General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDue to the all the anti-Hispanic racism and hatred being expressed here, I am posting the following...
There should be no shock - and certainly no racial animosity - directed at Hispanics who voted for Trump. What happened was entirely predictable - if you had taken any time at all to consider the Hispanic community for what it is. One month ago, I posted the following paragraph. It got exactly one upvote. What I wrote was not prescient. It was simple reality, as understood by the son of a Guatemalan immigrant - that nobody here cared to consider for even a second. Who's fault is that? WE failed to properly reach out to the Hispanic community. WE failed to understand them. Not the other way around. That's how it works when you're seeking someone's vote. You can't simply take that vote for granted. Again, this is what I wrote exactly one month ago...
Of course, all Latinos aren't going to vote the same way. Unfortunately, most Americans have little to no understanding of geography and culture beyond their own borders. That said, I do worry about the appeal of the Republican Party to non-Cuban Latinos. The Cubans will always vote Republican - Primarily because they've all been brainwashed into believing the Republican Party will avenge their loss at the Bay of Pigs (a plan which was actually hatched under the Eisenhower administration) and return to them their stolen ancestral homeland. Yeah. Okay. Good luck with that. It's the non-Cuban Latinos who are up for grabs. But, just like any other demographic group, we've got our differences and will vote accordingly. Unfortunately, many Catholic Latinos are, due solely to the abortion issue, going to be inclined to vote for the Republican Party. This is where open discussion about the issue is important, as was the case when Biden discussed being an Irish Catholic but also being for a woman's right to choose. Did he take heat for it from the Church? Yes. But, so what. It's the peoples' blessing, not that of the Pope that's necessary to win an election. If Democrats don't hammer home this issue - That your faith does not preclude your membership and participation in the Democratic Party, then Republicans can and will continue to use religion as a wedge issue among the Latino community. That's my dos centimos on the subject.
(2,155 posts)All I see are people calling them stupid for voting for him. And anyone who voted for the turd is stupid. They are not attacking all Hispanics, only the idiots who voted for him.
How is that racial animosity when some Hispanics are racist as fuck and consider themselves white? Why did some vote for a whole white supremacist conman thinking they will give him crumbs? I don't see anyone being racist toward Hispanics, it's simply criticism of those who support the lying conman, and because of these MAGAt idiots, we will all suffer.
(1,983 posts)Two Kinds Of Fascists:
Darwin Award Winners
(1,243 posts)Being Hispanic means that you're of Spanish or Latin American origin. It is a cultural distinction. Being white is a reference to your skin color. You can be both Hispanic and white...or brown...or black...or any shade in between.
(3,392 posts)connection to Latin culture in that they will be fucking accepted as European "white" by those of western European heritage.; Let's not split hairs over this issue.
(455 posts)I mean there are certainly African Hispanics and a surprisingly large number of Asian ones but the vast majority of Hispanics are white.
I mean it's kind of like writing that some Italians consider themselves White. And while certainly not all Italians are white you can see how that could be misconstrued.
(1,548 posts)For some at least right now, they are angry and not objective imho. It is the candidate's job to win, and we must understand what is not getting through and where, why, and all of it.
That said, I am horrified by those who voted for Trump but I will not blame them.
(26,314 posts)Democrats, black folks, and a handful of trans people get the heat.
These people are stupid, reckless assholes. Not because they are Hispanic but because they are stupid, reckless assholes.
They did what they did. Go scold them and miss me with this bullshit.
I didn't fill the bubbles and the choice could not be more stark.
(1,548 posts)The COVID-era boosts to SNAP, UI, CTC, and child care went away. Medicaid unwound. Food costs spiraled. Interest rates doubled. Measures of material hardship worsened. And Democrats pointed to headline figures showing a boom.
Link to tweet
The Democratic Party doesn't have to change anything, just be ready to keep losing.
(26,314 posts)Austerity isn't going to increase buying power.
Tariffs are inflationary.
Mass deportations can only increase food costs.
See, I'm desperate enough to understand that I cannot absorb this shit!
These fuckwits must be some special form of desperate that permits them to spend a lot more money.
(1,548 posts)That is why those in power must do better at policy and outreach.
I am very sorry for your situation and I don't expect you not to be so upset.
(26,314 posts)Facts, logic, expertise, nor explanation penetrate their thick skulls and into the shit these morons call brains.
No matter what it is "Trump said...", and God in heaven cannot move them another millimeter.
(1,548 posts)Ok.
(26,314 posts)The play is to manipulate and take advantage of the stupid motherfuckers because that is all that can be done with them.
The trick is how to get them off Chump and behind our own pied piper.
You can't fix stupid.
