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Sunday May 08, 2022 · 2:57 AM EDT
The title of the Posts Editorial page says it all:
Jan. 6 was worse than you remember. It must define our politics.
Yes. This is not a dream. Its not a Facebook Post. Its not a dystopian fantasy.
Its reality.
From the Editorial page of the Washington Post:
mm-hmm. No, it wasnt a cartoon, either.
Emphasis on the word led. And fascinating that theyre just now realizing this.
You dont say! Damn. where have I heard this before?
Oh wait! It was on DailyKos!

(20,665 posts)On MSNBC Live now.
(2,699 posts) appear, that was the least surprising news of the day.
(24,688 posts)preplanned and lined up w/ everything they needed to try and pull off this insurrection. No peace, no rest for any of these thugs, who numbered in the perhaps thousands, being overwhelmed by us voting by the 10s of millions for Pres. Biden. No contest.
Jan. 6 will go down in American History as the day that trump's thugs attacked the rule of law, the Constitution and those of us who voted for Pres. Biden. I just wish that Garland would go after rump. Anything. So many have been charged being part of that crowd of Jan. 6, why not the ringleader? They always go after the ringleaders, don't they?
(20,665 posts)No.1 instigator.
(48,394 posts)You impeach some dope twice, a handful on the other side vote to convict. You can't impeach a SCOTUS judge, even if they lie their asses off. You can't pass voting reform. You can't protect women and freedom. You can't limit 2A. You can't regulate business, only women's bodies are eligible for State regulation and constraint. You can't have logic on fake news channels, they won't allow it, and wouldn't recognize it if they heard it.
WAPO Editorial Board is afraid of one thing: being replaced by MAGA PRAVDA.
(7,883 posts)We are in a very dark time in this nation, not that anyone has to say it.
(92,308 posts)... of facts and who sticks to them and doesn't twist them or under report them should be told to people so the average person knows who to ignore.
(12,198 posts)Fortunately, they have some good reporters, but they have too many right-wing opinion authors who publish nothing but dreck. And, for heavens sake, when will they just kick George Will to the curb add sat enough, old man, youre a part of the problem. He hasnt had an original idea in decades, if ever. And the fact that they still publish Hugh Hewitts columns says a lot about their attitude toward honesty.
The Times is little better. Today they has an article with a headline that made me cringe, as in abortion drove women to the workplace. Drove, as in forced? How about saying that access to abortion (and birth control) freed women to pursue economic opportunities through work! Im assuming that these writers are not clueless, thus such phrasing is deliberate and intended to make it appear that access to abortion has been bad for women.
(2,935 posts)Problem is we have a large portion of the nation literally brainwashed daily by right wing media and a 24/7/365 propaganda channel that successfully passes itself off as legitimate news. Even people who are not really politically involved start wondering after they hear the same lies over and over again.
We have generations that were glued in front of their TV sets and AM radios and subsequent generations that are now glued to social media and the internet.
And the right wing has targeted all of those venues aggressively and they continue to do so.
The Fairness Doctrine was implemented in 1949 because it was realized what damage could be done if the power of television was left in the hands of a few with an agenda.
And here we are 35 years after it's repeal....
(20,328 posts)
Nor the Internet.
(2,935 posts)when TV was b&w and there were about 3 channels - if you could even afford a TV back then.
I'm saying that they saw the persuasive power of broadcast media 73 years ago, especially if in the hands of people with nefarious intentions, but we have done nothing since to keep those nefarious people away and here we now are.
Our side needs to build a media platform as strong or stronger than the current right wing propaganda platform that is helping to destroy our democracy. Either that or we need to find a way to even the playing field through legislation or something.
We are not far from Fox becoming our "official" news agency, in a matter of speaking.
(58,785 posts)I think if you check their reporting you'll find this is not a new awakening, or a new call to wake up.
(6,266 posts)....The Attack: Before, During and After, an investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and its aftermath, which declared "The Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol was neither a spontaneous act nor an isolated event".
I think whoever wrote this hasn't been keeping up with the news.
Mr. Sparkle
(3,230 posts)Its quite unbelievable whats happened since Jan 6th
(15,543 posts)Gather the evidence. Charge them. Convict them in a court of law.
Then lock their treasonous KGOP Republicon asses up,
and thereby protect and defend America.
(7,904 posts)We made popcorn at my house that day. Anyone who claims to have been unaware is guilty of willful ignorance.