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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsGuess What? Here's some Ohio Nazis
Recognize anyone? I hope they have the day they deserve.

(4,050 posts)Do DU'er just look at how many posts someone has before they do anything? These are US Nazis for christ's sake. I mean, I don't expect it to go gangbusters, but the lazy viewers just make doing anything here very disheartening. I have a Star membership so it's not that. It just discourages one from posting. I'm being very nice and would really like to go on a rant and let DU know how I really feel.
(4,050 posts)Thanks to however recc'ed I'm gonna keep checking this. Fascinating.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)I'd tell you how, but I'm put off by your aggressive push against DU membership.
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)...who can not rec or reply.
(4,050 posts)I've been around forever but I've never looked into these details. Appreciated! I hope some of those masked coward nazis saw this post.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)Perhaps best to be sure of such details before ranting against DU members over them.
(49,855 posts)If I bother to click on a post, I almost always hit "rec". There are occasional exceptions, but it doesn't take but a second to click "rec". I suppose it might not be as easy on a phone though.
(25,183 posts)PatSeg
(49,855 posts)I hardly ever use my phone for browsing on the Internet. The only time I have used it was when I didn't have access to a computer and I just remember it wasn't as user friendly as my PC. Plus, I'm all thumbs with small touch screens.
(148 posts)wolfie001
(4,050 posts)He's a great one!
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)wolfie001
(4,050 posts)Do I go to DU jail? 101 Recs is a much better outcome for an important story, oui?
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)rubbersole
(9,244 posts)Not sure what you expected to happen, but not getting a response you thought you'd get isn't cause for disparaging readers.
Don't set yourself up for unrealistic expectations.... This is a difficult subject to digest...
(9,401 posts)I'm embarrassed to say I'm not sure I even know what "rec" is. I think it means recommend but I don't know what that actually means. Also, I don't know how to rec.
I'd be appreciative it if you let me know....
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)Looked yet?
The Original Post of a thread has a large Recommend button at the top left. It is labelled "Recommend". See it yet? If you press it, the OP will gain one recommendation.
Every single post has a Rec button. You have 9,163 posts and you've never seen it? Not even on your own posts? Look again. See them yet? They are at the bottom right of every post. Not some posts. Every post, except OPs which have their own bigger Recommend button. Found one? If you press it, that post (but not the OP) will gain one recommendation. Give it a try, it's okay, it won't break the software. See what happens when you press it.
Looking around a software application or an interactive site will reveal many interesting details. It's a great strategy for answering one's questions about how to use a site and saves time and effort asking the question publicly.
If you are still having difficulty finding and using the multitudinous Rec and Recommend buttons, do not hesitate to ask for more help here or in the Community Help Forum. Can you find the latter?
(53,948 posts)It isn't when you do it either.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)Scrivener7
(53,948 posts)
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)wolfie001
(4,050 posts)

(19,390 posts)They suck, but I don't personally consider every sighting to be big news. They're kind of like cockroaches: gross and not something I want to have around me, but I know they're all over the place whether I can see them or not.
To be honest, I don't rec that many things in general, and I don't pay that much attention to how many recs my posts get. I appreciate recs when I get them, but I don't have any particular expectations.
When I first started coming here regularly, it took me a while to even notice the feature and figure out how it worked, and I still forget it's there a lot of the time. (Oops!) I try to remember to rec things that I think are especially interesting or important, but I don't always remember. (Oops again!)
Those are my personal thoughts about recs, fwiw. Other people's mileage may of course vary.
(4,050 posts)
(7,091 posts)I dont always recommend every post I read here. Sometimes I just disagree with it or I just dont think it really needs it. Sometimes Im too exhausted to bother even reading something I stop in the middle. Or I partially disagree etc. it looks like it has a lot of recommendations now, though.
(9,563 posts)Then, I will post something else and its totally popular.
(40 posts)Maybe why no one responded?
Hope their next few years are what they deserve.
I've been using a Canadian VPN but it gets slow so I have to change to the US. Appreciate the feedback. And I gave you a rec
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,556 posts)wolfie001
(4,050 posts)I'm sure you know that already I use Norton360, and when something goes slow, I switch VPNs and presto!
(4,929 posts)
(465 posts)Deuxcents
(20,913 posts)I feel your frustration and sometimes it takes too long for accountability..just look at the mob from J6..they are still going after those thugs after all this time and Im pleased about that.
(26,293 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,104 posts)And they are almost certain to never know real joy.
Then, after their brief time on this planet is done, like all NAZIs, they go to hell.
(11,645 posts)Rules against Doxing.
I think the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi because my father fought against them in WWII.
But this comes too close to being against the rules and I don't want to encourage others to get that close to breaking the rules.
(65,449 posts)These people marched down public streets in Columbus, Ohio carrying Nazi flags and chanting. They wanted attention. They were photographed out in public before they put their masks on. That is not doxxing, not even close.
(4,050 posts)Yelling it out at the top of their lungs. Dirty mf'ers.
(11,645 posts)Not everyone interprets the rule the same way you do.
The rule has a disclaimer that even if that information is available elsewhere on the Internet, you shouldn't post it.
Admittedly this isn't specific private or personal information on them. But it is asking for that private or personal information.
But like I said my father fought off the Nazis. So, I really don't care one iota about what happens to those scum.
This is merely the reason I won't recommend this asked.
(19,390 posts)If the authorities are looking for them and need help with identification, like with the J6 jerks, I think that's a different matter. That doesn't seem to be the case here.
The kind of doxxing that's done just to shame or harass someone is something I can't get behind it on principle, no matter how much I may think someone (like these Nazis) deserves it. I don't support that kind of vigilante "justice," because I've seen it lead to terrible things.
(2,836 posts)I went through Postimages and used a Canadian VPN so who knows.
(19,390 posts)Initech
(103,572 posts)

(4,050 posts)Thanks everyone. I also hate Nazis just like Indiana Jones
(6,798 posts)Hasbro owns the game of Yahtzee .
Blue Owl
(55,246 posts)
(4,050 posts)Love it!
(1,631 posts)How pathetic do you have to be to all dressing alike and marching down the street for attention?
(4,050 posts)Orange fatso felon really emboldened them. He's a total racist so it makes perfect sense.
(1,631 posts)Just saw the pics from their walking down the street. What did they say or yell?
(4,050 posts)Screaming it loud and clear.
Nothing about Jews?
Who is TizzyEnt?
(4,050 posts)I'm sure they screamed anti-Semitic slurs too. I heard the first one. Over and over again. Sick F's.
Seriously, they're just pathetic losers who want attention, which they aren't worth.
(2,910 posts)I love that scene where John Belushi says, "I hate Illinois Nazis!"
And, I know that none of this is funny .
But I would love to see them have to jump off of a bridge like in the movie. Best scene ever!
(3,055 posts)soandso
(1,631 posts)What a bunch of morons.
(4,050 posts)What a bunch of "morans"......
(43 posts)I mean one look at themselves should have proved their ideology false