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What can be done to protect everyone who trump is threatening to lock up (Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Liz Cheney, etc)?

Ocelot II
(122,689 posts)Everybody who's on Trump's and Patel's enemies lists should be given the same general pardon that Ford gave Nixon, because every last one of them has a target on his/her back. The worst thing Nixon ever did to his "enemies" was threaten IRS audits, which the IRS commissioner at the time refused to do. Trump will try to bring the full weight of the FBI and the DoJ down on at least some of these people. The purpose will not necessarily be to actually send them to prison (most won't make it past a grand jury), but to bankrupt them in the process of having to defend themselves, and to deter others from talking smack about Dear Leader.
(34,599 posts)kerry-is-my-prez
(9,544 posts)Initech
(103,361 posts)
(778 posts)the next President pardons all his friends. Then the next President pardons all his friends. Then the next President pardons all his friends. Then the next President pardons all his friends. Then the next President pardons all his friends. ...
And we all look like children on the Worlds stage.
(34,599 posts)We don't know what will happen but we do know that trump has promised to punish everyone who attempted to hold him accountable.
Unfortunately, thanks to garland, Democrats already had a massive failure by not bringing trump to justice prior to 2024. Are we now going to add on to the failure by not protecting the people who tried to do their jobs? That would be an absolute disgrace and no amount of spinning or purist drivel would fix that.
Prairie Gates
(3,956 posts)He should do it.
Mz Pip
(27,985 posts)He has the power and immunity, too.
I hope he takes advantage of it.
(264 posts)From being attacked by a domestic threat to their civil rights. It's a clear danger to them and I think he is obligated. What are they gonna do, not vote for him? Threaten him with something they haven't already? Whine?
Mike 03
(18,023 posts)publicity, or testified, and who lack resources, I would even be in favor of providing them with personal security, or funds to pay for private security.
We owe it to them.
(And don't get me started on how the NY court system let down Stormy Daniels...)
(48,413 posts)Trump is a crooked sheriff. This isn't the Olde West.
(6,974 posts)Many of those folks represent leadership of some core institutions of democracy. Protecting them is an important element of doing everything possible to protect democracy.
Pardon power for whatever reason has always been a presidential power
thing to assert it to its fullest. Imagine our future with Kashs hit list in jail.
Pardon them all.
(4,810 posts)And if that wasnt clear enough
Mike 03
(18,023 posts)Trump's self-proclaimed "Secretary of Retribution," Ivan Raiklin, wants to persecute the Capitol Hill police officers who testified about the Jan 6 insurrection! His list allegedly contains the names of over 350 people and to my knowledge it has not been made public.
As we all know, a lot of very decent and courageous people are on these lists. I am guessing that everyone involved in the January 6 Committee in any way, shape and form is on that list, including Cassidy Hutchison, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.
The thought of not protecting these folks is inconceivable if President Biden has the power to do so.
(34,599 posts)It shouldn't be too hard for someone to trick empty g or bobo into providing it.
(53,871 posts)You know what TSF would do if things were reversed.
(9,153 posts)Thats like Fritz von Papen issuing blanket pardon protection to all the people who Hitler was threatening to lock up,
(183 posts)But he wont.
(892 posts)Since the Supreme Court has decided that a President can't get in trouble for doing any official act, he should issue pardons for anyone on Trump's enemy list and lots of other folks including MSNBC folks and any others media folks who were critical of Trump. In addition, he should do a blanket pardon for all Dreamers so they can stay in the USA. Come on Joe, get that pardon machine cranking baby.
(18,379 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,545 posts)NameAlreadyTaken
(1,884 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(157,518 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(157,518 posts)I remember the Nixon's enemies list. My high school civics teacher/debate coach made sure that we all saw this list. There as a joke that not being on the list was an actual insult by Nixon
There are some republicans on this list
Link to tweet

(10,733 posts)And when the SC says 'bro no you can't pardon your damn self', it can be turned as precedent against trump when he absolutely does the same thing.
Blanket pardons for everyone on Kashs list, to start with.
Speaking of, can someone here print up a form letter that I can sign, that can be sent to, or whatever, requesting I be put on Kashs Enimies List?
I'll happily sigh it, and if a few million other of us do the same, at least the world will see him as the laughing stock he is.
(24,012 posts)Hes going to be our last Democratic elected president so please proceed.
RIP USA 1776-2025 we will have a dictatorship that wont go away in 2028.
diane in sf
(4,117 posts)just pre-emptively pardon the entire population of the US and territories,
Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)Now THAT would be a BIG FUCKING DEAL
Joe should pardon EVERY AMERICAN who believes in DEMOCRACY and not the fat fucks fascist Russian agenda fuck them all to the depths of hell
Seeking Serenity
(3,110 posts)We turned into a lawless society a month ago anyway, so why not give it a try?
What's he got to lose? He should tell the McFelon to go fuck himself while he's at it, but Joe is too much of a class act for that.
(1,794 posts)FlyingPiggy
(3,738 posts)everyone who is on the felon's enemies list blanket pardons.
(16,183 posts)The optics would be REALLY bad.
(24,482 posts)In electing a criminal traitor our country has shown they want fascism, only they think it will only hurt others and not them. How ironic it will be when they are losing everything too - only the people who voted for him 100% deserve every bad thing they will get - WE DON"T!!!
(32,147 posts)lark
(24,482 posts)I hope his conscience hurts him every day though, it would be fitting.
(13,992 posts)Fuck the optics.
We are fighting to save democracy from the criminal trump cult.
Pardon ALL the people tsf has threatened.