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You can leave Gods country, and we will not miss you, Robinson said.
Later, Robinson told the crowd that they are Gods regiment on Earth and the living embodiment of all those who have sacrificed their lives in defense of this nation.
Tell our enemies on the other side of the aisle that will drag this nation down into a socialist hellhole that you will only do it as you run past me laying on the ground, choking on my own blood because I will not give up this nation to you! Robinson bellowed. It is not yours. You did not build it, you did not defend it, and you will not own it. We will. The Christian patriots of this nation will own this nation and rule this nation and help freedom survive for future generations.]
Emphasis mine
These theocratic nationalists are proper scary cray cray. Paranoid wingnuts to a one, they are.
How anyone can listen to this Gillead living, theocracy wishing, democracy stealing 'christian' and think there is the guy I am going to vote for in 2024? Christian Patriots my arse. A cross between the Taliban and the Hand Maids Tale is their control freak patricarchy go to. Am I right?!?!?!

(14,043 posts)malaise
(280,814 posts)Fuck him!
(3,351 posts)So its a good bet his ancestors didnt exactly support the Confederacy. 😳
Still a moron
(28,231 posts)The rapists did.
(8,172 posts)Celerity
(47,883 posts)C_U_L8R
(46,219 posts)And resorts to threats instead of actually winning over new voters. The very definition of loser.
(34,847 posts)All that is left is to decide which Christian denomination it is. Let the Hundred Year Wars begin.
Evolve Dammit
(19,994 posts)multigraincracker
(34,847 posts)Roman Catholic Church. Using their logic, this is a Catholic Nation, One Nation under the Pope.
Evolve Dammit
(19,994 posts)onlyadream
(2,226 posts)Walleye
(37,677 posts)So they they think they need to carry guns. That choking on his own blood image shows just what a sick fuck he is. Do they all have these kind of fantasies?
(28,231 posts)He's black.
(37,677 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,994 posts)Walleye
(37,677 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,994 posts)Walleye
(37,677 posts)jmowreader
(51,855 posts)According to the Bible slavery is okay if you free them after seven years. Naturally, it doesnt say someone else cant re-enslave your old slaves.
Solly Mack
(93,919 posts)Red Mountain
(1,996 posts)GOP is positively oozing them these days.
(49,856 posts)They will do or say anything for political power.
What is he starting up a crusade? What a Fucking freak.
(12,641 posts)Pepsidog
(6,329 posts)Martin Eden
(13,818 posts)Stop comforting the rich while disparaging the poor.
Care for the sick. Welcome the stranger.
Stop telling lies and inciting violence
Jesus would weep if he saw what you and your ilk are proclaiming in His name. If there is a God and afterlife, you're going straight to hell.
(2,840 posts)No atheists? Agnostics? Jews? Native Americans? Muslims? Only christians?
His hatred and sickeningly ignorant intolerance would assure him a place in the Lake of Fire. . . if only.
And what of the 250,000 good white christians who died in a failed effort to keep him and his in chains, working for free as slaves owned by a rich white rapist?
(37,677 posts)paleotn
(19,889 posts)Read the books of the law, the first 5 of the bible. That's what they're advocating, though many don't have a clue what it really means. So much death and suffering for figments of their over active imaginations.
Robinson doesn't really believe all that crap. He's an opportunist who'd sell his mother for a percentage.
Those who go on and on about "fighting and dying, bleeding, their last breath, from their cold, dead hand, ad nauseam, are invariably the first to piss their pants when things actually get hot. They generally make really crappy soldiers.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,570 posts)Botany
(73,198 posts)In 1802 Thomas Jefferson penned a letter to the Danbury, Connecticut, Baptist Association in which he described the First Amendment as erecting a "wall of separation between church and state."
marble falls
(63,221 posts)Lonestarblue
(12,237 posts)Opus Dei and the Dominionists come to mind. There was an article in the NYT some months ago about Josh Hawley and his Christian nationalist beliefs. They have a lot of money behind them through organizations like the Federalist Society. The scary part is that we also have a Supreme Court majority that believes in Christian domination and privilege. If theres a way, they may twist their originalist crap into saying the First Amendment does authorize the US as a Christian nation with laws derived from the Bible because most of the Founders followed some form of Christianity. They are already privileging the Christian religion by giving them the right to ignore federal laws on discrimination against LGBTQ. Giving a corporation the right of Christian belief (Hobby Lobby), allowing it to deny only its female workers of their right to birth control through the same insurance that men have was also privileging an entity that exists only on paper. By not separating the corporate form of organization from the beliefs of those holding the stock of that corporation, the Court essentially gave corporations the right to opt out of federal law just by claiming religious beliefs.
And theyre poised to enact the Christian belief that life begins at conception and abortion must be illegal in all situations by overturning Roe. These people will not stop until we have a race war on top of a religious war.
Roisin Ni Fiachra
(2,574 posts)and the countries the Nazis occupied?
That's not freedom.
