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Last edited Fri Jan 1, 2021, 12:07 PM - Edit history (1)


EDIT - after some further research this was originally a letter written by Katie Schnessel, Village of Polo Ridge - original link here:
It looks like Steve may have shared it and as often happens on the interwebs - it got attributed to him.
Still a huge BOOM BOOM Shake the room

Wounded Bear
(61,293 posts)lisa58
(5,780 posts)hlthe2b
(107,834 posts)However sad, that makes me with respect to my destroyed sense of trust for those who demonstrate loyalty to the Trump cult.
(6,517 posts) went from bad to hopeless.
Reader Rabbit
(2,672 posts)Thank you.
(9,685 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)gulliver
(13,346 posts)Everyone just needs to chill and stop seeing monsters everywhere. It's getting boring.
(5,662 posts)it's difficult to avoid them without hiding under a rock.
(35,552 posts)They've burned my sincerely held beliefs to the ground and shat on them. Purely, because they thought 'it owned me'.
Nope. I turned the other cheek and they struck it, too.
The wisdom of old is largely silent on what to do when that happens and no compromise is reached. We are on new ground.
I'm done. The ball is in their court now and if it's hit back to me it may return on fire. No promises.
(4,561 posts)I'm glad to know who in my life has FAILED the values/morality/character test that was Trump, so I can kick them the fk out. They have proven that they are not nice, decent people, and I will never trust them again.
My New Year's resolution for the last ten or so years has been to keep idiots and azzholes out of my life and it's the best thing I've ever done. I recommend it highly.
(3,608 posts)onethatcares
(16,670 posts)it earned a spot on my office cork board.
(17,968 posts)BlueNProud
(1,048 posts)I have relationships that are now completely gone by my choice.
(36,578 posts)... but it's very perceptive of what has happened in families and friendships all across the country.
Lifelong bonds have been broken, and they'll probably never be restored.
We already know that Chump was NOT worth it, not ever. We also know that people we cared about were total assholes to chose HIM over their own families and friends.
(122,093 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)niyad
(122,093 posts)WiffenPoof
(2,404 posts)If I didnt know any better, I would swear its Steve.
(1,345 posts)when i see attacks on voters I assume it's someone on the Internet. Political operators seem to stick to attacking public figures.
(122,093 posts)KayF
(1,345 posts)starting when he gets to the family reunions, it became clear that when he says "you", he's talking about voters. That's where I think someone like Steve Schmidt, they wouldn't go that direction.
(31,893 posts)bdamomma
(67,353 posts)they are passing the deadly virus around.
Proud liberal 80
(4,363 posts)Republicans like to throw around the term silent majority, but in all reality they are the loud minority while the people who voted for Biden are the silent majority
(12,673 posts)That's not what the tone I hear from President Biden, I wish it was.
(6,517 posts)Hope so.
Response to Girard442 (Reply #18)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Chin music (Reply #20)
geralmar This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to geralmar (Reply #78)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to geralmar (Reply #78)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Hotler (Reply #15)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,295 posts)token gestures of reaching across the aisle but make no mistake, Biden knows what the Republican Party is and who they are.
(62 posts)...not reaching out, not mending fences, and not owning up to what role his side of the aisle may have played in creating such a divided America doesnt sound like much of a POTUS to me. Sounds more like POTUS #45.
(10,947 posts)to the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing booger-eaters.
But then when they reject it, as they have since before Obama took office, he absolutely MUST say 'Ok, so be it. We tried. Nice knowing you, we're getting on with repairing the country'
Lock him up.
(7,889 posts)Ani Yun Wiya
(805 posts)Obama spent eight years reaching out, what did it get him?
If I were president there would be none of that nonsense.
And democrats had not a damn thing to do with "a divided America", that's all hype from the obstructionists in the other party.
(13,335 posts)people who I absolutely do not share values with. That doesn't mean that these people are invited to my house, out for a beer after work, or introduced to my friends and associates. But I see nothing in this statement that will preclude me from going to work tomorrow morning -- and I see no reason to assume that Joe Biden will do less.
And if there are members of the political class (or my workplace) that are willing to turn away from Trumpism -- I don't think it is necessary to great them with a slap in the face.
