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Men Are Mostly Responsible for the End of Roe, So Fuck Up Their World, Too
Despite the failure of Polsky's amendment, this is the kind of shit that Democrats should be introducing and emphasizing. The vast majority of women don't get pregnant without men involved (leaving out sperm donors, who are generally anonymous). So while working to get anti-abortion laws overturned or to get a majority in the state legislature or Congress to make abortion rights legal everywhere, use the bullshit against men. Come up with savage child support laws. For instance, in most states, a parent needs to be behind by a certain amount before wage garnishment and other collection methods are introduced. Lower that number to $0. That's right. You miss one payment and fuck you. Suspend your passport and your driving privileges. Take money from you wherever you get it. Taxes, lotteries, your grandma, whatever. And fucking jail you if you still don't pay up after one missed payment. Call it the "Men Make Babies, Too" Act.
Let's also add that if you're a rapist who impregnates a victim and you're in jail and you happen to live in one of the states where your family can sue to stop your victim from aborting your fucking baby, write a bill that makes that family responsible for the cost of the child from pregnancy until 18 years old. Call it "Love Your Son's Rape Baby" law or something. Then you can say, "Oh, you don't love your rapist son's rape baby enough to pay for it?"
Is that fair? Well, it's not fucking fair to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term and force her to give birth and force her to face all the medical problems and bodily changes that accompany pregnancy and birth while your male ass goes about your life. So, yeah, it's more than fucking fair.
And it shouldn't need to be said, but I guess it does. While what they might go through with the end of Roe is infinitesimal compared to women's forced childbearing, in states that outlaw abortion, it's gonna make the lives of forced fathers miserable, too. Whether it's through child support laws or through changing their lives and their futures around a child they never wanted to have, men's lives in Alabama, in Idaho, in Texas, in Missouri are gonna get fucked up.
But you know who's to blame for that? Mostly other goddamn men.

(13,496 posts)MiHale
(11,239 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,026 posts)If women are forced to give birth, I want to add a note of caution.
Heres my story. I was struggling to find the exit in an abusive marriage, when I discovered to my horror that I was pregnant (yes, I was on the pill, it for my own well-being I had to go along to get along until I could get out).
It took me exactly five minutes to call the local clinic and schedule an abortion. I was 100% certain I could not bring an innocent soul into this mans sphere of influence and I would not survive being tied to him for eighteen years.
When you then add in having to chase this type of man for money for those eighteen years you are putting womens lives in further jeopardy.
You are only heaping more terror and danger on them.
JMHO, but I have spent many years in the womens reproduction rights movement and know for a fact that part of the equation is often women wanting to get away from the man as soon as possible with no lingering ties and certainly not child support and shared parenting.
(171,810 posts)that abortions must remain legal so women don't have to worry about dangerous, deadbeat men.
I'm glad you got away relatively unscathed. I did, too, though at the time it didn't feel that way.
(13,026 posts)I did get out and I married the most egalitarian man Ive ever met. My granddaughters are fourteen and sixteen and now I fight for them. They are living in an even more hyper sexualized cultural environment then we did. This is the fight we must take for them.
Glad you came through as strong and committed as you are. I celebrate you activism.
(23,163 posts)put in place so that the man would just automatically be fined if you tell your doctor who the father is? No woman should have to chase a man for money. It should be built into the system.
I had a marriage like that and I got a restraining order. And they never served him! Finally he made the mistake of trying to get a restraining order against me also and then, when he went to the court house he was served.
When we finally got to court to make the restraining order permanent the 'prosecutor" never even read my complaint. He didn't even stand up. He just handed me my files. And my X had broken the restraining order so many times I couldn't remember what times I had stated on the forms.
So I was frantically reading through it to try and see what I was specifically there for and HIS court appointed defense started saying, "Your honor she is just reading" Not a peep from the damn prosecutor. Finally I said something and then she tried to say I was making it up; something like "Well what about this?" and it caused me to remember that example so I said, "Oh yes that was the time.......blah blah" and she just kind of fell a little back onto the "fence" like she knew she fucked up by jogging my memory.
And that caused me to win and the judge made the restraining order permanent for a year.
I told a lawyer friend about it and she said she had seen it before where the prosecution says something stupid that ruins their case.
The courts need to change. The laws need to change.
(13,026 posts)Courts
restraining orders
NONE of this should be forces on a woman in addition to forced birth.
Even if the state regulates the payment or enforcement
some men will take it out on the women. IMHO this makes things exponentially worse.
It increases the burden.
(19,373 posts)Very, very hard agree.
(5,844 posts)You've helped me understand the ramifications of draconian mens laws. How many poor woman have the wherewithal to petition courts to enforce them? How many local courts have the time and personnel to issue judgements? And what about those women who die during pregnancy? No recourse for them at all. My beloved daughter with two children and in a loving marriage, would be dead today because of an ectopic pregnancy if this was in force. It can't be law EVER!
