General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSomething that I don't understand about so many posts on DU over the last 8 (or more?) years
So many hyperbolic titles - so many capital letters. This one has been owned, that one is in serious trouble. They are not headlines created by DUers (I am sure they are copy/pastes of actual titles) - but in all this time, has any of these actually come true?
(True confession - I read nothing with hyperbolic OP titles, capital letters, lots of exclamation marks, etc. I actually don't watch any videos, or read anything designated as coming from sites such as Xitter - the blue or red square OPs).)
I am sure my post won't be popular among quite a few DUers - it is a bit "get off my lawn" and these days I feel like a cranky old thing - but it is just something that has irked me for a long time.
And I am not saying to stop posting them - I won't criticize a DUer for anything they post. We all have the right to click on and read what we wish.
But I am just curious as to whether these hyperbolic type, too good to be true posts are only an irritation to me. I guess the "boy has cried wolf too many times" - and the wolves are truly in the henhouse now!
OK - back to making a pumpkin loaf...and it is put the lights on the bushes day. Have a good one, all!

(85,986 posts)many, many times

(60,795 posts)
(11,499 posts)Ocelot II
(122,649 posts)which do, indeed, offer little of value. The tendentious titles are meant to lure you into watching 10 minutes of clickbait before you can locate the focus of the breathless headline, which is a whole lot less significant than advertised. If I see a little red square by a thread title, especially if the title is one of those hyperexcited all-caps lures I won't bother with it at all because it's inevitably one of those useless, largely content-free videos. Nobody has ever been owned, humiliated, crushed, or any of those things, and I really wish DUers wouldn't waste their or our time with those dumb videos.
Mike 03
(18,008 posts)Personally, it's not my thing, but it is a style some Dem commentators are adopting from the UK tabloids and the prevalent news headline style in India. Now even Forbes is adopting it too.
I'm never more likely to click on a headline that has capitalized adjectives or verbs, or SHOCK words (unless they have to do with Putin being HUMILIATED--a UK favorite). In fact, I almost never do.
(16,321 posts)The hyperbole is off-putting, annoying and bunk. Wouldnt be surprised if it even makes this place look idiotic in the eyes of some new visitors.
The Wandering Harper
(915 posts)Brian Tyler Cohen, though some of his titles get uncomfortably close to click bait
and Belle of the Ranch (FKA Beau of the Fifth Column)
(6,912 posts)Why the change?
-90% jimmy
The Wandering Harper
(915 posts)needs some rest
so Belle is filling in
(6,912 posts)I'm happy he's OK. These times are bad for everybody's health..
-90% jimmy
(148 posts)yardwork
(65,312 posts)I think these are headlines from social media click bait posts.
And no, None of them ever seem to come true or be true.
Silent Type
(8,074 posts)soandso
(1,631 posts)Thank you for your post. I fully agree with you. I have visited DU for many, many, many years. I finally became a member when the aggravation of advertising got the best of me. In the years that I have been visiting DU, the rhetoric has escalated. I brush it off as 'social media drama' and a sign of the times. And I do my very best to avoid any and all sensationalism. It's not me. It's not my style. In closing, thank you for your post; it is appreciated.
(11,131 posts)We had Bombshell this and that for years
all I ever got was craters in my mind that were filled with absolutely nothing.
(25,504 posts)The Five Minute News with Anthony Davis
No hyperbole and straight talk news
Check it out
(842 posts)He even has a Spanish version!
(10,411 posts)You won't BELIEVE what HAPPENED!
Then you go through 15 mins that mostly repeat the previous nine videos they posted in the last hour, get to the end, and they interview one of their friends about "what it all means" and two things happen. If you're a surface consumer, you'll believe that things might happen! If you're astute consumer and listen closely, they just said almost next to nothing you don't know, and anything new is going to align with what you already thought about anything anyway, and what "happened" is that something that might, maybe, someday happen if all the stars align - but probably won't happen.
Makes money, tho.
(47,716 posts)FakeNoose
(36,475 posts)... as it appears in the publication. (For example: if the New York Times has the title in all-caps, then we must post the same format and wording.)
However, when posting on any other forum, there's no such rule. It's perfectly OK to reword the title so that it accurately reflects the story, without the bombast. No all-caps titles are needed, and they're mostly unnecessary.
I do it often, and I've never been called out on it. I wish others would do the same, because I'm really tired of the all-caps "screaming" headlines that don't make sense.
(7,967 posts)It's a culture which I feel is quite telling and troublesome. I feel like it is a product of current times and a negative indicator of where we are at this point in time.
(64,730 posts)With exclamation marks? Linked to some shitpost from Xitter, maybe? Or howsabout a YouTube link, with no context whatsoever, with a cartoonish all-caps multicolored screencap that looks like it was made to entice the interest of a 5 year old? Sometimes a hit and run drop to a monetized account with no follow up from the OP thirsty for clicks and recs?
Never happens here. Nope.
(36,440 posts)MineralMan
(148,398 posts)Nothing new in your complaint. Thus has it always been here on DU. Over time, I think most DUers learn what posts are not worth clicking.
H2O Man
(76,100 posts)All of the scarily-titled essays I have posted on DU have come true ..... especially those I write about the past.
(56,037 posts)I hate it too, but there are a few that are still worth watching despite the headlines, so I really appreciate it when DUers who post those videos also mention who the your tuber is. makes it easier to choose whether to watch or not.
(28,933 posts)My keyword to not look is DESTROYED. After realizing that, for instance, Kellyanne Conway had not, in fact, been DESTROYED, I caught on.
No one is destroyed if they don't know they're destroyed.
