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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHow can anyone be thinking about Christmas?
I surely can't. I wake and all I can think of is breathe slow deep breaths till the reality of fear from my first thoughts consumes me.
I reach for my cat like a child in despair hoping to find comfort. Then the thoughts all flood me into a giant heartquake! This is happening and it will be worse than Covid much worse and I'm not sure what to do at this point.
Yesterday I never got dressed even.

(137,988 posts)
(12,452 posts)I'm still trying to digest a Trump presidency with people who wish people like me dead!
(137,988 posts)but Hanukkah and Christmas occur/begin on the same day this year, and I've got to think of my 4 grandkids for THAT reason.
(9,871 posts)Was in Home Depot 2 weeks ago getting some repair parts and Christmas trees were up already - before Halloween, lol!
(12,452 posts)Fuck Home Depot, Chick-fil-A, Hobby lobby, I stay as far away from right wing shopping places as I can.
They finally thousands of thousands of dollars into Republican party for tack ads as they did!
(63,406 posts)Sometimes I have no choice, but believe me, I only look their way in desperation.
(9,460 posts)BlackRock, Vanguard, etc - if you want to be pure, shop at a mom & pop store.
I cant- because I live way out in the country & do not want to spend the rest of my life running around to stores hrs away - so its Amazon & UPS for me.
One Investor Is The Largest Owner Of Two-Thirds Of U.S. Companies
Want to know who owns Corporate America? It's not Bill Gates or Elon Musk. It's Vanguard.
Thanks to the surging popularity of its index funds, Vanguard is now the No. 1 owner of 330 stocks in the S&P 500, or two-thirds of the world's most important collection of stocks, says an Investor's Business Daily analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence and MarketSmith. No other investor comes remotely close. BlackRock (BLK) is a remote second-top owner, ranking as the No. 1 investor in just 38 S&P 500 companies.
(63,406 posts)Lovie777
(16,453 posts)many companies cannot afford Xmas bonuses because they have to prepare for next year and beyond.
Healthcare worries, etc.
(12,452 posts)their trust in getting rid of immigrants will assure us all way more money to work with!
(37,538 posts)I feel the same way as you do. But we cant go on living like that. Dont know how to break out of it though.
(46,990 posts)We are on the way to hell.
(37,538 posts)samplegirl
(12,452 posts)Tired of being upset. Tired of turning on my TV tired of being afraid to spend any money.
Sad 😢
(61,701 posts)TRI-CITIES, Wash. - Whooping cough is spreading rapidly across Washington, now affecting 31 counties. The highest rates are reported in Chelan, Clark and Whitman counties. As of Nov. 2, 1,193 cases have been reported statewide, a significant increase from just 51 cases reported at the same time last year.
Steven Krager, a health officer for the Benton Franklin Health District, praised the efforts of the infectious disease team in controlling the spread. Benton and Franklin counties have only 11 confirmed cases, out of the 1,193 reported across the state.
Obviously, we want to keep everyone from getting sick, but we're most concerned about the most vulnerable babies who can die from this disease, Krager said. To me, from a public health standpoint, our biggest goal is protecting those most vulnerable among us. Krager recommends getting vaccinated against whooping cough to reduce the risk of illness. Vaccination is available for babies, teens, and adults.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has reported a discernible uptick in pertussis cases, also known as whooping cough, propelling public health officials to encourage vaccinations. The state has confirmed or deemed probable, as many as 830 cases of pertussis this year as of October 28. This represents a significant jump from previous years: between 2017 and 2019, the average was around 596 cases annually, as CBS News Detroit reported.
This communicable disease presents early symptoms similar to those of the common cold, which can appear five to 10 days post-exposure, sometimes longer. Later, the disease manifests through intense coughing fits. Health officials are particularly concerned about infants and young children, who may exhibit atypical symptoms such as pauses in breathing instead of coughing. This can cause their skin to turn a bluish color or lead to bouts of shortness of breath, according to WNEM.
Statistics reveal that the median age of pertussis cases is 13, with approximately 75% of the infections occurring in individuals under 18, a detail provided by Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, MDHHS chief medical executive, to WZZM 13. Dr. Bagdasarian has stressed the importance of vaccination: "Vaccinations continue to be our top line of defense against the spread of pertussis," she said. She pointed to the correlation between declining immunization rates and the surge in whooping cough cases statewide.
cough cases have spiked this year in Missouri, as vaccination rates among children continue a steady decline.
