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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThere is no reasoning with them...
They have severed themselves from rational thought... EXACTLY THIS!
Can't reason with those who have actively chosen irrational thought as a life plan...
The Wizard
(12,985 posts)fostered by the Pox News strategy of convincing their viewers they are victims of all things not GQP has brought us to the precipice of civil war. Any culture vilifying education feeds its own self destruction through attrition. Witness the slave states leading in Covid deaths and hospitalizations.
(22,453 posts)realized they're enslaved to the christian fascists now.
That term is powerful.
(58,785 posts)Does that go double for black Christians here in GA who are apparently by this definition both "christian fascists" and slaves to them? Oh, AND living in a slave state? Let's not forget that one.
WTF? Is there some leftist version of Hannity and Carlson where people go to soak this stuff up?
(8,079 posts)It reminds me of Chuck Todd being (absolutely correctly) for using the terms "parent" and "parents of color" instead of saying "white parents" and "parents of color. Or something else that isn't automatically othering.
I doubt if anyone here thinks that black Christians are Christian fascists (although isolated individuals, even isolated congregations, might be." But if white Christian fascists are writing, passing, and enforcing fascist laws in a sate ot an area, then everyone living in that area is virtually enslaved to them in terms of [personal conduct. And that is probably just as clumsy as the original statement, but I' am trying to learn.
(58,785 posts)Broad-brush hostility and rampant dishonesty, to the point of irrationality, in attacks, in this case demonstrated by characterizing U.S. states as slave states and citizens as slaves and/or slavers, are commonalities.
(8,079 posts)alphafemale
(18,497 posts)That is a great American thing.
Also from GA and know the role those churches played.
And I am an Atheist.
The Wizard
(12,985 posts)to conjure up lionized Confederate heroes who committed treason against the United States. They no longer need to own slaves as it's cheaper to rent them by the hour.
(58,785 posts)was just joking, poor fellow.
Bernardo de La Paz
(51,760 posts)ItsjustMe
(11,925 posts)Walleye
(36,773 posts)hlthe2b
(107,179 posts)guided her life. She lived the tenets, yet true to them as well, never judged or preached at others. It was the message that guided her and she'd likely been able to find a similarly positive message to guide her life in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or most of the world's religions. She's been gone long enough that she never saw the worst of the politicization of Christianity in this country, I cringe to think how that would have impacted her so perhaps there is a blessing in that.
There are plenty of progressive Christians and progressive Jews and progressive members of all the major religions. Is it that MSM is afraid to give them a voice? With few notable exceptions, where are their voices?
(17,351 posts)As soon as I read your excellent story about your grandmother, I remembered some history lessons I learned about the Christian (I prefer xian) church and how it has been used and abused for millennia for factions/individuals to gain control, murder/steal/pillage/etc. in the name of some lord.
Maybe that's true for other religions. I think I understand that Islam is rife with factions who hate each other. Probably worse than they hate the heathen.
(20,317 posts)Soph0571
(9,685 posts)Quote from this article
(14,118 posts)abqtommy
(14,118 posts)Stalin showed us how to deal with Fascists!
(40,773 posts)MUST READ!!! John Pavlovitz: "I'm a Christian Pastor. Evangelicals Have to Be Defeated in 2022"
Barry Goldwater on 'rational conversation'.
Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
― Barry Goldwater
"It is dominion we are after"
(19,054 posts)sarchasm
(1,239 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(6,829 posts)Those who are brainwashed can be helped, according to the medical people I have spoken to about the matter. but, when the person was already unbalanced to begin with... then we as a society have to make some hard choices. Choices I do not see happening. Because they are 'hard'. But, we will see, won't we?
(7,086 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,773 posts)Madison also made a point that any believer of any religion should understand: that the government sanction of a religion was, in essence, a threat to religion. "Who does not see," he wrote, "that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?" Madison was writing from his memory of Baptist ministers being arrested in his native Virginia.
We have plenty of folks who want to be the Christian Ayatollah of America
What will they say/do when it is not their version of Christianity in charge?
(29,079 posts)Treat Christian fascists as the lowlife scum they are---don't pay them the pointless compliment of assuming they have one iota of common decency in their makeup.
Mr. Steve
(114 posts)Fanaticism, despite the flavor, abhors reason. There is no possible way to engage a fanatic in any sort of peaceful, meaningful dialogue. They will only see their own chosen way and that is that. Would that there were some peaceful alternative to dealing with fanatics. Any suggestions?
