General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHoo boy, just got 8 California ballots in the mail. Not great.
Two of them are legitimately ours.
Two are right house number, wrong street.
Two are right street, wrong house number.
Two are people who don't (no longer?) live here.
The four in my neighborhood I'll be walking over in the morning. Our two will get mailed when I do that.
Still. Eesh, USPS. Good thing it doesn't matter, eh?

marble falls
(63,237 posts)Hekate
(96,125 posts)
deliberately trying to destroy this venerable American institution, one so important it was founded by Ben Franklin and mentioned in the Constitution. It is not designed to turn a profit it is designed to render a vital service.
before I really start to rant
(10,411 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,561 posts)

(9,766 posts)When we used to use maps (way before GPS), the matrix that showed distances between cities, was determined by distances between the main post offices at each city.
That's a bit of trivia.
(96,125 posts)aggiesal
(9,766 posts)that's in every municipality.
(96,125 posts)blogslug
(38,733 posts)You will be doing that won't you?
Going to research question 2 tonight. I don't feel comfortable at all leaving that blank.
(58,776 posts)just checking item number 1, which means "No" on the recall of the governor.
(10,411 posts)If Newsom wins - and I've already filled in NO on the recall, then what I do on question two doesn't matter. But if he loses, and Republicans coalesce enough around Elder, hard pass.
I think it's irresponsible for me to leave it blank.
(5,439 posts)succeeds is what gives the other side ones vote.
(23,191 posts)moonscape
(5,439 posts)Why leave #2 blank?
(23,191 posts)None of them are even recognizable names and would stand zero chance. I'm going to follow their guidance and put all NY money in one pot.
(5,439 posts)all the money in one pot on question #1. Then, they roll out another pot. Not trying to belabor this, and will dig in tomorrow, but I guess at least there are no marginally palatable dems if the recall succeeds so not to tempt disaffected dems from voting yes.
I still dont think I can leave it blank. Ill write in Obama!
Captain Stern
(2,224 posts)By answering 'no' to question 1, and leaving question two blank, one is essentially saying:
"I don't want Newsom removed, but if he is, I don't care whether his replacement is a Democrat or not."
(5,439 posts)whichever scumbag you want.
(29,238 posts).
(10,411 posts)My god, the fraud was coming from inside the house!
At least they came to a place where we'll get them to the right people. I imagine an apathetic type tossing them. Or worse.
(11,174 posts)Mail must be really slow there.
(10,411 posts)And I'm lazy and didn't go out to get the mail until a bit ago. Our mail usually hits around 4pm-ish.
You mean there's more than one time zone?
(10,411 posts)And I will now put that on kitchen towels and sell them on Etsy.
(58,776 posts)ass and get DeJoy out of there so the PO can get back to efficient, speedy deliveries.
(10,411 posts)I genuinely like her. She's probably got a truck full of the things and they got shuffled around. Like I said, they were close! Two are a few houses down, and two are just another street over.
(58,776 posts)Alerting the PO may spur her to do better. What if the mistake was made on a check for you, or some of the other peoples' mail you got?
(10,411 posts)If everyone's getting ballots today, they're probably having a complete day of it. I feel for them. They're already getting hosed by DeJoy, and now they have this completely nonsensical ass ache courtesy of Republican shit heels.
(20,930 posts)Under appreciated and under paid. Please dont report for this.. imo..Dejoy wants the p o privatized. A big union and its benefits...hmmm.
(23,191 posts)8 ballots! Come on.
(96,125 posts)I have to say he gets to know a lot more people than I do!
(3,853 posts)Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)We're kind of a mini post office ourselves. Since we both largely work from home, friends and family who don't will often have Amazon or anything important sent to us to avoid porch pirates in their neighborhood. It feels like there are always boxes in our foyer waiting to be picked up.
I'd be surprised if the carrier didn't think eight billion people lived here.
(2,771 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,561 posts)I literally kissed it. GOTV is on my mask and when I wore it to my supermarkets today I got a lot of "thumbs up"s.
(16,851 posts)Or at minimum their working conditions.
Thankfully my household got a ballot for each voter living here, no more, and no less.
Thank you for fixing what you can fix. It matters. A hell of a lot.
(6,017 posts)"Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot" it says on the front.
Below that,
"All active registered voters will get a ballot in the mail."
"Ballots will be mailed starting August 16; allow 5-7 days for delivery.
Perhaps it would be good if the OP checks the cover of whatever they received?
(10,411 posts)They say "Official Mail-In Ballot" on the envelope. Inside is a sample ballot, an official ballot, a voter's information guide, a ballot stub with an I Voted sticker, and the yellow return envelope.
Why they put the sample ballot with the official ballot is beyond me. They look identical except for "sample ballot" written vertically in the margins.
Kind of seems like an accident waiting to happen there for people not paying attention.
(6,017 posts)Weird thing is, in the still anecdotal, non-statistically significant sampling I've found so far (ie, 3; two in SoCal & 1 in the Sierras) it appears to be red counties that sent them out early?
Also, thanks for all the info. This is indeed weird.
(10,411 posts)We're fairly solidly Democratic. 45/21/28 D/R/I. The (D) House representative typically gets ~55%.
But outside of the main three cities, it's pretty rural (I have a vineyard literally 100 ft. from my house). Not a ton of people. So maybe they just processed everything more quickly? Only 240k registered voters here compared to the million each in Contra Costa and Alameda.
(6,017 posts)And I'd say Solano is solidly Dem indeed.
Registered Voters as of 08/09/2021 Democrat: 128,483 Republican: 58,451
(30,674 posts)my brother got ZERO ballots, looks like nothing has improved.
(6,991 posts)She's been a widow for over 5 years!!
Only ONE ballot was proper, which was for her. But her husband's name showed up on two of the other ballots and the final ballot had a wrong address on it and her name. It scared her to death, so she called her voter registrar's office, and the woman told her to destroy the 3 unnecessary ballots, throw them away but keep the one for her which was correct, and fill it out and mail as normal. She asked the woman how this happened, and the woman told her that sometimes it happens due to human error, also that more ballots are being mailed out than normal, so that more people can vote from home due to the pandemic. After she talked with the woman, she said she felt better.
Her ballot has been mailed in, AND of course she voted NO on the BOGUS GQP Gavin Newsom recall of course

(10,913 posts)And he was installed to do JUST THAT. Vote by mail USED TO BE very reliable. DeJoy was installed to ensure that is no longer true. Speaking of which - WHY IS THAT SONOFABITCH STILL THERE?
(16,903 posts)We cant do anything before that
(33,447 posts)I got three pieces of mail yesterday (SC). Two belonged to a house around the corner. Same number, wrong street. Biden really needs to replace the head of the USPS board with someone who get rid of DeJoy. What's really disgusting is that the current guy is A DEMOCRAT! But, he just loves him some Louis DeJoy--even with DeJoy's self-dealing. Sickening.
(1,444 posts)How long before your post becomes a meme on reasons to disqualify your vote? Or mail in voting?
Couldnt you theoretically mail them all back with No to the recall?
It would then be up to the legitimate voters to prove they hadnt already voted.