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David Leonhardt explores four ways President Biden could improve his position.The economy remains a glaring weakness for Biden, polls show.
Joe Biden Is in Trouble
Trump May Not Need a Coup This Time
This is why I drink.

(16,297 posts)that my friends is the title that sticks.
(26,236 posts)I found Nirvana in politics by watching Stephanie Miller at 9AM, Thom Hartmann at noon, then Nicolle Wallace at 4PM.
I don't get stressed out from the rest of the media.
(30,521 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 6, 2023, 02:17 PM - Edit history (1)
(4,741 posts)Biased crap like this is nothing new for them. After all, they were the biggest peddlers of every Clinton "scandal" of the 90s.
They were the primary media outlet nitpicking every thing Gore did and making it sound worse than it was. I mean, really, they got bent out of shape about a sigh. A bloody sigh!
They were not only cheerleaders of the Iraq War but also actively involved in propagating lies for the traitor thug party, via Judith Miller.
They were the biggest MSM peddlers of the Swift Boat traitor filth nonsense about Kerry, a decorated bloody hero.
They gleefully carried water for the birthers.
They promoted and peddled and even gave initial platforms to every BS lie about Hillary--Benghazi, the stupid email server nonsense, the blatant lie about uranium deals, and were the chief purveyors of the Clinton Cash scumbaggery.
Worst of all, they let TFG commit crimes right under their very noses for decades and did *nothing* about it. Don't even try to say they didn't know he was crooked all of that time.
THEY KNEW. THEY KNEW AND THEY LOOKED THE OTHER WAY. For at least half a century, they've *KNOWN* that he and his scumbag family were bloody crooks.
And now, surprise, surprise, they're trashing Biden and telling outrageous lies about his record, just like they've always done to every Democrat.
They have always been pro-traitor thug and anti-Democrat.
(35,704 posts)1 is just reporting those awful poll results.
Yes, they want you to read the articles. But you can't because you've cancelled your subscription multiple times and now you just read the headlines to get angry.
Americans' opinions on the economy are usually knee-jerk and have no understanding of even recent history. They think Trump would be "better" on the economy, when all he did was ride Obama's Recovery coattails with historically low interest rates. And then a genuine crisis hit, and he fucked it up.
It's hard to respect their opinions.