(13,026 posts)As Margaret Atwood said just yesterday:
Forced birth is slavery.
Bodily autonomy is a human right.
(6,640 posts)Hugin
(35,497 posts)Some will counter that these deadbeat dads should pay into a state fund which is used to pay support to the mothers. Separating any direct contact between the parties. Sounds like a good and just idea... On paper.
Long ago when I was in college a friend and I saw an ad our state was seeking 'repomen' to garnish the assets of the deadbeats. Mainly vehicles. Because, they were registered and accounted for by the DMV. Other property was more problematic. As, there were laws in place which made condemning, seizure, and liquidation expensive and time consuming. The vehicles would be sold at regular auctions and the money added to the fund to be distributed to the children for support.
The pay was generous and hours irregular. Perfect for a college student. Warrants were issued and we had a shiny badge as duly sworn deputies of the state.
The first few weeks were uneventful and we used a large unmarked pov truck to do our 'grab-n-goes'. Typically, in the wee hours of darkness when the location of the vehicle was predictable.
Then one night after about three weeks and several successful grabs. We stopped a few miles away from where we had quietly and quickly picked up the target to properly hook it up for towing.
During the process we discovered on the back of our cab in the lower left hand corner just below the window inches from where my head had been, driving. There was a large caliber bullet hole. Neither of us had heard the projectile fired or striking the cab.
We dropped the vehicle off at the state yard and resigned our commissions on the spot.
It wasn't worth it and neither were the vehicles we grabbed. Most of the time the process of repossession caused tires to blow, brake and transmission damage, and maybe a bent frame.
The auction price of these cars/trucks was at best a few hundred dollars. Not much for the kids. Granted, depriving these deadbeats of what was probably their most valuable asset would get their attention and ire. That didn't put food in their children's mouths or a roof over their head. Also, it was sure to send them looking for their partner to extract some sick vengeance.
(13,026 posts)Thank you so much for sharing this.
(65,421 posts)I believe these repressive laws are designed to prevent women from being able to get away from abusive men.
You showed courage and wisdom.
(13,026 posts)He went on to ruin another womans life and did time for non payment of child support and God knows what else.
Not courage
pure survival.
(65,421 posts)That takes courage and commitment, every day!
(72,153 posts)if it was 'too harsh', we were told, it would be too hard to get convictions. when i say this was back in the day, i mean pre-dna.
these days, any underage girl who is knocked up has the proof right there. lock those fuckers up.
under the age of, say, 12 or 14, give em the chair.
i am truly opposed to capital punishment, but in this case, we're talking iron clad proof of a heinous crime. i could make an exception.
Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)There are more women registered to vote in the US than there are men.
Also, more women than men vote in every state:,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D
(6,640 posts)Though it's mostly men who are making the laws, the pro-life rallies and organizations seem to be primarily composed of women. Though it's anecdotal, the few virulently pro-life people i've known are all women. I'd be curious to see polling on women who are registered voters about this issue in particular. That being said, i've known plenty of people who were personally opposed to abortion, but believed fervently in a woman's right to choose.
Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)The majority of white women vote anti-choice, and did so in the last two elections.
(65,421 posts)Some other technologies and laws have changed in the 50 years since before Roe. People may be surprised by some of the unintended consequences of outlawing abortions.
However, as usual the pain will fall on the poor and less powerful. There will be more suffering, for both women and men.
(122,093 posts)hadEnuf
(2,952 posts)+100
(71 posts)"I also love Leonard Leo. [He] has single-handedly changed the face of the judiciary under the auspices of the Federalist Society He has many hats, that isn't even all he does. He doesn't really tell all that he does, but I know enough to know the man is a force of nature." Ginni Thomas.
Loki Liesmith
(4,602 posts)now that hes gotten that out.
(12,515 posts)half-baked legal measures intended to placate the implacable American Taliban is what led to this insane SC decision. Amusing solutions like this "Men Make Babies, Too" Act only make what is totally unacceptable just a little less so.
Forced birthers have been incrementally chipping away at the absolute right of a woman to control her own body for decades. Every time forced birthers proposed yet another "sensible" encroachment on this absolute right - you know, in the spirit of bipartisanship, because Democrats still believe in such quaint things - pro-choice supporters went along with it hoping it would be the last concession, but it was never enough.
(5,980 posts)In the states where there are/will be restrictive laws for abortion, there is no way of passing such laws, i.e., Alabama, Idaho, Texas, Missouri...
(53,544 posts)I would also include based on living children of the father and wife it would be split equally. And any insurance or other financial that leaves to a beneficiary be considered part of the estate.
Faux pas
(15,520 posts)