(95,969 posts)Im with you. I avoid them like the plague, for all the reasons you state.
However, for those who like them, enjoy yourselves. Many thanks to the Admins, too.
(2,221 posts)that it is for the kids, anyone under 40.
The same as the gratuitous cursing. And I have been told that if you text anything without an exclamation point it doesn't seem like you really even care❗
The world is changing.
(15,469 posts)Superlatives have long been wasted on the mundane, and the use of bold fonts, capital letters, and arrows seem commonplace.
The graphic equivalent of a carnival barker.
question everything
(49,482 posts)
a kennedy
(32,657 posts)that I do use all caps just because of the way Ive been feeling since, well you all know since when. I promise, Ill try to stop with the yelling, and try to be more civil. Please forgive me.
(20,714 posts)JoseBalow
(6,327 posts)... again
(16,783 posts)But others sharing those similar thoughts have not affected the rate or volume of such posts, nor apparently prompted any self-reflection or reexamination of the sources by the posters. Or at least it seems that way.
True Dough
(21,565 posts)You could have SPARED us all from these HYPERBOLIC threads if you'd mentioned it sooner.
Old Crank
(5,176 posts)It seems like half or so are video with no summary. I know it is allowed but I'm not watching. I just skip to the next .
(22,988 posts)Can we just show one of them on the home page? I understand that many of these articles need to be in certain forums, but if folks put them in Late Breaking News with a note "Cross posted to ......... the other locations it would make the front page less repetitive
(24,547 posts)Drives me nuts. Why don't people read the headlines BEFORE posting. I'm the pest that responds DUPE! whenever I see multiple posts.
Old Crank
(5,176 posts)Posts on the front section foe me this AM.
(38,946 posts)Instead it makes fake art & crap.
(6,327 posts)just plug in the link and the summary appears.
Alas, it requires taking that extra step before posting on DU
(13,462 posts)It can do an ok job, but Adobe's "Whisper" AI does very very good transcription and it's API is used for many apps that do this exact function.
(17,874 posts)Frankly, the Democrats have been crying "The sky is falling" ever since 2016, if not before. Hyperbole has become the norm, not just in politics, but in everything. (example: a YT video title I saw recently about the Mosquito fighter-bomber loudly proclaimed, with multiple exclamation points, "The Luftwaffe was Terrified of this Plane!" ) As hyperbole has become the norm, there are no superlatives left. I wonder how many voters reacted to the Democrats (and others) hysterically warning everyone what horrible things would happen if DJT were elected again with "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you say that every election." When everything is an emergency, nothing is. This could inform everything from the reactions to masking rules during Covid to warnings of hurricanes and other natural disasters. This is a process that has been ongoing for decades, and is one aspect of the post-truth atmosphere in which we find ourselves. Nothing can be trusted when everything is exaggerated.
-- Mal
(417 posts)B.See
(4,288 posts)much of what has been warned of hasn't been exaggerated at all.
If there has been increasing hyperbole over the last eight years it's because there has been much to be hyperbolic ABOUT over those eight years - as we are now only just beginning to realize.
(Whoops...I used caps.)
Regarding my use of caps and bolded text, as I explained before, I use them for emphasis. Like an accent mark on the second syllable instead of the first. It's not intended to be 'yelling.'
However if people choose to ignore information and warnings because of a font, the presentation, or because the warnings are repeated too often (and for... darn... good reason, imo) then that's on them.
And perhaps that too explains how we've come to be where we are now.
Bottom line, we all have the option to read what we will and ignore what we want.
Free country (or so they say).
The circles and arrows makes me think about Alice's Restaurant. Then I chuckle, but I don't click.
(18,507 posts)The whole internet has jumped the shark, using the most outrageous hyperbole imaginable and then some.
We are watching the result of venal 'influencers' trying to grab your attention in the only way that they know; reading conspiracies and false stories that need to convince us they are true - for clicks, for fame, for mischief. Who knows.
I've been watching this happen for years and often wonder what happens when they run out of the list of extreme words. Invent new ones? Repurpose old ones?
Another thing I've noticed is that the words with subtle differentiations are vanishing; the language is losing it's nuances and this is sad for all of us.
Hope you are well bro...
(60,795 posts)
Lucky Luciano
(11,555 posts)A couple of the frequently cited liberal YouTubers like Brian Tyler cohen (I think) fall into that category as well.
I never click their bait.
(18,507 posts)I can't watch his breathless, over-enthusiastic excitement.
(113,932 posts)jmbar2
(6,488 posts)David Neiwart wrote "Eliminationists" whole book about it.
It is also a common rhetorical style in Russian propaganda.
(13,774 posts)of the video content. I never watch if they don't. I'm not much into videos in general since I read considerably faster than they display.
(16,172 posts)madinmaryland
(65,265 posts)Meowmee
(6,847 posts)The worst ones for me are the ones that give me no clue as to what it is even about in the title.
(5,563 posts)the end of democracy here in the USA? I do find it somewhat amazing that the same campaign that said that President Trump is/was a fascist on Nov 4 is saying on Nov 6 that 'sorry guys! gave it the old college try! lets smooth the transition to the next (fascist) administration.'
Lucky Luciano
(11,555 posts)We can only hope that some opportunistic GOP senators who dream of one day wielding power will limit his so that they dont get completely castrated.
And denialism won't lessen that threat any more than ignoring it.
(1,108 posts)Especially the video section. TRUMP DESTROYED AND HUMILIATED!!!!!!
Of course in big block yellow letters with some stupid trump face.
Rinse repeat next week.
I am just sick of advertising clickbait.
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