(152,956 posts)pandr32
(12,595 posts)
Response to Soph0571 (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,138 posts)Response to housecat (Reply #28)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(31,893 posts)Response to scarletwoman (Reply #37)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(15,162 posts)housecat
(3,138 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)housecat
(3,138 posts)Roc2020
(1,720 posts)a half truth is a lie. denying reality makes one deceived and delusional. That's Trump and his supporters. Trying to reason with them is pointless.
(475 posts)Richard D
(9,577 posts). . . as being from Steve Schmidt? I've seen another person claiming to have written it.
(9,685 posts)Going to add an edit - it was someone else originally
Response to Richard D (Reply #27)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(31,893 posts)Katie Schnessel, a resident of one the Villages:
To the Editor:
No, Bidens rallies werent bigger. No, you didnt see any Biden flags on houses or Biden bumper stickers on cars. No, you dont know a single person on your street or at your church who supports Biden. But guess what? Were here.
Bidens rallies were small because people who live in reality dont want to expose themselves to the virus you continue to downplay or deny. We dont fly Biden flags because we dont want our houses burned down. We dont put Biden bumper stickers on our cars because we want to avoid becoming targets for road rage. We dont trust you. We decided to minimize our interactions with people who cannot be reasoned with. This is for our own safety.
In private groups where your not invited we share our bewilderment of your descent into madness. We all have stories about how weve cut ties with you, our family and former friends, because we dont want your hatred poisoning our social media streams. We cant stand to listen to you vomiting the lies of your cult, day after day. You used to be different. We liked you. But now that we know what was inside you heart all along, weve decided you dont deserve to know about our lives. Well skip family reunions, even after we get the vaccine. Well make up some excuse just to be polite. But in reality, we just dont feel like sitting around eating potato salad and making small talk with people who have such monstrous beliefs.
To all the brothers and aunts and cousins and dads and neighbors out there who just cant wrap their heads around what this means going forward, Know that these scars arent going away anytime soon. We wont be reaching out, and we wont be mending fences. Its not up to us to apologize for the wounds you have gleefully inflicted upon us and our friends. You poured the gasoline, you lit the match. You burned this to the ground. So if we seem different from now on, I guess we are, In a way. Weve seen your truth laid bare, and were horrified. I hope Trump was worth it.
Katie Schnessel
Village of Polo Ridge
Note: I've added paragraph breaks to make it more readable but left the the incorrect punctuations and spellings as is.
Also, I really wish people would stop re-posting things they find on Twitter without making any attempt to find original sources.
(9,685 posts)EDIT - after some further research this was originally a letter written by Katie Schnessel, Village of Polo Ridge - original link here:
It looks like Steve may have shared it and as often happens on the interwebs - it got attributed to him.
Still a huge BOOM BOOM Shake the room
I really wish some would read the whole OP before jumping to conclusions
(31,893 posts)Soph0571
(9,685 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)I just get very frustrated by inaccurate attributions from Twitter - my apologies for taking it out on you.
I hope you have wonderful new year.
Best wishes,
(9,685 posts)I trust your new year kicks arse
(280,860 posts)Happy New Year's Day Soph0571
(9,685 posts)
(23,309 posts)Who cares who wrote it? It's an excellent expression that solidly reflects my own thinking. Trump's followers are irredeemable and I will not reach out to them.
Happy New Year, Soph! Thank you for all of your thought-provoking posts. I hope 2021 is a better year for you and all of us.
(9,685 posts)It has too. I demand it.
(1,528 posts)Ive been feeling guilty about my change of feelings toward offensive tRump supporting friends and family members. The letter is correct. It will take time. Maybe indefinitely.
(8,181 posts)toward offensive Trump* supporting friends and family members is evidence that you have a moral compass in good working order and is nothing to be ashamed of.
(86,459 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Turin_C3PO
(16,295 posts)every word is true. I will never forget.
so true
(19,397 posts)Theres not a single punctuation mark different from my own feelings on the subject. It's up to them if they want to re-enter the world of facts, truth and reason. They broke it, they fix it.
(163 posts)I have reached out to some of my Trump supporting friends and acquaintances, but mostly because I love them as friends. It's not some political idea of let's get along.