A total of 416 cases have been recorded so far this year across the state, after a five-year median of just 50 cases a year. Its the highest jump among nearly 70 communicable diseases and conditions tracked by Missouris health department.
In St. Louis County, 136 whooping cough cases have been reported so far this year, compared to just five for all of 2023, according to the county health department. In 2019, the year before the pandemic hit, 79 cases were recorded.
(3,766 posts)My wife passed away last year and Ive taken her spot. Im not going to let the orange Jesus take away anything without a fight. Ill ignore or fight where I can.
On that note what will maga think next year around Christmas when they will have to cut back? Im sure they wont blame him. Hes promising tariffs fast. Even before making sure he has the votes to lower taxes for the rich again. Merry Christmas heres your tariffs and taxes all wrapped up in a nice bow.
(7,030 posts)The reality of what has happened is completely overwhelming when I think of all the consequences. And if I start to mention just one or two of them, I just go off the rails.
I haven't even been able to call/Skype my sister yet because I know we'll both share our concerns... which are too many to even conceive of... and then my chest gets tight and I get close to hyperventilating and have to shut down any conversation. I can only cope by completely distracting myself by watching TCM and Hallmark.
So it seems I can only survive by settling into some form of denial... which, of course, isn't very sustainable.
(180 posts)I am not in the mood for being thankful and mingling with relatives who voted for Trump. Already told my job that I won't participate in the office Thanksgiving festivities.
(46,990 posts)Nobody I know personally is happy that Trump got re-elected.
(272 posts)Thanksgiving and the holidays will be fine. I don't have to deal with magats in my family/friend life.
(9,786 posts)My daughter is divorced and recently has a new boyfriend. She reassured me that he hates trump before I would invite him for Thanksgiving.
Alice B.
(360 posts)Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (*bitter laugh*).
Between my parents divorcing when I was a kid, and especially because of all my personal, financial ups and downs, Christmas has always been a time of anxiety for me (no matter what kind of philosophical spin I try to put on the material aspects and anti-materialism credo I try to live by).
But this year, I may try to go all out on embracing the season -- less the extreme shopping, especially if I need to think about packing family and cats up and fleeing to a blue-er state.
I used to love Christmas as a little kid. I feel like I should get back in touch with that one more time before things go dark in January.
(28,296 posts)As much as I can.
(19,865 posts)

(28,296 posts)My 14yo.
He's biracial, very politically aware, and he knows we have friends and family who are at risk.
So, yeah... Not denial but the future is not promised at all. So right now we are just going to try to ground in the present.
(19,865 posts)I feel for you, your astute teen, and the rest of your family & friends.
If you like body grounding exercises a poster here clued me into an exercise. Look up "Butterfly Hug". Gentle yet pretty powerful.
Especially if you like butterflies enough to imagine them fluttering around you [my addition to it]. I have a vivid imagination.
I remember parts of The Cuban Missle Crisis ar 9 yrs old. That might have been my introduction. Although actually, I often forget this one: I remember at a big extended family gathering I asked all the adults if they were voting for Kennedy or Nixon! Only one couple said Nixon. I was 7!
While racism was something I was not a target of; my folks made me aware. Otoh, knowledge of sexism crept up on me over time.
Wishing you strength, and safety.
(28,296 posts)Sports, family meals, spending time with friends and family.
(19,865 posts)DeepWinter
(808 posts)Even when we hit the rough patches, the REALLY rough patches, life goes on.
My kids look forward to it, so I do too for them. And with them.
(1,448 posts)samplegirl
(12,452 posts)Thanksgiving and Christmas due to Covid.
My husband's only been retired one week!
Happy retirement.
Some days I think there has to be more to life than watching a bunch of rich, people fighting for a bigger piece of the pie!🥲
(12,452 posts)Was Covid and I still have aftershocks from it!
(90,924 posts)...and we have obligations to the ones we love to make their lives as livable as we can.
I personally don't have the luxury of dwelling on this loss because, no one in my household will be able to keep their shit together if I dissemble and break down over it or bear down too hard over the consequences.
I'm telling them all to deal with problems as they occur, and do your best. That's all we can expect from each other.
