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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat is it with the anti vax cray cray crowd and the Holocaust? Oh. Wait.
Another day another denier being more victimised and in danger than Jews during the Holocaust. They really need to do one on this framing. I know the right wing love them some victimhood, it is a tune they dance to on a daily basis, but good grief. Still, I suppose it demonstrates to planet normal just how horrid these people are.
Some randomer called Leigh Dundas, who seems like a very lovely lady👀 and who said before the violent insurrection by the fascist America land on planet democracy America, that if Pence the Poodle did not vote to throw out the EC then no-one should be surprised if the far right cray cray crowd rose up just like the revolution, blah blah blah. Balanced kinda gal. This week at a San Francisco anti vax rant event she came out with this beauty:
Today we face a bigger threat, I believe, than the Jews did in the late 1930s in Eastern Europe, I believe it is worse than child sex slavery, it is worse than every abuse we have heard about in our history books, I believe, I actually believe it is worse than war, because this threat is not just coming for one group it is coming for all groups.
Okay then.
I know that this bollocks of a narrative is about creating hysteria and paranoia and I cannot help stating the obvious that she is going for two distinct audiences here. Of course, the conned are a mark here, continue to keep them engaged in the faux covid battle of the ages for grift. Loads of them out there duping the duped on an ongoing basis. I think the child sex slavery bit plays really well with that crowd. They love a bit of all democrats eat babies schtick and linking the Q conspiracy on this to the anti vax narrative makes perfect sense.
However, this narrative about the holocaust this ongoing bullshit false comparisons with the treatment of Jews in the run up and in WW2 is talking to a different audience entirely. And although some in this audience, can also be one of the conned aka above this language is talking explicitly to white supremacist, racist nasty nazi fuckers. To take it one step further the white privileged very nice cray cray lady has decided, not only the holocaust but NOTHING in history is as bad as vaccine mandates. NOTHING she yells. Now I know she will have been thinking about American history, cause exceptionalism and xenophobic isolationism is a real thing when you are this deluded. So I am going to go with the obvious, the huge stain on the soul of America which is of course Slavery. According to this lot being made to have a jab in the arm is literally worse than the centuries long trading and enslavement of actual human beings for profit.
QED This ilk of anti vaxxers are white supremacists first and foremost and therein lies their motivation for causing such disruption and division. Nothing to do with the vaccine at all. It is just them being their worst racist nasty selves, after all they got a permission slip from TFG, to be as unpleasant and hate filled as they wanted cause MAGA. And they are not moving on from the joy of not having to behave in polite society anymore. They are exhausting.

Baitball Blogger
(49,138 posts)They don't know true history, so they make shit up.
Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)to how this country came to be. Then we can heal?
(122,079 posts)Response to niyad (Reply #2)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(19,861 posts)Magats, anti-vax nuts, racist trash, Qanon believers....It's just one circle.
(2,063 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 13, 2021, 04:04 PM - Edit history (2)
They may be having a problem keeping the scatter-brained free thinkers to stay on message.
How does one go about creating decades of hate fueled and divisive politics, convince half a country that individualism is key to success, scare off any somewhat sane voters, and then get all these haters-of-all-others united again with those they either hate or are afraid of?
edit: clean up text
COL Mustard
(7,184 posts)You and all of us had better take the threat seriously and vote in 2022, and vote in 2024. Make the elections so overwhelming that they can't claim fraud. That's the only way. If they want to cheat, swamp them at the ballot box. Have better ideas and better candidates than they do.
(2,063 posts)The threat is very real. I'm reading the NYT story Menace Enters the Republican Mainstream now and the authors mention the difference between those working inside the capitol and the most fervent activists. For years I was surrounded by supporters of the insane who would make my ears hurt, and concluded that there are those who think that congresspeople carry their lunchbox in to work, hope the coffee truck shows up on time for break, and a disruption in the routine makes the day go quicker. There is no use in trying to explain much beyond that. I'll leave out the snark, and thank you.
Captain Zero
(7,670 posts)That may be a deal breaker for them.
Of course their broken brains have no problem with other cognitive dissonances that they throw out into the propaganda universe.
Why should this?
(8,200 posts)These jerks fall for the ridiculous scams and are easily separated from their money. If the have taken the vaccine to protect their job they think that they can be cleanse of it. These people deserve to be bilked. As has been said there is a sucker born every minute. They are fair game as far as I am concerned. They are the same suckers that shell out their money to tent revival fake religious healers.
COL Mustard
(7,184 posts)How? With ivermectin? Bleach? UV Light? I hadn't heard that one before!
Fortinbras Armstrong
(4,477 posts)Many of these right-wingers are.
(65,419 posts)These people are destroying our country.