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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsGrocery workers aren't even wearing masks, wtf . . .
Went to Costco to grab paper towels (we're genuinely out), then Safeway for things.
I keep tabs on how masking is going whenever at stores. Today was a 50/50 sort of day. Better than it's been.
But some workers weren't wearing masks. I'm talking cashiers, too. It took me a second to realize I'd never seen the faces of a lot of the local grocery workers. Both Safeway and Costco had maskless employees at check-out and wandering around. They were also about 50/50.
How is this happening? How are the stores allowing it, now that we're facing mask restrictions again because of Delta?
Ironically, Costco positioned cases of Clorox sanitation wipes in the vestibule - same as they did during lockdown.
I am totally baffled here. Shoppers not wearing masks yet? Fine. But workers, who are interacting with hundreds of customers a day, many of them maskless?
WTF. Just . . . WTF.
This is California Bay Area.

(24,182 posts)Rarely, have I seen those not wearing masks except for children.
(52,561 posts)People in Southern CA had been wearing masks, both the staff and customers. But two weeks ago I noticed half were unmasked. My N95s are staying on my face.
(9,696 posts)I saw one older unmasked woman wandering around, but that's been it so far in stores.
However, I do notice that people are NOT social distancing, crowding the cash register lines.
Of course that's my little blue corner of LA county, I can't say how the rest of the county is doing. Obviously not well considering the rising numbers.
(15 posts)To point out the error of their ways whenever anyone isn't wearing a mask, especially workers. I am always quick to bring out the latest guidelines that I keep in my pocket to show them the proof of what I'm talking about. They always put their masks on afterwards. It feels good to help people.
(18,585 posts)That you haven't been punched in the face and told to mind your own business. Yet.
(161,825 posts)alrighty then
Shellback Squid
(9,218 posts)greenjar_01
(6,477 posts)Fooling nobody. OK, a few.
(8,982 posts)
Response to tenderfoot (Reply #24)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(30,674 posts)I rarely see anyone without a mask among customers or workers, inside or outside.
(161,825 posts)no excuse
(11,986 posts)He is like DeSantis, cases are going up. I went out today and all the staff in grocery stores and the farmers market still wearing masks and about 50% of patrons. I always do and will for a very long time.
(5,894 posts)Has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the almighty dollar.
(11,986 posts)OnlinePoker
(5,894 posts)They say it will be easy to restart the mask mandate, but I'm not so sure with all the public events and gatherings now authorized. At the PFC soccer game tonight in Langford (suburb of Victoria), I saw very few masks in the crowd.
(11,986 posts)I thought people in BC were smarter, course I am from BC
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)In Missouri!
Wtf is wrong with people?
(122,093 posts)about 75% of customers are masked.
(2,343 posts)has stated that anyone fully vaxxed doesn't need to wear a mask. It may be a situation like that. I continue to wear my mask even though I'm fully vaxxed. The CDC fucked up when they jumped the gun and said anyone fully vaxxed doesn't need to wear a mask anymore. Now they're saying to continue wearing masks. A lot of back and forth on information from agencies we're supposed to trust is causing this. I think some people are just giving up.
(11,949 posts)And 3 weeks ago maybe 20% of customers were masked. Yesterday it was probably 80%.
And Im in Florida. Purple suburban area.
The Governor is calculating incorrectly. Most people realize we are back in the shit. Because its his supporters who are getting sick.
They are so fucking stupid.
The 3 worst counties in the US are around Jacksonville. Big trump areas. Hospitals are being overwhelmed. Its trumpers going to the hospital.
(4,170 posts)She said if they showed proof of vax, then they didnt have to wear them.
So at least I know who isnt vaxxed. One guy in particular wears his under his nose. Based on appearances, he looks to be in a high risk category too. Im shopping elsewhere for the time being.
(14,125 posts)Plenty of people here say they continued to wear one even though they were vaccinated
(305 posts)Price chopper. My favorite gal was the only one wearing a mask and she told me because she wont get vaccinated. I tried changing her mind but it didnt work
(6,477 posts)So, there's that.
Calm down.
Behind the Aegis
(55,097 posts)
My area of Oklahoma is in crisis with ever rising numbers. Now granted, those numbers are still low, but given our hospital only has 120 beds, it would take much to overpower the hospital, especially given it also serves three other counties. I keep waiting...