We will live our lives like we always do. Grateful for what we have and determined to make the best of it.
(44,922 posts)WhiskeyGrinder
(24,313 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,523 posts)the healthy approach and attitude. I wish it were more prevalent.
(40,915 posts)The War on Christmas
Donald Trump Wished Everyone 'Happy Holidays' When Obama Was Saying 'Merry Christmas'
(24,594 posts)My mom died around the holidays several years ago and it just hasn't been the same since.
(35,805 posts)My husbands father died 2 days before Thanksgiving and he feels it every year around this time.
(24,594 posts)In the beginning of December. It still stings. So around the holidays I put on a happy face and fake it for a couple weeks. One of the happiest days of the year is when we take down all the Christmas decorations.
(35,805 posts)Thats gotta be especially tough. You must have incredible strength to get through it.
(12,452 posts)onethatcares
(16,657 posts)we're having pigeon for thanksgiving and someone asks "Wassup with this?" , I'm going to tell them I have economic anxiety....
(2,460 posts)Donate to or volunteer for a local toy drive, food bank, shelter etc. There are many worthy programs out there.
(35,805 posts)I wake up every morning with a heaviness in my chest, I think its dread. Just going through the motions of my day. Not in the mood to paint or draw. I dread the holidays TBH.
(65,570 posts)for a while now but I could still enjoy the spirit of the season. That will be harder this year.
(1,073 posts)Despite the sucky world reality, prepping music for Christmas eases the pain in my soul and makes facing each day easier
(19,970 posts)Surrounded by people who take their humanity out of storage to put up decorations from China and pretend Jesus is the reason for the season. I will enjoy taking every dollar I can from them.
(35,805 posts)I live in a red county, too. these hateful Rs who just love to celebrate Christmas and talk about peace on Earth good will and all that, will shove it all back into storage come Jan. 20 and celebrate the installation of their rapist-in-chief. What is wrong with this picture.
(19,970 posts)It's been like that a long time. People say they wish everyone acted the same all year around as they do at Christmas, but nobody even tries.
The Third Doctor
(411 posts)What's going on but I have to distance myself a bit. Right now knowledge doesn't translate to action.
(19,407 posts)My husband was gifted through his deceased Brother, $15,000. We gave our adult children 1/3 each as a gift to them. What they do with that is their business.
This year, we will give each granddaughter some money, enjoy a good meal, and call it a day.
(3,820 posts)but then my sister said, "screw it. They might be the last ones, we ever have, so we might as well enjoy what very little time we have left before life becomes hell on earth".
(5,312 posts)Im focusing on our Spring Break trip to Europe. Im also making Christmas gifts for my sons students. Im trying to think of a trip that we can do during inauguration week. I definitely dont want to be around for that shit. I have been looking at places overseas. Im avoiding all news. I deleted every news program from my Youtubetv dvr. I know some see it as putting my head in the sand. I see it as trying to survive.
(13,861 posts)The young kids don't deserve their parent's and grandparents's despair.
I also found a beautiful final momento ornament in the Navy Exchange's Christmas Catalog; the 2024 White House Christmas Ornament honoring President Jimmy Carter.
We might not have the means for a full Christmas (tree and dinner) in 2025, but this year may be the last year of normalcy our family experiences for the next couple years.
Here's the ornament:
(6,421 posts)Biden still holds office and i'm not gonna worry about what will happen in the future until it happens.Im not going to let maga destroy my Christmas fck them
(157,859 posts)I saw these lights on Nov. 4 after we got back from vacation.
(188,488 posts)Im still going through emotions but I cant wait to just have a good Christmas
(28,214 posts)My wife and I have a vacation coming up in March we ahve been really stoked about, and we are still looking forward to it. We have decided to only vacation in the future, as long as our jobs are safe, etc., in our state of CA, or OR, WA, CO, or NM. We won't leave the country or go to a red state.
(188,488 posts)Or Maryland
Virginia has nice stuff. God knows Ive seen enough of it recently. Had to make an emergency drive NW Georgia Saturday and back with my daughter Monday. More than 1/2 the trip is in Virginia.
(4,178 posts)to speak to a professional about how you are feeling and how you can best cope and live a productive enjoyable life.
Ocelot II
(122,812 posts)that I'm in a couple of choral groups that are working on music for concerts in December. So I have to rehearse Christmas music and it feels pretty hollow right now. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men, my ass...
