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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWho should get vaccines first?
Teachers, healthcare workers, food service, grocery workers and then anybody earning under $50,000 a year.
The numbers ought to be doable.

(640 posts)RockRaven
(16,815 posts)Not having a plan, designed by public health experts, is an incorrect way. And that seems to be where many states are.
(18,383 posts)..and is able to schedule his during the 1a immunization period. He goes to the hospital 12:50 monday for his first one. Im 70, retired and healthy as a horse and I have no idea when I get one.
(1,444 posts)After the healthcare workers, it should be the elderly.
The sooner they are all vaccinated, the sooner the death toll will start to decline.
Then I agree with your list, but the 25 year old teacher, or produce worker are much less likely to die, and that should be the priority.
(3,379 posts)I'm 42 and I have heart disease, high BP, GI disease, and I'm a little overweight. So, I know I'm in the higher risk category. Because of poverty and, indirectly, domestic violence, I have not seen a cardiologist in 6 years (supposed to see him every year to 2 years depending on findings at each visit). I have not been to the doctor in over a year . I currently do not have a primary care doctor and I technically don't have a cardiologist anymore, either.
Once these open up to people like me, I wonder how I will prove that I am in the high risk category. Will they take my word for it? If so, what is to stop anyone from making false claims? Will I need to get a doctor and get verification? Something that can be financially difficult and risky healthwise - I have not been able to shake the fear of going to the doc and being around sick people.
I agree with your idea. Anyone working higher risk jobs should be first in line. The elderly, those in nursing care. My dad is 71, not in a care facility, and I am desperate for him to get it. Economically disadvantaged are always shit on and left to get sick. It would be nice for them to have a chance to get this vaccine early on.