I have seen that a lot of them have a very ugly side to them. Yeah, some voted Trump because they felt they couldn't vote Democrat. Some people are just in love with the guy. Some people refuse to acknowledge systematic racism. Some people see violence at a BLM protest, but ignore the peaceful and sometimes even prayerful ones. Some were in your face about the idea of not taking COVID seriously. I lost a lot of friends this year. One friend was somebody who said they'd never defriend me over politics. I think he doesn't care for me now because I argued with his wife about the confederate flag. My former children's church teacher wants nothing to do with me after I asked her not to believe all the conspiracy theories. I reached out to some of my Trump supporting friends with Christmas cards. I got a positive reception from one of them. I have been in shock to see what she supports.
Blue Owl
(55,269 posts)bronxiteforever
(9,939 posts)CaptainTruth
(7,416 posts)I have some that will remain in my life for various reasons but I will never look at them the same way again. I just cannot have any respect for them after what they've shown themselves to be.
Response to Soph0571 (Original post)
Hiawatha Pete This message was self-deleted by its author.
(6,269 posts)will set many free after these last 4 years. Other? Not so much so. Theirs is to prefer their minds to be enslaved by lies from a con-man soaking them for every dollar he can...
(20,045 posts)reaching out to r's. I even posted a conciliatory New Year's greeting. But in my heart, I know that this outreach will be ignored.
Except for video chats, phone calls, social media, and DU, I've been on my own through the holidays. For only the second time in 28 years, my daughter and son-in-law haven't come home for the holidays. I haven't hugged or touched another human since Mother's Day. My grandchildren participated in a Christmas concert at their school. The kids all wore masks, or had individual performances pre-recorded. There was no audience. The school kindly set up a zoom meeting so we could see the concert. It is a private school and the Christmas concert is a big fundraiser for them. When I saw all the kids wearing masks and singing Christmas carols for us, I cried. My younger daughter and her family live near. Her husband took a furlough this fall and will be home at least until March, so my babysitting years are pretty much over. He was away a day last week, and I did a stakeout to be close to the kids without being in the house. Yeah, bathroom breaks, gloves, and 2 masks, and less than 5 minutes each time. Next day, my daughter there tested positive for Covid-19. One of her friends was coming for a visit and she wanted to be sure she was safe. Obviously, no visit. I have my teeth clenched as I hope and pray that she got either a false positive or remains asymptomatic. She is the only one of my immediate family who is still going to work-at a dialysis clinic. For quite awhile, the Covid-19 positives stayed low, but we live among a**holes who support impeached traitor and evidently love him more than family, friends, community. Even before my daughter tested positive, I have been anxious as friends and relatives tested positive for Covid-19 and were horribly sick, but thankfully recovered. I have lost at least 12 people I loved, or knew or met in 2020. Not all of them were Covid-19 deaths, but because of quarantines, I couldn't go see them or go to funerals.
I have known for a few months that there are people I don't want in my life. I was willing to love others, respect others, support my community. I have had some differences of opinion over the years, but this is more profound and wrenching. To be willing to follow a traitor over a cliff and take so many of the people you know along with you really is horrifying. For the neighbor displayed trump signs, who has teenage daughters that trump and epstein would have violated in a second, shame on your values. For the old man who had trump signs in his yard, glad I don't know you. For the 79% of people who live in this county, I'd rather shop on Amazon than give your business my money. For people who will not wear a mask, I hope you don't lose loved ones, but if you do, will you wonder forever if following trump was worth your losses? I'm not putting myself in that position. I'd rather live in isolation the rest of my life than know that I was responsible for killing my sister, my friends, my neighbors.
Response to Marthe48 (Reply #64)
geralmar This message was self-deleted by its author.
(85,182 posts)Well, good. I HOPE his epiphany holds.
But its hard for me just to fling my arms wide open and drop all my guard. Even for a reformed former republi-CON. Glad hes seen the light - at least for now.
But time will tell whether hes really saved his soul.
I do lean toward giving him the benefit of the doubt. But trust has to be earned.
(29,399 posts)Hekate
(96,140 posts)Happy& healthy new year, Soph.
(4,138 posts)I love it when someone else writes exactly what I have been feeling but unable to put into words.