(7,934 posts)I hate shopping for presents. For the last 15 to 20 years, Ive given cash as Christmas gifts, especially to younger friends and family. Since most people in my circle are white, and I know the way they voted, I will be saving a lot a money this year.
Also, just lined up a new CPA, who is a Democrat. 40 miles north of me in the next county, but a Democrat. I think he deserves my business.
(48,505 posts)from mood, from the election. Consumers kicked $1.5 Billion and came up empty. They will claw that back over time in some way.
(10,599 posts)I want to support the economy while Biden is still President, but I may start this month so I can get a head start.
(61,701 posts)Of course, that won't stop the endless Yokel News coverage of "Malls Buzzing With Excited Christmas Shoppers!!!"
(2,171 posts)I am limiting my purchases this year. Im normally someone who splurges on gifts for the holidays, but I dont have enough confidence in the future to spend extra money.
We still have kids living at home, so Ill probably put up the tree, but any grand plans for extravagant gifts are definitely not happening.
Im honestly too depressed to be excited for the holidays.
(24,088 posts)And we will buy pre cooked food. Our adult son who was is on the autism spectrum said he doesnt care if he comes home overnight for thanksgiving. When I told him the orange monster won he got so upset and it kind of shocked me!
Elessar Zappa
(16,295 posts)Raven123
(6,319 posts)It is a bit soon, but I am not likely to see this as a year of celebration, but a season of contemplation. May decorate differently. Very likely will not gather with those who voted for TFG. I am blessed to know many who did not and will cherish those relationships even more.
(4,148 posts)Im taking the last couple months of America and just having fun with it. After these pieces of shit are sworn in, its straight battle mode. Its not going to be fun or funny. Theres not going to be much joy. Get it while you still can.
Blue Owl
(55,218 posts)Is for a certain orange garbage clown to croak and a certain hillbilly to develop a severe case of COVID ..
(858 posts)Both holidays have been canceled at my house. The young'uns may go elsewhere to celebrate our traditions, but not here. They have mostly agreed to save their money to be used for what may be facing us economically.
(16,799 posts)I'm even going to Texas for it (barf).
Worse, though, is probably the 4th of July. Mourning, not celebrating next year.
(18,550 posts)Last week I saw bloody hot cross buns in one of the supermarkets. Alongside the discounted Halloween gear.
(161,664 posts)crash the economy, gut anything that helps people, treat anyone who isn't white and rich like garbage, mishandle a major event, coddle dictators - then Democrats will have to clean it up
(5,093 posts)It takes a Life-of-Brian skewer to the story of Octavian's birth, it's about inextinguishable light.
I agree that it's hard to believe in the underlying message of the story in these days.
(19,865 posts)I don't have money for a tree, but I do have some bought, and created 🥰 decorations, and can make more.
I ordered this goldish sort of short tinsely type yarn Pre-Election, and it actually arrived on the 5th. I plan to make sort of garlandy type suff w it, and add some middle to medium-dark greens to other ones.
I might look at small lights, or battery powered plastic pillar candles with electric candles. Maybe one short, one tall.
I need as much shiny, sparkly, glittery stuff as possible! Put it away in my storehouse memories of joy! Countering the fears I have.
Later, I came up with various designs. Then I thought of getting some thick red yarn to pair w the with the goldish yarn as well.
This'll probably be various crochet torms.
(33,142 posts)Our christmas husband, myself, and our dog...would take a ride down to the beach and snap a picture. Special.
(19,865 posts)samplegirl
(12,452 posts)My world is upside down now!
(19,865 posts)republianmushroom
(18,702 posts)and boy, was it good. Got the gift of a life time.
(13,507 posts)n/t
(44 posts)we've decided. But we're leaving our life-sized Dracula up after Halloween and putting a Santa hat on him for Christmas.
(1,087 posts)Vogon_Glory
(9,676 posts)In the face of oncoming evil and the smug and/or deluded souls that chose to support those evils. Many of us believers believe that God sent a messenger to help us fix our way to grace.
Christmas remains a beacon of hope in spite of the actions of so many Evangelicals as well as other social-reactionary Protestants and Catholics.
(177,210 posts)I can't give that up, it's too important to me. Plus, there are children, and it's too important to them. The youngest is just 7.