(30,165 posts)seriously unwell.
i'm in this state. The governor is a Democrat. If the republicans had not so effectively gerrymandered NC, the lieutenant governor might have been as well.
fucking republicans.
(2,114 posts)Whenever fake "Christians" get power, the hate and persecution of others intensifies.
The so-called Christians of the Pilgrim era were hypocrital wankers, too, just like today's Republican "Christians" who pay no heed whatsoever to the example of Christ, and instead are in the embrace of Dark Powers.
The Pilgrims knew that if they really wanted freedom, they had to escape the "republicans" who were persecuting them for not embracing the "right kind of Christianity" as defined by the power thugs of their era.
So Republican bullshit ChristoFascist wankers can just sit down, shut up, and leave Americans alone.
(1,690 posts)They were fleeing becoming Dutch. That's the Plymouth Colony. The Puritans (Massachusetts Bay Colony) were fleeing a unified state and church that had vowed to force non-conformists from the land, but wouldn't allow them to leave. They weren't much better themselves after they arrived, but that's another story.
(2,114 posts)if I am remembering accurately. And they fled because the Fake "Christians" of their day (now called Republicans) were dumping all over them.
Then they all jumped aboard the Mayflower for a Sea Cruise -- trying to leave the phoney, hate-filled fake "christians" of their era.
(1,690 posts)They fled Holland (Leyden specifically) because their kids were becoming Dutch. In the New World the other English colonists referred to the Plymouth residents as "mongrel Dutch" because they could speak with the people in New Amsterdam. It's messy, and rarely as clean as it's presented.
(51,855 posts)The Pilgrims were religious extremists who got kicked out of every other country in Europe, so they moved here.
(6,741 posts)we don't get out and vote for the Midterms of 2022. I fear some folks don't see the seriousness of it all.
(15,162 posts)This really is a fucking civil war.
(12,992 posts)of the Sermon on the Mount ready.
(73,198 posts)
(47,252 posts)Ford_Prefect
(8,265 posts)Rebl2
(15,564 posts)to have forgotten the First amendment of the constitution. It says there will be no establishment of a specific religion and we are free to practice whatever religion we choose.
Jon King
(1,910 posts)Talk about a losing strategy, the young are increasingly non religious. Not much long term future in the angry white religious fanatic demographics.
(22,662 posts)
(86,406 posts)
(47,883 posts)Uncle Ruckus (born July 4, 1939) (also known as Reverend Father Uncle Ruckus, No Relation) is a fictional character and main antagonist of the American animated sitcom The Boondocks.
Ruckus prattles white supremacist rhetoric and calls Michael Jackson (who suffered from the pigmentational skin changing disorder vitiligo) a "lucky bastard" as he doesn't look black. Ruckus claims that he himself has "re-vitiligo", to explain his own skin tone. Ruckus applies a homemade topical ointment of "bleach and sulphur" in order to treat his self-diagnosed condition, stating that he "likes to think it works" and that it has preventing him from "getting any darker these past few years."
According to a flashback, in his early 20s (20 years old in 1959) he protested against Martin Luther King Jr.'s marches during the civil rights movement and would occasionally throw bricks at King. Another flashback scene shows Ruckus serving on a Tennessee jury in 1957 (making him a minimum of 70 years old in 2009, although this flashback is not consistent with the show's continuity) that helped convict a blind black man of killing three white girls. In spite of being blind, the African American man supposedly shot the three with a Winchester rifle from about 50 yards away. Ruckus is the only black person on the otherwise all-white jury in a Jim Crow courtroom.

Link to tweet
(45,375 posts)John 18:35-37
36Jesus said, My kingdom does not belong to this world; if my kingdom belonged to this world, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish authorities. No, my kingdom does not belong here!
37So Pilate asked him, Are you a king, then?
Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. I was born and came into the world for this one purpose, to speak about the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth listens to me.
(1,690 posts)Here in so-called liberal Washington we have a huge swath of the state that could more rightly be called Western Idaho at this point.
It is from this land of cosplay rugged independence that we get treasures like Matt Shea, who is literally the first hit when you search "crazy republican theocrat eastern washington." At one point there was a recording of him saying they should force the conversion of all men to their cult or kill them. When asked about it he said it was just a thought experiment. It was at that point that I decided that "Christians" and GOPpers who wouldn't denounce that kind of thought experiment had already joined the cult. If you are not willing to stand against killing your neighbors who hold different beliefs, you're just waiting for your brown shirt.
Incidentally, they hold sectarian positions. If they wind up on top, I think a lot of people will be surprised to find out they're no longer considered Christian(tm).
(40,915 posts)What will they say/do when it is not their version of Christianity in charge? ;
Madison also made a point that any believer of any religion should understand: that the government sanction of a religion was, in essence, a threat to religion. "Who does not see," he wrote, "that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?" Madison was writing from his memory of Baptist ministers being arrested in his native Virginia.
(4,355 posts)marie999
(3,334 posts)Starting with the greatest amount and working down my family is Jewish, Iranian, Eastern European, Babtist, Cherokee, West African, and Neanderthal.