General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNC Bill 158 would make it legal to murder a pregnant woman who intends to get an abortion ...
if you are defending the life of a baby.Link to tweet

Emphasis mine
So, if I understand correctly, the far right cray cray, will be allowed to murder a pregnant person and de facto the foetus, to stop them having a termination? Even though this murder would kill the foetus, thereby making them an abortionist in fact, and therefore a murderer in the far right cray cray way of thinking. Someone please help me make this make sense. Circular firing squad meets far right patriarchy 101.

(5,778 posts)have lost their minds.
(48,507 posts)And then surprise the executioner will also be charged with murder.
This legislation should be thrown out and declared void because its internal logic is inconsistent and indefinable and irreconcilable.
(16,454 posts)

But then again the GQP have lost all logic.
(23,120 posts)I mean, c'mon.
(17,899 posts)Their Levitical Law calls for stoning, but nothing beats a nice, hot fire.
-- Mal
(51,892 posts)F?!
(19,761 posts)SharonClark
(10,393 posts)to kill the pregnant woman slowly enough that they could harvest the fetus and implant it in another womans womb.
Maybe shoot her in the head so they can put her on live support until the fetus is mature enough to harvest.
I am no longer surprised by the GQPs ignorance and depravity.
(9,685 posts)Kittycatkat
(1,746 posts)made there.
(19,407 posts)BlackSkimmer
(51,308 posts)Hestia
(3,818 posts)I am sure this will be coming soon to other states. Yee haw...this is what we get from hiring convenience store clerks and insurance agents all because of the (r) behind their name, no other vetting that that.
(D)'s here aren't any better - we are asked to vote for people with no public administration skills or higher learning - just vote for me based on gender and/or skin color. Of course, this is what we get when people will no longer give to the State or DNC because...?
For the first time ever I am thinking of not voting in Midterms. Why? I want someone to vote *for* rather than just because they decide to run with a (D) behind their name.
(25,183 posts)is a good idea if the Dem candidate isn't perfect enough for you? How well did that view work in 2016?
Numbers equal power in the Congress. Holding control of the House and Senate, even with "imperfect" candidates, will block Republican agendas.
Sure, we want to achieve more than just blocking their agendas. But not voting Dem this year is the same as supporting Republican policies, because that is what we will get if we don't control both houses of Congress.
(51,308 posts)it possible for women to come here from states where it is banned.
(5,276 posts)We are speeding hard toward a Dystopian future. Democrats need to work hard to elect Democrats from the President to State And Local including election officials.
We are so so close to a dark, dark time here.
(19,407 posts)Kill the Mother, you kill the future potential human inside of her. They are connected.
(39,068 posts)She's merely an incubator.
(12,177 posts)That is it.
(32,189 posts)Duh....
(11,563 posts)...but, that's to be expected from the knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, cousin-fuckers in the North Carolina GOP.
(17,899 posts)Let us examine the question of a pregnant woman who is assaulted by someone else, say her partner, and as a result of the assault, miscarries. Now, if we stipulate the foetus has no standing legally, then what crime, other than aggravated assault, has the partner committed? Certainly no form of homicide, since the foetus is not a person.
-- Mal
(53,525 posts)tazkcmo
(7,419 posts)Nope. It's all religion, no science at all.
(9,234 posts)It will never get past him.
(23,579 posts)my understanding is that since it is proposed as a constitutional amendment, he has no veto power.
(4,518 posts)want to immunize the killing of healthcare workers. But its another case where idiot zealots writing laws makes for poorly thought out, idiotic laws.
(41,196 posts)To defend a zygote. These people are NOT representative of anything good.
(2,227 posts)loose their f***ing minds and pass this Crap. If lucky, Gov Cooper will stomp this crap immediately....idiots everywhere.
(7,106 posts)This is why I weep for my home state that used to be blue. It has been taken over by idiots and grifting vultures. All the good people that I used to know must be gone to allow this to happen. I can only dream that it will regain its senses before too much happens. This does not fill me with hope, I can tell you that.
Stinky The Clown
(68,500 posts)KentuckyWoman
(6,937 posts)So someone tries to kill her to defend the baby. The killer of the Mom kills the unborn too.
So then someone has to kill the killer before he can kill the fetus.
But before the one trying to kill the killer can do it someone has to try and kill that guy because protect life.
And then someone has to kill the killer's killer's killer before they kill.
Eventually every Republican in North Carolina has a gun pointed at them. When that happens I'm willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and drive to North Carolina. Barely touch one of the Republicans on the hind end and yell DUCK to the mom.
End of problem.
(912 posts)LeftInTX
(32,189 posts)Jilly_in_VA
(11,500 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,218 posts)A radio call from Vietnam, probably apochryphal, but apropos.
"Kill them all, let God sort them out." - From a medieval attack on a town.
(17,899 posts)It is completely illogical.
There is only one way to understand this bill, as an outright attack on women. It is more proof, if any were needed, that "anti-abortion" is not about abortion or the foetus at all, but about abusing women. And I do mean "abuse:" people will tell you it is about "control," but control is not the ultimate reason for such laws.
-- Mal
(607 posts)... They'll probably imprison her until her 'captive fetus' is delivered, THEN execute her.
(43,909 posts)Martin68
(24,918 posts)to kill the embryo/fetus she is carrying. That's murder in in NC.
(957 posts)pay child support, which I rather suspect this bill is actually about.
(24,918 posts)I'm not sure you've thought this through.
(957 posts)to kill a pregnant woman. Wasn't clear.
(24,918 posts)contradiction. Killing a pregnant woman also kills her fetus. How could it be legal to kill a pregnant woman to prevent an abortion if doing so will kill the fetus anyway? Cognitive dissonance.
(17,685 posts)women can be prosecuted for first degree murder for having an abortion or miscarriage at any point in pregnancy.
(51,308 posts)where it's not to come to NC for their health care.
(6,115 posts)Handler
(339 posts)ananda
(31,209 posts)I've never seen anything like it.
(26,676 posts)minstrel76
(92 posts)xocetaceans
(4,019 posts)any means by a woman of her life against the "willfully [sought]" destruction thereof by the foetus (who they assert is just another person)?
I'm obviously not saying that this should pass. We should not be at this point in the US with respect to women's rights. Their proposed legislation seems exceptionally open to misinterpretation: however, I'm not a lawyer.
Can anyone clarify why this legislation cannot be read in the way that I propose it be read? Sorry, in advance, if that is an inane question.
(51,824 posts)If someone who was THOUGHT to be an abortion doctor was packing heat and killed the person who was trying to kill her for being an abortion doctor, she would also be covered under this law.
(34,603 posts)...with no consequences. They can just declare that the woman wanted an abortion? GOP/QOP/Low Info/Non-voter women in the United States: Are you listening? This is beyond crazy. Please stop supporting this shit before it's too late for all of us. They are TELLING us who they are. It's time to fucking believe them.