(14,559 posts)Ron White said it best about fixing stupid
(34,056 posts)Voting Rights, the right to life for women like me who had traumatic miscarriages, the potential re-segregation of America, social security, medicare, Veterans Benefits . . .
In some cases life or death - or quality of life issues.
I will thank the Universe every single day that my mom died suddenly in June. She would be turning 77 on the 18th. I know she would be anguished now.
So while they had their issues about the economy - I'm facing losing the Social Security I paid into since I was 8 (Kodak Modeling gigs) . And you know what?
You hurt me - I disregard you.
As my brother said last Wednesday morning: I hate this fucking racist country. Fuck every mother fucker who voted against black Americans who fucking built this bitch!
PS - Going forward - every vote I make is about self preservation and punching down at everyone who came here of their free will after us. Its "the thing" ya know?
(1,548 posts)Losing is the result.
(34,056 posts)What about fakey fake allies?
Just don't come crying to me when they face natural consequences for their behavior.
Our parents and grandparents survived Jim Crow - an evil regime. We have intergenerational trauma experience.
We'll survive . . . I don't know about anyone else.
(7,761 posts)rec this a1000 times.
(6,485 posts)All of them, no matter who they are. Its time to stop giving voters a free ride to vote in fascism- thats part of the problem and its not a solution, if there even can be one at this point.
(1,548 posts)To stop losing we must realize our weaknesses.
(65,035 posts)As a white woman, I reserve my deepest animosity for white Trump voters, but I'm not giving anybody a pass.
I disagree with people who blame this loss on minority voters - since a majority of white people voted for Trump - but I'm not going to defend anybody who voted for Trump.
There is no excuse and I'm not interested in taking blame. People old enough to vote are old enough to look at facts. Voters who chose a vile, mean, racist, raping, convicted felon can own their decision. I'm not going to take the blame for their vile choice.
(4,139 posts)as a Black man, that's how I feel about that 18-20 percent of Black (mostly men) who voted for Trump ...talking the economy and sht.
Republicans tried to KILL everything Biden tried to do for America. Not a single one of em supporting most of it. Then later lied and tried to take credit for HIS achievements.
But, 20% for Trump? REALLY?? the economy? .... please.
(6,328 posts)professors when I was at Arizona State University and that was during President Carter's years. Thank you for this reminder.
(10,411 posts)Just the astronomical lack of self-awareness. "Why didn't those ungrateful minorities vote for us?" or "The problem with Latinos is . . ."
People are expressing this sentiment. Out loud. And they just . . . don't hear themselves.
DU has some seriously racially problematic commentary flooding the zone this week.
I guess that's the problem with the performative. When shit gets real, you realize there was nothing there all along. Certainly seems that way on racial issues. "I care about minorities as long as they are suitably obeying my wishes."
I've been pointing this stuff out for years here. If people don't see the ugliness now, they'll never see it. And they'll also never understand why elections get lost.
For all this talk of college-educated, I'm starting to wonder if some of these schools didn't have basic liberal arts in their curricula. Because I'm not seeing the "smart" part, but I'm absolutely watching a "set" of something.
(2,155 posts)It's damn hard to speak of accomplishments when all the mainstream media does is tear down Dems, twist their words, and kiss the fat funky ass of MAGAt king. Spare me the condescension.
You know damn well the corporate ran media is a culprit in most of this because that's where most of this idiots get their information.
Call me an uppity elite, I do not respect MAGAts, they see what they want to see because they are inherently hateful. They are NOT little children, they are grown ass adults who make their own beds and can lay on it! Proud to be uppity! I only have sympathy for my fellow Dem voters who will get hurt by this raping turd. And yes many of us are angry and we have a right to vent on this board.
(10,411 posts)W_HAMILTON
(8,619 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)I'm not hearing that was acceptable, rational, moral, or even sane for anyone and being Hispanic is no excuse.
This was reckless, stupid, counterproductive, and wicked.
If you cannot grasp the damage to our lives, including their own then see an Ophthalmologist immediately.
Their lot was no worse than my own, no excuses.
They claim they sold us and their daughters out for eggs, well the dumb motherfuckers aren't getting any eggs either so they are fucking braindead along with immoral fuck heads.
(36,420 posts)That's not to excuse racism, it's just reality and it shapes a worldview wherein people often really don't know how others outside the group think
(3,359 posts)Children and parents scarred for life, some died , some never to be found. None of that has been forgotten. What has been lost is a chance to correct the process and solve the problems. The damage is done. Voting for a monster who doesnt give a care for most of us ..well that is really something.
(36,420 posts)Everyone's searching for answers, but few are asking the right questions
Does immigration policy influence the Latino vote? Might be the better question
(3,359 posts)haele
(13,740 posts)As their immigration status is secure and frankly, they have family on both sides of the border. Even Abualita who doesn't speak English very well most likely got naturalized back in the 1980's or 90's.
