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On Wednesday, Mike Lindell (aka the Pillow Guy) said that today, August 13, 2021, Donald Trump would be globally recognized as the rightful president, and re-take the White House. Does anyone know what media sources will be providing live coverage?
Also, if the world did come to an abrupt end in 1844, is this the promised second coming?

(280,444 posts)With snacks and Blue Mountain Coffee
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)essential OP, I note it double-posted. Apologies to those who responded to the other one. More importantly, can anyone claim that double-posting was mere coincidence? Or is it a sign of what is to come?
(280,444 posts)so don't take it as a sign
That is actually further confirmation of my pre-reached conclusion! (It's been happening to me lately, too.)
(280,444 posts)Today should be interesting
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)off the TV. It's too high. Why would anyone have put them up there?
(113,145 posts)In an effort to incite his semi-developed followers into some sort of violent activity.
The next "big event" in Washington is scheduled for September 18th.
That may be their focus?
Whatever Trumps says, no doubt it will be to blame someone else.
It is truly a pitiful, sad saga in our history.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)a number of people are calling the My Pillow company, pretending they are going to make an order, then saying, "Er, no, my spouse says Mike is a liar and Trump supporter." Monkey warfare!
We are definitely in a strange, sad time in our country's history. After yet another sleepless night, I found a news story on Lindell hilarious. Gotta take laughs where I can find them!
(113,145 posts)Many Americans are wondering when will there be justice?
(15,086 posts)they are never held to account for it.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)I could disagree with you, but there really hasn't been many republicans held to account in recent years. A large number of crooks from the Reagan administration were convicted of criminal offenses -- including some that Bush the Elder pardoned. But those in W's misadministration were not held responsible for illegal actions. That seems to have set the stage for the horrors of the Trump era.
Evolve Dammit
(19,733 posts)Cosmocat
(15,086 posts)They admins did arguably did progressively worse things while suffering fewer consequences.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)I agree that Reagan/Bush took actions that were about as bad, at very least, and that there were few consequences. Nixon was terrible, as were those committing crimes with & for him, and certainly set our country down a path that leads directly to today. If the full tumor is not removed, it generally will metastasize.
How the heck can anyone take this shit seriously?
Kid Berwyn
(18,996 posts)H2O Man
(76,095 posts)Well done! I like that, and hope you don't mind if I use it today!
Kid Berwyn
(18,996 posts)The guy host says, Lets take a hard look at this.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)I'll have to wait a bit to start making phone calls and using that line!
(16,472 posts)You only get a few of these in your lifetime. You know, the moon landing..Mount St. Helen etc.
You know, the stuff kids will be reading about in school.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)is greater around the entire globe than the Deazier vs Ali Fight of the Century. It even surpasses watching re-runs of 1960s soap operas, in my opinion.
(11,160 posts)I have a couple of Miller Lights. Woo Hoo!
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)extremely stake "fizzies" that I have kept since 1966, for just such a time as this. I'll drink those, and perhaps even smoke some dried lima beans. I'm ready to go all out.
(25,816 posts)C'mon over to my place.
marble falls
(62,892 posts)... especially if you're sitting out on the deck watching the hummingbirds whilst smoking a doob.
(138,063 posts)

H2O Man
(76,095 posts)I mean, would Mike Lindell lie?
(138,063 posts)Look, any man that stuffs a pillow is beyond reproach.
I'll go with 'it must be true' !!!!!
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)swears on a pillow stands for truth. That's sacred.
(25,816 posts)Everything is in place. Let 'er rip!
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)to live long enough to see this day! Yet, it seems almost normal -- in the context of all the other madness.
(7,209 posts)I will check for the video when I come back in.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)on CNN or MSNBC. Maybe only Fox is covering Trump's historic return to the presidency yesterday?
Thank you for picking up the trash! I have great respect for that!
(7,209 posts)We live out in the country and the trash can be really road crews cleaning up.
Yesterday I found a lot of empty Miller Lite cans and oddly two unopened ones. My theory was they were two drunk to realize they were throwing away beer. My husband thinks they threw it out because they were close to home ad could not arrive with it. I suppose we will never know.
When I moved here, I'd take my kids to the waterfalls across the road. My neighbor, Old Fred, and I would pick up the trash that human trash would leave there. One day, Old Fred said, "They could at least leave us some unopened beers!"
I live very rurally. Lately, a person or persons has been tossing needles out along the road. This includes some in front of my nearest neighbors' house. Their son had died of a heroin overdose last summer. My son cleans those needles so they don't have to see them.
(7,209 posts)Yesterday I was surprised there were no Dasani bottles with chewing tobacco spit in them. That has been a standard for years. He does recap them. If I could ID him, they would end up in his yard, guess it is best I cannot.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)either the late 1970s or early '80s, a couple of bags of McDonald's trash were tossed out of the window of a car in front of us. My friend slammed on his brakes, scouped up the trash, and caught up to the offender's car. When we came into town, there was a red light. My friend ran up, opened a car door and threw the garbage back in. It was one of the coolest things that I've ever witnessed.
