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Prediction starts at 2:24What is alarming to me is how quickly, relatively speaking, the progress of the industrial revolution is unraveling.
It reminds me of this passage from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous though I am not an alcoholic (my dad was).
Even in the present century [1900s], American newspapers were afraid to print an account of the Wright brothers' first successful flight at Kitty Hawk.
captain queeg
(11,745 posts)I dont remember exactly where, I havent read it for many years but I think it was from Solomon. He was talking about how the basics of life never change. At least thats how I interpreted it.
(23,775 posts)referred to as the "reflections of a royal philosopher," presumably Solomon.
Regarding human nature, the quote is probably accurate. But, in regard to technology, it is an example of what Sagan was concerned about, the loss of scientific inquiry and discovery.
(Amusing note: As I typed this, auto correct changed Sagan to Satan.)
captain queeg
(11,745 posts)Had one the other day that I thought was funny but cant remember now.
I had a professor that used to say all the easy stuff has been discovered. Probably seems like that looking from are present vantage point but it was a long road.
(49,445 posts)*puts on Michelle Bachmann voice*
You see, "G" is the 7th letter from the FRONT of the alphabet, and "T" is the 7th letter from the END of the alphabet! So Satan just did this symmetry thing, doncha know, and swapped the letters so he could lie about God and baby Jesus and the wise men and evolution and the Great Flood and the value of pi and how rabbits chew their cud and how old the Earth is! And everybody would think he was just an atheist scientists unintentionally doing Satan's work, instead of Satan himself! Isn't that right, Pillow Guy?
*puts on Mike Lindell voice*
(23,775 posts)an anti science fundamentalist Chrino.
(14,991 posts)beset us in this life - the twin lies on which we seem to have built our society - that if you amass large amounts of wealth and/or large amounts of power, it will somehow make you immortal.
But it won't. This is why selfishness, greed, envy and so on are so foolish. Sagan was an interesting guy, but he wasn't much for either religion or spirituality.
(23,775 posts)depressing, but I don't see it that way. It is one of my favorite books, too, which is why I recognized the quote immediately when I saw it.
Agree that Ecclesiastes cuts through our illusions. In doing that, it points to real spirituality, which makes it uplifting to me and not depressing.
Regarding Sagan, he was not a religious person at all, and generally regarded religion as superstition when taken on a literal level. But he wrote an interesting book on science and religion, titled Dragons of Eden. In that book, he explored the possibility that human thought patterns are similar in science and religion because there are some parallels in Biblical descriptions of creation and scientific theories on evolution. The book covers the difficulties of maintaining objectivity in science because the ways we think and perceive life are influenced by the society we live in and our personal experiences in life. I recommend the book.
(14,991 posts)maybe the late 70s or early 80s. Yes, it was a good book, though I don't remember it all that well.
(23,775 posts)for an English course that I was taking on mythology. I used the book as one of my sources for a research paper that I did way back then. So, yes, it's an old book, but still relevant for people who are intersted in issues of scientific objectivity and the relationship between science and religion.
(14,991 posts)Like you I have always been interested in the intersection between science and religion/spirituality. They used to be together in ancient days, of course. But for the insistence on a narrowly dogmatic interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, they still likely would be. If only gnosticism was not cast out as heresy!
(11,355 posts)What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
(6,303 posts)Kick and recommend.
(31,685 posts)it's where one would start if the goal was to destroy a liberal democracy.
This has been the objective of the 1% since Reagan. Slow, methodical, committed, and nearly complete.
I agree.
Bourgeois Liberal
(12 posts)...then it's democracy which has to go. Destroying democracy was not a conscious long-term objective. When you live in a world where time horizons are determined by news cycles, quarterly-earnings reports, ratings books and the next election you generally don't have long-term objectives. The immediate objective is always to preserve and guarantee income streams. And its for that reason that for the past 50 years (the 1971 Powell Memo serves as a convenient starting point) the US has been groping and stumbling from a democracy to an oligarchy. It's simply the line of least intellectual resistance. A petrified government which exists solely in order to hold the existing distribution of wealth in place is basically all that our 1-percent can imagine.
