Uncovering the Cover-up: How Republican Pennridge School Board Directors Secretly Banned Books
This serves as a warning to parents in school districts across the country with far-right/Moms for Liberty-aligned partisans on their boards about what theyre capable of.
by Darren Laustsen | May 28, 2024
Pennridge School District engaged in a massive two-year cover-up of a secret book-banning campaign initiated by two sitting Republican school board directors hellbent on unilaterally purging books without any due process, community input, oversight, or accountability.
According to a sworn Attestation from new Superintendent Angelo Berrios, Ricki Chaikin and Jordan Blomgren ordered school staff to remove books from the library that they had unilaterally deemed were inappropriate. More so, during legal battles over a Right-to-Know request, Pennridges law firm, Eckert Seamans, fought to circumvent the states Open Records laws and conceal book removals from the public. The scheme involved illegally-doctored public records, the concealment of book removals under fake student accounts, and the eventual disposal of targeted books under the false pretense of librarian weeding.
That this is a book banning cover-up is not my opinion, its a fact.
The local Court of Common Pleas actually ruled that Pennridge School District acted in bad faith in response to my Right-To-Know request. Judge Jordan Yeager concluded that the district effectuated a cover-up of faculty, administrators, and other non-students removal of books from Pennridge High Schools library shelves.
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