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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsGOPs say presidents would be immune to prosecution if they killed their rival.
So per their logic.... It would be perfect okay for President Biden to stage a coup if Rump would win the election
Of if he would have rival Trump killed. Per their logic, that would be for ANY future presidents to commit
Any crimes. The President could violently get rid of anyone.
......Reublican s make me sick spouting this crap.

(18,380 posts)WA-03 Democrat
(3,279 posts)Because the President thinks they are not doing democracy any favors
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)They are Confident he wont of course. Because he and the democrats believe in the rule of law. This whole sordid affair will go down in history if we survive. If we dont win the upcoming election America is finished. My hope is the election will be such a landslide that it will allow a thorough house cleaning afterwards with charges and prison terms for those who truly hate America. The world is watching.
Wifes husband
(260 posts)The difference is that the democrats in general would never vote for an individual who would stage a coup. We believe in the law and government. Power for its own sake is not generally a democratic objective.
Republicans don't understand this. Most of them believe that we would not be saying anything if a Democrat was behaving like trump. Democrats would not put up with this behavior; Republicans do.
It's as simple as that.
(18,380 posts)DavidDvorkin
(20,052 posts)And probably not all of them.
(158,135 posts)Trueblue1968
(18,380 posts)In jail !!!!!!!!