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It seems worse than the last couple of years. Any news on getting rid of Dejoy? I don't think he gives a shit and his local postmasters are starting to reflect that attitude.

(37,329 posts)Otherwise its Snail Mail for me.
(36,492 posts)As it is now, I don't mail many letters (First Class) during the year. When something is important enough to mail, I use Priority so that I have a tracking number, and the postal service has never let me down.
(6,389 posts)Small envelope from Seattle to Bowling Green, KY and it took three weeks. It showed in-transit
For 2 weeks with no tracking city at all. finally it showed up on the tracking screen in Atlanta and days later finally reached destination. I had the usual $100 insurance but it was worth much more. Never again will I do that.
(14,036 posts)than First Class, plus you get insurance
(24,012 posts)Bill. It took 7 days for the check to be delivered. One check got lost it hasnt been cashed and I hope I dont get a late payment charge. This used to never happen now its getting worst.
(48,412 posts)roamer65
(37,329 posts)Silent Type
(8,099 posts)no addressing envelops, no recording in check register, etc. If the mail were delivered immediately, I'd still handle bill paying on-line.
years ago because I didnt want large checks being lost or late.
I think part of the problem is they cant find people that want to work there, so not enough employees. I remember years ago (late 90s into 2000s) they would offer people money to retire early. My husband retired a few years ago from the PO but they wanted him to stay. He was over 65 by a few months. They could count on him to do the work he did, unlike some of the other people he worked with.
friend of a friend
(367 posts)Whenever possible I put them on my credit card. A couple of services such as electricity are autopay from one of my checking accounts.
(6,439 posts)I send a lot of media mail stuff out from the Boston area to across the country. That's a 7-10 day delivery and it's getting to texas, California, Florida, all within 2-3 days.
(14,036 posts)I expect Media Mail to be slow, but it has also been just a few days at most, even several states away.
(48,412 posts)But regionally, not so much, and into second and third tier cities times are so-so to poor. Floppy white mailing bags and parcels are slowest of all.
(22,454 posts)redstatebluegirl
(12,542 posts)We get the wrong mail and our mail ends up at our neighbors or worse. Lots of lost mail. I pay everything online now.
(780 posts)In our rural area, he has to deliver packages to the door (if too big for the community mailbox). So many packages!
He's a man sitting in a little truck with packages up to his neck. He's stressed out too. Why do we have to work people this way?
(14,036 posts)At least he wouldn't have to deliver any to your house
(780 posts)in a tiny town (less than 5000) with few stores.
The thing is, Amazon made a deal with USPS to deliver packages, and
the USPS didn't hire more workers.
(13,283 posts)there's been a sea change involving the internet and retail over the past 20 years. And it is accelerating. Doesn't everybody know this? The business that USPS is handling today - is completely different from the model they were running prior to the internet.
People upstring here are talking about not mailing their checks ... Well, yeah?? Neither do I - and neither does about 85-90% of the population ... Ditto medical, government, banking, personal correspondence .... Are we starting to see some correlation here?
(Having said that - the USPS is completely indispensable to the operation of our economy and government, and to a certain degree our social fabric - and if it requires a degree of subsidization - just like our schools, roads, public transportation --- SO BE IT!)
(6,618 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 26, 2023, 02:41 PM - Edit history (1)
Which is why we need someone running it that gives a shit. All Dejoy wants to do is streamline and cut things to make it more cost effective and much much less efficient.
(21,194 posts)My disabled placard was delivered to the person next door.
They also delivered a check I was expecting to someone else it seems.
I rec'd a bunch of mail with other peoples names/addresses on it!
ENOUGH of this crappy service already!
& recommend.
(13,283 posts)and experience there has been mostly superior. (and no, never 'Priority' - regular delivery is working just fine.
(6,618 posts)delivery date to 3 days later. The package is going from TX to GA. It should not take that long.
(14,036 posts)I live in a rural area, but all our mail gets routed to Detroit for processing. It has been very fast and prompt the last several months in particular. My local post office told me that Detroit upgraded all their processing equipment.
(5,858 posts)We get mail two or three days a week, we don't have daily service.
They also refuse to bring packages up to our house, and just stick the damn pink 'pick up your package at the post office' slip in the mailbox every time.
(7,632 posts)has always had a dont-give-a-shit attitude, or at least theyve had it for the 18 years weve lived here. I avoid using USPS unless there is no other choice, and that is rarely the case.
(2,675 posts)And ship thousands of mail pieces. The USPS has been coming through for me with fast transit times, even on first class and media.
Sorry, no complaints here.
(527 posts)So I go to the page and fill out the info, and the page fails to let me send. Retried twice, no different.
friend of a friend
(367 posts)We use the USPS app to track our mail.
(8,728 posts)Last year I sent my son a birthday card and check and he never got it. Had to pay $35 canceled check fee. Mailed all my Christmas cards last year in November. Pay ALL my bills online now. The U S mail service used to be something to be proud of. Now, thanks to drump, it's basically worthless. A pox on DeJoy.
(4,298 posts)agency of the Executive Branch in 1970. Before that it was a Federal agency itself and a cabinet level agency at one time.
It historically was the best bang for the buck and the most efficient government agency until conservatives figured out that it was what you might say, too "woke." It was at one time the biggest equal opportunity employer in the country. Thus, it became a target for cutting and privatizing. (Couldn't have all those "others" in relatively good paying jobs with good benefits, right?) Check out the history for yourself but check to be sure it isn't AI fooling you.) Oh, yeah, Nixon was President when it became and "Independent" agency. As close as they could get to privatization at the time.