(9,403 posts)Thank you VERY much for this post!
After seeing your edit and reading all of the responses, I don't care who wrote it! But, I can understand that some folks want the proper citations (and I totally get it). Having said that, I can ABSOLUTELY see why people would think Steve Schmidt wrote this. IMHO he's an amazingly eloquent speaker and writer.
I cut and pasted it into a word document. I'll send it to some of my close friends who's lost loved ones to the dt Cult.....
(47,261 posts)
Tom Yossarian Joad
(19,275 posts)leighbythesea2
(1,253 posts)So I always have these words. Pure truth.
I didn't put up Biden yard signs for fear of harrassment. I had my BLM one up so anyone may have guessed. My surrounding neighbors all had theirs. But one street over, the trump signs. I have a large picture window, and my mom is on sofa all day. With Alzheimer's she would have answered the door to anyone. I just felt better not declaring who we supported.
And honestly, when the states all certified, that night I heard someone walk into my back yard, near my bedroom window. I got up, turned on all the lights, checked all the doors. Looked out front,.... middle of the street some guy was running down the middle of road with full size american flag (like he was in the Olympics). 2 others alongside. It was eerie. Like a weird movie. I somehow doubt they were celebrating Biden? It seemed like some kind of statement, because why midnight, wandering around?
I've stopped involving myself with certain family. I will be skipping family reunions go forward. This year, part of my family harassed the organizer for cancelling. On fb. It was sad and disheartening. Some of us defended her. The fact is, enough called her & said they weren't coming in first place. Why she cancelled. Another family member "took it over" and had it anyway. What the actual...f*%$k.
I DREAMED of sign slogans, of sneaking in & adding "Elder Reuion- Be There or Be at the Memorial " to the banner.
This year has laid bare the atrocious reality that for many of us, part of our families would see the other part of the family locked up, if they could.
I really believe this, and when we talk in this forum about the permeating sadness we feel? Well, i think that's part of it.
So this piece says it PERFECTLY.
(7,341 posts)MORE important I support the common good, common sense, and an ideology that nourishes it. I do NOT blindly support a person. That's not just stupid it is dangerous.
(23,733 posts)BobTheSubgenius
(11,861 posts)As long as the original writer gets credit (if she wants it), attaching Steve S's name to it only gives it greater currency. And, let's give him his due - he's authored some pretty righteous takedowns of his own, this cycle.
(4,733 posts)Yea, we had a relationship casualty in our family. I will no longer speak with my SIL. She crapped all over a post on my Facebook feed. I rarely post. I usually use Facebook to have a news feed. I comment on the articles. I am able to keep up with arts/crafts groups, etc.
But, I happen to remark about Cuomos honorary award for his Daily Covid Briefings. Well, my SIL (who moved with my brother from NY State to Alabama over 2 decades ago) just had to poop all over it. She went on a rant that scared, angered and embarrassed me. I dont have many FB friends but those that I do have arent familiar with my SIL. I just know they saw the same last name as mine posting on my feed. Saying the most horrible things. I was mortified of what they must have thought.
Well, I immediately deleted her post and unfriended her.
I will not speak with her again. Period. Not sure if she even knows I unfriended her.
And my brother is a pastor. She is a pastors wife.
(24,952 posts)ShazzieB
(19,413 posts)She voted for Chump in 2016, and things were strained for a while, but she came to her senses later on. (I'm not sure just when, because we weren't talking much for a while there. )
I dont think her Trump support was ever very deep. She just got led astray for a while, due to listening to the wrong people.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)But I don't. I have posted this video a few times and I feel the same way she does. My younger self was right! They can hold out one hand to me and poop in the other. Guess which one is getting full first?
(7,132 posts)They have caused horrific harms and near destruction of so many things and they continue to spread covid... fortunately the vaccines will eventually get it under control. I dont have any family etc who supported the monster.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,080 posts)It is beautiful and brilliant.
(4,033 posts)the last for years have been absurd, sickening, dark carnival show.
(4,033 posts)Thank you, for posting this honest to goodness truth, Soph. I always enjoy your posts. Blessings.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,251 posts)lordsummerisle
(4,653 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,228 posts)kentuck
(113,226 posts)The truth has a way of escaping when angry.