enforce the order, liquor stores and bars were about the only business that had anything to lose if they weren't making customers wear masks (i.e. their liquour licenses).
(72,153 posts)the owner thinks if he is behind the counter, it doesnt count.
last time i was in there there was a customer w/o a mask, and a dude playing the video games w his nose sticking out.
i just walk in and tell those people to get it right.
me- i have more risk factors for this shit than i have toes. i aint playin here. i dont intend to die any time soon.
(10,727 posts)I see or hear one of these screwed up thinking individuals, I can't help but think of Japanese Kamikaze pilots in WWII
(sacrificing their life to take out others along with them)
(19,351 posts)The kamikaze pilots knew exactly what they were doing, as insane as it was. The maskholes are deliberately risking their own lives and the lives of everyone around them, and they're denying that's what they're doing the whole time.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)or have spent some time there from "a rotten persimmon on a hot day". Such an aptly descriptive phrase for those we have to deal with daily.
No shirt no shoes no service is okay but a mask? Oh the humanity!
I'm with ya'. I'm at the point of being confrontational.
Wear the effin' mask for two months and I'll feel safe getting a haircut, Christmas shopping, visiting people I love. WEAR THE FUCKING MASK YOU DIPSHIT MOTHERFUCKER.
(658 posts)1. Had a single jump in front of us between us (a twosome) and a twosome, then a 3-some and then a 4-some. Nowhere to go but this guy decided we were playing too slowly. He'd JUST caught us. He passed us and was stuck between us, the twosome ahead of us and the rest of them so I decided to call him on his inconsiderate nonsense. I drove up to him. He tried to drive away from me, but there was nowhere to go. I drove right up to him and let him know that I knew that as a single he was playing faster than we were, and that we had planned to let him play through on the 9th as we really had nothing pressing and were more than happy to let faster players play through. This guy started yelling at me quoting golf rules, etc... telling me how slow we were playing etc. He had LITERALLY JUST caught up to us. He had no idea why we were playing as slow as we were... the course was crowded and we were biding our time behind all of the players ahead of us. This guy was frothing at the mouth angry. I let him know that he was wrong for what he had done. He wouldn't hear it. Somehow, he played the front again and caught us again on the back 9. He'd claimed that he was only going to play 9, but somehow he'd played the front again, then the back and caught us again. I let the guys in the clubhouse know that he was probably terrorizing the whole course. I'm absolutely certain that we weren't the only players that he did what he did to.
2. In the clubhouse on the turn, I went in to get a couple of beers. A fellow was at the counter buying a round and getting a basket of shag balls for the practice tee. I walked behind him and kept my distance. He said "Come on up young fellow (I'm 56), You don't have to worry about me.". I said "That's alright... social distancing and everything". My mask on. He laughed and said "I'm out here every day. Nobody has gotten corona-virus from me". I said "That's alright, I've got several people up north who have gotten it and I don't want to take a chance. I don't care if you care or not, I'd rather just keep my distance." His response... "We do things differently in the south.". Keep in mind, I've lived in the south for 33 years. Longer than I lived up north (23 years). I responded "Yeah! I've noticed." I upset that guy and the guy behind the counter. I said "I'm tired of people politicizing consideration. I'm sick of everyone being so angry, and that I'm just not going to be angry." They were noticeably pissed.
It's a f'd up world we're living in folks. I told my wife that I'm tired of letting the children get away from their childishness. I will no longer allow any of them to get away with things. I will call them on everything.
(7,838 posts)Response to essme (Original post)
BlueJac This message was self-deleted by its author.
(54,565 posts)Our lives have been turned upside down because of these stupid assholes and the Orange Idiot they put in power.
(43,193 posts)it fits right?
(3,479 posts)That summed up my feelings perfectly!
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)
(51,308 posts)Did they kick him out or what?
(1,207 posts)roasted chestnuts.
I DO know the manager was moving towards him. I have zero interest in escalating a situation the manager should take care of.
(18,385 posts)Wednesdays
(20,328 posts)honeylady
(159 posts)says that covid is not airborne. She read an article on it. Also says her doctor said "that wearing a mask is like trying to keep out a mosquito with a chain link fence." Took me a minute to figure out what exactly she meant. I sent her several news stories about how it is airborne and she just responded with "its not airborne."
These Trump people are scary and stupid as hell. I'm so disappointed that my cousin who I love like a sister is so f----ing stupid.
Trueblue Texan
(3,155 posts)... are not wearing masks and are telling patients that masks don't protect from Covid-19. Both nurses AND doctors. I want to ask these morons how they feel about hand washing. Or if they also trash the mask when dealing with tuberculosis patients. This attitude toward PPE from medical personnel is absolutely unconscionable. Numerous studies have shown that areas that have mask mandates decrease the rate of infection by more than 5% while at the same time, areas without mask mandates increase the rate of infection by 100% or more. Masks work to decrease the spread of Covid. Period. It is completely irresponsible for medical personnel to behave otherwise.
(18,385 posts)Dem2
(8,178 posts)
(51,308 posts)
(307,121 posts)Aussie105
(6,698 posts)If asking nicely to keep their distance and wear a mask, well, there are other ways.
Once Trump leaves, and the day can't come soon enough, their denial style bluff and bluster may be taken down a notch? Here's hoping, anyway!
(410 posts)I was at a local restaurant chain checking on Curb-Side for T-Day
a group of 3 men checking out as I got there
2 with masks
3rd on no mask
I was out numbered so when I got to the check this is what I told the girl.
The next time someone comes in with no mask
tell them to go next door to Walmart and buy the bag of assorted chip clips
Put a small on your nose and great big on your lips
then you can come in.
Also mentioned the sign it the door do not say anything about pants
No shoe No shirt No service and you must meet state guide lines and wear a mask
So so go back to you car and take of your pants then come back and see how far you get in the door.
Some things do not have to be spelled out, but are included in not being a asshole.
(11,860 posts)My wife finally decided to just brave the trip to WNY, because it's unlikely her mother will last a lot longer...and she really misses the grandchildren.'s guys like that are making the pandemic well as wider and deeper.
F those guys.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)But he wears a mask and complies. One, because the state wants him to, and two because he's not really sure how overblown it might be and has preexisting conditions. I'm ok with that attitude. Its the jackasses who believe its a hoax and go out of their way to push their dangerous theory and thereby infect others.
(103,521 posts)Time to start fighting back!
(16,903 posts)

Blue Owl
(55,227 posts)