Here's what you need to understand. Most Latinos don't remember the massive deportation efforts that went on in spurts up through the 1980's, when Reagan (and later both Bushes) implemented immigration amnesties to keep labor costs down and break the Unions.
They don't remember the roundups in the 1950's where thousands of American citizens of latino heritage were swept up along with immigrants, nor do they remember those 8 months or so when *rump initially began undocumented crackdowns, those only occured in easy locations and petered out because his government refused to appropriately fund DHS enough to make a real push to deport Latinos nationwide like he promised.
If this current administration gets rid of birthright citizenship as promised, immigration status won't mean a damn thing. But of course, *rump wouldn't try to do anything like that, just like he wouldn't sign a National Abortion Ban. He's "just saying" these things that those crazies want so they'd vote for him.
(7,761 posts)influences the Latino vote depends on how you got here and where you fit in here. I've heard responses from undocumented, documented and natural born Latinos. Those who voted trump seen to be of the I've got mine so keep the rest out. I don't suppose many Latinos here voted for trump but you'll have to ask those that did.
(3,359 posts)One thing that confuses me beyond words. How could people vote for the man who has promised to deport them, to tear their families apart and put them in harms way from his followers? I can not wrap my mind around that. He tells us what he will do. That is a promise not a warning. We saw families broken apart during his administration. Many children are still missing from that travesty! The man did not give one F! And bonus round, the same people by voting for this monster have put every woman and girl in danger here. This election is going to be a lot to walk back. We can start with a Congress who refused to act so laws could be put in place to solve this huge problem! President Biden urged them to vote on the legislation but they refused to before the election because T wanted it as an election issue! Hmmmm. But back to VP Harris. I never once heard her speak with anything but love and compassion for people of all races. With the House and Senate and a president who actually cared this whole issue would have had a great chance of being solved. This country has been split wide open. Many people are looking to leave. The irony.
(1,243 posts)The immigrants who voted for Trump have been naturalized and can't be deported absent some very rare circumstances (i.e., being a war criminal or having committed treason) - Despite the wretched theories that are being floated around so as to scare the shit out of the Latin community.
(3,359 posts)He said he would revoke the paperwork for those in Springfield, Ohio! Its not a question of understanding the laws and status as written. It is the fact that this person does not give one crap about anyones papers! I hope Im wrong but Betsy DeVos has come out of the woodwork and that is never a good sign! So many children disappeared under her watch. Never forget! Not everyone is as stupid as you think! Entire volunteer networks were set up to find the children and reunite families the last time this monster had the power to capture, detain and destroy lives. Unfortunately he has been handed the keys to the cage again! Mr. Vance is more than happy to help with the sorting!
Dawson Leery
(19,384 posts)Do not go too far out of your way to help people as they will turn on you.
There needs to be a fair immigration policy and limits on how many can enter each year.
How many of these migrants allowed in the past few years will turn to the right? Did Liberal Democracy get any benefit from this policy?
(1,243 posts)LoisB
(9,146 posts)frustration; yes, but racism, no.
Bread and Circuses
(353 posts)We thought that a Latinos would be aware of discrimination against them!
Theyll be arrested for something, sent to for-profit prisons and
..sent into slave labor in agriculture, farms, warehouses, etc.
(530 posts)I agree with you to a point. Hatred is coming out of the woodworks and people need to chill and not lower their standards to those of Trump.
I do not believe that religion played a key role in this election. I think many people were brainwashed by right wing media, which made them vote Trump and many people are simply anti immigrant, racist or misogynist or just could not get past
Voting for a woman, let alone a black and Asian woman. Within the Latino community, just as with immigrants from a century ago, the older immigrants do not treat the newer ones with any respect. They see them as others and some even as criminals. The American dream becomes an achievement with a dark side to it. Painful but true. Kamala Harris would have been an excellent choice. It is a real tragedy all around. All the talk about inflation, while true to a point, is also a convenient truth for racism to hide behind. People chose eggs over democracy. Thats what the right wing media told them to do. And we didnt counter effectively. We ran out of runway.
(6,617 posts)mainer
(12,248 posts)Trumps continual accusation that Kamala is a communist really scared Latinos, according to some Ive spoken to. Theyve seen how communism ruined their countries, and they believed Trumps lies about her.
(26,314 posts)We could run Joe Manchin and they would call him a radical Marxist, it is written in stone in their playbook.
If the brain dead morons supposedly know communism they wouldn't find any such thing on offer here.
They fucking lie.
The Democratic party is one of the more right leaning governing parties in the free world.
Behind the Aegis
(54,998 posts)History is important.