(7,209 posts)marble falls
(62,892 posts)... it seems his father-in-law has made him point man in the new 'get in touch with the little guy' initiative. Ivanka was so proud, she packed him a lunch with a yogurt bar.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)if Ivanka eats plastic fruit? To give her that plastic essence? I remember a line in a great movie predicting that there would be a future in plastics, almost predicting Ivanka's being.
marble falls
(62,892 posts)
The shell comes, of course, from a highly endanger species, at about $500 a shell.
Stupid, venial, tone deaf. It's like they do not care.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)lack the capacity to process the reality that others do not think or exist in their plastic world. Your post documents that perfectly.
(38,722 posts)But then, they've been doing that for the last five years so, how will we know the difference?
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)All we know for certain is that the cult does not know the difference between the real world and the one they inhabit.
(25,529 posts)Haven't been keeping up with the news?
Do I have time for breakfast?
(19,381 posts)They're restoring the rightful president to his golden throne. We've all seen the same evidence from Trump's army of attorneys in courts of law all over the U.S. It's irrefutable!
Who can deny there were Jewish space lasers? Who can deny a long dead Hugo Chavez interfered with the Dominion voting machines? Who can deny Chinese, Chechnyan, Vietnamese bamboo shoots in Arizona's ballots?
The evidence is as plain as the swollen, dripping nose on Don Jr.'s face!
Today the January 6th tourists will be proved right, and their immediate release back into the sweet, clear air of American freedom is nigh.
It's a day for all Americans to celebrate and rejoice, at The Return of the King!
Or not.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)Every word true facts! I was out watching the night sky, and can't believe the fake news has fooled people into believing what are clearly Jewish Space Lasers for meteors. What can we expect, though, when Fidel Castro faked his death so that he could run CNN?
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)breakfast includes a Trump Steak, I think it is legal. But it might be best to call a lawyer, such as Sidney Powell.
(42,862 posts)... and that he (Trump) is now the 19th President of the United States.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)If someone says something -- a minister, no less -- than it has to be true. Except, of course, if the fake news claims that Trump said something that they have film of him saying. For they are lying. We can only hope Trump appoints this virtuous man of the cloth as the Minister of Truth. An authentic Shroud of Turin, he.
(42,862 posts)
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)Also paper towels that he can throw into the crowd.
KS Toronado
(20,376 posts)geared up for today?
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)to escort Trump directly to the throne. I mean, our tax dollars pay their salaries. They need to get with the program of being programmed.
KS Toronado
(20,376 posts)is that the golden one in qrump tower?
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)They are assigned to make sure he does create a clog as he is flushed from history.
Response to KS Toronado (Reply #68)
H2O Man This message was self-deleted by its author.
(23,797 posts)H2O Man
(76,095 posts)I was dancing with wild abdomen, as John Lennon said, to this tune!
(36,974 posts)
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)in anticipation for this sacred event?
(17,874 posts)Finally, justice will triumph!
-- Mal
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)People living in my rural neighborhood still have their's up. Patriots. They have sacrificed space on their lawns and barns for the sake of this nation.
(40,915 posts)Did Trump hike the prices for his DC hotel for last night and tonight?
Where are they holding the inaugural balls?
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)Actually, geat call! My face hurts from laughing! Thank you!
(8,261 posts)Saint Donald's elevation doesn't seem to be on the agenda yet.
Curious that, no?
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)almost like a re-run for people who missed it the first time, as interpreted by misreadings of the Old and New Testicles. Definitely greater than the return of anyone from those books.
(11,566 posts)Although I've read some editing of the original prediction, as in Trump was secretly inaugurated in March and has been running the country behind the scenes. Thus, his 'cabinet' meetings in Bedminister.
These whack jobs are getting worse, more insane.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)especially all the stuff that contradicts what was promised the day before. It must be this way, or else Biden's communist supporters would use their Jewish space lasers to change the votes. These lasers are programmed to change votes cast on Big Bamboo rolling papers. (Are they still made? Memories of my teen-aged years!)
You are correct, of course -- it is getting worse. There is a synergy of anxiety and stress from a cluster of related issues, including covid, masks, the drought and fires in parts of the country, and floods in the news. Those who are somewhat unstable at their baseline will become increasingly unstable. Those already unstable will act out violently. Sad, but it is where we are at.
(40,915 posts)Lin Wood: Trump has secret military backchannel to authorize nuclear strikes
(138,063 posts)TFG truth o meter
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)Trump's concept of Truth is a wee bit different from reality.
(17,692 posts)H2O Man
(76,095 posts)Second Comings are always just around the corner, coming to us live in just a short time.