So there.
It started with Reagan and then in the 90s disgraced Newt Gingrich, then came the tea party idiots of the 2000s
(16,556 posts)The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
(2,315 posts)wnylib
(23,775 posts)It has happened before, many times in history. It is what happens when a society achieves greatness and then declines. Sumeria, ancient Egypt, Phoenicians, ancient Greece, Persian Empire, Rome, etc.
The cohesive principles that drive a society to develop become corrupted, or the people lose interest or belief in it, or people at the top exploit the developments for themselves, or a combination of those things causes the decline in creative thought and achievement.
(11,355 posts)In Republican-led states, theyre banning books about race, about LGBTQ, and no doubt about women, especially minority women. Theyre turning social studies courses into myths while trying to turn science into superstition and religious beliefs. We will have a generation of kids who come of age only to learn that their education was essentially useless, except perhaps for mathematics and physics which Republicans havent yet figured out how to bend to their peculiar ideas.
It is the children in Democratic-led states who will have a true education that will prepare them for the workplace and an understanding of how our government and our country functions. Those are the future scientists who will do something about climate warming and addressing pandemics while many Republican kids who just follow in their parents footsteps will remain the uneducated base the Republican leaders want.
(1,690 posts)those "Republican kids who just follow in their parents footsteps will remain the uneducated base the Republican leaders want" will be the execs and managers.
That's precisely what DFP is, an uneducated person who followed in his fathers footsteps and bred a new generation of the same.
Alexander Of Assyria
(7,839 posts)a sign of decline of general intellect.
Twitter and Facebook predicted
« The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance »
A celebration of ignorance
thats the party the republicans have invited the stupid part of the countrymen. And they come out in droves maskless and unvaccinated to mingle among themselves and spread the holy virus, as they worship the golden calf.
Nothing new under the sun.
KS Toronado
(18,860 posts)mitch96
(14,484 posts)So I could send it to my laptop to print it out... Saved me some work...TNX!!
captain queeg
(11,745 posts)And have others have pointed out in this thread America is so focused on profit and gaining wealth, the pursuit of which is short sighted, we continue to diminish. A whole lot of American success in the physical world comes from the exploitation of undiscovered (by white Europeans) land to develop and exploit. It did allow regular type people to move up the economic ladder, But we are quickly devolving to a new royalty. Why does someone need billions of dollars? They have trouble spending it, so just accrue more.
(9,647 posts)niyad
(118,365 posts)dalton99a
(83,479 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,009 posts)"Unable to distinguish between what feels good and whats true."
I really think religion promotes this kind of thinking. I feel good when I sing in church therefore the religion must be true. It makes me happy to think there is life after death so my religion must be true. Thinking of a god makes me feel safe and secure so it must be true. It's all about feelings, no thought out evidence supported beliefs. Religion is all based on magical thinking.
When an economic system starts to fail, and the wealth of nations is accumulated in just a few hands, that society collapses too. An economic system has to be constantly circulating the wealth to be able to support a society. When it stops circulating and gets captured at the top by Kings, Queens, Slave Masters, Plantation owners, Princes, billionaires, dictators and CEOs, then it stagnates and starts to crumble.
With this obvious failure of the economy to support everyone, comes magical thinking because effort, work and mastery of technical issues do not bring any wealth. The only route remaining to gain enough wealth to survive is luck. The luck to be born the right color. The luck to be born to the right rich woman. The luck to be born to the the right family. The luck to have picked the right career path. The luck to kiss up to the right king. The luck to be born without a conscious to be able to spread lies without blinking.
When luck is the only thing that gains you success then all sorts of magical, feel good thinking seems to be justified. No one can control luck but we all hope for some because hard work and accomplishments mean nothing when the economy is failing.
Wounded Bear
(60,165 posts)Whiskeytide
(4,491 posts)educating people in critical thinking, and simultaneously gave them the notion that their ignorant opinion was just as valid as that of an expert in the field. Whatever happened to Dean Wormers prescient observation that fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son?
(30,123 posts)What goes around, comes around.
mountain grammy
(27,061 posts)Glad he was a part of my lifetime.