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In it, Schwarzenegger warns Russians they are being fed misinformation about their country's assault on Ukraine.
Addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin directly, he says: "You started this war, and you can stop it".
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(8,581 posts)
(32,048 posts)rlegro
(339 posts)And he uses without shame his celebrity status and life history to speak truth to power.
NYC Liberal
(20,376 posts)I would take him over any other Republican today.
(10,733 posts)Given that what ten years ago, was Radical Left, is potentially the New Center, WE HERE could get jobs writing that platform FOR THEM, and Arnold seems like the kind of Rwpublican that would be on board for its messaging.
(3,106 posts)Talking about his father being a broken man after the WW2 was moving. Any mother or father who listened and didn't think about their sons who might have to fight in this war and come home either as a corpse or as a broken individual both physically and psychologically would have to be almost cult-like in their adherence to the state propaganda.
The part about the Soviet era weight lifter -- this was spot on.
Hopefully, it will really move the needle in Russia.
(10,733 posts)Arnold is one, imho.
(73,135 posts)Putin can not stop this from going viral in Russia.
(1,884 posts)The guy who mounted an insurrection against the United States was unsuccessful. Otherwise we would be well on our way, if not there already, to not being able to have a video like Schwarzenegger put out ever released attacking our Orange Menace or his BFF in Russia. It wouldnt be long, just like Russia, that those who didnt knuckle under to our dictator, would be shipped off to the United States gulag or much worse like happened in Germany or Russia back in the day. Shot in the street by the SS/Gestapo or more recently 10 people shot in a bread line in Ukraine.
It would be nice if our incredibly ignorant GOP would wake up to the dangerous path they are so intent on taking us on.
(339 posts)They consistently seek to marginalize or criminalize any political opponent who dares take them on. Including voters. Right now the Onio GOP is planning to impeach the chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court just because the court in multiple rulings rejected the GOP argument that new redistricted legislative maps aren't gerrymandered enough to make Republicans feel secure. Bunch o' tin-plated cowboys who are all hat and no cattle.
(92,348 posts)FakeNoose
(36,519 posts)Maybe it's on both. The Russian people deserve to know, and Arnold did a good job explaining it in a sympathetic tone.
(72,153 posts)and it's only spread.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,407 posts)obamanut2012
(28,214 posts)ancianita
(39,557 posts)James48
(4,700 posts)Im sure the Russian Army has not yet notified the families of the majority of the casualties.
Some of the reporting has mentioned that Russian soldier records are in the columns of the destroyed units. It is possible that hundreds - or thousands- of Russian soldiers who have been killed or wounded wont even have a record of them being there. It will takes months- maybe years, to identify the missing (including those incinerated in a tank struck by a Javelin or similar Anti-tank missile) and the dead.
There may be only a small portion of the actual dead who have been reported to their families.
(39,557 posts)and families will be told a story that implicates any country or leader but Putin. Many, many databases show the long existing differences in number of those Russians who see asylum in other countries, and the much lower totals Putin shows of Russian emigres.
(36,519 posts)I wonder how they're going to handle this. Back in the 60's when young men here in the US wanted to avoid the draft, some of them split for Canada. This isn't exactly the same thing, but it could be treated that way. Eventually our guys were allowed to return home to the US after the Vietnam War was over. (It was called Amnesty.) Many stayed in Canada because they had jobs, new friends, got married, etc.
So the Russian guys who defected to Ukraine, will they ever be allowed to return? I doubt it. They'll stay in Ukraine or go west to Europe probably.
(230 posts)I wonder if Arnold wrote the script himself? Delivery was awesome, as you might expect, but the script was superb. Through recollections of his encounters with a Russian bodybuilder who was at one point the world's strongest man, Arnold emphasized that Russia is strong enough to not need to conquer Ukraine. He did not criticize Russians or raise the issue of collective guilt -- even Putin is not denigrated -- just, noted to be able to stop the war that he started.
(26,158 posts)which takes nothing away from the effort he put into it himself. Asking Vindman to go over it for him was an excellent idea. It was obviously sincere and from the heart - truly well done on his part.
NYT has a good article about this:
In a response to a Twitter post from Mr. Ketchell sharing Mr. Schwarzeneggers video, Rob Flaherty, the White House director of digital strategy, called the statement really, really remarkable.
(36,519 posts)I thought it was quite well done. His video will get a lot of play in Russia, I'm sure.
Baked Potato
(7,733 posts)crickets
(26,158 posts)notinkansas
(1,142 posts)Putin already shut down twitter and facebook - basically all social media? I thought I read that somewhere.
(85,143 posts)You cant reach everybody. You cant win over everybody.
But maybe you dont have to shoot the moon. Might be enough to achieve a stable earth orbit. If we can reach enough of the Russian people, that might just do it.
Critical mass is a pretty doggone powerful thing.
(22,154 posts)I don't know if that is the case anymore.
(72,153 posts)renate
(13,776 posts)I think YouTube made it so Russian channels can't be monetized any more (I hope that decision was changed for the small-time content creators, because they're a great source of information and blameless in all of this), but as of yesterday the videos could still be viewed.
(62,180 posts)
(11,860 posts)All I could have hoped for for Arnold's efforts. He hit the tone right on the nail's head, but I never thought it would be allowed to be disseminated within Russia. I'm freely admitting that I have no idea of what Russia's capabilities are in terms of suppressing it.
(1,128 posts)today
(991 posts)L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)LAS14
(14,961 posts)IronLionZion
(47,476 posts)Otherwise it would only get English speakers.
(13,776 posts)It was a very powerful video. Normally I wouldn't spend that long watching a video I hadn't sought out for myself, but it was really good.
(12,900 posts)Russians to be able to hear him clearly.
(6,878 posts)C Moon
(12,690 posts)myohmy2
(3,572 posts)...very persuasive...
...Arnold easily lifted 200 political kilos...
...I'm impressed...
(8,125 posts)It was pitched similarly to his address after the January 6 Capitol invasion:
(7,904 posts)lindysalsagal
(22,454 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(157,859 posts)I was amazed at this video.
Renew Deal
(83,466 posts)For this and the Jan 6 video.