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Steve Marmel 💉💉💉💉 @Marmel 10hLandscaping by Melania

(6,371 posts)Hugh_Lebowski
(33,643 posts)CottonBear
(21,615 posts)The Orange menace doesnt even own a real house as far as I know. He just lives in golf club houses and resort hotels. What an awful place to live and be buried.
(33,643 posts)jaxexpat
(7,794 posts)It's peaceful there, except when they crank up the skid loader to turn the pile. But that's only once a month, still it's more often than visitation by the relatives. RIP, quickly buried carcass with the usual signs of autopsy, surprising and curious in their absence.
But Ivana's not there. Her debut will come after Lake Meade subsides another 20' or so.
(16,668 posts)dead red painted trees covered with crown vetch.
(21,615 posts)I suppose we now know what her children really thought of her because, good grief, its awful.
(8,589 posts)Whatever, they deserve all the pain and scorn.
(16,254 posts)That is unbelievable.
Well, at least it isn't a parking lot/cement steps.
(21,615 posts)CottonBear
(21,615 posts)Good lord, that gravesite is so tacky and cheap and totally without class.
WTF? Who gets buried on a golf course?
Look at the condition of (and lack of) turf grass. Its a freaking golf course. If nothing else, it should have halfway decent turf grass.
Wait, its TFGs property, so of course its total crap.
(85,167 posts)Im sorry -
(38,817 posts)that description a worker wrote of the kitchens at Mar-a-Lago. There was something about silver duct tape holding a frig together and greasy terracotta tile floors. Other "amenities" I cannot recall.
Totally Tunsie
(10,885 posts)If this was truly Mar-a-Loco, they would be using GOLD duct tape.
not fooled
(6,154 posts)and then forgets about.
(10,957 posts)Mosby
(18,088 posts)It takes some time to make the headstone.
Midnight Writer
(23,439 posts)I can imagine the birds there singing "Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!"
(7,503 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,154 posts)How did they go around ordinances to put a dead body on a golf course?
(21,615 posts)I somehow doubt he asked for permission to bury his ex-wife, when hes illegally using the presidential seal and tried overturn an election and rule as a fascist dictator.
(16,668 posts)to pay himself for maintenance and landscaping into eternity that he'll use to further reduce that 700.00 tax bill each year.
(53,561 posts)paleotn
(19,887 posts)onethatcares
(16,668 posts)post - nup.
She gets a slice of his mortgaged property.
(49,855 posts)Surely they could have done better for their mother.
(15,543 posts)paleotn
(19,887 posts)It's all about them, not mom or anyone else.
(49,855 posts)If they bother to give their father a decent sendoff, it will only be because he was President. Of course, if he ends up being convicted of crimes, maybe he won't even get a funeral.
They are exactly the people that their parents raised them to be.
(4,556 posts)And not just date born and date of death.
(49,855 posts)I would have expected to see at least a "Loving Mother" on the marker. I'm surprised they even bothered with a funeral. Probably just did it for the publicity. What a heartless bunch.
(27,125 posts)I don't suppose the entire family would want to be buried there. What would the new owners do? I recall that line that Jonathan Winters uttered in "The Loved One," "There's got to be a way to get those stiffs off my property!"
(16,365 posts)just loved him and his quirky sense of humor.
(19,427 posts)Jonathan Winters was his role model in his early days of comedy.
(27,125 posts)Two peas in a pod.
(43,448 posts)I hope Rod Steigers Mr. Joyboy and his horrifying mother were as cringy-wonderful to other kids as they were to me.
(11,611 posts)But this is damn sad. When I read the original headline, I thought it was a joke--Ivana being buried on a frigging golf course.
This picture makes it worse, so desolate. If I were Melania, I'd definitely have something in my will about my burial wishes.
(10,607 posts)Where ever she stays. Make em slides.
(11,611 posts)Grim but not a bad idea.
trusty elf
(7,483 posts)
(38,817 posts)eom
central scrutinizer
(12,441 posts)Is difficult. Lots of restrictions and paperwork. Not that TFG ever worried about stuff like that. I wonder if he made Ivana dig the hole herself so itd be ready when needed.
(62,489 posts)to plan the cemetery and get some nice plants, wrought iron benches, etc. before Ivana was buried. I hope the area will be fenced off so no one plays through!
(29,169 posts)Figures.
(21,033 posts)Mosby
(18,088 posts)A lot of rich people have private burial areas.