(7,794 posts)That gets lost on most people and Christians need to hear it often as a reminder of what they're dealing with. It's never spoken of in offering-plate-passing, blue chip, megamachinechurches.
(7,196 posts)The concepts of Fascism don't line up with the teachings of Jesus at all.
They are simply Fascists, who pretend to be Christians as a cover for their actions.
They look very much like the supporters of Hitler...a person who courted the Catholic Church as a means of legitimizing his hate filled, racist rhetoric.
(82,849 posts)And plenty of Christians have pushed back against the fascists using the cross as a front. The problem is a mass media that can't be bothered with figuring anything out. They simply report what each side is saying, assume the truth is somewhere between the polar opposites they're looking at, and go cash their paychecks. The idea of subjecting the fascist/white supremacist cant to critical analysis never occurs to them. Or, if it does, they quickly abandon the notion for fear of squawks of "liberal" bias.
(1,690 posts)Even in Germany several different denomination tried to be the Nazi Christianity. Traditional values is a strong theme in fascist movements. Calling yourself a Christian movement is almost textbook for traditional.
(1,690 posts)Nearly every piece slams liberals for not being pure enough. On the other hand, there is an inherent flaw in the argument he uses. The notion that contemporary Christians believe that a liberal Christian church could even exist is laughable. They are the real Christians now, if you dont believe me ask them. They wont find themselves to be heretics, it will be guys like Chris Hedges the accuse of heresy.
Ive had this discussion many times, and I know it offends many, but the right owns that trademark. Even the media has ceded the mantle of Christian to them. Liberal Christians could try to fight back, but its probably to late, and plenty of them are afraid of consequences of losing.
(22,453 posts)The muslims do the same thing. Instead of challenging, they leave.
(58,785 posts)plagiarist whose increasing extremism and its attendant dishonesty, irrationality, and destruction of intellectual verity over the past couple decades means that all of his impressive credentials are in the past. Way in the past.
I once soaked up his title "Christian Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America," a phenomenon I was observing myself, but couldn't read more than a few chapters. It's not that there's no point to be searched out in it, but I did not recognize real people I knew in his ugly one-dimensional portrayals. They were so extremely warped, intolerant and mean, that I actually ended up feeling indignant for someone I suspected in another life would call the Gestapo on my husband. That's pretty bad.
Every time I see his name these days I despise him for his dreadful soul-killing influence on those who've kept him alive and prosperous, those drawn to his "politics of cultural despair" that he himself decries as "killing us" while feeding the already sickened market for more despair.
For what he's done to degrade the understanding of the electorate. Speaking of which, let's remember that, like other admired gurus of that dystopian crowd, after he personally destroyed his career as a real journalist he is still welcome on RT, where he hosts a weekly program and is frequently quoted by professional propagandists. Russian state TV is one of the planet's biggest disseminators of toxic disinformation and other forms of weaponized mindfucking for the Kremlin. The purpose: to destroy other nations.
(7,086 posts)lastlib
(25,059 posts)then they wouldn't be religious fanatics (or tRumpers).
(22,453 posts)Most people only drop addictions when they hit bottom. But with covid, they're taking us all down with them.
(9,181 posts)He nails it so much of the time. He looks like a regular dude, but he's so much more. Very remarkable, IMHO. We watch him every week night. He never backs away from shedding light on what & where the real problems are.
(13,739 posts)BComplex
(9,181 posts)I was thinking of Chris Hayes on MSNBC. Just giving voice to my white hairs!
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traitorsgalore This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,504 posts)Shepherds don't look after sheep because they like them. They either want to fleece them, fuck them, or eat them."
-- Christopher Hitchens
(7,105 posts)But I was a serious born again one from 10 to16 years old. Republican Jesus is NOT the Jesus I used to adore. Which is one reason I am no longer a Christian.
(1,354 posts)my article "The Right Wing's Rejection of Reality is Now Its Defining Attribute":
(160,705 posts)it is just a matter of degree
(84,813 posts)jimlup
(8,008 posts)tRump is goinig to die soon but his legacy remains -
that is our enemy. FOCUS DU!
(5 posts)That encouraging the political divide into religion is healthy for anyone. The comfort of being a Christian (For me) is knowing that I at least have Christianity as a bridge with others whom don't see eye to eye with me..
"It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step"
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