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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI Counted All the Scholars Cited in the Leaked Roe Opinion. Can You Guess How Many Were Women? Counted All the Scholars Cited in the Leaked Roe Opinion. Can You Guess How Many Were Women?
Jackie Flynn Mogensen
If you read the leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, and especially if you have a uterus, you may notice several factual errors about women and pregnancy made by its author, Justice Samuel Alito. (My colleague Pema Levy, in fact, chronicles a few here.) Those errors, it turns out, may have something to do with whom Alito is citing: In all its 98 pages, the draft cites very few women.
I know because I counted. Or, at least, I tried. The opinion includes more than 75 citations from legal experts, historians, and scholars of philosophy. By my tally, just four are women. I also counted the number of times Alito cited a judge, either on the Supreme Court or lower courts. In all, he cites a judge or justice more than 90 times. Of those, just five were women.
Id also like to point out that Alito cites himself at least six times. I repeat: The man who authored the opinion to effectively end the right to abortion in the United States has cited himself more times than he cited female scholars combined.
The asymmetry in Alitos draft is, to put it mildly, disappointing. But it also reflects who heldand often continues to holdpower in this country. After all, this is a document that may effectively govern the bodies of millions of uterus-owners. Shouldnt we have more of a say in it?

Faux pas
(15,520 posts)with
(36,594 posts)Mr. Evil
(3,061 posts)FakeNoose
(36,546 posts)

(36,594 posts)
(19,373 posts)Hope it can be fixed. I'd love to see it!
(36,546 posts)
If it's not playing then maybe your browser has animated gifs turned off?
Some browsers have "off" as the default and you need to turn it "on."

I had a feeling it was going to be this one! One of my all time favorite memes, and VERY appropos. Thanks for fixing it.
(36,594 posts)soldierant
(8,169 posts)but lost it on account of damage and suffering it caused ... like cancer ... or on account of someone's misguided idea that that person was not capable of being trusted with it.
And both have happened, the latter especially probably a lot more than we know about.
(36,594 posts)Getting permission from anyone anywhere at any time for their healthcare decisions.
(8,169 posts)Mine was only that there are other ways of abusing people who have or once had a uterus, and those victims are IMO welcome to lend their voices to protest this one.
(36,594 posts)
(19,129 posts)Or pro-choice men in Congress? Can they vote?
(16,382 posts)I may not have a uterus, but I can base my opinion on the English Common Law allowance for herbal abortions prior to quickening for hundreds of years, and the 9th Amendment that is intended to ensure that such non-enumerated rights were protected under the 5th amendment's protection of liberty. (and invoked on states via the 14th).
I never need to get into the debate about when life begins, I just point out that this was legal in Colonial America and therefore it is an essential liberty locked in upon ratification of the Constitution.
(36,594 posts)OldBaldy1701E
(7,149 posts)niyad
(122,093 posts)soldierant
(8,169 posts)niyad
(122,093 posts)Solly Mack
(93,896 posts)NowISeetheLight
(3,993 posts)They should be in the kitchen, barefoot, serving dinner and serving as incubators. The concept of an independent woman who is educated, resourceful, and proud, well its probably repugnant to him.
Evolve Dammit
(19,943 posts)
(53,544 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,632 posts)Look at Virginia Foxx from North Carolina, for example. She's a nightmare.
More to the point here's Carrie Campbell Severino. She (and her husband) are also nightmares. They have devoted their entire lives since and including their college years, to ending safe and effective health-care for women aka abortion.
Carrie Campbell Severino (née Campbell) an American lawyer and conservative political activist. She is the head of the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN)*, where she has played a leading role in the campaigns to support the Supreme Court nominations of Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. She is the coauthor (with Mollie Hemingway) of Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.
While attending Harvard Law School**, she met her future husband Roger Severino, two years ahead of her there. Both were active with the law school's Society for Law, Life and Religion, a conservative anti-abortion group.
In 2016, Mother Jones described Severino as "a leader of the current conservative campaign to block any Obama Supreme Court nominee."[13] Under her leadership, the Judicial Crisis Network spent more than $5 million on the campaign to oppose Obama's 2016 nomination of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court.
Here she is on May the third, on Amanpour and Company...
I'm not making excuses for the observation but it's a weak argument, imo.
❤ pants
(19,373 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,632 posts)"persuade" people. It's bullying, afaic. Crazy, scary to even think about them being in charge of changing a toilet paper roll much less a law related to health care for more than half of the population.
(92,384 posts)LW1977
(1,446 posts)Iggo
(48,702 posts)Blue Owl
(55,236 posts)He can shove his opinions on women up his fucking ass, then eat shit and die.
(17,923 posts)msfiddlestix
(7,981 posts)

(36,608 posts)in something else of mine that needed a citation.