(16,332 posts)I believe it even mentioned that the orange one is supposed to be buried there, but I highly doubt he'd settle for that.
Even if it is a family plot, who in the everliving hell does this, especially if they are a so-called "real estate tycoon"?
(17,624 posts)An eternal flame, solid gold headstone, horse with backwards boots.
As big and gawdy as t can be. He may even put it in the middle of a putting green - with flag - at arlington.
(16,332 posts)That would dishonor all the rightful veterans who put their lives on the line for this country, not just avoiding std's with his bone spurs.
(17,624 posts)I believe as an ex-potus he is entitled to an arlington grave site.
Nancy made a hell of a spectacle out of ronnies funeral procession. That will pale to trumpies.
(16,332 posts)if his fat, orange body is allowed to lie in state in the Capitol, I will be fuming!!
(113,131 posts)so that every summer when TFG was in residence at Bedbugminster, he'd be visiting her grave. Ditto the kids. Otherwise, she'd just have been forgotten in some boneyard nobody would ever visit after the funeral.
He was probably cool with it, walking all over her in death like he walked all over her in life.
Mozeltov Cocktail
(200 posts)Sogo
(5,980 posts)Good grief!!
(15,423 posts)she didn't have her funeral pre-planned? I guess it is a step above donating her body to a body farm
In case you're wondering what a body farm is... Not for the faint of heart.
(38,817 posts)Think they are immortal and immune from prosecution.
(12,989 posts)Kinda creepy, but then so is having your body embalmed and preserved as long as possible in an expensive sealed case that does nothing for the ecosystem or for scientific research.
(16,776 posts)Not buying this is real. But this isnt shocking either if it is.
(1,242 posts)in the endzone at Giant Stadium?
(2,698 posts)Response to bigtree (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(6,082 posts)
(86,365 posts)Marthe48
(20,024 posts)A guy was playing golf on a course near a highway. As he stood on the green, a funeral procession passed by. The guy paused his shot, removed his cap, and stood silently as the procession passed by. One of the golfers waiting for his turn remarked, "That's was such a remarkable show of respect!" And the guy replies, "Well, we were married 15 years."
(47,518 posts)but apparently not
Mozeltov Cocktail
(200 posts)Can't make this shit up, and for sure there is no bottom to his greed and depravity.
Someone on twitter wrote (I wish I could give attribution, I can't find him) that the only difference between Jim Jones and Donald Trump is that Trump would have charged for the Kool Aid...
(21,033 posts)BTW, welcome to DU @Mozeltov Cocktail
(13,135 posts)Do they dig her up? It's sounding more and more like he will be having financial issues that may require he sell.
(459 posts)The former guy has understandably made far too many enemies for the public to have access to Ivana's grave.
But even with very short notice, a cheap-looking paving stone? Tacky.
And the splotchy lawn? Time to call
(16,332 posts)Was Potter's Field all filled up?
Did they buy the coffin at Wal-Mart also?
What a sick family that is.
(177,233 posts)Emile
(32,372 posts)
Sky Jewels
(8,857 posts)Link to tweet
(975 posts)n/t
Sky Jewels
(8,857 posts)Vinca
(51,590 posts)area51
(12,237 posts)
not fooled
(6,154 posts)Great catch! She sure looks happy.
Robert of Locksley
(16 posts)My honest opinion?
I don't even think she's buried there - the kids would never stand for it.
It's more likely that she was transported in ice down to Florida in some grand Mausoleum next to future plots for her kids and ex-husband.
Who's actually buried there? No one. Or some poor immigrant woman who died while working at one of Trump's many establishments - heck, maybe even a guy Trump shot on Fifth Avenue.
Why? New Jersey law dictates that you can't seize property with a burial site on it - this is all to protect Trump's holdings in case things go really bad for him in court.
Yeah, it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I wouldn't put ANYTHING past these guys anymore...
(6,326 posts)the cemetery look beautiful even if its temporary. I know she died suddenly and she is buried at his NJ golf course, but come on. Just like his crappy buffets at his old casinos and hotels.
(61,738 posts).
(2,993 posts)it is like a 30 letter minimum ?
(7,181 posts)OK, if that is accurate, taken suddenly and the gross over the top above ground all gold fountain combo headstone just hasn't been delivered and/or then waiting for the folks to be paid to do the install?
(11,612 posts)
(4,200 posts)Great minds and all that.
(23,169 posts)is something buried under there that's making the grass dry up?