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I woke up after 3 hours of sleep seething with anger ... and I want to get this off my chest. Hopefully it won't get marked for deletion.
I am most angry at the spineless work of the Attorney General -- who slow walked ALL of the indictments for TFG and the rest of the coup conspirators. I am also angry at the people here who kept responding to those of who would say "Justice delayed is justice denied" that Garland knows best and that the wheel of justice grind slowly. Well, as always for Republicans, the wheels of justice do not grind at all.
I am angry at the spinelessness of Judge Merchan -- TFG should have been sentenced like anyone else. You know what your slow walking sentencing until after the election is going to get Judge M -- a trip to the gulag/re-education camp/concentration camp , just like everyone else who ever angered the orange felon. You treated him with kid gloves and now he will likely have you jailed, tortured, and/or killed.
All the other judges who let him deny and delay.
We all know that you get all the justice that you can afford in this country -- TFG shows you get the justice people think you can afford if they think you are a billionaire even if you are just a money laundering pass through for russian oligarchs.
I am not angry at the Mitch McConnell's of the world. They are who they said they were -- they always put party power over over the country and the people.
I am angry at all the Dems who came before who let every powerful criminal republican get away with every crime they committed. Nixon paid the North Vietnamese to stay away from the peace talks -- no problem, no charges. Agnew only had to resign. His enablers -- people like GHW Bush who tried to extort a Senator to influence a prosecution were never held accountable. If the old man was disgraced -- perhaps we would have been spared the shrub and lies about WMD as well. I still cannot believe that when the Dems got confirmation in the last year of Reagan's second term that he and Jim Baker gave satchels full of cash to the Iranians to hold onto the hostages until after the lection, that they did not want to splinter the country by impeaching Reagan. Of course, if they had GHW would not have been elected and Bill Barr would not have been able to screw over the justice system twice covering up crimiinality by the Republican party (I'll pass over the people who said that Bill Barr would be a good AG because he had been before -- he was a fixer the first time and a fixer the second time -- he was basically a mafia lawyer for the GOP).
I am angry at the over 16 million people who voted in 2020 who didn't this time.
But I am also angry because I am so sad. Talking to my friend who works at a state university in the midwest with a lot of LGTBQ+ students and he said he is actively checking on over 30 students to make certain that they don't self harm or become suicidal. I am sad that my trans niece will almost surely have her puberty blockers outlawed and I fear what damage that will wreak on her. I am sad that soon what few counties that will still have hospitals in them will all have iron lung wings again as polio makes a comeback as the antivaxxers take over what is left (if anything is ) of the CDC and NIH. I am sad because when they ban abortion and get rid of the german measels (rubella) vaccination -- that pregnant women will catch rubella and it will cause miscarriages that cannot be treated until the woman is nearly dead from sepsis. I am sad that by the end of next January that there will no longer be a Taiwan -- that China will invade as long as they all a trump tower in the rebuilt version of Taipei City. I am sad that after Ukraine, Russia will start swallowing up the rest of the former Societ union as the NATO treaty will be worthless and the US will be compliant in a great axis of evil. I am saddened because although I plan to find a job in education in some other part of the world, that the people that I work with will all lose their jobs because when Project 2025 dismantles the Dept of Education -- there will be no need for work that we do for state, district, and federal contracts.
I am saddened that so many people just voted effectively to end the ACA and that people that they love will have to choose bankruptcy or death when they lose their insurance due to pre-existing conditions or lifetime caps. Many of them voted aginst an uppity black woman and have effectively signed the death warrant of themselves or someone in their family.
I am both angry and sad that I will have to tell my wife whose father has terminal cancer -- honey, whether he is still alive or not, we gotta be out of the country by Jan 19. Because I will not go to a re-education camp or whatever concentration they will but intelligentsia and rabble rousers like me. I am even more angry that the NRA and Fox news turned my FIL who once was a minister working on anti-Racism initiatives in NC with the Rev. Barber Senior into someone who voted for tRump at least twice. And I may lose my wife because I cannot stay here --- the new nazis and apartheid clyde have told you what they will do in Project 2025 and on stage believe it. There will be no guard rails.

(8,735 posts)you wrote.
Faux pas
(15,522 posts)

Mr. Evil
(3,061 posts)It will get worse than that. Republicans love to tell everyone that more choices are great. With the gutting of the EPA we can have choices of brown water coming out of our faucets or green or orange. Maybe we'll get combos like brown with natural gas. And let's not forget all the caustic, toxic chemical cocktails soon to follow.
Yes, it's going to get worse. But, hey, the stock market's gonna soar! Wheeeeeeeee!
(1,577 posts)With the media in this country. They have excused and laughed at him for years. Never treating him seriously. Since 2015, it only grew worse. They waited for the pivot, and refused to call out his thousands of lies, and required less from him than others. They aren't journalists. We do not have a free press when the owners frame how the story will be told.
Then you have people like Bob Woodward. He had proof in 2020 of tsf's incompetence. He sat on it for a book. I'm sure he thinks his money will protect him, but I hope he chokes on it.
(52,084 posts)I wept in my bed this morning for all who I will miss and all that I will leave.